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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. *Nimrodel* doesnt work.. so you might have issues if you've included my name in the quest somewhere. It's probably because of the asterixes.
  2. Will / Determination You use your will to wade through the heavy viscoscity. The stronger your will/determination, the easier it is to pass through the resistance. Once your Will/determination is high enough, you can use it for multiple things. You dilute viscocity by creating new memories in the place, because will motivates you to put in more effort, and everything in which you put effort, leaves your impression or memory imprint in that. It weakens sometimes, but is regnerable once you find a suitable motivator. That motivator can be viscosity. PS- I know you said its not will or it maybe, But I cant seem to find a better suited word after reading your log.
  3. ooh! happy birthday gonzi! :D
  4. Count me in.
  5. Intentions: I want to know how things work behind the scenes. What I can promise: keeping things to myself.
  6. Lol. Nice one nad! ;) Happy birthday dst! Wish you many lacy tutu filled fairy dust days of Pissness! Have fun today! :D
  7. "Are you thinking death and taxes are our only certainty, Mr. Rearden? Well, there's nothing I can do about the first, but if I lift the burden of the second, men might learn to see the connection between the two and what a longer, happier life they have the power to achieve."

  8. I wanna eat fresh peas.. Its been sooooo long >

  9. err.. Ok.. posting screenshot proof on the forum is pretty bad I guess. Even when it is only related to in game events. I'll note that before making my future posts or remind people when they do the same. Thank you for enlightening me. ^_^
  10. Interesting PM I got today. For the notice of the monarchs of both the lands: My reply: PS: Necros are not my little pals Junior. I am just against the whole idea of Murder. Not going to do anything about this Chewett? Seems It was a part of a 'plan'. I remember you being pro for revival and such... And asking me what I was doing to make a change socially instead of burdening the coders.
  11. err.. What happened to no roleplay on forums? :P
  12. The fact doesn't change that there were intentions of eliminating a whole alliance/ land in this case. Many people in MD can afford 5 gold per kill. Especially the ones who usually kill.
  13. Maeb and Junior knew it was coming. They stoked the fire first. Not expecting the fire to burn after being stoked is stupid. It was a consequence they had to expect. That too for a reason so silly as alliance take over. On the other hand Peace and Azull didn't ask for it. Not everyone is dst. You are incredible. That you know yourself as well. And thats why you have my respect. :P Unfortunately, all of us are not the same >.> Also, I am not 'blaming' people for being greedy. They are greedy because they choose to be knowing fully well that they will be called greedy. :P Its a fact and that cannot be changed :P Any way. Not spamming any more. I wonder if there were any more plans when molly came into the picture. Because the council seemed to have something else in store. Unless it was a BS part of the message.
  14. Umm there you go. Threatened No one. SS has a price. Po was revived by me after eon's contract tool was used to kill her following BFH's DOF quest. That sums it up. Fear/greed. Also if Seig is not liked, that doesn't mean that he shouldn't be revived. Believe me, I like seig as much as you do, if possible even less. But I believe that everyone should have a fair chance to be able to be revived. Also, this is for the public council to note: quoting a certain troll: Quoting an announcement: It was Seig's death not spart's, according to the council, that brought about the change. This death followed Chewett's death. Whatelse was intended?
  15. Umm there was a big forum post. There was a funeral, and people created a hullabaloo about it. But no one came forward to help revive him. I agree what he did was a bit stupid. But still. Edit: That was for seig. Yeah.. there was some heat ceremony for spar i think. Those days that was the only way to revive. But in the end nothing really happened. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12327-im-the-ghost-of-sparta-goe-now-is-haunted-by-a-ghost-becareful/#entry112309
  16. Umm... The way I see many people don't use their revival items as liberally as I do. Some of them are even threatened before they get a chance to use theirs. You say there are 6 to 7 items. How many have seen an active Shadowseeker? Would No one or Grido offer to revive Peace and Azull for free? Are Rawquist and Kraubawnis as easy to locate as Eon is? Most of us have already attacked them because we didn't know about the problems we'd have later and they are now invisible to us. The cool down for personal killing items is 2 months. Not for Eon's contracts. And Molly in no ways balances Eon's contract killing else revival tools would not have been needed. Not accusing Eon of anything but there are N number of ways to bypass the 'Even if he'd want to kill just because he hates someone, in theory, he would not be able to.' rule. The problem here is incentive/fear. People don't have an incentive to revive other people or fear of what will happen if one person was killed. And most of us know that things in MD do not move ahead unless there is some benefit or incentive or reward given and there is no way to stop things unless some punishment is announced. Lets say I was killed for x reason. I have strong players to help me out because I have friends. Lets say Seig was killed for X reason. How many of us would be actually interested in reviving him? The last time he was killed he had to wait till ?Christmas? to get revived along with the people who were killed in BFHs Quest? When you killed phantom orchid the last time, how many came forward to help her? First I thought that maybe punishing the people who killed would reduce the incidences. Seemingly, the community thought otherwise as they felt killing in MD couldn't be amounted to murder and was justified as it added a new element in the game and some other reasons which according to me are bs, but each is entitled to their own opinion. Fine. There were people who asked me what steps Me and my people were taking to make this a more social issue than a coding issue because the coders are already burdened with other work. I initiated talks with my govt. and now me and my people are in active discussion on how to reduce the mortality rate. Then I saw his topic and thought maybe increasing the cool down of the kill tools and reducing the cool down of revival items with every use would provide more incentive. Then I thought, people would probably start killing more people just so that they could reduce the cool down of their revival items. Yeah people in MD can get evil that way. Menhir's quest suggestion was good. But then It'd require a lot of coding and effort from the coding team which is already under so much pressure. Also, social pressures that are being discussed by the people of my land would be totally ineffective when it came to certain people, the people who most commonly use kill tools/methods. Someone suggested that we could use the killing tools/methods to in turn threaten other people to stop killing. I said that would make us hypocrites. We wouldn't be practicing what we're preaching and rather justifying the use of the very thing we intend to discourage. From the way I see it, there is no morality in MD. There is either greed or fear. And those are the only alternatives I could come up with. It's up to the community to choose what they want.
  17. Heights of ignorance and stupidity - she is a south indian hindu, grand daughter of someone whom my parents know, a girl who wants to become a doctor, not some al quaeda bs terrorist. People really need to pay attention to geography and current affairs. Racist bs - http://publicshaming.tumblr.com/post/61388585374/americans-call-first-indian-american-miss-america

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maebius


      Thats 'Merica for ya! [fixed] :P

    3. Chewett


      Many apologies, i agree Maeb.

    4. Chewett


      Sadly some of your most vocal citizens are also the most stupid.

  18. I agree with jaden. I seem to have missed the post too.
  19. *Nimrodel* 131999 'petrify' spell to be coded into my daimon head comprising of attacklock+movelock+silence target for 30min or attacklock+movelock for 30min and silence for 15min. Proof
  20. “To love is to value.” | P3C7 - atlas shrugged

    1. Maebius


      what worth, a life? what coin is enough?

  21. Awesomeness! 4 more participants and we can go for the awesome rewards! Donald black please post a screenshot of your id, active day count and server date, time as I have posted above. That should confirm your registration.
  22. SYrian has offered to sponsor 3 pickles for the first place, 2 pickles for the second and 1 pickle for the third if there are more than 10 participants! :D Hurray! Lets try to get more participants! ^_^
  23. 5 more and we can empty TK coffers! Hurry up and get more people to register! :D
  24. 65 announcements
  25. Reward Bundle rules: Depending on the number of participants, the number of places to be rewarded will increase. If there are 10 or more participants, Then first three places will be rewarded. Other wise only 1 place will be rewarded. 1st place reward (less than ten participants) - rust gold drachorn (sponosred by the TKs) + choice of any two spell stones from the following list - Attack lock, move lock, toadspeak, teleport to paper cabin, and locate. 10 or more participants: 1st place rewards: 1 wishpoint (sponsored by the TKs) + Choice of any two spell stones from the following list: Attack lock, move lock, toadspeak, teleport to paper cabin, and locate. 2nd place rewards: 1 rustgold drachorn (sponsored by the TKs) + choice of any two spell stones from the ones remaining after the first place winner has chosen. 3rd plce rewards: 1 soulweaver (sponsored by the TKs) + remaining spell stone after the first two places have chosen. Good luck participants :)
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