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  1. Upvote
    redneck reacted to aaront222 in Godzilla Vs. King Kong Vs. Chuck Norris   
    There is a FFA fight between Godzilla, King Kong, and Chuck Norris.
    Who would win?
  2. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Watcher in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    im glad also but osorry for laz
  3. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Watcher in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    there everythings solved is everyone happy??

    close this post plz its worthless trash in history now

    i know this is a little off topic but on the bottom on the thread theres an add that says are you a redneck? click here to find out

    [color="#FF0000"]Its called using the EDIT button[/color]
  4. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Watcher in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    wow im proud of him and thnx laz
  5. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Leixer in No Creature On Defense   
    sparrhawk and someone else already tested thid so dont feel speacial
  6. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Watcher in Happy B Day   
    happy birthday IAB you are awesome!! and happy birthday valy whoever you are
  7. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Chewett in Happy B Day   
    happy birthday IAB you are awesome!! and happy birthday valy whoever you are
  8. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Pipstickz in Happy B Day   
    happy birthday IAB you are awesome!! and happy birthday valy whoever you are
  9. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Peace in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    And then you came back and you said MD id MD and RL is RL, right?

    So I acted according to what I thought was best for MD. Now... you wish to bring up private conversations we had on YIM? How childish. MD is not YIM, is not private conferences there. MD is what we do within MD. And within MD, Adam Riddle is mentally ill as you told me as well so I locked him up to the asulym (prison).

    What is wrong about this? I believe that when it comes to the well fare of the people of every land in MD, people who have mental issues should be locked up and treated accordingly.
  10. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Lazarus in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Oh, here's the attachment.


    Just to point out...

    Grido: Attempted or not it doesn't matter, the fact is that those are very REASONABLE deeds that can send Adam into the prison right? Yay? Nay?

    She has the right to do that yes, but look at the attachment, she took it personally, she even ask me in YiM about what the f*** am I doing. She "Ignores" what Adam was doing and yet she asked you to imprison Adam with no apparent reason but those stupid things you put into the Adam's description. You guys are too personal and pathetic. That is my OTHER character. Oh Peace what a big hypocrite you are, a champion.

    Nuff' said. Shut my pie hole.
  11. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Lazarus in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Adam Riddle is just playing his role, hallucinating and doing some things in his imagination, so "destroying" the Howling Gates is very impossible for a man like him. He was sent to jail for two unreasonable reasons;

    1)"Destroying" the Howling Gates, and
    2) Being mentally ill.

    Wow, that was a very brutal crime...

    A hypocrite said that Adam Riddle is a "threat" because of the attempt against the Gates, and her first line of text goes "Peace ignores Adam" (can't remember, I haven't been able to print screen), but what is this? Why bring him to the prison? I told YOU about Adam's character before, but why take it personal? It was very UN-REASONABLE of you. You deserve whatever karma you're in right now.

    I just want to state my side here, I won't reply to this thread anymore.
    And yes I will say this: I am the wrong one.
  12. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Grido in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    By decree of the Queen of Necrovion, Adam Riddle has been sent to prison today for 6 months.

    The reason given for this is; for attempting to destroy the Necrovion Gate and for being mentally ill

    [i]Before anyone starts objecting, i want to point you at the announcement about people using the abilities they have, how they want (paraphrasing)[/i]
  13. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Post Masters Reward   
    I feel that the initiative shown by both Cutler and Chewett deserves special recognition.

    Feel free to leave comments.

    Remember, while Muratus has final say he has always listened to the community where he feels it is both justified and necessary.

    Lets get these two hard workers a reward!
  14. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Grido in How Do I Do My Job?   
    From someone shouting at me recently, thought i'd ask the public opinion of what i'm like at my job as LHO Manager

    No talk about what caused me to ask this, but welcome to talk about other things related

    LE: I'd appreciate comments, whatever you vote for
  15. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from death ray in Creature Price List   
    mmhhmm i dont get it
  16. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Liberty4life in M B: Liberty's Heritage   
    Willow left his heritage
    Worthy of strongest mage

    But Me left mine heritage to those ppl

    [x] Akasha
    +4 silver
    [x] Chewett
    +4 silver
    (and well ya already got adorable slippers )
    [x] yrthilian
    +2 gold
    [x] Grido
    +1 gold
    [x] Metal Bunny
    +1 gold
    [x] Laz
    +1 gold
    [x] AqlBeast
    +1 gold
    coin pouch
    [x] dst
    +1 gold
    [x] Firsanthalas
    +1 gold
    [x] No one
    +1 gold
    [x] MRD
    +1 gold
    [x] I am Bored
    +1 gold
    [x] BloodPrince
    +1 gold
    [x] Rendril Revant
    +1 gold
    torm soul
    [x] Cless
    +1 gold
    [x] *Burns*
    +1 gold
    [x] Lightsage
    +4 silver
    [x] Jester
    +1 gold
    [x] Jtz Champion
    +1 gold
    [x] MRI
    +1 gold
    [x] MRWander
    +1 gold
    [x] Lifeline
    +1 gold
    shade (sry no pikachu plushies left)
    [x] Unbelievable Power
    +1 gold
    4 bps
    [x] *Clock Master*
    +1 gold
    colorless joker
    [x] Death Ring
    +1 gold
    [x] Emerald Arcanix
    +1 gold
    torm soul
    [x] MRAlyon
    +1 gold
    [x] Czez
    +1 gold
    [x] *Observer*
    +1 gold
    [x] Handy Pockets

    note: heritage will be distributed by list above asap... well till end of day, some creats have tokens some dont, some have age some dont...

    why is this? well me is leaving game as some of ya might have already heard from me, me is here till end of week then me is away, so i will just come back when mine angy gets enough age for maxed lvl and that will be last time ya will see me, al will continue without me when it will continue, i guess this is goodbye, so bye everyone, and tnx to mur for making unique game

    edit: please collect your creats asap, no longer than 2 days time please.... tnx
  17. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Merry Christmas Md!   
    Merry Christmas to one, and to all!

    May your holidays be sweet and serene, lasting an eternity in the deepest corners of your personality altering it to the better for ever and beyond!

    As for the New Year, the best of luck to all your endeavours that you may take upon yourself!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  18. Upvote
    redneck reacted to dst in I'm Back   
    Welcome back and this time, hopefully, for good
  19. Downvote
    redneck reacted to lightsage in I'm Back   
    After a lengthy absence, today, Christmas day. LS is back . There have been some ppl leaving over time but I'm sure there's a lot of new characters around to meet

    I'll see you

  20. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Pipstickz in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    and fenrir my language is redneck no one can speak reneck but me
  21. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Totenkopf in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    and fenrir my language is redneck no one can speak reneck but me
  22. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Totenkopf in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    youp will elt me out now if so thnx very very much

    ok the topic can be closed we found a solution and it is all good
  23. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Chewett in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    i dont know who was teleing me out i was just asking on mood panel and somehow someone would but i dont know who did it
  24. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Chewett in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    youp will elt me out now if so thnx very very much

    ok the topic can be closed we found a solution and it is all good
  25. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Chewett in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    well i should be let out because i have been in there for liek 2weeks if you had it all up, then again i was in there for 1 week and 5 days and i was supposedly suppose to be in there for 1 week and its christmas and i need to be let out,the reason i tele out is because he never teled me out on time^^
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