Peace - Scimitar of Destruction (10 points)
Menhir - Swordshades to be completed (9 points)
Fire Starter - chawan heats cold tea (8 points)
Sephira Caellum - her staff be able to give the dead player ability to move around all MD (7 points)
nadrolski - temporary spell barfight (6 points)
Rhaegar Targaryen - altered version of dance spell (5 points)
Burns - ability to create 'Drach Melodic Charm' (4 points)
Rumi - Independent Rainwater harvester tool. (3 points)
ZenTao - ability to add stories, news, quest arts and music to the MD archives (2 points)
Udgard - upgrade to his item creation ability, to allow him to create usable items, and in extension items that can create other items (1 point)