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Everything posted by Laphers

  1. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7322-linking-players/"]Linking players - let one player to lead another[/url]
  2. Please tell me what you think of this. [b]Link players [/b] - Allow players to link with 1 other player and lead them through game locations. - Encourages game interaction between players - Lead player will be the player that initiates the link. Linkee must accept the link. Either player can break the link at any time. No cost to initiate or accept. Both players will lose action points as they travel. If either player doesn't have enough action points, neither player will move. - Can help in RP as players can lead one another around to new locations (locations use the link initiator's allowable locations). - stats are averaged for travel (briskness, energetic immunity, luck), rewards are shared equally(VP & Heat). - Can change the combat engine - Linked players can not initiate combat. When linked players are attacked, the lowest mp level is automatically the defender. For the same mp level, Slots 1-3 are from the linker and 4-6 from the linkee; pray power is automatically 50%, used ve & stats are averaged to be used. Rewards are shared equally. - Linking is disabled during HC - Torchbearers can not link - Timed boosters from shop are disabled while linked. - Alliance boosts and fight timers should be discussed. Some things of interest (good and bad): Could contribute to spoilers (Necrovion, Champion's Challenge, etc), Labyrinth could be defeated (Players could also help players out of Labyrinth without typing directions in chat), Could create new defence rituals by joining players' forces Could create new RP chase games
  3. I believe that may be a browser issue as I get that with Firefox but not with IE.
  4. Why not create a creature that is strongest when you are balanced and it weakens the further from balance that you are?
  5. Just a thought but what would happen if the relevant stats were divided by the active day count? Those who are active fighting/grinding will still be stronger than someone who doesn't fight a lot but it will mean that length of time in game will not mean that someone who is brand new can't stand a chance against the veterans. It also allows more focus on learning how to build rituals properly. As I said, this is just a thought based on reading the above conversations but I thought I'd throw it out there to let people think about it and respond.
  6. Laphers

    Stop Ggg

    I'll just add my two cents I use GGG and will still be there when I want to be there. If MD is a place where the players help create the game then players can fight however they want to fight but when players remove themselves and create a location that is set aside with rules for combat (Marble Park or GGG or Dojo of Lost XP or whatever) it would be appropriate if other players would respect that (if MD is truly a community as some have said). Utimately I can see a couple of outcomes. Continue to protest against GGG, make it more annoying for people to play the way they want to play and they will stop going to GGG...and possibly logging in as well. Less people in the game means less people for the protesters to play with. Give the people a reason to leave GGG. I remember that Sparrhawk has taught people how use the combat system. If you want people to fight you then teach them how to fight, don't just hit them 20 times when you can see that they are new to MP5. I will say this: I have a lot of respect for Burns and Dst for protesting by not setting a GGG defense. It means that they are getting their message across without actually destroying anyone. If anyone attacks them they learn that they are protesting in that manner. But by coming in and attacking anyone and everyone, the others only show that they don't respect player led initiatives or the players themselves.
  7. [quote name='Chewett' date='17 February 2010 - 12:44 AM' timestamp='1266396254' post='54626'] I dont really think new players will mind, they arnt focussed on mindless grinding to become the best MP3, they would probably welcome the free exp... [/quote] That's an oversimplification towards all new players. I remember when I was mp3 and hit cap, it was way too early. I learned way more in mp4 than I did in mp3. And I feel that I learned things in mp4 that I should have learned in mp3. The game wants people to learn how to play it but it relies on older, more experienced players to help. Unfortunately, I think that there are certain players who have been at mp5 for so long that they don't remember how it was. <sarcasm> If it's true that new players aren't focused on becoming the best MP3 then let's get rid of HC and Torch for everyone but MP5. While we are at it, why don't we block the ability to hold Loreroot and Necrovian creatures until they are MP5 too. Since we are limiting what new players are allowed to do, we could not allow them to buy items from MD Shop until they are MP5 too because I'm sure that Mur doesn't want money to help pay for hosting, etc from new player but rather from the players who know how the game is supposed to be played. </sarcasm> I think the fact that Redd knew how to remain at MP3 while trying to achieve a goal that he set for himself speaks very highly for him. He found a goal for himself in the game, it might not be the goal that everyone thinks is appropriate but it was a goal. In a game that is unfinished in places, in development in others, and just plain broken at times, any goal that keeps a player engaged in the game is a good thing. Perhaps we (I am now including myself in this group) as the "older" players would remember that rather than looking down on people who play the game differently than we do. From conversations with veteran players, I understand that the game has changed significantly and maybe we have to change as well.
  8. I agree completely. I am never a fan of games that play out on their respective forums.
  9. I can think of an option but it would have to be implemented by Mur. Certain items would have to be classified as "Raw Materials". After each transfer of a raw material item it will have it's age reset and it will age just like creatures age currently. Once it reaches a certain age (perhaps 90 days) it has a negative effect on the character (a percentage drop in AP and Exp Points or a reduction in Attack and Defense). Multiple items will have a cumulative effect so item hording (for raw materials at least) will not be as prevalent. If an item is not traded or used in some way by another date (perhaps 180 days) it will disappear from their inventory. Wood rots, metal rusts and gems can be pick-pocketed. If the items go to a central vault to be randomly distributed among players will keep the items moving around and reduce the costs that players with many items can set because they have created a reduction in the supply of items. If items can't be traded to alts then the system should be fairly stable once the appropriate age and damage have been determined.
  10. I thought it was an intriguing idea but rather than come up with different stats for each, make each one land specific in this way: The power aura only boosts creatures that are recruited from that land. Of course this would mean that the game would need to track which land each creature comes from (including the elementals from MB and LR) so that the boost can be applied properly. Also, since some creatures don't have a set recruitment point, they would not get a boost from any Winderwilds. This would reapply strategy to the use of crits and how to use them together.
  11. [quote name='Burns' date='19 December 2009 - 10:32 PM' timestamp='1261290756' post='50665'] we also could go as far as assuming that it's deliberate, since the first reports date back to 3 weeks ago and it's an issue even mp3 run into, not like the bugged mp6 spells nobody really cared for since just 4 people were involved LOL it also would be fixed in the blink of an eye if he felt like, so i would now dare and go lean faaar out the window and say that mur saw it as abusive, specially since the information how it could be used to get things you didn't deserve was publicly available on some people's papers even... [/quote] It's entirely possible that it is deliberate but then all level 1 creatures should not show that there is a temp increase. By displaying that there is a temp increase and the altars don't award it then it is a bug. If Mur wants to make level 1 creatures not give temp awards then he should remove the text that states that there is a temp award for them. Either way is a fix that works. As for posting on personal papers on how to use saccing to gain "x", isn't that something that should be taken up with the people posting and not the people who figure it out on their own (or have different reasons to sac new creatures)?
  12. Using Fenth's Press, Purchased Angiens, not transfered IE: no temporary increases FF: no temporary increases
  13. So, a couple of thoughts: Allow the player to "hide" an offensive/inappropriate log entry. They must type a reason for hiding it when hiding it. On hiding, a PL moderator will be notified of a hidden log entry and can review it and the reason for hiding it. If the PL mod chooses to unhide it, the owner can not rehide it until it has been changed by the original poster. If the comment is deleted, the original poster is not able to post to the owner's log (perhaps for a period of time or permanently). The PL mod also gets the ability to affect the reputation (Not sure how Mur has this implemented) of the owner/hider and the poster to hopefully limit the amount of frivolous hiding of log entries and offensive postings. There should be at least 2 PL mods and a PL mod is not able to act on their own log or their own entries. Perhaps there should be a reward to the PL mods. Something small but significant like 1 loyalty for every log entry that they deal with. I will not say who I think should be a PL mod as I don't think I know the people well enough to say yea or nay.
  14. New creatures can be introduced, either with the old abilities or new but new would be more fun. Make a backstory with each creature that fits with where you might recruit it. ie. GG gets a type of golem like the empty aramour, after damage is done to it, it immediately gets the next attack and only attacks the creature slot that damaged it (this means it could potentially get 6 attacks per round), or if it was from the Underground then it might be a type of wyrm that does an earthquake attack - minor damage to multiple/all but destroys the opposing forces initiative for the next round because they are off balance.
  15. Yes, this is still happening. Further, if you leave the mail window open long enough you will also get an ajax error too. Having a message unsorted allows mail to work properly.
  16. I could not find any reference to this error so I thought I would post. In the Wind Sanctuary, I entered the guild house. When I clicked on Dark Side, I got the following: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/app-housing/details.php on line 36 Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/app-housing/details.php on line 43 Warning: current() [function.current]: Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/app-housing/details.php on line 44 Dark Side Briskness = 10 / 10 Attack = 20 / 20 Defence = 20 / 20 2 / 10 members Score: 0 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/app-housing/details.php on line 101 I have seen this on three different days so I know that it is not just a server was down at the time I clicked.
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