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Everything posted by nadrolski

  1. The top 3 finishers will get the following from me: 1st : 100 Water 2nd : 75 Water 3rd : 50 Water
  2. Belated Happy Birthday, my friend! High five!
  3. Fight fire with fire.

    1. Rophs


      Someone from MB should fight fire with water.

    2. Shemhazaj


      fight water with water

  4. Alright, noted. Good luck on your application!
  5. Hello! Thank you for your interest in joining Marind Bell community! Of course, as one of MB's aging townsman, I also have one simple and short question : what do you think is your greatest strength (in-game) that you can/may offer for Marind Bell? You may send your reply thru PM if you think it is kind of a *secret* (though MB fellows still can read it). High five!
  6. Happy Birthday, Chewey Almighty! High five, boss!
  7. Thank you, Aethon. Have a good day and high five!
  8. Hey, Happy Birthday! High five
  9. How about the pop up loads only the recent 10 rituals used and a load all button below, instead of loading all of the rituals that take some time?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chewett
    3. Wideberth


      How about being able to delete / unbind multiple dea rituals, instead of each one individually?

    4. Chewett


      There is a button to delete all dead ones no?

  10. Hopefully, you are interested in Water.
  11. Believe it or not, MD is currently ranked 5th under the Adventure Games Ranking category at BBGsite.com ~ Awesomeness!
  12. Happy Birthday! High five!
  13. Happy Birthday and High Five!
  14. Hey, Happy Birthday! High five!
  15. Practice what you preach. If cannot, just be quiet.

  16. Happy Birthday! High five!
  17. I think what Wideberth meant was, killing the first (left) guard is already a big pain in the @#$ right before he can face the second (right).
  18. I rather have another full-day Day of Tranquility than this.
  19. Quench your thirst.

    1. Mallos


      I'm very thirsty, but too many people to feed. What do I get, hardheartedness. I will forget to feed those who bite the hand.

  20. Happy Birthday! High five!
  21. I'm also in for both. I believe such events, specifically the Torch Competition, add life and colors to the heart and soul of alliances (and for 'summon by tag' groups). Let's bring it on!
  22. I wish I could 'Pray' just for myself.

    1. Jubaris


      Unbeliever! :)

    2. nadrolski


      How I love myself :D

  23. Happy Birthday!! wOoT wOoT~ High five!
  24. Happy Birthday! High five!
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