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Everything posted by nadrolski

  1. Not a new idea, but proposing a little change in the location of the 'pray (give heat)' button, for donating heat to a Protector, from bottom part to the top (above the 'Your progress for today' text). The current location of the said button is visible provided one has gained like 3 (or 4) stats, but then it moves down when more stats are gained, making it a bit "inconvenient" for a worshiper to do instant click heat-donations. I am not acting lazy, but scrolling also takes some time, and time takes some heat :D And also, I would like to propose if another button be added at that pop-up, a 'donate all heat' button, that still follows the same formula (500 worshiper heat -> 250 protector heat), but donates the maximum amount divisible by 500 with just one click. Your thoughts?
  2. Congrats, King Princ Rhaegar!
  3. Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.

    1. Witty


      Time for a new browser?

    2. Eagle Eye

      Eagle Eye

      No data received

      Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data. TODAY!

    3. nadrolski


      Too much Flash might kill us.. ?

  4. Hey, Sunfire! Happy Birthday! High five!
  5. Happy Birthday! High Five!
  6. Hey, Happy Birthday! High Five!
  7. Happy Birthday and Happy AFD! High five!
  8. I sponsor this with a Joker (Age 749 as of Day 89, Heat 1979977), a Remains (Age 511 as of Day 89, Heat 1884830) and Mirrorritual stone (x3).
  9. Happy 28th Birthday, Sasha :) High five!
  10. 'No data received' at least 5 times a day and it is not funny anymore..

    1. Muratus del Mur
    2. nadrolski
    3. nadrolski


      Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
      Error code: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

  11. Update: You may also contact me here or in-game if you wish to be a citizen of and be Marind Bell as your home. I also encourage every applicant to create at topic here and give us a brief background about him/her that might help on his/her application. Thank you.
  12. Happy Birthdays to both! :D :D :D Double high fives!
  13. Relieving stress.
  14. Happy Beerday, Happy Birthday Boss! Longer life! High five!
  15. i'll be available later from 14:00 ST til 18:00 ST, where would you like for us to meet?
  16. Brush : 3 SC
  17. nadrolski id : 169416 ad : 1925 land citizenship : Marind Bell briskness : 3857
  18. I can see this from here in the Philippines :D
  19. Happy Birthday! High five!
  20. Happy Birthday Sir Rhaegar! Happy Birthday AmberRune! High fives! Woot Woot~
  21. Hey, Happy Birthday! High five!
  22. Never have I ever, shaved my armpit hair.
  23. Happy Birthday, Change! High five!
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