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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. I think she had every right to, Rophs. She probably wasn't aware of the happenings within game (like many of us weren't) and thought it a good idea to start a discussion about it here. :) No need to apologise Mystic, you didn't do anything wrong. :)
  2. Best strategist - Aeoshattr After thinking about this for a long time I have decided the award is to go Aeoshattr. He came up with a very good detailed plan with his team, kept the format clear so everyone understood and came up with some interesting ways to fool the other team, as well as using Nightmode. Although the strategy did not cause them to win, it was a good one. It was more of a defensive play than that of team Darklings. Congratulations Best team player will be announced before the end of the birthday.(it's a tough one!)
  3. You have to donate around 1.5k heat. But after that it says the same thing for every clickable I've read so far...So not really sure what is happening?
  4. First of all, I'd tell you not to lose your head, but, well...from looks of it that's too late. HAHA! Get it? *coughs* Anyway... Take no heed of the above, they're all very silly and obviously lack any skill in answering questions. We all know the eternal toilet has plenty of paper! It's made from the finest, freshly pressed creatures, I'll have you know. As for contacting the DS, everyone knows that they are't the "Delivery Service" they're the "Duty Solicitors". But yes, they could very well help you press charges against anyone for the loss of your head. We're very good at blaming everyone but ourselves ourselves you see. We have a very slight charge per word we speak but you absolutely, definitely, do not, not pay for if you do not not win. So it's all very fair! I'd suggest you stay away from the shade-y people, not areas. They have a tendancy to attack you, you see. Although, again, we (the Duty Solicitors) could provide you with help to to sue them for all they've got, should this terrible incident happen to you. As you can see, the fellows above have no idea what they're saying, so it's luck you found me! You could say I'm well "a-head" of the game! The answer is simple: Take your nearest item to you and impale, break or asphyxiate your self. Then yell "Help! I want legal help for my injuries!". After that you'll receive your court dates and in a few weeks you'll be out of that land (and in court)! Easy as pie! Best wishes, Sasha Lilias P.s. I've sent you the bill for my services with this letter.
  5. It was just a dream, go back to sleep... Pst, DD. Jade said I could have the WP! :P
  6. Hmm, I find this very odd as I hadn't recently gone to anyone else's page. Just my own...
  7. Perhaps you're meant to pay to park a car over the bollard? (hydraulics) :P
  8. Yes sorry, I originally added more detail but then OCD kicked in and I removed it as it looked messy to me. :)) I edited the orginal post to show the Entrants :)
  9. Nope. Only mine was opened.
  10. I didn't want this to seem as if "Sasha's biased" so I asked for the opinion from two others. All three of us agreed Lania's: mainly due to it conforming the most to "Dress up a scene as if it were ready for a huge birthday party! It can be any scene from MD." We loved the use of colours in yours but Lania conformed to the requirements more. :)
  11. And the winners are... Creature Zleiphneir Scene Lania Avatar Dst Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all participants! Some really great edits here! Please find me in game for your rewards.
  12. The winners are.... 1st: Aeoshattr 2nd: Princ Rhaegar 3rd: Zleiphneir Congratulations to the winners! It was a very close call between 1st and 2nd! All three of you did an awesome job! Please find me in game for your rewards.
  13. Lorerootian Herbal Cake! Description: A beautiful cake made with natural ingredients. No artificial colours or flavourings needed! Has a slight herbal note to it. Perfect to go with your aromatic tea. Ingredients: 3 Aromatic herbs 2 Bushies 2 Unidentified plants 4 Water 2 Rainbow Candy Instructions: First you should search your unidentified plants for some grains and grind them until you have a fine flour. Then you should heat the bushies, and candy in water until a syrup is formed, make sure not to burn the syrup! Boil the aromatic herbs in the water to release their oils before removing them again. Mix the flour and syrup with the water. Pour the dough in the cake form and put the cake in the oven for one hour. Carefully take the cake out of the oven and take it out of the cake form, then wrap it in the candy wrappings. There is your cake! Steps: Search the unidentified plants for grain Grind the grain Crush the rainbow candy Boil the candy and bushies in water Boil the herbs in water. Mix the herb water, syrup and flour. Pour the dough into the cake form Put the cake into the oven Wait for one hour Take the cake out of the oven Take the cake out of the cake form Wrap the cake in candy wrappers
  14. [log=LHO discussion] [19/04/15 19:02] Chewett:Another thing related to this, is actually revamping LHO [19/04/15 19:03] Chewett:I have been doing a large amount of work on this behind the scenes with Grido on this [19/04/15 19:03] Chewett:And as many of you will have seen. I made a number of topics [19/04/15 19:03] *Grido*:had issues with illus on mains as well, but can state again in full on there if it comes up [19/04/15 19:03] Chewett:The main summary is, new recruiting strategy, having some kind of manual for LHO's, and training them properly [19/04/15 19:04] Chewett:Does anyone have any comments, or questions on these things? [19/04/15 19:04] *Nimrodel*:Nope. [19/04/15 19:05] Jester:if I want to try out again should I just talk to Grido? [19/04/15 19:05] BFH the WHITE:i have some ideas [19/04/15 19:05] BFH the WHITE:but reading logs atm, sec [19/04/15 19:05] Chewett:This is mainly because LHO will be crucial to the new tutorial [19/04/15 19:05] BFH the WHITE:Dark Demon:Advertisment may not be as benefiting as it would be, say 1 year from now. [19/04/15 19:06] BFH the WHITE:advertisement is not effective until we fix tutorial and MD improves its capability of retaining players [19/04/15 19:06] *Grido*:Find an lho to mentor/supervise you first, part of the changes is moving that away from me [19/04/15 19:06] Chewett:And if we are not able to have a good working LHO, we will have major issues [19/04/15 19:06] *Sunfire*:there could be some sort of "internship", current LHO's safe the questions thet receive and then present them to the aspirant, who then answers them to the LHO [19/04/15 19:06] Jester:Oh Syri-chan... [19/04/15 19:07] *Sunfire*:lho still does live help [19/04/15 19:07] *Syrian*:hi! [19/04/15 19:07] BFH the WHITE:live help is a fake concept right now [19/04/15 19:07] BFH the WHITE:i think [19/04/15 19:07] *Sunfire*:and has a chance to see the problem solving possibilities of the aspirant [19/04/15 19:07] *Sunfire*:ofc it is, everybody is too proud to use that button unles there is no other way [19/04/15 19:08] BFH the WHITE:if an LHO receives a pm, he/she might not even notice it [19/04/15 19:08] Chewett:Proof sunfire? [19/04/15 19:08] *Nimrodel*:I am pro live help button too [19/04/15 19:08] BFH the WHITE:Chew, have you ever considered a live help chat system? [19/04/15 19:08] Jester:would it be possible to send LHO mail to another inbox? [19/04/15 19:08] *Sunfire*:im not saying to remove it, im just saying dislike asking help [19/04/15 19:08] *Nimrodel*:Rarely but occasionaly you get pms. [19/04/15 19:08] Jester:or that even, that sounds good [19/04/15 19:08] Chewett:Breaks one of the principles of MD, no chatrooms [19/04/15 19:09] Jester:boo, I love chatrooms [19/04/15 19:09] Rophs:Alliances get a chatroom [19/04/15 19:09] Chewett:What I meant sunfire, is that, Do you have any proof that players think that? Or is it just your opinion? [19/04/15 19:09] BFH the WHITE:we are already breaking MD's old principles by removing many of the filters [19/04/15 19:09] BFH the WHITE:the point is to improve, not to make same mistakes again [19/04/15 19:09] Jester:could do a trial version for a little and see if it helps enough? [19/04/15 19:09] Chewett:How do you imagine it will work BFH? [19/04/15 19:10] samon:I think help chat would make getting help a lot more accessible [19/04/15 19:10] *Grido*:jester,mutual inbox is an idea I already suggested,there were always kinks needed working out [19/04/15 19:10] *Sasha Lilias*:LHO's should have a "On duty" switch of some sort, so that messages would only be sent to them whilst "On duty". [19/04/15 19:10] BFH the WHITE:you know facebook chat right? [19/04/15 19:10] Chewett:Ofc [19/04/15 19:10] *Sunfire*:if you play a new game chew, do you play the tutorial through the end? [19/04/15 19:10] *Sasha Lilias*:Also, there was once a rota/timetable for LHO's as well. Not sure what happened to that? [19/04/15 19:10] BFH the WHITE:something like that linked to LHOs [19/04/15 19:11] Jester:ah ok grido [19/04/15 19:11] Chewett:Im concerned that an on duty thing would never be toggled and forgotten about [19/04/15 19:11] Chewett:Sasha [19/04/15 19:11] Chewett:Sunfire: yes, many online games are damned confusing nowadays [19/04/15 19:11] *Nimrodel*:timetables is hard to stick by Sasha. Many of us have jobs :P [19/04/15 19:12] Chewett:Or work unpredictable hours [19/04/15 19:12] *Grido*:rota went out of date shortly after each time I updated it [19/04/15 19:12] *Syrian*: (i cant have a rota, i sleep unpredictable hours) [19/04/15 19:12] BFH the WHITE:that's why chat is great! :D [19/04/15 19:13] Chewett:BFH why do you not have a simple jumping to their location instead? [19/04/15 19:13] BFH the WHITE:if nobody is available, system can switch to pms! ticket system! :D then first lho available takes care of whatever was submitted [19/04/15 19:13] BFH the WHITE:cause you dont want them to see things before time [19/04/15 19:13] Jester:oh, a jump would work, but what if multiple LHOs saw it? [19/04/15 19:13] *Sunfire*:that toggle option could work with auto toggle on when logging on, lho would net to manually switch off, perhaps switch off during idle could be good to [19/04/15 19:13] Chewett:Then you get multiple LHO's [19/04/15 19:13] *Nimrodel*:Yeah i guess. THat sounds better. A combined inbox for all lhos for LHO messages only. :) [19/04/15 19:13] Jester:suddenly a new player gets ambused by 7 LHOs >.> [19/04/15 19:13] BFH the WHITE:example, access LR, necro, etc [19/04/15 19:14] Chewett:So, I prototyped some combined inbox things for grido [19/04/15 19:14] Chewett:And never really got a "nice" answer of how he wanted to work, once I presented issues to him [19/04/15 19:14] Jester:BFH the jump would bring the LHO to the new player, not vice versa [19/04/15 19:14] Chewett:Jester^ [19/04/15 19:15] *Grido*:there were issues to prevent multiple lhos replying, making sure they actually got replied to and such [19/04/15 19:15] *Syrian*: (couldnt you use a form of lhochase? instead of jumplink?) [19/04/15 19:15] *Nimrodel*:or if the LHO were involved in some important discussion >> [19/04/15 19:15] Chewett:Thats what I meant when I said jumplink to be honest. [19/04/15 19:15] BFH the WHITE:that can work but meeh some issues [19/04/15 19:15] Chewett:Why some issues BFH? [19/04/15 19:15] *Nimrodel*:and they get pulled to a newbie [19/04/15 19:15] Chewett:I see that working, int he current framework, really well [19/04/15 19:16] BFH the WHITE:what if lho is afk, idle, completing a quest, using clickables, etc [19/04/15 19:16] :*Sasha Lilias* passed 7 Sided Stone Dice to Mallos [19/04/15 19:16] *Sunfire*:LHO decides to jump, not the newb [19/04/15 19:16] *Nimrodel*:or is participating in a trivia >> [19/04/15 19:16] *Syrian*: (chasetheyoungling or something, it would also be nice to not get pms when idle unless theres no other option) [19/04/15 19:17] *Nimrodel*:or in a secret meeting with their land leader [19/04/15 19:17] *Sasha Lilias*: [Forum link] [19/04/15 19:17] *Syrian*: (combined inbox seems a bit dodgy for reasons jester said, may people may answer ant the same time) [19/04/15 19:17] *Sasha Lilias*:Any edits needed/things I missed? [19/04/15 19:17] *Nimrodel*:stuff like that [19/04/15 19:17] Jester:maybe LHOs could be given some kind of compensation to make up for not being able to participate in quests like other players [19/04/15 19:17] Aeoshattr:I disagree with Jes there. [19/04/15 19:17] BFH the WHITE:you dont want to kill the fun for lhos [19/04/15 19:18] BFH the WHITE:they are also players [19/04/15 19:18] Jester:thats another topic, sorry [19/04/15 19:18] Jester:eh, I personally have way more fun helping new players than questing [19/04/15 19:18] Chewett:So a Player flags as needing help [19/04/15 19:18] *Grido*:cant compensate for every possible quest they may have wanted to partake in [19/04/15 19:18] Chewett:All LHO are told of this player [19/04/15 19:18] Jester:and they could still do some quests [19/04/15 19:18] Chewett:Once one person caasts the spell and jumps to him, the flag is turned off [19/04/15 19:18] Jester: (I meant overall compensation, not specifc, but nevermind, another topic) [19/04/15 19:18] Chewett:So LHO's know someone has atteneded to them [19/04/15 19:19] *Sasha Lilias*:Sounds like a good idea. [19/04/15 19:19] Jester:would it be possible to have it appear for one player at a time? [19/04/15 19:19] BFH the WHITE:and if no LHO is online, then switch to ticket system? [19/04/15 19:19] Chewett:Indeed [19/04/15 19:19] Jester:like 10 seconds for one, then another, then another [19/04/15 19:19] BFH the WHITE:that can work [19/04/15 19:19] Jester:because otherwise everyone will click it as soon as it appear [19/04/15 19:19] *Nimrodel*:Mok. [19/04/15 19:19] Jester:if they're paying attention. [19/04/15 19:19] Chewett:But we then hit the main issue of the whole ticket/pm system needs to be written [19/04/15 19:20] samon:Or make the link only work for the first to click it [19/04/15 19:20] BFH the WHITE:Player should also receive notifications? [19/04/15 19:20] Jester:oh, better idea samon [19/04/15 19:20] *Sunfire*:best to make the flagging autorefresh page or so, then the lho is aware [19/04/15 19:20] Jester:volunteers could join the ticket system too? [19/04/15 19:21] Jester:I'm sure plenty of other online, non-LHO players would be happy to help [19/04/15 19:21] BFH the WHITE:example: "Seven LHO were notified of your request for help. You should receive an answer "soon". [19/04/15 19:21] Jester:seperate them into two groups, those who will help guide new players and those who will help answer PMs when non are available [19/04/15 19:21] *Sasha Lilias*:You may as well get rid of LHO's :P [19/04/15 19:21] *Sasha Lilias*: (@Jester) [19/04/15 19:22] Jester: (no, because LHO will still guide the new players actively from PC instead of tutorial) [19/04/15 19:22] Miq:if you are going to code anything then just make a custom pm interface which everyone who must can see [19/04/15 19:23] Miq:and then have a button on every help request "i'm dealing with this" [19/04/15 19:23] BFH the WHITE: (Chewett: But we then hit the main issue of the whole ticket/pm system needs to be written -- If i am correct there are some open sourced systems for that out there) [19/04/15 19:23] Chewett: (BFH, integrating them into MD will be horrifying) [19/04/15 19:24] Chewett: (we are not integrating any other ticketing system into MD) [19/04/15 19:24] Rophs: (Make a "superlho" account that the buttons sends a PM to, then let the LHOs access its inbox) [19/04/15 19:25] *Grido*:already have the live help account [19/04/15 19:25] Mallos:Seems like the current system isnt that bad, what about idling LHOs? [19/04/15 19:26] BFH the WHITE:ok 15 minutes gone. Have to go back to work [19/04/15 19:26] BFH the WHITE:cya guys [19/04/15 19:26] Chewett:So, Again, if someone can make a post about the LHO changes, that would be great [19/04/15 19:26] Jester:bye BFH [19/04/15 19:27] Rophs:I could grab a log but it's not my day [19/04/15 19:27] Chewett:At this point, there is half an hour to the dancing contest, DD can run his event, im afk, Will be back after dancing to dicsuss this more :) [19/04/15 19:27] Jester:sounds good [19/04/15 19:27] Chewett:Later all [19/04/15 19:27] Jester:cya Chewett [19/04/15 19:27] nadrolski:medals! [19/04/15 19:27] *Sunfire*:bye chew [19/04/15 19:27] *Sasha Lilias*: (Chew, PM (:) [19/04/15 19:27] MaGoHi:later [19/04/15 19:27] samon:Bye! [19/04/15 19:27] Assira the Black:Take care Chewett. [19/04/15 19:27] *Grido*:I cant currently, fyi, but can it be made in the underused lho bit please? [19/04/15 19:27] Lintara:Later Chew! [19/04/15 19:27] *Sasha Lilias*:Byeee :) [19/04/15 19:28] *Sasha Lilias*:I've done on ein the LHO section Grido [19/04/15 19:28] Assira the Black:Hmm... [19/04/15 19:28] *Sasha Lilias*: [Forum link] [19/04/15 19:28] *Grido*:thanks, anyone participating in this conversation would be good for you to reply in some capacity plesse[/log] Brief summary of discussion: Aspiring LHO's should find a current LHO and use them as a mentor/ to supervise them. LHO's provide real questions they have received as "training questions" for the ones they mentor/supervise. Live Help needs udating and restructuring so that messages aren't sent to those that are idle. Players can "flag" for help which will then notify all LHO's.
  15. [log=MP3 Discussion] [19/04/15 18:31] Chewett:At the moment we have removed story mode, and the tutorial is still present [19/04/15 18:31] Chewett:You accept the cube from the shade, and begin MD [19/04/15 18:32] Chewett:This is where everyone is now, the adventure stage. [19/04/15 18:32] Chewett:However, we probably plan to remove the tutorial too [19/04/15 18:33] Dark Demon: (brb) [19/04/15 18:34] Chewett:If we are to do this, we then have no instruction on moving, the map, everything. [19/04/15 18:34] Chewett:Which, could be problematic. [19/04/15 18:34] Chewett:Are there any LHO's here? [19/04/15 18:34] *Syrian*:me! [19/04/15 18:34] Jester:pop-ups when you first enter a scene, instead of story mode? [19/04/15 18:34] :*Nimrodel* raises hand [19/04/15 18:34] :*Sasha Lilias* nods [19/04/15 18:35] Jester:that'd probably be less confusing honestly, though less cool too [19/04/15 18:36] Chewett:So, Mur previously wanted every LHO to pick a newbie, and guide them [19/04/15 18:36] Chewett:I know even I did this for a period of time, but I dont think any LHO's continued to do this? [19/04/15 18:36] Jester:I wouldn't mind doing that but it seems like scheduling would be an issue [19/04/15 18:36] *Syrian*: (i havnt picked any specific one, i just offer help to everyone that might need it) [19/04/15 18:36] *Nimrodel*:Didnt. Because first there werent many newbies. Some didnt understand english well. some found that there were any mp3s >> [19/04/15 18:37] *Sasha Lilias*: (^) [19/04/15 18:37] *Nimrodel*:And oh.. there was viscoscity too back then. [19/04/15 18:37] Dark Demon:I did when I was back then [19/04/15 18:37] Chewett:Sasha you werent a LHO during this period, did the things Mur asked to be done get written down somewhere and you read it? [19/04/15 18:37] *Nimrodel*:werent* [19/04/15 18:38] *Sasha Lilias*: (No, I was greeing with what Sy said as a rule of thumb.) [19/04/15 18:38] *Sasha Lilias*: (*agreeing) [19/04/15 18:38] *Nimrodel*:I did it for a few months if I remember correctly. Patroling the newbie path and the Paper cabin plenty of times. [19/04/15 18:38] Chewett:If people are agreeing, please dont just use a ^, use a name too :) [19/04/15 18:38] *Sasha Lilias*: (Apologies) [19/04/15 18:39] Dark Demon:I recall Mur said that leaving stuff along the newbie path is useless [19/04/15 18:39] Dark Demon:Instead LHO's should focus on specific newbies [19/04/15 18:39] Chewett:Not useless. [19/04/15 18:39] Dark Demon:and make them stay; be their mentors, make MD interesting for them [19/04/15 18:39] *Nimrodel*:I also had a bunch of newbie adepts too whom I used to pm atleast twice a day even if they didnt respond for atleast three days if they were non responsive. [19/04/15 18:39] Chewett:Mur felt that comparitively, while it did help, knowing and talking with people would help lots more [19/04/15 18:40] Dark Demon:Honestly, Fang tried to do that a lot. Poor guy was mocked for it [19/04/15 18:40] Jester:Fang would get mocked doing anything >.> [19/04/15 18:40] Dark Demon:He overdid it though [19/04/15 18:40] *Nimrodel*:I believe fang was never mocked for talking to newbies [19/04/15 18:41] Chewett:I would agree with Nim there... Iv never seen someone doing that to Fang [19/04/15 18:41] *Nimrodel*:he was mocked for all the other extras he did and claimed to do. [19/04/15 18:41] Dark Demon:I meant he was mocked in general despite what he did, but anyway, lets stick to the discussion [19/04/15 18:42] Chewett:Thank you for your feedback DD [19/04/15 18:42] Chewett:But you are right, Stick to the discussion :) [19/04/15 18:42] Chewett:The problems with the visc were solved by me, changing it [19/04/15 18:43] Chewett:Were there any other issues raised? [19/04/15 18:43] samon:That there are too few MP 3s [19/04/15 18:44] samon:For them to train etc. [19/04/15 18:44] Dark Demon:That can only be fixed by advertisment, I believe. This issue has been raised many times in the past, but a very important point to keep in mind is that MD is not ready yet for a huge influx [19/04/15 18:44] Dark Demon:Advertisment may not be as benefiting as it would be, say 1 year from now. [19/04/15 18:44] Jester:I have an idea that MIGHT help with that actually... [19/04/15 18:45] Jester:we don't need more people to join, we need them to stay [19/04/15 18:45] Chewett:Indeed jester [19/04/15 18:45] Dark Demon:Both [19/04/15 18:45] Chewett:For the moment, a couple players using and idling some MP3's work [19/04/15 18:46] *Nimrodel*:is that allowed? [19/04/15 18:46] *Sasha Lilias*:There have been a few questions as to whether that is "alt abuse" actually. I've offered a few times. [19/04/15 18:46] Chewett:If you just idled one, per person, say each LHO had one, then thats fine [19/04/15 18:46] Aeoshattr:Well... we're not using those alts for our personal gain. [19/04/15 18:46] Dark Demon:I suggested that and was called for alt abused and shunned out [19/04/15 18:46] Chewett:Then they have a set of "NPC's" to fight [19/04/15 18:47] Chewett:DD, please remove the chip on your sholder. [19/04/15 18:47] Chewett:Its not helpful to our discussion :) [19/04/15 18:47] *Nimrodel*:Idling our mp3 alts in the same scene and stuff [19/04/15 18:47] Dark Demon:I'm just saying I'll raise this point again if someone suggests it [19/04/15 18:47] Chewett:I think that, for the longer term, thats fine. [19/04/15 18:47] *Sasha Lilias*:Should these "NPC'S" all have common names so as players know it's a help account? [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:DD, I am suggesting it, It therefore is perfectly fine. [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:They could indeed Sasha [19/04/15 18:48] *Nimrodel*:ok. So it will not be considered alt abuse if one LHO idles 1 alt so that young newbies can train. Agreed? [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:Or, these accounts could be purely managed by the LHO [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:To be perfectly honest, a number of players do this already for Asthir [19/04/15 18:48] *Sasha Lilias*:I'd suggest accounts pre-created that may be logged into by any LHO. [19/04/15 18:48] samon:What about a few accounts like the aramors in GG? [19/04/15 18:49] *Nimrodel*:a number of more players would do it too if it werent a grey area and was pulled out to the white. [19/04/15 18:49] Chewett:The aramors have issues as they dissappear [19/04/15 18:49] Dark Demon:NPCs have also been suggested, but the opposing argument was that MD is supposed to be interactive and not single-player [19/04/15 18:49] Rophs:Is it alt abuse? Maybe technically but it doesn't seem to be the type of alt abuse that would be punished for. [19/04/15 18:49] Chewett:NPC's cant be used since they are coded to disappear once killed, per person [19/04/15 18:49] *Syrian*: (i did raise the idea of having lho mp3 accounts some time ago, it wasnt really replied on) [19/04/15 18:50] *Sasha Lilias*:If a list of "MD" mp3's were created and scattered over MD, LHO's could be given a list of log ins for them so they may be logged in all the time? [19/04/15 18:50] *Syrian*: (just so they can be used and still have access to the live help system to recieve pms) [19/04/15 18:50] *Sasha Lilias*:Though, that might mess with the Alt-checker? [19/04/15 18:50] Jester:why does everyone keep bringing up problems from the past? its the day of the future, that was yesterday. [19/04/15 18:50] Chewett:So say we have 5/6 idling alts with a couple different rituals, etc [19/04/15 18:50] Chewett:Thank you Jester :) [19/04/15 18:50] Chewett:We should promote this guy! [19/04/15 18:52] *Sasha Lilias*:I don't think that these "LHO Alts" should be in just one place though. If they're scattered then it means MP3's will have to travel about and learn the areas. [19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:These LHO alts should probably have some disctint names so we could watch them [19/04/15 18:52] Jester:not too far away from each other though, maybe just around NML [19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:And older MP3's should be discouraged from breaking/attacking them [19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:Mainly since, they are designed for new people [19/04/15 18:53] *Sasha Lilias*:NML and MB I'd suggest, Jester? [19/04/15 18:53] Jester:give them special avatars so its easy to tell? [19/04/15 18:53] Chewett:That sounds good [19/04/15 18:53] *Sasha Lilias*:And perhaps they could be given an LHO flag or something? [19/04/15 18:53] Assira the Black:These LHO alts could also be used for/in quests. Especially if placed in some harder to reach areas. [19/04/15 18:53] *Sasha Lilias*:Then players will be able to see a list of these LHO alts. [19/04/15 18:53] Dark Demon:"Wild bird". "Rebel priest". "Angry Knator". [19/04/15 18:53] *Syrian*: (another problem is tha tif you give them lho wings and idle them, they may recieve pms over people who are online) [19/04/15 18:53] Jester:ah yes, good idea [19/04/15 18:54] Chewett:We wont give them wings [19/04/15 18:54] *Sasha Lilias*:Yes, no wings. But perhaps and avatar and flag. [19/04/15 18:54] Jester:their papers could have combat tips as well [19/04/15 18:54] *Syrian*: (people were saying lho alt, so i thought tehy were implying doing so :P) [19/04/15 18:54] Chewett:avatar and flag seems fair. [19/04/15 18:54] Jester:what works against the specific ritual they're using, for example [19/04/15 18:54] Chewett:Papers being configured too would be good [19/04/15 18:54] Jester:hints I mean [19/04/15 18:55] Dark Demon:and also maybe "Lonely archer" [19/04/15 18:55] Jester:or why their ritual works... [19/04/15 18:55] *Sasha Lilias*:LHO's could work together (in a hidden forum topic maybe?) to produce a good, varied set of help papers? [19/04/15 18:55] Jester:would non-LHOs be able to help? [19/04/15 18:55] *Sasha Lilias*:Actually, scrap that. No need for it to be hidden. [19/04/15 18:56] Jester:I'd like to assist but Grido banned me from being an LHO >.> [19/04/15 18:56] Chewett:I dont see why not Jester [19/04/15 18:56] *Sasha Lilias*:Because as Jester said, would be good for outside help also. [19/04/15 18:56] Jester:cool [19/04/15 18:56] samon:I'll volunteer to help as well [19/04/15 18:57] :*Sunfire* opens his eyes [19/04/15 18:57] :Lintara pokes his nose [19/04/15 18:57] *Grido*: (not even half here currently, but when did I ban you from being lho Jester?) [19/04/15 18:57] *Sasha Lilias*:Forum topic should be created where we can collate information. [19/04/15 18:57] Aeoshattr:I have a number of MP3 alts that I can idle around. Well, 1 at a time. [19/04/15 18:57] Chewett:So, This idea can be worked on further, It would be great if someone can summarise that and make a topic [19/04/15 18:58] :[Spell] Whispers of the past. [/log] A brief summary of what was mentioned: It was brought up that a lack of MP3's were a big problem for the newer players, as this ment they had no one to train on and were therefore discouraged/ got bored of playing. The following ideas were raised to try and solve the problem: LHO's to idle MP3 alts to provide new players with training dummies. LHO's to have access to special "LHO Alts". Al's would have easily recognisable names. Alts would have easily recognisable avatar. Alts would have a "LHO" flag. Alts should be spread amongst NML (perhaps MB also) to encourage travelling. These alts' would have pages filled with hints, tips and details to help MP3's learn. Help pages would contain collated knowledge from all those that wish to help and provide valuable information.
  16. Player page shows wrong images of creatures. I haven't had a max sharptear or elementals in years.
  17. Unfortunately I ran out of time to keep doing them! I'll add a bunch over time. People can feel free to post their own edits :D
  18. Bumping this topic. It would seem that no 'bring in' spells show up on the world triggers interface. Tested: bringin bringfromlabyrinth mdanniv_bringin
  19. Can't blame me anymore now for the temptation, Jaden! :P
  20. For the sake of proof without need of searching. :)
  21. Requesting a mod to please edit forum topic to "Art War - Results" :)
  22. Below are the entries for the Art War. Both public and judge opinions will be looked at when deciding the winners: Creatures Dst[spoiler] http://www.imagebam....ed218b404021999 http://www.imagebam....f7b366404022000 http://www.imagebam....da9cd7404022003 http://www.imagebam....260557404022005 http://www.imagebam....2803d5404022008[/spoiler] Zleiphneir[spoiler] http://storenow.net/my/?f=bbb9ad5805be1f8195ca6648ef08973d http://storenow.net/my/?f=0aded5ecdb31ad0294d5c631da9ff115 http://storenow.net/my/?f=a73e77ab1881eb1d0f1bb5bb7063a5f9 http://storenow.net/my/?f=f514a7be2dc470382cc46f752497b1bf http://storenow.net/my/?f=34d348eba8ee5a7747007d27d0e6f834 This one was sent with a description as well, which was too funny not to add: I don't think that hollow warrior could have gone any better. Her name is Frannie, she likes cupcakes and schwarovski crystals. For her birthday, she would like a small bag to carry her balloon dog in.[/spoiler] Scene Zleiphneir[spoiler] http://storenow.net/my/?f=d7a4b624607e18c98b4e435e7cd509b9 [/spoiler] Lania[spoiler]http://storenow.net/my/?f=a7e7fda96fcf73a9612ca23c74f1b978 [/spoiler] Eagle Eye [spoiler] http://storenow.net/my/?f=7049d127b1a00c32f68685e853379e3b [/spoiler] Assira the Black [spoiler] http://storenow.net/my/?f=4565ba1d796ba8321123975477d6ded6 [/spoiler] Dst[spoiler]http://storenow.net/my/?f=2ca5a6030b165c4e8d58f8f3c653619c [/spoiler] Dark Demon [spoiler]http://storenow.net/my/?f=fae351803950071606ba37be8fab2934 [/spoiler] Avatar Dst[spoiler]http://tinypic.com/r/wlqbg2/8 http://tinypic.com/r/21bkb45/8 http://tinypic.com/r/fz3yvp/8 [/spoiler] Zleiphneir[spoiler]http://storenow.net/my/?f=30d83a9d74b995373e15970d7742748b http://storenow.net/my/?f=b4f4ffe39d1b16a76449fb2ba947bada http://storenow.net/my/?f=b476cefa9784710dd15b89f52f909840 [/spoiler] Eagle Eye[spoiler]http://storenow.net/my/?f=cb52f51dfc570eb7b48b9c75ff091262 http://storenow.net/my/?f=a7c90e7637a243dc754af2bca18db119 http://storenow.net/my/?f=1e1bbeedad7c1f9e78a611f8f4b05ede[/spoiler] Voting closed and entry numbers replaced with player names.
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