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Blackshade Rider

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  1. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in WTS / some free   
    only the gold ones are for sale. Keeping the gen 3 myself
  2. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in WTS / some free   
    Good point. Bought all that the shop would let me till they ran out. Thanks
  3. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in WTS / some free   
    To all whom it may concern i have just got home and checked my md shop. Seems the gold lady was bought from the shop between my post for selling it and now. However her is an update of the golden avy's. 
    Also ive so kindly as to provide TWO forms of date and time. Both my RL time and date in bottom right corner just like the other links for avys, and both MD time and date since it seems to be a problem for most. *coughs* excuse me just one person
    http://imgur.com/a/5RZpW ungold
    http://imgur.com/a/1Tzyx gold
    Prices stay the same
  4. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in WTS / some free   
    Seems to me you just want to spam my post and try to make me angry or whatever. I don't care. 
    Since it seems that dst does not want the gold lady it is up for grabs still. 
    If you are like dst and want a screen shot of time and date then you may ask me nicely and I will gladly provide one.
    Otherwise in each SS  the time and date are in the bottom right corner. 
    Thank you all
  5. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in WTS / some free   
    To all whom it may concern i have just got home and checked my md shop. Seems the gold lady was bought from the shop between my post for selling it and now. However her is an update of the golden avy's. 
    Also ive so kindly as to provide TWO forms of date and time. Both my RL time and date in bottom right corner just like the other links for avys, and both MD time and date since it seems to be a problem for most. *coughs* excuse me just one person
    http://imgur.com/a/5RZpW ungold
    http://imgur.com/a/1Tzyx gold
    Prices stay the same
  6. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in WTS / some free   
    Seems to me you just want to spam my post and try to make me angry or whatever. I don't care. 
    Since it seems that dst does not want the gold lady it is up for grabs still. 
    If you are like dst and want a screen shot of time and date then you may ask me nicely and I will gladly provide one.
    Otherwise in each SS  the time and date are in the bottom right corner. 
    Thank you all
  7. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in WTS / some free   
    It's in my shop. And it already has a screen shot in the post. So your asking for something that's already there. 
    And that's funny cause I don't trust you either. 
    Currently I am on my phone. I'll provide another screen shot with the time if you kindly take down your last post that I feel is rude and uncalled for. . 
    Otherwise current screen shots will stay 
  8. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in WTS / some free   
    In that case I will not provide another screen shot. So you can keep your current bid and wait till tomorrow if nobody else bids on it, or take your bid down. 
    Your choice. Pick one.
  9. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in WTS / some free   
    Gold avys have 2 gold minimum. Marble slab for 3 sc is accepted. In 24 hours if no other bid on the marble slab it's yours.
    Bid accepted if no other bid in 24hrs it's yours
    Bid accepted. If no bid in 24hrs it's yours
  10. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in WTS / some free   
    It's in my shop. And it already has a screen shot in the post. So your asking for something that's already there. 
    And that's funny cause I don't trust you either. 
    Currently I am on my phone. I'll provide another screen shot with the time if you kindly take down your last post that I feel is rude and uncalled for. . 
    Otherwise current screen shots will stay 
  11. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in WTS / some free   
    In that case I will not provide another screen shot. So you can keep your current bid and wait till tomorrow if nobody else bids on it, or take your bid down. 
    Your choice. Pick one.
  12. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in WTS / some free   
    The only thing in here I don't have in my inventory is most of the shop avys. That does not mean I cannot buy them. For future reference maybe you should read the post. It states it's in the md shop.
    Got a problem with it, then don't bid on something I have in my md shop
  13. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in WTS / some free   
    Gold avys have 2 gold minimum. Marble slab for 3 sc is accepted. In 24 hours if no other bid on the marble slab it's yours.
    Bid accepted if no other bid in 24hrs it's yours
    Bid accepted. If no bid in 24hrs it's yours
  14. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in WTS / some free   
    The only thing in here I don't have in my inventory is most of the shop avys. That does not mean I cannot buy them. For future reference maybe you should read the post. It states it's in the md shop.
    Got a problem with it, then don't bid on something I have in my md shop
  15. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from MaGoHi in Empath   
    If any wish to comment further or did not see my post you may contact me privately for my blog to see the post.
    Thank you 
  16. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in Empath   
    If any wish to comment further or did not see my post you may contact me privately for my blog to see the post.
    Thank you 
  17. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in Empath   
    moved to my own blog. i dont have time for people with no life that like to troll.
  18. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Empath   
    moved to my own blog. i dont have time for people with no life that like to troll.
  19. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Aethon in Empath   
    moved to my own blog. i dont have time for people with no life that like to troll.
  20. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fang Archbane in Empath   
    moved to my own blog. i dont have time for people with no life that like to troll.
  21. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Ivorak in Empath   
    moved to my own blog. i dont have time for people with no life that like to troll.
  22. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in Player fraud   
    dys·lex·i·a dəsˈleksēə/ noun noun: dyslexia a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.
  23. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in Player fraud   
    Yes BS, I wanna be like you, I wanna walk like you, Talk like you too! Oh obee, doo..
    how flattering dst. But you can never be like me. I am one of a kind. You are the complete opposite.  But since you can't provide a screen shot I will assume it's not you. However it is still flattering so thanks. But not one person could be like me
  24. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in Player fraud   
    That is my screen print. So what do you even mean? 
    My words have power some days and others none. Same as you. Your words are no more powerful than mine  But thats ok. Im glad you wanna be like me and that im your hero. Thats so cite and flattering
  25. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in Player fraud   
    Why would I provide a screen shot. It's not me. So how would I provide a screen shot.
    And awe dst I'm so happy that I am your hero. That's the sweetest thing I've heard all day
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