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Everything posted by Darigan

  1. I applaud the effort but as much this should benefit movement through the lands, I see places like Necrovion and Golemus becoming dead zones. Also it will kind of defeat the purpose of the labyrinth, and even lands like Loreroot that gets littl foot traffic now will be out of reach for most, new players can only enter Marind Bell, MP4s will barely be able to enter Loreroot with the new age and level requirements which pretty much leaves the grinders sitting at GoE while the rest of the realm dwindles into obscurity. my only suggestion would be to at least bring back the torch competition.
  2. thanks happy wonderful people. Cake for everybody!
  3. Just can't stop yourself can you?
  4. I was going to simply ignore this topic holding myself to a higher standard not wanting to accuse the demon for fear of lightning striking whats left of my brain and sanity. Beyond removing my brain for the pure simple joy of it, there have also been many a drunken rampage spent controlling others actions and words along with horrid displays of drunk drawing, and that is only the beginning of the fairly long list of travesties which I've been apart of/witnessed since coming here. It makes me truly wonder how one can worship a shroom and yet be devoted to a demon. edit:what did I misspell?
  5. I for one would very much like to meet your old characters as I have heard some about them in passing.
  6. I'm hoping they will eventually input the orange dots like those you see on the main map to indicate where people are
  7. Darigan

    If not MD...

    O.o you play board games dst? I'm sure most of the younger people around here don't even know what board games are Whats the other game you play? Oh and if it weren't for MD.....I'd either be playing some other game to fill the void...or sleeping more
  8. You do realize your leaving right before the Birthday right?
  9. I've got the Root of the Matter Inn Guest book and was thinking of either having something like Awiiya's water can that lets people leave comments about their visit to the Inn or create a list of the room available with names next to the room number. Also I'm curious if someone can do something with my Brain but that can come later.
  10. I've got a few items that are usable and would like to script a few simple things on to them and am curious of the various people with the ability and their willingness to do it for free or a price of some sort. Also I have a few questions about scripts that I'll ask to someone with the ability in person. (if for some reason this is in the wrong section please move it to the proper area please and thank you, wasn't sure where to put it.)
  11. Burns you seem to have a special affection for pimped grassens
  12. I don't quite understand the tutorial change? Isn't what you described basically what it does now?
  13. if yu have anymore questions or need anymore help theres an orange button on the right side of the screen in game that will let you send a message to an LHO- Live Help Operator who is a very helpful person and can answer most any question or curiosity you might have.
  14. nope everytime you move to a different scene you can see whose in that scene. the orange player names are in the scene the gray names were in that scene recently but aren't there at that point.
  15. Yup the only thing that could be considered Npc's are various critters you'll fight later on and they don't really talk, everythign you see in chat is a real person.
  16. If you go to the cabin roof by clicking on the ladder, the scene to the right of the park and a few other scenes have music in them :)oh and Welcome to MD there are no npc's everyone that talks is a real person.
  17. (kind of find it ironic that while reading this there is an add for a military university at the bottom) I feel for the people of Libya. and would hope that something positive can come out of all of this.
  18. ....MD has a long(5 years) standing tradition of up holding that truest of true holidays that happens to fall on that day.
  19. Just to clarify, unless things have changed in that department since the end of last year-As far as I'm aware going to MP6 even if you have completed MP5 storymode through to the end does not grant you another principle.
  20. Darigan


    I'm curious about one thing, I can understand not allowing the use of Black water or Liquid dust those are actual things based somewhere within Murs game plan mechanics. But the Taint as far as I'm aware was a player based event that had no bearing on game mechanics or the lore. So why exactly is it that that it could not be used?
  21. Happy Birthday to the smiling, sweet, caring LHO whom helps all before herself.
  22. people under construction should be able to get to mp6 can't they, or am I missing your point Kyphis...I was under the assumption that anyone even those under construction could get to mp6.
  23. Darigan

    The Tree

    What was it I saw? I...can't remember.....something...Pip has something up his sleeve...no wait...what?
  24. MP5 is the ultimate fighting level thats why it's the exception and with the new wish even mp5s can get crits that they'd normally need mp6 for as long as they've got a wishpoint. As far as Angines go, you'll have to train them up to find out whats needed for the next level telling you what is required for a level you haven't reached is a spoiler.
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