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Everything posted by Darigan

  1. 98)Dst is one of Mur's filters used to drive off unworthy players.
  2. Now Dst can find something else to rant and rave about
  3. You make me grooooaaaaannnn with the utmost head splitting feelings...or maybe thats just the axe lodged in my brain *giggles maniacally* You look good enough to eat, now if you'd just stop running away.
  4. Hello Snacks, welcome to Love Thy Zombie. Where we take the worlds most gushy and mushy holiday and turn it into a love feast...thats lovefest..... for those wonderful brainmunchers the zombies. Please post your most loving, heart pumping, brain splattering, rotting flesh lines, greetings, and verses of poetry for all our wonderful community to see. Sincerely, Your friendly neighborhood zombie.
  5. All these tools, all these items and powers. I really don't care about Eon anymore. He's got dst backing him so pretty much anything major we could try could be negated. Mur created the problem when he gave SD as a reward for a contest. If it weren't Eon who'd won we'd be complaining about someone else, perhaps Shadow or one of the others. Giving an ability as a reward to the strongest fighter, really? what did he expect to happen? Also Mur, you've spent far too much time around your own community when you start complaining about things like what someone could or should have done. We (this includes kings who you can talk to personally) are not mind readers, and when it comes to your mind and how it works when you do some of the things you do, there's no telling what some of us could or should do with what we are given. Perhaps next time you should just spell out what you think we should do with what you give us.
  6. No offense Xrieg, but when you have people giving away spells, especially the ones that probably were never ment to be given away, then there is an issue, and being able to idle without having to log completely out is and should be part of the game, though I suppose others will just say that you should know the risks if you idle, I still believe at the very least teleportation spells should have some sort of restriction or chance to fail.
  7. offline people really shouldn't matter only thing that can be done to them is teleporting them places, which is rather annoying but they have some time once logged into move. As for taking away Eons casting ability that wouldn't really be fair to take away something everyone has.
  8. OK people this is just going to keep going around and around and solve nothing. the point of this thread has gone way off base that I'm not even sure what this has become other then another rant against certain people or groups which solves nothing. The community is a large body of ideas, opinions, and egos. Pointing all those egos and opinions in a central direction is never going to be a walk in the park, but the need for some respect amongst players is paramount. You may not like each other and many of you may dislike me greatly, but there is no need for personal attacks or belittling of a person or groups character just to make yourself feel big or whatever. Is it possible for this community as a whole to come together and work against bullying, harassment, and abuses of all the sorts. I don't know but I sure hope and wish that it could happen. I"m not saying any of this as Darigan, a lorerootian, or even as a player of the game, but as a person who desperately wishes to see some common unity rather then people bickering until the end of time.
  9. You mean to say the kings/queen and Z were aware they were all going to be killed before hand?
  10. Hence the need for a change to the way Memory stone spells work
  11. of course you will dst, I'm sure you'd do anything to help your new ally member cause havoc.
  12. Thats where the second suggestion comes in of only that land's citizens being able to obtain the needle from thier item dispatch place(usually the capitals)
  13. It be a good start if the needles could be put in each mainland, I know the second suggestion of only making them available to citizens of that land would be a little unfair to the neutral lands but as stated the needles could also be used later on in land conflicts and since neutral areas usually don't take part in fights, and when it comes to taking down a single person only one person has to have a needle to use it. I'll admit that what I want as far as Mur doing anything more then he has toward Eon isn't going to happen and that at the least he'll tweak the tools he's given us. Eon recently joined SI, I'll thank Dst for that gift/curse. Pip and others including Allied Mp6 I could really use your help to diminish Eon. Rendril....strong as he could have been? Thats scary considering how strong he is. edit: I'd also like to know who all has the teleport to goe spell. Pm me please
  14. I had a conversation tonight with a friend, who was able to better point out things to me that I did not see before, perhaps because of my anger or what have you. They also suggested a few things which I think would be great changes. [spoiler]2.Eon actually helps re-inforce the idea that anyone can beat anyone with enough pre-planning. The only one who can't be beaten easily is Eon herself. And the tools aren't to make up for a mistake, they are actually there to get people to leave him alone and handle this themselves. A lot of what Mur has been doing since Kingship began is to make MD more independent of him. Hence why when he had to step in for the cases instead of the council handling it he was so pissed. Those tools aren't just for Eon, they are also for wars and all sorts of contests. If the community uses them right, then they will be great. But currently, the community ignores them. 2. The problem is that Eon likes to use her stat damage a little too much, and is incredibly overpowered. That is the Communities fault, not Murs 1. that would explain why mur calls us all incompetent 2. Yup 1. and yet complains about us whining 2. You keep going to Mur when you have the tools to do it yourself. Actually, you have the tools to more than do it yourself, the problem is getting the people who have the tools to help you. Which is a community problem, not a Mur problem 2. So there is a problem, and it is a biggie, but its not Murs fault, or responsibility 1 .....not murs responisibity 2. Nope. 2. While yes, he probably could do something more about it, the facts are that he has already done more than the minimum. Thus, he has already fulfilled any responsibility he may have had in that area 2. The problem that you, and the community, faces is that people in the community place themselves before the good of the community, and the community is never willing to act for itself and instead turns to outward intervention instead of useing what it already has 2. Take the Dagger and Shovel for example. Both exist, and are usable, however the people who possess them either refuse to intervene, or will only do so for huge profit. 1. what i'd prefer is if the needle didn't require more then one person to use 2. But then you would just create a second Eon 2. It has to be a community action to prevent making the problem worse 1. problem is community is useless when shes only after me 2.Yup 1. maybe i should quit then 2. As well as saying that you don't have enough people in the community who care about you to act 2.Since each land is supposed to have a needle 1.they are all in mb 1.as far as i know 2.That sucks, and needs to be fixed 1.thats what the annoncement said 2. The Needles should be made so only a citizen of the related lands can pick it up[/spoiler]
  15. With so few people having the goe spell it would just be easier to get their word that they wont sell the spell.
  16. Chewy says the point of GOE spell is to get people from places they shouldn't be during heads, If that is truly the case the spell really has no main point anymore, as it is it's a good way to recover people when they get stuck,,,,I however was not stuck when I was in Oak Tower only to wake up and find myself in GOE with -7 of most stats. I ask if its possible for a ban on the sale of GoE memory stones. That is one spell you should have to earn and not just be able to get for the right price.
  17. 1 failure in 3/4 casts isn't too bad and that's only if you get them from stones, I rather think it'd balance out the ability to get any spell you want for the right price.
  18. actually the forum whine for stat loss with too many losses ended in a wish that would reset one's balance. Mike has been pretty much jailed for life for abusing the system, I rarely see eigger anymore and Alyon spends his days working toward LHO or light training. Angiens were changed and have been changed more times then I can count. We didn't adapt. the things or people changed themselves or just left. Your point is mute dst the system is flawed and when abuses happen you should not blame the one complaining or expect them to change how they do things just to please or surpress their abuser. You are a perfect example of what is wrong with this community you insist on telling people to adapt to things they do not like and to stop whining, when in fact when enough people don't like something things change, it may take a long while. (look how long verbal and sexual abuse was able to go on because people were either scared to stand up or were turned away when they did.) You just don't care about people and would rather expect us all to adapt and stop whining. I'm sorry but that is not how a thriving and supportive soicety works. We adapt to changes when we need to but when those changes cause a problem to big too overcome for some people those changes should either be reversed or changed again.
  19. Your missing the point Dst, as I figured you would. I shouldn't have to kill my crits I like training on occasion. I wouldn't even mind hit from Eon on occasion either just to make her day but when you sit an entire day hitting one person just because they complained about you, don't you think that's a little obsessive. and when I complain I get called whiny and obsessive. I shouldn't have to kill or sac my creatures just to enjoy this game, I shouldn't have to endure a whole day of being pounded on mercilessly just so someone can feel strong or teach me a lesson about complaining, creatures and fighting are part of the game, and I shouldn't have to give up part of the game just to stop the abuse.
  20. I love that dst thinks the world revolves around her. Truthfully I haven't given one thought to you lately dst. I've been a tad busy trying to find ways to evade Eon. Yes I'll say it. I am a coward. Am in real life just as much as I am in MD. I will not sac my creatures just because that would solve the problem because I like my creatures, most of them I've had for a long time and others I've gotten from people. I play MD because of the community and the fun. Believe me when I say there is no fun between having to hide in a corner or going out into the world to risk getting beat up constantly. I spent the entire day yesterday in the East lands trying to make it to the pub there for a drink. When Eon found me again I could have logged out but by that point I just didn't care so I sat there moving scenes slowly and ended up losing 8 points in most stats for because She wouldn't give up. Last night I found a post Eon made about how the more someone complained the more she attacked them. So I decided to close the thread about her in hopes that maybe just maybe she'll finally leave me alone. Is that so much to ask? That I can be left alone by the one person that causes the most pain to my MD life so that I can actually enjoy this game again? If not well I'm still in the east lands, I'm sure you have a locate spell you can figure out where I am or jusrt port me to Goe again. I'm sorry if this comes off as whining but being a coward in real life I just don't have the spirit to fight back anymore.
  21. Well thanks for that Manda, Anyway I'm done complaining. It's kinda obvious at this point nothing is going to be done to change the sd ability of Eons and since I just spent the whole day with her in the east and lost around 8 points in nearly every stat. I just figure maybe someday she'll get bored of hunting me and find some other mouse to play with. Mods you can close this now.
  22. [img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y95/hris72058/chatwitheon.jpg[/img] [img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y95/hris72058/eonfightlog.jpg[/img] [img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y95/hris72058/statloss.jpg[/img] I have my own personal stalker ladies and gents and she's still here still whacking away at me. I'd call that a tad obsessive
  23. I wouldn't mind that Pirate. That would cut out MP6 and LHO spells which are earned by the people that hold those positions and shouldn't be able to be dealt out like candy.
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