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Everything posted by Darigan

  1. then ya really shouldn't be selling the spells for any other purpose then that. but then I guess that goes under the: It's my spell I can use it how I please.
  2. I believe there should be a notice that pops up anytime someone uses a spell to teleport a specific person or people. Said person or people should get a box telling them they are about to be teleported and give them the option to accept the teleportation or decline it. If they decline it will cost them some ap or vit or something just to make it fair.
  3. Dst you are way to lazy to chase someone into the east lands just to attack them. You'd much rather go looking in holes for those trying to have sex so you can scream from the top of your lungs about it. As for statgain I really wouldn't mind that at all. But considering Mur's opinion and lack of care towards any complaints toward Eon. I doubt anything will happen that way. Maebius I'm all ears if you have a suggestion for a long term solution. I went to the east to have a drink earlier today and even then Eon followed us all the way out there. I know stalkers can be obsesive but he pushes it a lil much, but oh well.
  4. [20/10/11 22:49] Muratus del Mur:so good luck eon , crush them all till they figure out a way against it lol This. and these were within a few mintues of playing scene tag in Oak Tower. regeneration --0.533 energeticimmun --0.533 tradesense --0.533 briskness --0.35 initiative --0.533 defence --0.533 attack --0.35 power --0.355 luck --0.355 I refuse to run after some stupid item to carry around everywhere and hope to be able to use it before I get attacked. Congrats Mur. you have successfully made me hate this game. fighting is one thing but being stalked by the most powerful fighter in the realm just to lose a ton of stats. It's stupid . I suppose I'll just be sitting in sanctuaries until he either stops chasing me or just wait til the two days of the month he can't attack. Congrats you have earned a new statue for the PC and RoTMi
  5. No it takes everything including luck and other stats that can't be gained easily but are lost quite easily with only one or two attacks from Eon
  6. Pip, Eon doesn't talk(or at least not to me), can't receive pm's and also this isn't just about letting up on me. It's about the fact that one of, if not the strongest fighter and grinder in the game has an ability to diminish the stats of anyone they attack. People like to be able to sit in a scene and shouldn't have to worry about their stats being diminished.
  7. Now I understand the general way things work around here. The two types of grinders those who sit in one general location and those who seek out people to attack. The rpers, those who have for the most part forsaken stats for the thrill of telling their own story and having fun with others who complete that story. Then you have the ones in the middle who make a balance of rp and fighting work. Last there is Mur and the realm itself that surround us and offer us ever expanding mysteries and ways to solve those mysteries. We were given viscosiity which most thought was a difficult idea until the ap was increased and the lands were given their own ap counts. The heads contest which has gone for as long as I and most others have been around has become a mockery at MP5 so Mur created the Boss Heads Contest. A Battle of those grinders and middle fighters in a select location with unknown variables and rules to see who came out on top. This is where my problem and complaint begins. The last BHC was a grand event for those involved for the rewards were great, including the ability to cause stat loss. At the time I thought nothing of it because I was dealing with stat loss already, trying to dig my way out from 1000 under. Once the wishpoints for days came out I was able to give myself a reprieve by reseting my balance and I was able to escape stat loss until Eon's ability was activated and now it is no longer safe to sit anywhere in the realm for long periods of time save for sanctuaries without having to worry about Eon coming through and wiping out any stats you may gain for the day and more. I don't mind the grinders at the moment I need losses and a lot of them but I'd really rather get them without having to deal with sacrifce stats as well. So I know that Eon went through a lot to gain his reward for the BHC so I can not ask for it to be removed, what I purpose is something to replace it. Something of equal value to being able to drain people of their stats without so much worry that people can't even wander through the realm. I'm open to suggestions. I just wish to find some alternative.
  8. Cake for everyone!
  9. Hoppy Birfday Dead Girl! may you have many more, edit: *tosses cake*
  10. Good balance to viscosity
  11. awesome thank you mur, now those old fossils can oil their joints and move around.
  12. 1gc for the oaktower stone
  13. Newest idea, I haven't figured out all the needed materials yet, but here goes. A heat powered furnace capable of creating inventory items-weapons, armors and such that would come with stat boosts and losses for whomever is holding the item in their inventory. A metal cane that increases briskness but would decrease initiative for instance.
  14. I'm entirely aware that this might be impossible or might require some further steps and require more items or knowledge then I have at the moment but I'll throw it out here because I believe at least in theory it is plausible. hold plz lemme fix this so its proper [spoiler][code]<?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Armored Soul"; $instr['description'] = " First you need a recently deceased body with the soul still attached. One thats able to communicated but not move on its own. Find a cube capable of storing a soul within it. Then You take an empty Armor, toss the armor in first, followed by the soul, wait an hour and then remove the lid and you have a newly reborn soul within the body of of an armor."; $instr['startline'] = array( "Lets create an ".$instr['Armored Soul'] => $instr['Armored Soul'], "Lets prepare an ".$instr['Armored Soul']."" => $instr['Armored Soul'], "I want to make an ".$instr['Armored Soul']."" => $instr['Armored Soul'], ); $instr['endline'] = array( "Stop cooking" => 'end_failed', "Lets stop now " => 'end_failed', "Thank you for assisting me in creating an ".$instr['Armored Soul']."" => 'end_success', "This is going nowhere i give up" => 'end_frustration', "Look it dances!" => 'end_crazy', ); $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts making an Armored Soul', "stop" => 'gives up making an Armored Soul', "current" => 'currently prepares '.$instr['Armored Soul'], "device" => 'cooking using the '.$item['Living Armor Machine'], "end_success" => 'shouts happy: WE ARE DONE!', "end_frustration" => 'is upset and stops creating', "end_failed" => 'stops creating, recipe failed', "end_crazy" => 'starts throwing things around randomly, recipe failed', "ingredients" => 'To prepare the Living Armor you need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are currently done with these steps: %s. We still need perform these steps: %s "1" => 'Adds soul infused cube "2" => 'Adds empty armor "3" => 'waits "4" => 'Removes the from machine "random" => 'Hey look a cloud!', "random numbers" => 'picks a random number: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['Living Armor Machine'].': '.$item['Creates living armors from the souls of the dead.'], "provide_Cube" => "%s offers the Cube "provide_Armor" => "%s tosses in the armor "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but its not perfectly clear what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", "What is current recipe?" => 'current', "Whose being created?" => 'current', "What are you playing with?" => 'device', "Tell me a random number" => 'random numbers', "Describe the ".$item['item'] => 'description', //step 1 "Add a soul infused cube" => '1', "Add the soul" => '1', "Add the cube"=> '1', "toss in the cube" => '1', //step 2 "Add the empty Armor" => '2', "Add the Armor" => '2', "Toss in the Armor" => '2', //step 3 "Wait an hour" => '3', "Let it settle" => '3', "Leave it for a while" => '3', //step 4 "Remove it from the machine" => '4', "Take it out of the machine" => '4', "Turn it off" => '4', "It Lives!" => '4', //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => 'wait=3600' $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'cube, armor', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'cube, armor', "/i will donate the (.*)/is" => 'cube, armor', "/Here are the (.*)/is" => 'cube, armor', "/Here is a (.*)/is" => 'cube, armor', ); $instr['ingredients'] = " Cube=1; Armor=1; "; ?>[/code][/spoiler]
  15. Murs to busy with his cauldron I'd think to want to kill off the monarchs. Though, anything is possible.
  16. guess the caretakers have a purpose now, Grave diggers have some bodies to fill the graves now.
  17. Yes well as self proclaimed queen of the Underground, one can hope they wouldn't overlook you. As for being killed with the Dagger, there's no way they could have all been killed with the Dagger in such a short time. It's entirely possible there's another item out there that has killing power. Also Ivorak doesn't have the dagger anymore.
  18. Resurrecting them without knowing what caused their death would be premature wouldn't it after all whats to keep the person from just killing them again?
  19. Hoppy Birfday Queen of MD! *tosses cake*
  20. Anyone happen to notices Jester isn't actually a citizen of Necrovion anymore? Last I checked he joined the SoS in the east.
  21. well if alt accounts were allowed i'd say Gridos alts could take up a whole month. oh and Hoppy Birfday Bard! *tosses cake*
  22. SoS is Seal of Six I believe work in md, would possibly mean be able to function somehow within the MD realm, not just as a clickie but taking whats known about the realm and finding a useable way for it. Though that is just my guess.
  23. He said amazing, so unless he has a delicate taste for sponge i seriously doubt it was made of them
  24. As of now it is impossible for the guards to be beaten at mp3 due to the recent changes in advancing creatures, though we welcome anyone into the forest who can passby them and are more then welcome to anyone interested in joining our lands as a citizen and hopefully someday joining one of our Alliances. There are a few people you can seek out about information concerning Loreroot. Myself, Mya Celestia, Firsanthalas, and Amoran K Kol are just a few of the residents who would gladly share information with you about our vibrant forest.
  25. Hoppy Birfday! *nibbles on birthday cake*
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