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Everything posted by Darigan

  1. awesome
  2. Your allowed to make a map for personal use just don't publish it within your papers or in public areas
  3. Aster, your dob is on your profile don't be paranoid and careful with that wreath, you'll take someones head off.
  4. I'd like to trade one of two tokened Rusties and a shade for a GG drach if anyone is interested rusty-age 277 purpurfog firedrop or rusty-age 276 purpurmoon blooddrop1 blooddrop2 blackdiamonds
  5. Sounds about right Apo
  6. Poor bunny, I bet he could be a good stocking stuffer
  7. Is that why santa hasn't gotten here, his reindeer are busy dancing with the dead
  8. all part of the plan for world domination right dst?
  9. apparently blue black and white seem to be the general fashion statement on Christmas eve
  10. Pick the month you were born: January-------I sang to ...February------I threw a wreath at March--------I smelled April----------I yelled at May----------I threw a snowball at June---------- I ran away with July-----------I baked cookies with August--------I danced with September---- I stole October-------I kidnaped November-----I ran over December-----I licked Pick the day (number) you were born on: 1-------a snowflake 2-------an elf 3-------a Christmas tree 4-------a candy cane 5-------a snowman 6-------a cup of cocoa 7-------my Christmas present 8-------a reindeer 9-------a box of toys 10-------a nutcracker 11-------a sugar plum fairy 12-------Santa 13-------a Christmas stocking 14-------a stuffed animal 15-------Santa's beard 16-------Rudolph 17-------a fireplace 18-------a sugar cookie 19-------a Snowman 20-------a glass of milk 21-------the naughty and nice list 22-------Santa Claus 23-------a wreath 24-------my tangled Christmas lights 25-------my child's brand new bike 26-------a tree topper 27-------an elf 28-------a snowflakes 29-------wrapping paper 30------- Mrs. Clause 31------- a lump of coal What is the last number of the year you were born: 1--------- in wal mart 2 -------- on a train 3 -------- in the mall 4 -------- under your bed 5 -------- on Santa's Sleigh 6 -------- on the roof 7 -------- in an elevator 8--------- at the dinner table 9 -------- in the North Pole 0 -------- in your bathroom Pick the color of shirt you are wearing: White--------because I can! Black--------because I was drinking tequila, again. Pink----------because I'm only in it for the good times. Red----------because the voices told me to. Blue---------because I'm sexy and I do what I want Green-------because I think I need some serious help. Purple-------because I'm AWESOME! Gray---------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader. Yellow-------because someone offered me 20 dollars Orange -----because I saw it on the Internet. Brown-------because I'm cool like that! Other--------because it sounded like a good idea! None--------because I can't control myself!
  11. Darigan

    MP6 Symbol

    editd: my bad
  12. Bump, Just thought I'd renew this idea since the last torch of the year is over
  13. tonight from what i understand
  14. only thing i can think of is that you might be getting on to md from somewhere other then where you normally log in
  15. you can take screen shots by having the screen up that you want to take a picture of and pressing the print screen button on your keyboard usually located above the delete insert and other buttons, should be next to scroll lock. once you push the button you can go to paint and edit and click paste and your screen shot will show up then just save it to your computer and upload it to photobucket or storenow.net
  16. [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y95/hris72058/Photo0124.jpg[/IMG] [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1292412320' post='75488'] Reminds me of this.. REALLY feels like it was just yesterday... http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6017-bob-the-christmas-tree/ [/quote] hehe I like that maybe can do something like that again maybe even do it for Awiiya.
  17. I got the idea while having a conversation with our resident talking tree, Awiiya that while we are going to have a tree in the gazebo, why not get a bunch of people together and decorate the two most well known trees of MD namely Awiiya and Bob. I'm pretty sure Awiiya would enjoy the fun and Bobs been a tad neglected since coming back to life since the last time someone tried to chop him down. For Bob , I think it'd be good if we could gather around at some time when Z is awake so he can be part of it and of course it'd be great if we could get lots of people gathered when Awiiyas awake. Someone will need to bring the tinsel and someone else can gather some lights, while others prepare some good christmas stories to tell Awiiya while hes being decorated. Also being that Christmas is only a little over a week away and you are all in the festive mood, If you'd like to why not post pictures of your decorated Christmas trees, everyone has their own style of decorating with different ornaments and variations of lights and tinsel, just a thought if anyones interested. Maybe I can find some sort of reward for insentive of some sort *shrugs*
  18. guess it's not that big of a bug then...oh well
  19. I'm looking to sell or trade some various creatures for anything interesting or coins ages as of day 346: Imp-256 Imp-262-claw2 pimp-178 Joker-240 Winderwild-154 lr archer-257 lr archerx2-154
  20. I'm somewhat interested to know how a man managed to claim his own religion and following which culminated into his own alliance actually.
  21. So i could have sworn I posted about this earlier in the year, but can't seem to find the post nor do I remember getting much response from it. Is there a particular reason I get territory damage to my vitality and added heat when I pass by the Path of Loneliness? I was under the impression that it was part of no man's land and thus not part of any specific land, yet it still causes damage as if I'm walking on enemy land. Just curious if this is a bug or intentional.
  22. http://storenow.net/my/?f=2498 Mine
  23. http://storenow.net/my/?f=2496 cancels
  24. Are we able to edit or repost if we have other ideas until you open the next topic? edit: and even if we don't get this test "right" is it possible to succeed with the other tests?
  25. http://storenow.net/my/?f=2489 Just My take on it
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