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  1. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Sushi in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  2. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from DARK DEMON in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  3. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Fang Archbane in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  4. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  5. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Lazarus in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  6. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from lashtal in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  7. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ledah in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  8. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Mallos in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  9. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Aia del Mana in A rite of passage   
    2 December 2019, Samon passed on. 
    Samon has always been a reflection of myself, he was myself. However as time went on the part of me he reflects became weaker and weaker. Samon has been death within the realm of MD for several years and with good reason. I won't go into details as to how and why, but over the last week things happened that made me realize Samon is no more. 
    This passage is not a sad occurrence, I'd even say it's a rather happy one. Even if I haven't been very active, MD has been a major part of my life. Therefore I feel like I can't move on without tying things up here.
    I might be on Samon a few more times during the coming weeks, but as nothing more than a shadow of the past. After that I'll probably leave MD for some time, but I do plan on returning at some point in a new shape.
    To all who knew me, fare well, and I hope we'll meet again in the next life. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting with Marind.
  10. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Aia del Mana in An Adventure Journal - or, a continuation of the Adventure Log   
    As I am told the Adventure Log doth lie at an indefinite hiatus, I did think to continue of its progress. I hope that mine narration, in the common-tongue, were enjoyable to read; if it were not so, I should like of constructive feedback.
    It doth continue where the Adventure Log has paused, upon page 572.
    Memories in the Wind, Ch.1.
    Samon wiped the sweat from his brow as he walked inside from the rain. It had been a while since he had been called upon for a burial. Such a violent death, he thought; the image of the priestess's lifeless body flashing before his eyes once more. Such was the job of a Caretaker; at least it was something to break up the repetition of dusting the gravestones, trimming the poppies, and tormenting the Tormented Souls.
    A tap on the door, then, muffled murmurs.  Samon rose hastily, but the messenger was gone; in her place a woven wreath of white flowers, and a small envelope with a waxen seal. Samon examined the seal briefly before breaking it; this was unmistakenly the Lorerootian royal seal. How odd, thought Samon; Lintara certainly preferred to communicate with enchanted butterflies. 
    Ah, of course, thought Samon, as he read the flowing script-hand. He gently lifted the wreath and stepped out to place it upon the freshly filled grave.
    Lintara set out towards the Drywater Temple; her small entourage in tow, carrying all sorts of heat stones and erolin-spheres. A risk, perhaps; she briefly recalled the butterfly that had whispered advice from a far-away mentor. A risk worth taking. She directed her entourage to place the stones in the receptacle, and ignited them with the heat from the erolin-spheres, careful not to burn her fingers in the process. Before long, a roaring fire lit up the receptacle, and Lintara and her entourage stood and watched in solemn silence; broken only by the crackling flames, and then, by whispers...
    faint whispers; but present, unmistakable whispers, in the old language. Lintara breathed a sigh of relief. "Aia! I thought we had lost you for good." 
    The priestess's form materialised within the inner chamber of the Drywater Temple, and many curtsies and hugs were exchanged.
    Aia sat by the water's edge. The faint reflection of the moon on the pond at Raven's Peace always brought her solace; why was it so different now, she thought, as she racked her mind for her favourite memories. Mnemnosis was not kind to one's mind; she thought; some memories may be lost forever; but there was something important, just... gone. Maybe it would return to her, in time.
    Aia sighed; at least she was alive.
    Necrovion stirred; an unusual state of matters for the once barren land. Dark beings shuffled within, agitated, for their Voice was gone; their Chaos apparent without its direction. Lashtal recalled watching a shadowy figure disappear, and a barrage of shades follow after. He could sympathise with their plight; after all, the humans of Necrovion had once had their own chaos, brought about by espionage and internal conflict; then had been exiled from their homes.
    Patrolling the land was much too dangerous now; death would already find those that dared enter. He stashed his assassination rope into his satchel; he would no longer need it, and it would hardly do to appear threatening against a barrage of shades.
    Ailith awoke from her restless sleep. Again, she thought. Dreaming was hardly a luxury these days; if only they were more pleasant! Ailith paused to reflect before turning to a new page of her journal; the last two were already filled with visions from her dreams of the last few nights; dark figures; one a shadowy, humanoid; a blood-red moon; a tiny angien. She dipped her quill and began another expert sketch; this time the shadow of a little girl; illuminated by the glow of the faint embers of three newly extinguished candles. Such vibrant, familiar dreams, thought Ailith, as the final quill-strokes completed her artistry. Far too real for a dream - it was almost as if someone else had implanted this memory into her own mind. Frowning, she closed the pages of her journal. There were definitely some familiar places; maybe they would reveal the meanings of these vibrant memories.
    An easterly wind brushed the cheeks of Ailith's stoic facade as she ventured south past the solitary Gazebo. Ah, here it was - the tiny angien stood within the broken frame of the ominous Howling Gates. Ailith sat beside it, and procured three candles from her satchel, placing them in the soft Necrovian sands. Satisfied, she struck a heat stone to light them, and sat in seiza; closing her eyes to the world. Maybe a continuous dream might make more sense.
    Three days did she keep her vigil, as travellers passed by the Howling Gates.
    Ailith awoke from her trance to find her candles extinguished, and her satchel full of delicious, smoked bacon, its aroma rudely interrupted by the caustic scent of belladonna. How long have I been here, she wondered. Putting this thought aside, she opened her journal and began sketching her visions once more, rapid, coarse brush-strokes making quick work of several pages. Leaving the pages to dry, she paused to consume the bacon before reigniting her candles. The gentle sway of the flames in the wind distracted her only momentarily before she closed her eyes and continued her motionless vigil.
    The second chapter were forthcoming; if there do exist events which I cannot observe and yet were worthy of this journal, I should like to know - do send myself a message in private upon this Forum.
  11. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Jubaris in A shade's sibling - A quest of the 14th Anniversary   
    The thorn messed me up. Should have realized considering it is literally a thorn and all the other characters only contain straight lines.
    I did try and brute force my way through the substitution cypher, but couldn't find a good combination for the "the", "thee" and "see" combination. I even thought of "tee" and "see" for a while, but "tee" wasn't quite right and "te" didn't really work either, so eventually decided it probably was some other form of encryption.
    Alas, it was an interesting puzzle. Compliments to Jubaris on figuring it out.
  12. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Aia del Mana in A shade's sibling - A quest of the 14th Anniversary   
    The thorn messed me up. Should have realized considering it is literally a thorn and all the other characters only contain straight lines.
    I did try and brute force my way through the substitution cypher, but couldn't find a good combination for the "the", "thee" and "see" combination. I even thought of "tee" and "see" for a while, but "tee" wasn't quite right and "te" didn't really work either, so eventually decided it probably was some other form of encryption.
    Alas, it was an interesting puzzle. Compliments to Jubaris on figuring it out.
  13. Like
    Kaya got a reaction from Aia del Mana in Of Balloons and Bumps; or, some very angry Balloonists - A quest of the 14th Anniversary   
    I had fun puzzling this out, so would love to donate a Joker for the next person to solve it
  14. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Aia del Mana in A shade's sibling - A quest of the 14th Anniversary   
    Upon recent events I did find myself within the Dead, with little company, save for the Death Guards, a very kind wookie, and, in curiosity, a shade.

    This shade did say naught, but did pass to myself a small stone tablet, that which I do exhibit herewith. With time, I believe I did realise of its meaning, and did reveal it to the shade; who then finally did speak, in gratefulness, that it should finally understand of what its sibling did write.

    Those who message myself the solution upon the Forum shall be in contention for rewards that I have petitioned of Chewett and Ailith - a Wishpoint and anniversary creature for the first to provide its solution, and a second anniversary creature to the second to do so.
    Entries are now open, and shall close upon the close of the anniversary celebrations, fourteen days hence.

    I shall accept only of solutions in private-message upon the forum - entries posted elsewhere shall not be accepted.

  15. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Aia del Mana in Of Balloons and Bumps; or, some very angry Balloonists - A quest of the 14th Anniversary   
    Samon has, in utter expedience, solved of this quest, and earned of the anniversary creature.
    I shall leave this quest open for those who wish to attempt it; a solution shall be posted upon the Anniversary close.

    I shall be quite happy to verify any answer sent to myself upon the Forum, if one were so inclined to do so.
  16. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Aia del Mana in Of Balloons and Bumps; or, some very angry Balloonists - A quest of the 14th Anniversary   
    For the Anniversary celebrations, Aelis the Sky Scouter did create of two thousand and nineteen Hot-Air Balloons, through those resources which he did scrounge from those new upon the Island of the Gateway. As a seasoned Sky-Scouter, he did plot of their course in a perfect, straight path toward Mur in the East, as a surprise to Mur, with much fanfare; and did launch of all of them from the peak of the mountain upon the Gateway, each following of the previous in perfect synchrony of speed.

    In coincidence, and mayhap also in response to the many newlings that did complain of the broken balloon upon the Island of the Gateway, Mur did also create of two thousand and nineteen Hot-Air Balloons, and did plot their course toward the Island, that each should also travel in a perfect, straight path, at constant speed, from Mur toward the Island, such that they may be of service for those who did wish to leave the Island.

    In further coincidence, this path were exactly that of Aelis, in reverse; Mur, and Aelis, did release these balloons in perfect synchrony - such were the workings of the Soldiers of the Inner Sun.
    A curious incident, then, did occur within the skies - when any balloon did meet another balloon which were travelling in a direction opposite, they did collide, sending each directly away from each other, still traversing along this perfect path, at the same speed, yet in the opposite direction. A surprise, then, for Aelis, and Mur, who did each find each created balloon returned to themselves.
    The balloonists did indeed experience of many collisions, in many bumpy rides, and did curse of their ill luck.

    The first to message to myself upon the Forum a solution for the total number of collisions, and an explanation thereof, shall be awarded an anniversary creature. As this were a race - only the first correct answer shall win. Do assume that Chewett hath movelocked of Mur while any balloon were airborne.
  17. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Vicious in Where have the years gone?   
    Gosh, it's been quite a while since I've spoken to anyone here. Even the odd person I kept in touch with, I have the last messages sent... A year ago. 
    I'm reading over stuff, thinking about the past and the people in it. It's weird to think that other people have been getting on with their own lives. I kind of imagine the people that "lived" here as not ever really ageing or changing in the least. Obviously, I watched people change in front of my eyes and just didn't really ever notice it. I wish I could hear everyone's stories since the last time I spoke to them, to see if everyone else has changed as much as I imagine they have. I'd be surprised if they hadn't to be honest. 
    I'm don't know how things are going at the minute. I haven't asked, I don't really want to. In my mind, this is the place it always used to be back when I used to frequent it. There's honestly a special place in my heart for the people and places here, and it makes me tear up a little to type that, feeling silly as all heck as I do. I don't know whether this is a Hello, or a Goodbye, or what else it really could be. Something I can't put into words. That's a bit unlike me, these days. I like to think that I'm just a tad more articulate, flowery, expressive, whatever.
    I've had a lot of issues with expression in the past. Perhaps I wanted people to notice when I radically changed? I don't think they did, or they were kind enough to not point it out in a rude way. Maybe that's why I chose this sort of shapeshifter persona, despite how outright irritating that must have been back in the day. I loved to play characters and switch things up, and I think a lot of that was finding myself, as sappy as it reads to my own eyes. I guess my real point here is just in a way that I probably gave off a lot of wrong impressions. I don't mean that in a fake way. I'm not really planning on re/kindling up a bunch of friendships. I didn't know how to get across what I wanted sometimes. Fake hostility probably came out a lot as real hostility. This applies to EVERYONE I ever spoke to at any point. I can't say I've ever... Really, truly, actually despised anyone here, or even remotely disliked anyone for longer than a minute. No, not even you.
    It's bittersweet to read over things. Surprisingly, more sweet than bitter. I can't put my finger on it. I feel detached from who I used to be, though as a few people have alluded to in the past, I'm a different person entirely publicly and privately, normally. 
    Maybe some of you haven't had a break (and I type that assuming this is going to be read by anyone, I'm fairly sure it isn't.) Maybe you're thinking about what a random little thing this is. I sure am! I've been gone for years though, I think, and think I needed to say something, though I know I've said things along these lines before, but perhaps not as heartfelt as it is now, with all the experience and knowledge I've gotten under my belt since those times.
    Anti-climax. Apologies. Sorry for being an annoying little s- sugarcube. I appreciate beyond what I can express in words all the things that you did for me though, intentionally or not, well-intentioned or not.
    I love you all, best of luck in whatever you've moved onto since we last spoke, and I hope you're all as young-at-heart as you were back then too. Here's to... I guess... Seven years ago?
  18. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Aelis in Heads Contest/Boss Heads Contest   
    I loved Heads Contest, but it did have two major flaws. One, there were not enough participants, and two if you 'won' second or third place you were kinda screwed.
    HC gave some pretty good rewards, but second/third place got only half the rewards first place got and with no way to try again this resulted in a sort of match fixing where some of the stronger players would decide not to participate in the same contests, leaving the lower ranks to be filled up by the unsuspecting noobs and alts.
    I would suggest allowing anyone to participate, but have rewards depend on previous achievements.
    If you win Silver for the first time you will get a major reward (i.e. 20 credits)
    If you win Gold for the first time you will get an even bigger reward (i.e. 40 credits) However if you already have Silver you will only get the difference (20 credits)
    If you win a rank you have already obtained you will get a minor reward (e.g. a small amount of stats, maybe a few silver, bragging rights, etc.)
    This way the incentive to participate is far greater for those who have not yet won, but there is no reason to avoid an uphill battle. If it turns out the same people keep winning regardless it would still be possible to place a ban for X rounds on the winners.
  19. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Fang Archbane in Death - A discussion   
    The main problems with death seems to be the feeling of helplessness that comes along with it. While there are multiple ways to be resurrected, unless you own your own revive item you will be dependent on others to bring you back to life. Meanwhile there is nothing much one can do while dead. I know Azull is working on some things to make death more interesting/allow people to revive on their own, but from what I understood Gateway has priority.
    This problem is only aggravated by the way death works. You are bound to a remote corner on the map, so it is unlikely you will run into many random passer by's, people can't PM you unless they have you on your friends list or you send them a PM first, the mood panel is prohibitively expensive as you gain only one AP per day, your movement is extremely limited and even if you move you'll probably be send back within half an hour. Most of them minor nuisance on their own, but they add up to an almost complete isolation within the game, forcing the player to take things almost completely to the forums.
    For example a Death anchor at the GoE would already make it a lot easier for the dead to make contact with the living (and it makes sense, as the dead have been brought there to plea for their case since times immemorial). Furthermore I'd love to see the AP cost for the mood panel removed as  too often something happens I'd love to comment on, but which doesn't really warrant a forum post, yet am unable to because of AP.
    As for killing, there should always be a way to prevent being killed. Sanctuaries should be absolutely safe, and even outside those there should be some way to stop the killer, even if it takes some effort. More than once I've heard the dead say something along the lines of "it doesn't atter, because I'll be killed again anyway."
  20. Like
    Kaya got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in Extreme Magicduel   
    A few days ago I hit 666 land loyalty in one of the less common lands:

  21. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Aia del Mana in Death - A discussion   
    The main problems with death seems to be the feeling of helplessness that comes along with it. While there are multiple ways to be resurrected, unless you own your own revive item you will be dependent on others to bring you back to life. Meanwhile there is nothing much one can do while dead. I know Azull is working on some things to make death more interesting/allow people to revive on their own, but from what I understood Gateway has priority.
    This problem is only aggravated by the way death works. You are bound to a remote corner on the map, so it is unlikely you will run into many random passer by's, people can't PM you unless they have you on your friends list or you send them a PM first, the mood panel is prohibitively expensive as you gain only one AP per day, your movement is extremely limited and even if you move you'll probably be send back within half an hour. Most of them minor nuisance on their own, but they add up to an almost complete isolation within the game, forcing the player to take things almost completely to the forums.
    For example a Death anchor at the GoE would already make it a lot easier for the dead to make contact with the living (and it makes sense, as the dead have been brought there to plea for their case since times immemorial). Furthermore I'd love to see the AP cost for the mood panel removed as  too often something happens I'd love to comment on, but which doesn't really warrant a forum post, yet am unable to because of AP.
    As for killing, there should always be a way to prevent being killed. Sanctuaries should be absolutely safe, and even outside those there should be some way to stop the killer, even if it takes some effort. More than once I've heard the dead say something along the lines of "it doesn't atter, because I'll be killed again anyway."
  22. Like
    Kaya got a reaction from Aelis in Extreme Magicduel   
    A few days ago I hit 666 land loyalty in one of the less common lands:

  23. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Fang Archbane in Extreme Magicduel   
    A few days ago I hit 666 land loyalty in one of the less common lands:

  24. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to nadrolski in Extreme Magicduel   
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Jubaris in Land Voting (The Town Crier) upgrades   
    I'm not sure how many times was land voting successful in MD, but it was rare for sure. It needs to change to make sense.
    The 'vote' power of those that didn't vote in combination with the lack of initiative of the land applicants is the essential problem. Originally I wanted to suggest for the vote power formula to change, but Ungod talked me over in another direction  
    What I suggest is:
    1)  Citizen Voting Forum interface should be changed to introduce a welcoming and descriptive message of the land, containing helpful instructions (such as whom to contact for more information).
    2) Applicant should have a text box to enter a message why he wants to join upon applying
    3) Each citizen should get an inbox notification about a new applicant with their message from point 2.
    This should galvanize activity in the land voting matter. If it proves to be not enough, I'll continue with formula changing suggestions  
    More thoughts from anyone?  
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