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The Great Pashweetie

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Everything posted by The Great Pashweetie

  1. Lately I have been thinking of bringing back Fair Fight Zone, some of you may have heard of it, but i am going to need alot of people to help spread the word and also about 5 people who will be watching over it and telling the certain rules FFZ history: Me and fyrd one day decided to spark it off, but this ultimately failed, and soon we gave up on it. This was orginized for fair fights, the same VE vs the same VE so that everyone has a fair chance of winning and was made at the sages keep and is left there today on the sign. Id like to enlist the help of 5-10 advertizers/fighters (no experience required) And 5 nurturers (experience required) If you are enlisting to become a nurturer, please tell me this in your post: Age:(total) (active) Previous events orginized: Your inspiriation: If you are a fighter/advertizer i want you to go around and tell everyone about ffz, and when you've done this, enjoy your work back at the sages keep. If you are applying to be a nurturer, then ill pm you that you have made it or not, and if so ill tell you what you need to do.
  2. Thanks this was a wonderful quest! i almost thought i wouldnt make it! lol
  3. One day i wont be suprized if someone locks my profile page as a spam topic...

  4. Happy B-day! sorry i didnt see this yesterday :/
  5. [quote name='bfh lighthing' timestamp='1287878988' post='70828'] Lag is not that common in MagicDuel. It has happened only a few times, and when it happens it get posted in Forum. If it's not posted and you are experiencing it, check or try this: 1. Clear your cookies, cache, history. [Spoiler] In most browsers you just need to press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "Delete" and then following the process. 1. [url="http://www.groovypost.com/howto/security/clear-firefox-browsing-history-and-private-data/"]FIREFOX[/url] 2.[url="http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95582"] Google Chrome[/url] 3. [url="http://kb.iu.edu/data/alcx.html"]Internet Explorer 7 & 8[/url] 4. [url="http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache"]Most Browsers[/url] [/Spoiler] 2. Is your internet working ok? (If yes check its speed, sometimes your internet speed is not enough) [spoiler]You can test your internet speed using this tool [url="http://www.speedtest.net/"]Speed Test[/url] [/spoiler] 3. Check your Flash Player (A non updated flash player, sometimes causes many problems) [spoiler] [url="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/"]Flash Player[/url] [/spoiler] Hope this help BFH [/quote] Thanks bfh but it may have to do with how many things ive downloaded, it jacked up my registry, and now my computer is waaay slower than it used to be, its at least 5 years old, but still works well enough, i havent recently updated my flashplayer though, and now i get that i have to... i will
  6. the laggg is utterly horrible most of the time its so bad i either freeze or cant even access the website.
  7. *shoots* weez brotha gunnas XD

  8. i didnt know there was an off-topic... sorry :/
  9. Horray you've cooled your popsicles! no more attacking random people XD.

  10. Silly billy, you zoomed through mp4 and mp3 like it was a joke!

  11. First comment!!! yay... and hi!

  12. HELLO :D as response to darigan's comment... and... Hello my secretively power-person!

  13. How does the judging work...? Will you guys record the stories as they are told? (I know this would have been useful for me, because i deleted the document after i told the story and then i couldnt submit it!)
  14. it seems alot of my friends know you... yet i do not... who are you!!!

  15. Good thing people never gave up, for if we did, we wouldnt be alive today, though this could also be considered a positive for we are arrogant as a kind, different as individuals.

  16. Name:The great pashweetie Age:172 total 62 active Past events orginized: tried to help fyrd orginize fair fight zone. Reason why i want to help:A good story word is worth 1:200 of normal words i would love to help, im finding i have less and less to do these days. But only if you approve curi
  17. yes!!! i am totally with you Firsanthalas! spoilers are spoilers and spoiling is evil!!!!
  18. he is not an alt alt alt... hes far too good and... FEBUARY-ish... hes teh little monster!

  19. Darn... seems i didnt beat peace... oh well... HI!

  20. Ello fella, seem pretty nice so i consider you a friend :D.

  21. Hiya adept :D im your first friend i believe!

  22. Id just like to say hallo to everyone, especially my enemies!
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