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Posts posted by Curiose

  1. I never said I would exclude Eon or Dst, in fact I have no problem with what they do. It was a thought that came about in trying to ensure people say what they say they would in a quest, as that seems to be a social solution for that specific quest.  I'm sure mechanically wise it would need tweaking, or at least a better specification of its need, but it is a thought.  And I like sharing thoughts.


    And that is a good indicator on whether or not a spell could be implemented.  Does the Slow in itself seem a little OP?


    Also, I can't tell if "that would be interesting to implement" is sarcasm or not...

  2. I guess that makes sense. The idea of the slow wasn't to deter folk like you or Eon, but it came about as the quest itself was a clicky quest and we wanted to discourage folk from cheating the system so to speak. Like say person x promised to donate item or creature y, but did z instead.


    But I guess that is redundant since there is a court appointed system. But MD seems to be ruled more by social bounds than legal (game wise), so maybe not redundant?

  3. I was thinking it would be for quest makers, instead of as a general spell. Of course, I do feel that using it as a mechanic of the game should also be founded by the fact that abuse is not tolerated.

    Kind of like with the silence spell.

  4. When I put this thread up, I didn't realize there were plans in the works already for a new rendition of Eara's Tombola.


    I am cancelling the Secret Santa Exchange so as to remove redundancy. But please keep a look out for the clicky tombola as I think it would be great fun.  : )


    Thank you guys.

  5. I was thinking this would be a really neat counter to some things, or an overall deterrent if it gets fleshed out pretty solidly.

    Don't want someone messing with your quest (because they are?) send them someplace and strip them of their speed. I dunno if it would work as good on allied folk, as it would non-allied : ex, port someone to LOtE, they have loyalty-  the slow is then countered by their boosted stats.


    I would think maybe the slow, mechanic wise could also potentially be like a curse.

  6. I haven't fully hashed this out, as it is a thought I just thought and I want to toss it out to the community and see if this is maybe a viable thing, or if people are interested.


    I know Christmas is a little more than a month away, however, that gives plenty of time for planning. : )

    Anywho, I was thinking it would be pretty cool to do a Secret Santa Gift Exchange deal.  My thoughts are as follows:

    *Would need the person who has the Santa Account involved, if that is possible for this, for the anonymity of it all*


    * Participants would put their selves on the list, and what they are interested in MD wise.

    * Interests must not be of something unattainable, but something doable, with current mechanics and potential creation of mechanics.



    And.. that's about it. I think Secret Santa is pretty straight forward, no?

  7. While I don't particularly care to do this kind of thing, I feel that maybe I should, to remind myself, and others, of what I am grateful for, and that I am grateful for who, and what I have in my life. Everything and one needs a bit of appreciation some times.


    I thought about having a 30 Days of Gratuity thread, but I realize being a week in is a tad too far for November.




    I am grateful for my friends- those of physical nature, and those I met online. I am especially grateful for my friends in MD, and it has taken me a while to come back "home". 


    I am grateful for my puppy, who, every morning makes me smile and feel loved and wanted, who has helped me tremendously these past few months. Definitely the perfect comedic relief.


    I am grateful for Tea, as without it, I likely would be on a less healthy eating habit than I have.


    In general, I am grateful for my life. In every aspect and every moment  It really is wonderful.

  8. you will never, ever lose it again, and there will very likely not be another player getting that chance for the next 2 years.

    Can confirm, Still have Ary Tag after resigning.... four? Three years ago?
    (however there is already a fantastic new Ary in my place already. <3)

  9. It is very late in Curi time, so I might be a bit unclear. If any clarifications are needed, I will attempt in my best way.


    I am all for accountability, and I really like what Burns stated.  There are a lot of roles out there that have abilities, powers, paths, what have you, but no real destination nor any real "design" for effort. I'm going to pick on Rophs a bit (I apologize, and I also apologize as I really have no clear understanding of your role aside from the basics), and say that if you gave him the role that he has, and he doesn't fulfill it within a certain time period, or if his seed walks become an utter shame, then why should he still have that title and role?  It makes no sense. It is as if you're giving freebies with no sense of them understanding the gravity of what it is that they have- which is literally a game changer. 


    If you have someone who is being an utter pill who can't have any social grace, then hell yeah, it should be the community's right to voice their opinion on the matter. We are the sound board; we give feed back on what we feel works and what doesn't. But, I can speak from my own personal experience, it seems like that feedback tends to be more on the "ignored" side, which leads to frustration, which leads to stagnation,which leads to resentment. Does that make any sense? I am not trying to pick on you at all, it's just my brain has had time to process and I'm tired so I'm chatty.


    Once more, I am going to reiterate the fact that I am incredibly against the lack of accountability that people have for these roles (again, call me a hypocrite, but I paid my dues). And, like Rophs, am going to pick on DD because his response was brief and to the point.  People actually WANT those with these special shinies to have a big red button that could axe everything for them. It isn't a one strike you're out system, but if they mess up, then something needs to be done. I don't believe anyone is ever above that.

  10. Actually, I think I can a little bit, talk on favoritism. (I apologize if this seems hypocritical on my part, as it is not intended that way).


    I think it is awesome that people who do truly awesome things to get the things they deserve. People who put time and effort into the growth and aid of MD deserve recognition of at least some form, because they earned it. I am going to toss out the recent example of the person who did the symbols, I think that is really cool. I didn't say so obviously because I didn't want to be spammy- I feel I have done enough of that. : p


    Anywho. When it comes to people who have a history of doing really terrible things (like Seigheart when he stole Avvys), or have no clear understanding of social boundaries and what is, and isn't acceptable (Fang), it really makes people question. It makes it hard to put faith in a person receiving these things because history has shown that well, they can't handle responsibility, or they can't handle social pressure. (I don't personally feel this way, but it's a gander at a guess) And because of that, it makes people wary of when you hand out such large chunks of responsibility. 


    I am sure I have much more to say on this matter, but right now I'm scatter brained with distractions so I can't quite focus.

  11. I only speak for myself, Mur, when I say that the reason I personally drew similarities between him and Fang (and maybe a bit of Seigheart), was because of the social behavior.  It didn't have anything to do with the role at all.  But what they did with the social pressures, and the reactions and the general lack of accountability when those pressures arose.


    I feel that maybe others feel the same in that regard, however, I cannot speak for those with the biggest opposition.

  12. So I thought I would try my hand at emulators and roms, and I'm making a big mess of it, it seems...


    Every file is corrupt, (game cube) or just doesn't work because I'm missing a plug in or something? (Nintendo 64).


    The programs aren't even showing up in my uninstall list when I use my control panel, so I have no idea how to get rid of them completely to start over.


    Halp, please. I am kind of desperate for it. I don't even have a qualm about screen sharing my PC if it would make things easier.

  13. On phone, will be brief.  


    Read what these people are saying.  Read and understand (not read and move on) what I wrote to you.  


    These people (marv and chew) are giving you the things that you need to work on before you can proper move on.  


    They aren't bashing you.  They aren't being overly critical, either.  You seriously need an attitude adjustment, because right now, you're borderline lost cause (for me at least).  This isn't intended as an insult, but some growing up is in order. 

  14. I am going to clarify on a point that I think needs clarifying on my post above.

    Regarding DD's actions being laced entirely of self purpose:

    He has said before, and many times, that this was an attempt at aiding the community at large.  However, I find that is countered by his "need to report" the actions of Dst and Eon.  I find that to be the opposite of helping the community, and again, only fuels personal vendetta and otherwise pursues to continue the squabbling between the two. I personally feel that if you want to help something, you do so with pure intentions of helping without ulterior motives. Positivity is a moving force, stuff toxicity into it, and it just becomes a shamble.


    If you want to help the community, you set your quarrels aside. You work together. You make something of what you have despite what you don't. I don't believe DD did this, I also don't believe he had the right intentions in place when he went to the council about this. Never the less, segwaying council and going directly to Mur.  That's a slap to the face, IMO.

  15. Preface: I don't really care to comment on all the other stuff.  I mainly just have a question (or two) I wish to ask DD specifically. I thought about writing a separate topic on this, but felt it would be too generalized and therefor, needed to be direct.




    You state you wanted to help MD grow as a whole, however, I feel that your actions were laced entirely of self purpose. Potentially of a vendetta against Dst, and perhaps even Eon. Do you have any idea of what your actions can, and have done? Do you even understand the concept of accountability? Not that of others, but yourself?

    In a lot of commentary I see that many have tried to help you, before, and after. Yet you brush them off.  And when you brush them off you point the finger at them and say that they were at fault. 


    Have you bothered considering that maybe... You, were the one at fault? I see a lot of "but they did.... But they said.... but they want...." A lot of "theys". Not a lot of "I's".

    You can point the finger at Dst or Eon, but you can also point the finger at Chewett and Mur and Council, too. You can point the finger at everyone who has spoken to you, given you support, help, or ideas. But at the end of it all, you are the one with the burden to bear. And with that burden, you carry the poison of your lack of accountability for your actions. If you are to even succeed, I suggest that you take a long hard look at your actions and yourself and fix what needs to be fixed before you even consider moving forward with your role.  Not only that, but I feel you also need to apologize to the people you have brushed off for even trying to help you. Take responsibility and part of the blame. And maybe you might have better working relationships.

  16. On phone, will elaborate later.  


    Eon, if you swallow your pride, and respectfully speak to him, is awesome.  He's one if my best friends in MD, and back when he wasn't a power house, he was actually really, really helpful with a lot of things.  He even gave me birds and was patient to help me train way back when.  


    What pissed him off the most is when people don't treat him with respect, or even regard the fact that...  Hey, if you don't want something tampered with (I think he even helped me get back at the folks who put me in stat damage, and helped me get out), ask.  If you want help, ask.  


    I don't know dst as well as Eon, but I can only assume that she works on the same modem.  We have had our spats, but it's never gone as far as the dd, dst thing. 

    Good work, Rophs! I added a brief intro and tagged it with the resources category. I made a list of all the resources at http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Resources, if you click a link for which there is no page it will prompt you to create one. Zyrxae's Resources of the Realm spreadsheet is a good starting point https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhfiqLPs3vohdGxwNURkN2dqVzIxZjNUOEZaVUJyWXc#gid=1
    If I have the time Saturday, thinking about sitting Ivorak down somewhere in MD while I edit the wiki.  Anyone want to join me?

    Sure, I'll join you.

    I'll toss you a PM and see what we can do, ja?

  18. We're not allowed to say that word around here, it prevents things from happening ;)

    Uhm, no.


    You're misconstruing what chewett was saying and frankly, I find that stupidly rude.
    If Chewett or Mur or anyone of a high position of power regarding the higher workings of MD, then you need to rely on other powers that be to get your stuff done or just do it yourself. If people running things can't be competent enough to run their own events, then the onus is on them.

  19. @No One:
    I was an MP3 when I joined the Legend Speakers. 

    Are you speaking mechanically wise, or morally wise, when you say no MP3 can join Alliances?


    edit: Granted, things may have changed, hence why I ask for clarification.

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