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Everything posted by Azull

  1. Playing devils advocate is fine. Making bogus nominations in this topic is not. It further devalues an event that is a borderline travesty as it is. Personally I think this event should be postponed until there is a larger player base.
  2. Happy birthday
  3. Fine with me. And yes.
  4. Somewhere in January would be good for me.
  5. Happy Birthday :)
  6. Well done and good luck.
  7. Azull 202015
  8. Hate, it burns so bright. Easily mistaken for The Light. You feed your Shadow as you grow weak. Is this then what you seek? It is not me you hate, But your heart's reflection. One day You and He will meet. It will be the end of both, ain´t that neat. It is a sacred trust, A Sacrifice if you must. Sentinel sleeps, King guards the wall. To protect the Darkness of all.
  9. Heeding no warnings, heeding no call, He went with more zest than wit. He thought he could take them all, And found himself in Darkness's Pit. In limbo he shall stay, A fool's penance he must pay.
  10. Have a good one :)
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. Happy Birthday :)
  13. Happy birthday :)
  14. As Syrian says >>>and as such someone leaving or being removed from the land will get to keep the benefits of such a tag even though their land loyalties have changed and as such should not remain in that group. Well you could look at it like that. In my opinion though the summon by tag group has a specific purpose and being part of it is a responsibility you can't just put aside when it suits you. Perhaps this option can be at the land leaders discretion? In that they pick one.
  15. As requested Link to bug report please :) Remarks; -In my opinion summon tags should always work even when not active, i.e be set as main tag. But this is open for discussion. -Currently its not possible to effectively remove someone from a summon by tag group because the tag remains in the new tag UI.
  16. Fixing the tag system. Summon tags in particular.
  17. The log for day 3. Amazingly this time without "incidents" [log=golden chains 2015] 25/08/15 20:03] Azull:Alright, let's get started. [25/08/15 20:03] :Aethon nods [25/08/15 20:03] Azull:I won't repeat the rules again but they are of course still applicable [25/08/15 20:04] Azull:Our first item.. [25/08/15 20:04] Azull:A grumpy old man. But I hear his teeth are still good. He likes flowers and water and might cover you in either depending on his mood. [25/08/15 20:04] Azull:His possessions remain his and his alliance is not part of the deal. He agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [25/08/15 20:04] Azull:I give you No One. The bidding starts at 5sc [25/08/15 20:04] Aethon:Dst: 5sc [25/08/15 20:04] *Nimrodel*:6s [25/08/15 20:04] Aethon:Dst: 7sc [25/08/15 20:05] *Nimrodel*:8s [25/08/15 20:05] *Sunfire*:10sc [25/08/15 20:05] *Nimrodel*:11s [25/08/15 20:05] Aethon:Dst: 11sc [25/08/15 20:05] Aethon:Dst: 12sc [25/08/15 20:05] *Nimrodel*:13s [25/08/15 20:05] Aethon:Dst: 15sc [25/08/15 20:05] *Nimrodel*:17s [25/08/15 20:05] Aethon:Dst: 19sc [25/08/15 20:06] Azull:19sc for dst [25/08/15 20:06] *Nimrodel*:21s [25/08/15 20:06] Azull:going once [25/08/15 20:06] Aethon:Dst: 23sc [25/08/15 20:07] :[Spell] home sweet home yoreid [25/08/15 20:07] Azull:23sc for dst [25/08/15 20:07] Azull:going once [25/08/15 20:07] *Nimrodel*:25s [25/08/15 20:07] Aethon:Dst: 27sc [25/08/15 20:07] *Nimrodel*:30s [25/08/15 20:07] Aethon:Dst: 33sc [25/08/15 20:08] *Nimrodel*:35s [25/08/15 20:08] *Nimrodel*:36s [25/08/15 20:08] Azull:you have to raise by 3 [25/08/15 20:08] Aethon:Dst: 39sc [25/08/15 20:09] *Nimrodel*:ok.. I'm done :P [25/08/15 20:09] Azull:39sc for dst going once [25/08/15 20:09] Azull:going twice [25/08/15 20:09] Azull:Sold to dst for 39sc [25/08/15 20:10] Azull:Our next item is a A Lorerootian, but don't hold that against him *smiles* He claims he will be a loyal slave. Only time will tell I suppose. His possessions remain his. [25/08/15 20:11] Azull:He agrees to be your slave for 3 months. I give you Powle. The bidding starts at 5sc. [25/08/15 20:11] Aethon:Papavar: 5sc [25/08/15 20:11] Azull:5sc for papaver [25/08/15 20:11] Azull:going once [25/08/15 20:12] *Nimrodel*:6s [25/08/15 20:12] Aethon:Papavar: 7sc [25/08/15 20:12] *Nimrodel*:8s [25/08/15 20:12] Aethon:Papavar: 9sc [25/08/15 20:12] *Nimrodel*:10s [25/08/15 20:12] Aethon:Papavar: 11sc [25/08/15 20:13] *Nimrodel*:12s [25/08/15 20:13] Aethon:Papavar: 13sc [25/08/15 20:13] *Nimrodel*:14s [25/08/15 20:13] Aethon:Papavar: 15sc [25/08/15 20:13] *Nimrodel*:17s [25/08/15 20:14] Aethon:Papavar: 19sc [25/08/15 20:14] *Nimrodel*:21s [25/08/15 20:14] Aethon:Papavar: 23sc [25/08/15 20:14] *Nimrodel*:25s [25/08/15 20:15] Aethon:Papavar: 27sc [25/08/15 20:15] *Nimrodel*:29sc [25/08/15 20:16] Azull:29sc for Nim [25/08/15 20:16] Azull:going once [25/08/15 20:16] Aethon:Papavar: Out (Unless she states otherwise) [25/08/15 20:16] Azull:going twice [25/08/15 20:16] Azull:sold to Nim for 29sc [25/08/15 20:16] *Nimrodel*:Cool :D [25/08/15 20:17] Azull:Our next slave. [25/08/15 20:17] Azull:A loyal Bellian who when asked if he would be a good slave merely said "I am Rikstar" Take that as you will. He agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [25/08/15 20:17] papaver:Nice [25/08/15 20:17] Azull:I give you Rikstar. The bidding starts at 11sc for Assira. [25/08/15 20:17] *Nimrodel*:Want to buy him back papaver? :3 [25/08/15 20:18] :papaver runs away crying [25/08/15 20:18] Azull:Who will offer 12 sc for this strapping fellow [25/08/15 20:18] Azull:nobody? [25/08/15 20:18] Azull:Well then 11sc for assira going once [25/08/15 20:19] klawdees:I'm a slave! [25/08/15 20:19] Azull:going twice [25/08/15 20:19] klawdees:I'm assira's slave! [25/08/15 20:19] Azull:sold to Assira the Black for 11 sc. [25/08/15 20:20] Azull:Our next item.. [25/08/15 20:20] Azull:A stubborn but mostly honest man. Once a consul of Loreroot before he broke with his old allegiances and went east. [25/08/15 20:20] Azull:His possessions remain his and he refuses to do anything involving water. This probably includes regular baths. [25/08/15 20:20] Azull:He agrees to be your slave for 3 months. I give you Sunfire. [25/08/15 20:20] Aethon:Assira: 5sc [25/08/15 20:20] Azull:The bidding starts at 5sc. [25/08/15 20:21] *Nimrodel*:6s [25/08/15 20:21] Aethon:Assira: 7sc [25/08/15 20:21] *Nimrodel*:8s [25/08/15 20:21] Aethon:Assira: 9sc [25/08/15 20:21] *Nimrodel*:10s [25/08/15 20:21] Aethon:Assira: 11sc [25/08/15 20:21] *Nimrodel*:12s [25/08/15 20:22] Aethon:Assira: 13sc [25/08/15 20:22] *Nimrodel*:14s [25/08/15 20:22] Aethon:Assira: 15sc [25/08/15 20:22] *Nimrodel*:17s [25/08/15 20:22] Aethon:Assira: 19sc [25/08/15 20:22] *Nimrodel*:21s [25/08/15 20:22] Aethon:Assira: 23sc [25/08/15 20:22] papaver:I want to buy him and everybody knew that. [25/08/15 20:23] *Nimrodel*:25s [25/08/15 20:23] Aethon:Assira: 27sc [25/08/15 20:23] *Nimrodel*:you can buy him back from me for 2g Papaver [25/08/15 20:23] Azull:27sc for Assira going once [25/08/15 20:23] *Nimrodel*:29s [25/08/15 20:24] Aethon:Assira: 31sc [25/08/15 20:24] *Nimrodel*:ok.. I give up on Sunny :P [25/08/15 20:24] Azull:31sc for assira going once [25/08/15 20:24] Azull:Going twice [25/08/15 20:25] papaver:Deal. [25/08/15 20:25] Azull:Sold to Assira the Black for 31sc. [25/08/15 20:25] *Nimrodel*:fine.. gimme 2g and ima give you the leash :P [25/08/15 20:26] *Sunfire*: (back) [25/08/15 20:26] Azull:Our last but certainly not least slave for this years auction. [25/08/15 20:26] Azull:The infamous Child of Necrovion. She's helpful and loves candy. Treat her well and you won't have to answer to the thing that looks like a teddy bear. Believe me, you don't want that. [25/08/15 20:26] Azull:Her possessions remain hers. She agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [25/08/15 20:26] *Nimrodel*:5sc [25/08/15 20:26] Azull:I give you Syrian. The bidding starts at 5sc [25/08/15 20:27] *Nimrodel*:5sc [25/08/15 20:27] Aethon: (Please leave the Exchange of money until after Nim receives the leash.) [25/08/15 20:27] Aethon:Jester: 1gc [25/08/15 20:27] *Nimrodel*:1g 2s [25/08/15 20:27] Aethon:Jester: 2gc [25/08/15 20:27] *Nimrodel*:2g 3s [25/08/15 20:27] Aethon:Jester: 3gc [25/08/15 20:28] *Nimrodel*:ok.. jester can keep her :P [25/08/15 20:28] Azull:3gc for Jester going once [25/08/15 20:28] Azull:going twice [25/08/15 20:28] Azull:Sold to Jester for 3gc. [25/08/15 20:29] Azull:My lords and ladies, this concludes this years auction. Thank you all for participating. [25/08/15 20:29] :Aethon breathes a sigh of relief [25/08/15 20:29] Change:and slaves! [25/08/15 20:29] Azull:Hopefully we'll see you all again next year. [/log]
  18. The log, such as it is, for day 2 [log=golden chains 2015] [24/08/15 20:02] Azull:My lords and ladies, good evening and welcome to part two of the 2015 Golden Chains slave auction. Before we continue however, some rules and remarks. [24/08/15 20:03] Azull:During the bidding process we ask you to keep chatter to minimum as to make it easier for us to keep track. I will call the final bid twice before it's sold. [24/08/15 20:03] Azull:Once I say sold, the bidding is over. Sold means sold, it's final. You can not withdraw or change a bid. Once you make it, it stands. [24/08/15 20:03] Azull:Bids must be raised by the following minimum amounts. 1sc for totals up to 1gc. 2sc for totals up to 2gc. 3sc for totals up to 5gc. 5sc for any total above 5gc. [24/08/15 20:03] Azull:Postal bids will be made by Aethon. [24/08/15 20:03] Azull:Your leash will be given to you by Aethon, after he receives confirmation of payment of the agreed upon percentage to the Treasure Keepers and your slave. [24/08/15 20:03] Azull:All financial transactions will be handled by Tima Patrol. Slave and master must both be present during the transaction. [24/08/15 20:04] Azull:Some prospective slaves have mentioned their activity may dwindle. You buy any slave at your own risk. See relevant forum topics for more information. [24/08/15 20:04] Azull:Be advised however that "foul play" will get noticed and will have consequences. [24/08/15 20:04] Azull:Prospective slaves that for some reason won't get sold will be sent to the salt mines and their leashes returned to the Wookie. [24/08/15 20:04] Azull:Are there any questions? [24/08/15 20:04] Azull:Well then, without any further ado, lets get to our first item. [24/08/15 20:05] Azull:A man with a turbulent mind and a turbulent history. Will he make a good slave? I honestly couldn't say. He might, or he might not. [24/08/15 20:05] Azull:He asks to be allowed to be your slave for 6 months. This will not extend the leash's expiration date however. [24/08/15 20:05] Azull:I give you Mallos. The bidding starts at 5sc. [24/08/15 20:05] *Nimrodel*:6sc [24/08/15 20:06] Azull:6sc for Nim. Anyone else? [24/08/15 20:06] Azull:6sc for Nim going once. [24/08/15 20:06] Azull:Going twice [24/08/15 20:06] Azull:Sold to Nim for 6sc. [24/08/15 20:07] *Nimrodel*:yay!! [24/08/15 20:07] Azull:Goodluck with that one *chuckles* [24/08/15 20:07] Aethon: (Test) [24/08/15 20:07] Azull:Our next slave.. [24/08/15 20:07] Aethon: (Bah. One second. Internet is being slow. Just need to update the table.) [24/08/15 20:07] Azull:... [24/08/15 20:08] *Syrian*: (when you hit my level of slow, lmk) [24/08/15 20:08] Aethon: (Continue :) ) [24/08/15 20:08] Azull:Our next item is a lovely specimen with an amazing array of skills and abilities she's happy to employ for you. As long as you don't go against those she's loyal to. [24/08/15 20:08] Azull:Her possessions remain hers. She agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [24/08/15 20:08] Azull:I give you Nimrodel. The bidding starts at 5sc [24/08/15 20:09] Aethon:6sc [24/08/15 20:09] *Nimrodel*:can i buy myself? :3 [24/08/15 20:09] Azull:no [24/08/15 20:09] Jester:nope, I checked the rules carefully [24/08/15 20:09] *Nimrodel*:aww [24/08/15 20:09] Azull:7sc [24/08/15 20:09] *Sunfire*:10 sc (draco) [24/08/15 20:09] Aethon:8sc [24/08/15 20:09] Aethon:11sc [24/08/15 20:10] *Sunfire*:1gc (draco) [24/08/15 20:10] Azull:1gc for Draconas [24/08/15 20:10] Aethon:1gc 3sc [24/08/15 20:10] Azull:1gc3sc for Aethon [24/08/15 20:10] *Sunfire*:20 sc (draco) [24/08/15 20:11] :Aethon mumbles [24/08/15 20:11] Azull:20sc forDraconas [24/08/15 20:11] Azull:going once [24/08/15 20:11] Jester: (her avy is perfect for is draconas wins, hehe) [24/08/15 20:11] Azull:going twice [24/08/15 20:11] Aethon:1gc 7sc [24/08/15 20:12] Azull:1gc7sc for Aethon [24/08/15 20:12] Azull:going once [24/08/15 20:12] Azull:going twice [24/08/15 20:12] Azull:Sold to Aethon for 1gc7sc[/log] Tomorrow 25th Aug 20:00 ST. round 3 :)
  19. It's not about not wanting to auction the remaining slaves off. But not being able to due to MD not working!
  20. The auction log for the first day. [log=golden chains 2015] [22/08/15 20:09] Azull:My lords and ladies, good evening and welcome to another edition of the Golden Chains slave auction. We once again have a very fine selection of slaves for you tonight. [22/08/15 20:09] Azull:Before we continue however, some rules and remarks. [22/08/15 20:09] :JadenDew nibbles the cake gingerly anyway [22/08/15 20:09] Azull:During the bidding process we ask you to keep chatter to minimum as to make it easier for us to keep track. I will call the final bid twice before it's sold. [22/08/15 20:09] Azull:Once I say sold, the bidding is over. Sold means sold, it's final. You can not withdraw or change a bid. Once you make it, it stands. [22/08/15 20:09] Azull:Bids must be raised by the following minimum amounts. 1sc for totals up to 1gc. 2sc for totals up to 2gc. 3sc for totals up to 5gc. 5sc for any total above 5gc. [22/08/15 20:09] Azull:Postal bids will be made by Aethon. [22/08/15 20:10] Azull:Your leash will be given to you by Aethon, after he receives confirmation of payment of the agreed upon percentage to the Treasure Keepers and your slave. [22/08/15 20:10] Azull:All financial transactions will be handled by Tima Patrol. Slave and master must both be present during the transaction. [22/08/15 20:11] Azull:Some prospective slaves have mentioned their activity may dwindle. You buy any slave at your own risk. See relevant forum topics for more information. Be advised however that "foul play" will get no [22/08/15 20:11] Azull:Be advised however that "foul play" will get noticed and will have consequences. [22/08/15 20:11] Azull:Prospective slaves that for some reason won't get sold will be sent to the salt mines and their leashes returned to the Wookie. [22/08/15 20:11] Azull:Are there any questions? [22/08/15 20:11] JadenDew:where are the salt mines? [22/08/15 20:11] :*Syrian* makes a face and sticks her tongue out at the mention of salt mines [22/08/15 20:11] Azull:That's a secret [22/08/15 20:12] Jester:Syrian likes salt, her tongue is already out [22/08/15 20:12] Change:I do like salt but--yuck [22/08/15 20:12] Azull:Well then, without any further ado, lets get to our first item. [22/08/15 20:12] :*Syrian* covers her mouth and shakes her head about [22/08/15 20:12] Azull:A Necrovian and naturally a mysterious fellow. He's obsessed with pain. His own or yours... dare you find out? [22/08/15 20:12] :Aeoshattr chuckles [22/08/15 20:12] Azull:He will agree to be your slave for 3 months. His creatures and items remain his and he won't honor any rule breaking requests [22/08/15 20:13] Azull:I give you Aeoshattr. The bidding starts at 10sc [22/08/15 20:13] Aethon:11sc [22/08/15 20:13] Assira the Black:12sc [22/08/15 20:13] Aethon:14sc [22/08/15 20:14] Assira the Black:Hmm... [22/08/15 20:14] Azull:14sc for Aethon going once [22/08/15 20:14] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:14] Azull:sold for 14 sc to Aethon [22/08/15 20:15] Jester: (TO aethon, going once) [22/08/15 20:15] :Aethon grins [22/08/15 20:15] Jester: (FOR Aethon sounds like the bid was on aethon) [22/08/15 20:15] Aeoshattr:Exhilarating. [22/08/15 20:15] Jester: (just nitpicking, heh) [22/08/15 20:15] Azull:Our next item. [22/08/15 20:15] :Change grins at Aeo [22/08/15 20:15] Azull:One of the organizers of this event. He claims to have useful skills that may come in handy. After working with him a bit, I suspect he may not be lying. [22/08/15 20:16] Azull:Who wouldn't want to own a slave master as slave. He will agree to be your slave for 3 months. [22/08/15 20:16] JadenDew: (afk! need to get coffee or i will switch off on you guys ><) [22/08/15 20:16] Azull:I give you Aethon. The bidding starts at 11sc. [22/08/15 20:16] Assira the Black:11sc [22/08/15 20:17] Aethon: (11sc is a bid already by Nimrodel) [22/08/15 20:17] Assira the Black:12sc [22/08/15 20:17] Azull:I believe there has already been a postal bid for 11sc by nim [22/08/15 20:17] Azull:12 sc for assira [22/08/15 20:17] Aethon:Nimrodel: 13sc [22/08/15 20:17] Assira the Black:15sc [22/08/15 20:18] Aethon:Nimrodel: 17sc [22/08/15 20:18] Assira the Black:18sc [22/08/15 20:19] Aethon: [Forum link] [22/08/15 20:19] powle: (shouldn't that be 19 sc since it's over 1g?) [22/08/15 20:19] Assira the Black:19sc [22/08/15 20:19] Aethon:Nimrodel: 21sc [22/08/15 20:19] JadenDew: (backies) [22/08/15 20:20] :JadenDew wonders where Nimrodel is sending bids from [22/08/15 20:20] Azull:21 sc for Nim going once [22/08/15 20:21] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:21] Azull:Sold to Nimrodel for 21sc [22/08/15 20:22] Azull:Our next slave wandered a bit when he first came here but now seems to have found a home in Golemus. Why there of all places you ask? [22/08/15 20:22] Azull:Probably not even Mur knows. His possessions remain his. He will agree to be your slave for 3 months. [22/08/15 20:22] Azull:I give you Blackshade rider. The bidding starts at 5sc. [22/08/15 20:22] Wideberth:What? [22/08/15 20:22] Aethon:5sc [22/08/15 20:23] Assira the Black:6sc [22/08/15 20:23] Azull:6sc for assira [22/08/15 20:23] Azull:going once [22/08/15 20:23] Aethon:8sc [22/08/15 20:24] Azull:8sc for Aethon going once [22/08/15 20:24] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:24] Azull:Sold to Aethon for 8sc. [22/08/15 20:25] Azull:Our next item is Another Necrovian. She is, in her own words, a cute child artist who might draw you some pictures and/or help you with things. [22/08/15 20:25] Azull:But will stubbornly refuse orders that she dislikes. She won't go against her land or give up her possessions. She agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [22/08/15 20:26] Azull:I give you Change. The bidding starts at 5sc. [22/08/15 20:26] Assira the Black:6sc [22/08/15 20:26] Azull:6sc for assira. Come on people look at this handsome.. uh child [22/08/15 20:27] :Change giggles [22/08/15 20:27] Azull:6sc for assira going once [22/08/15 20:27] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:27] Azull:sold to Assira the Black for 6sc. [22/08/15 20:27] Change:No salt mines! *goes phew* [22/08/15 20:28] :Azull chuckles [22/08/15 20:28] :JadenDew wonders if Azull owns the salt mines [22/08/15 20:28] Azull:Our next slave... [22/08/15 20:28] Azull:Except for his ominous name I know nothing about this fellow. A true surprise then *chuckles* . His possessions remain his. He agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [22/08/15 20:28] Azull:I give you Dexter. The bidding starts at 5sc. [22/08/15 20:29] Assira the Black:5sc [22/08/15 20:29] Azull:5sc forassira [22/08/15 20:30] Azull:going once [22/08/15 20:30] Aethon:6sc [22/08/15 20:30] Assira the Black:7sc [22/08/15 20:30] :Aethon waves a hand to show he's out [22/08/15 20:30] Azull:7 sc for assira going once [22/08/15 20:31] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:31] Azull:It seems the black lady is up to something *chuckles* [22/08/15 20:31] Azull:Sold to Assira the Black for 7 sc [22/08/15 20:31] :Assira the Black raises an eyebrow [22/08/15 20:32] Azull:Our next "item" needs no introduction. Suffice to say that if you do not know her, you might want to spend your money elsewhere. [22/08/15 20:32] JadenDew:Plot twist: Assira owns the salt mines [22/08/15 20:32] Azull:She likes noobs though, preferably medium rare. She will agree to be your slave for 3 months. [22/08/15 20:33] Azull:I give you dst. The bidding starts at 5sc [22/08/15 20:33] Aethon:No one: 5sc [22/08/15 20:33] Assira the Black:5sc [22/08/15 20:33] Assira the Black:7sc [22/08/15 20:33] Lania:1 gc [22/08/15 20:33] Aethon:No one: 8sc [22/08/15 20:33] Assira the Black:15sc [22/08/15 20:33] Aethon:No one: 1 gold 2sc [22/08/15 20:33] Azull:1gc for lania [22/08/15 20:33] Azull:1g2sc for noone [22/08/15 20:34] Lania:2 gc [22/08/15 20:34] Aethon:No one: 2g 3sc [22/08/15 20:34] JadenDew:Popular guy~ [22/08/15 20:34] Lania:3 gc [22/08/15 20:34] Aethon:No one: 3gc 3sc [22/08/15 20:35] :Lania is out [22/08/15 20:35] Azull:3gc 3sc for No One [22/08/15 20:35] Azull:going once [22/08/15 20:35] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:35] Azull:Sold to No One for 3gc 3sc [22/08/15 20:36] Change:No one wants dst. *chuckles* [22/08/15 20:36] :JadenDew giggles [22/08/15 20:36] Azull:No surprises there [22/08/15 20:36] Azull:Our next item... [22/08/15 20:36] JadenDew:Nope none. [22/08/15 20:36] Azull:Another one I know nothing about. Except her name can mean brave, powerful. Or is an abrasive mixture of corundum and magnetite. [22/08/15 20:36] Azull:Oh well...She appears to be very popular, going by the starting bid. I couldn't tell you why though. She agrees to be your slave for 2 months. [22/08/15 20:37] Azull:I give you Emery. A postal bid has been made for 3gc 3sc. [22/08/15 20:37] :Emery curtsies nervously and blushes [22/08/15 20:37] JadenDew:She was a pony.. thats why [22/08/15 20:37] JadenDew:everyone wants a pony [22/08/15 20:37] *Syrian*: (that was eleyne) [22/08/15 20:38] Azull:ponies are good eating [22/08/15 20:38] JadenDew: (:3 shhh ) [22/08/15 20:38] Azull:3gc3sc for Nim [22/08/15 20:38] Emery: (I was a pony? When? XD) [22/08/15 20:38] JadenDew: (I haz bad memory.. dont make that so obvious) [22/08/15 20:38] JadenDew: (still you must have been a pony!) [22/08/15 20:38] Azull:excuse me, 3gc3sc for Dragual Monarth [22/08/15 20:39] JadenDew:Wow [22/08/15 20:39] JadenDew:Draggy got something going for her..? [22/08/15 20:39] Azull:3gc3sc for Darth going once [22/08/15 20:39] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:39] :JadenDew grins eibly for all the teasing she is going to dooo~ [22/08/15 20:40] Azull:Sold to Dragual Monarth for 3gc3sc [22/08/15 20:40] :Emery coughs slightly, know this was going to happen [22/08/15 20:40] :Emery sits back down next to Change [22/08/15 20:40] JadenDew: *grins* well the lovesick theory is right next to the pony theory~ [22/08/15 20:40] Azull: (afk 2 minutes) [22/08/15 20:41] Aethon:For those of you that may have joined half way through; please see the following link for current auction details. [22/08/15 20:41] JadenDew:sooo~ *sits beside Emery, grinning* what do you think of Draggy~? [22/08/15 20:41] Aethon:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ep-QUvSyFrHnboi4pyXi2S5ms9mAAKGXHl5WFk_rMng/edit?usp=sharing [22/08/15 20:41] Emery: *looks to the ground* He's my mentor. [22/08/15 20:42] JadenDew:In what o.O? [22/08/15 20:42] Jester: (No one got the dst bid, not dst) [22/08/15 20:42] Azull: (back) [22/08/15 20:42] Jester: (aethon) [22/08/15 20:43] JadenDew:Why havent he converted you to Necro! Hes obviously not doing good enough~ [22/08/15 20:43] Aethon: (Oh, silly me. Thank you :P) [22/08/15 20:43] Azull:Our next slave.. [22/08/15 20:43] JadenDew: (xD tired, Aethon?) [22/08/15 20:43] Change: *whispers to JadenDew* he's working on it-- [22/08/15 20:43] Emery: *giggles* It seems a lot of people want me to be Necro- [22/08/15 20:43] Azull:A wolf pup who for some reason talks incessantly. He might or might not be a good slave. Read the small print if you're considering this one. [22/08/15 20:43] Aethon: (A little :P) [22/08/15 20:43] Azull:He, incidentally, has an exorbitant high starting bid. He agrees to be your slave for 3 months [22/08/15 20:43] :Emery coughs, stopping her talking [22/08/15 20:44] JadenDew: *whispers back* Good.. tho he can polish his tecniques up abit on efficeny [22/08/15 20:44] :JadenDew pats Emery on the head [22/08/15 20:44] Azull:I give you Fang Archbane. The bidding starts at 3gc [22/08/15 20:44] :Jester listens for crickets [22/08/15 20:44] :Assira the Black shakes her head at the large starting cost [22/08/15 20:44] JadenDew: (sorry Aethon.. link again please?) [22/08/15 20:45] JadenDew:Salt mines *grins~* [22/08/15 20:45] :Mallos cheers for fang [22/08/15 20:45] :Change giggles [22/08/15 20:45] Azull: *nods* it appears so [22/08/15 20:45] Aethon: (Check mood panel) [22/08/15 20:45] Azull:3gc for a wolf pup people... [22/08/15 20:45] JadenDew: (okie! i will refresh it) [22/08/15 20:45] :Emery giggles a bit [22/08/15 20:45] Azull:No bids? [22/08/15 20:46] Azull:Very well, to the salt mines with him then [22/08/15 20:46] JadenDew:Nope! He can mine salt for cooking~! [22/08/15 20:46] Azull:Our next item.. [22/08/15 20:46] Azull:Yet another Necrovian. She comes with various features including cleaning, singing and stabbing enemies. Batteries are included. [22/08/15 20:47] Azull:Hugging her may cause injuries to the operator. Be advised of the applicable Terms & Conditions. She agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [22/08/15 20:47] Azull:I give you Jadendew. The bidding starts at 5sc. [22/08/15 20:47] Aethon:6sc [22/08/15 20:47] Jester:1 gold [22/08/15 20:47] :Aethon waves a fist [22/08/15 20:47] Azull:1gc for Jester [22/08/15 20:48] Azull:going once [22/08/15 20:48] Jester: (hold on, people have lagged) [22/08/15 20:48] Change:get some salt for fish! [22/08/15 20:48] :JadenDew skips next to Azull and griiiins [22/08/15 20:49] Jester: (apparently MD is lagging for them?) [22/08/15 20:49] Azull:1 gc for Jester going twice [22/08/15 20:49] Azull:Sold to Jester for 1gc. [22/08/15 20:50] Jester:Yay! [22/08/15 20:50] Azull:Our next item. [22/08/15 20:51] Azull:Yes another Necrovian. But think nothing of it, it's all part of the master plan.. A former king and fulltime jester. This is a slave for the experienced master. [22/08/15 20:51] Azull:He might be a good slave if you can keep him entertained. He agrees to be your slave for 3 months. [22/08/15 20:51] Azull:I give you Jester. The bidding starts at 1gc. [22/08/15 20:52] Aethon:Assira: 1gc 2sc [22/08/15 20:52] Aethon: (MD is lagging for her so doing it via skype; for those that wondered.) [22/08/15 20:52] Azull:1gc2sc for assira [22/08/15 20:53] Azull:going once [22/08/15 20:53] Azull:going twice [22/08/15 20:54] Azull:Sold to Assira for 1g2sc. [/log]
  21. Oh I don't know.. technical problems maybe
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