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Everything posted by Azull

  1. Happy Birthday
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. The reason is here http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3903 As to why I summoned both of you, aethon and mallos to ToA. You reap what you sow.
  4. Caught my elderly neighbor's dog after it chewed through it's leash and ran off.
  5. Mouth sewing kit id:12198
  6. I agree with the general idea. I'm not sure about fully automating it though. I think some sort of human evaluation should still be there. (as well)
  7. I was waiting to see if this would happen again before commenting. But, based on information so far, I agree with dst. @ darkraptor. If you want to discuss a possible solution (though not a nice one) find me in game.
  8. See also. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/17198-nc-citizens-and-recent-events/ Four years we were guests in Necrovion. We were given much freedom by the Shades and we built a strong and enduring society. But all things come to an end. Events in Necrovion have shown us that perhaps the time has come to move on. Other lands have their reflection in this land. In the land as well as in the people at the core of it's society. Thus we become landless yet, in a way, part of all lands. We'll travel the roads of this realm and make our camp where it suits us. We become nomads. But we won't forget where we came from or what Darkness taught us. Syrian and I relinquish all rights to the crown. I don't know what the future holds for Necrovion. That will be in the hands of others, what- or whomever they may be. I do know this will be a new chapter in MD and that will be interesting. Azull, former King of Necrovion
  9. Of the thirty something citizens Necrovion has only ten are showing an active interest in recent events. Whatever will happen we move forward with those ten. The rest will no longer be considered as part of our society.
  10. This is based on the idea that an alliance defines the land. Which is not the case. Dst conquered an alliance, nothing more. [redacted] And here we see what your post is really about.
  11. Why does a land have to have an alliance?
  12. I didn't know that. Or maybe I forgot. In any case, thank you for correcting that.
  13. I think you forgot the time Leixer helped you take it? You took it twice as I recall. Once with help of Leixer and once via Jester.
  14. When I joined Necrovion there were two alliances in this land. The Necrovian Sentinels and The Tainted Warriors. The Sentinels were disbanded by a player during Jester's reign for much the same reasons TW are disbanded now. I never asked for the Sentinels to be returned. This alliance was the result of a covenant between humans and shades. It's destruction and subsequent lack of reactions from the shades was a symbol this covenant no longer exists. The only thing that remains is that humans are allowed to live in Necrovion. I feel the Sentinels should remain dead until such time a new covenant is made. (which seems unlikely to happen anytime soon) Of course there is a practical reason too. An alliance with that many seats is impossible to protect. And since alliance taking has become such a popular and in many cases easy to do hobby, why bother. In August 2011 after Jester left Necrovion and joined SoS in the east, Tainted Warriors were disbanded by a player who acted as Mur's cats-paw. A few days later the land was closed and we were left with nothing. But it didn't mean the end of Necrovian society. Quite the contrary in fact. Some time later the alliance was given back to us because of a wish rewarded in an unexpected way (ann. 2034). Over the past years it was taken from us twice more because of misplaced trust and treason. Twice we got it back by use of illusions. With Peace gone this is not an option now. But is that such a bad thing? We don't think so. The Necrovian social and political structure we built is not defined by its alliance. In reality an alliance is a tool with a few useful features and a badge (of pride). Nothing more. I challenge anyone to prove me otherwise. Four years ago we made the foundation for this Necrovion without an alliance. Having none now doesn't affect us beyond the loss of a few gadgets. Necrovian society, or whatever colorful name one might prefer for us, still exists. Having no alliance doesn't change that.
  15. happy Birthday :)
  16. JadenDew
  17. Happy B-Day :)
  18. Belated Happy Birthday :)
  19. 5 TST
  20. Remember what I told you too Eon. So far it seems to me you're not your own man...
  21. Happy Birthday.
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