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AmberRune last won the day on February 11 2016

AmberRune had the most liked content!

About AmberRune

  • Birthday February 13

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    Most likely on the move
  • Interests
    Music, reading, playing pool, stand up comedy
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  1. So we start with the visit at the stone. You leave the area, leave the land. Take a turn through No Man's Land. Take another turn in Marind Bell. Wave at the Shades from the Passage of War. Turn around and back out to the Archive Gardens. You visit the librarian, you build a fort out of books, you get kicked out. You sneak around to the back, poke some orbs in the garden. You turn some more, throw a coin into the fountain. Continue and throw your fists in the air outside the puzzle. You leave the Garden. You take a turn at the maze. You get lost in the maze. You get lost some more. Take a wrong turn. Take a right turn. Take more right turns. You find a way out. You try to jump and touch Mt. Kelle'tha. You climb down a mountain, cross a bridge, climb a different mountain. You get tired of the mountain. You walk down the mountain like a normal being. You get distracted by a cave. Get chased out of a cave. Swear vengeance upon inhabitants of the cave. You get down to the beach. You kick the base of a lighthouse. You kick the base of a bunch of pillars. You hobble away like kicking everything did not hurt. It did hurt. You cross another bridge. You leave the land of footy hurty. You take the same turn when entering No Man's Land again. You avoid people. You keep going. You punch a tree. You punch a tree. You decide to stop being silly and walk through the arch. You meander. You stop at a bar. You admire the architecture. You try to climb a tree, and fall out of the tree. You climb the bigger tree. It's easier somehow. You admire the sky. You admire the lake. You'd rather be by the lake. You go swim in the lake. You leave the way you did not come in. You find a path you recognize in the gardens. You leave the gardens. You cut back through Marind Bell. You do not make faces at the egg in the lake. You maybe make a few faces at the egg in the lake. You actually leave the Bell. You take the road out that you haven't used yet. You add a brick to the old gate. You jump the ravine between the stone and the passage. You enter the Tribunal. You climb the stairs. You add facial hair to the statues at the top. You creep out the back. You go down stairs. You sit in a pub. You climb more stairs. Everything is stairs. You're at a temple - it is not a temple to stairs. But there are more stairs - it should be a temple to stairs. You go down the stairs. You admire more architecture. You drink some tea. You decide the architecture is not worth the stairs. You leave the land of stairs. It is exactly as you remember. Up stairs, both ways. You check if you are a fossil. There is no shame in being a fossil. You think that it's been a while since you saw the Shades. So you turn around and go back to the land of the Shades. The cycle starts again The leaving to returning is a week.
  2. I am bad at the internet but I clicked the install button and it sent me to the chrome webstore with add-on type things
  3. Remove the pests. Oh for the love of anything good, anything that gets rid of the mice and bed bugs and spiders deserves fresh cookies or cake or whatever. If they sealed up the holes that the pests came through too? They would be rockstars and saints! Honestly, anything else I can take care of if they free the house from stuff that messes up glorious sleep. Though it would be awesome if they also Gave me a manicure/pedicure. Because why not have a little bit of pampering?
  4. http://www.magpiegames.com/our-games/theplay/ I think this is what you're looking for. I've played the Shakespeare version, it got interesting. Not something I'd do again, but was interesting
  5. 1_-4x3_1 is Wasp's Alter 1_4x4_2 is Wind's Sanctuary, Capitol of Marind Bell (which is inside Wind's Sanctuary)
  6. That's my loyalty alright. Just curious, is being on that list something I should be concerned about?
  7. The Rocky Horror Picture Show Big Fish The Count of Monte Cristo My Fair Lady
  8. Indeed! Many thanks for the happy birthdays And Happy birthday to you too Jubaris! (Let's take the cakes and hide them)
  9. Hush you, it's been done before. I just led the post for this year =P
  10. I apparently spend too much time on Pinterest and Tumblr. For no good reason, I felt the need to make bad MD valentines real fast and share them. And then I had the very bad thought that others may also want to make and share MD valentines. So happy pre-Valentine's Day people! Have fun and add if you want
  11. If I'm off, I'd like to join in the jail party. Have a bit of craziness going on the next few weeks but times may be lucky
  12. Not all item locations require that you have their specific type of land loyalty. Some you can just pick up while others just care that you have over X amount of loyalty somewhere.
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