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Making an A-Frame level and marking hillside contours [log=Day 213, Year 7] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears a finch singing in the tree[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks around at the garden slowly beginning to grow[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi realizes what day it is and jumps to his feet[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Oh boy... [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks around for his A-Frame level[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Where on earth did I leave that A-Frame? [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Oh well, I guess I can make a new one [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out 3 branches, 10 unidentified plants, and a locate stone and sets them on the ground[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out two pieces of raw glass and his hori-hori and sets them on the ground beside the other items[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds two of the branches together and stands them vertical[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up the sturdiest looking unidentified plant and wraps it around the top of the branches, tying them together[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly separates the bottoms of the branches, careful not to bust the knot at the top with the pressure of the movement[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the branch bottoms far enough apart for the A-Frame and holds it still, slightly burying the base of the branches into the grass[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds the branches with one hand and picks up the third branch and two more unidentified plants with his other hand[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword Watches Rumi with intrest[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Hi there [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword smiles back[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Do you think you could help me? It would be much easier with someone else to hold it, while I tie it together. [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Fyrd Argentus helped me construct an A-Frame level once before, but I seem to have lost it. [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]oh.. [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]what is it? [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]I'm making an A-Frame level to mark contours on the hillside here [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]oh... [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]how can i help? [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]I'm working on setting up the community garden plots, and by setting them to natural contours, they will hold water much better when it rains [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Honestly, the most helpful thing you can do is to just hold this still while I finish putting it together [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]ok.. [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]*[i]smiles[/i]* thanks so much [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword holds it still[/i] [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]is it to do with the pumpkins? [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]sort of [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]i laid contours for this year's pumpkin patch by eye, rather than using a tool like this [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]next year's patch will be much bigger and we'll need this tool [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]umm.. [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]but we really need it for the main community garden plots *[i]points straight up the hill[/i]* [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]let's see here [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword stands there awkwardly, her hair flying wildly in the wind[/i] [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]someone stole my 45 heads... [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds the third branch up against the other two branches, parallel with the ground[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]i'm sorry to hear that [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]that's a nice ball of heads [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]hehe [b]: [/b][i]Rumi uses an unidentified plant to tie the horizontal branch to one of the other branches[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi steps back to look at the A-Frame[/i] [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]umm... [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]can i let go now? [b]: [/b][i]Rumi drops the loose end of the cross branch slightly before tying it to the other branch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes the A-Frame from Vicious Chaossword[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Thanks [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]*[i]waggles her fingers[/i]* your welcome! [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Do you need to go? [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]thats kinda cool [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]There's still more to do to finish it, but that was the part i most needed a helper [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]you showed up right on time [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]i could stay if you wanted... [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]We still need to tie on the plumb bob and calibrate it [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]ok [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up two of the remaining unidentified plants[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi ties them together[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up another unidentified plant[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi ties it to the end of the the other two[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues tying the remaining plants together, end to end[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]will you hold one end of this? [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]ok... [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hands the end of the line to Vicious Chaossword[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword holds it softly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds the line taut and slowly works his way backward from Vicious Chaossword, rubbing and slightly fraying the plants, loosening their fibers[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi gets to the end of the slim rope and gently tugs it to try and straighten out any kinks[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]That ought to do, thanks [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]ok... [b]: [/b][i]Rumi releases the tension and walks back to Vicious Chaossword to take the rope[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword turns her palm up, offering the rope[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes the rope and kneels down beside the small Locate stone[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wraps the rope a few times around the locate stone, tying it with each pass[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lifts the rope by the other end to make sure the Locate stone is securely wrapped and held in place[/i] [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]umm... *[i]looks at Rumi her cheeks red[/i]* [b]: [/b][i]Rumi ties the opposite end to the top of the A-Frame to make a plumb bob[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]*[i]turns to Vicious Chaossword[/i]* What is it? [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]umm... nothing... *[i]runs off, wincing with each step[/i]* be right back... [b]: [/b][i]Rumi raises an eyebrow as he watches her dash off[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi turns his attention back to the A-Frame level[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up his hori-hori and the two pieces of raw glass[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword lets out a sigh of relief and returns to Rumi[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]*[i]smiles[/i]* Welcome back [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]follow me [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]ok... [b]: [/b][i]Rumi grabs the A-Frame level and walks slightly up onto the hillside[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]this ought to do [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets the A-Frame down on uneven ground, with one leg higher and the other lower[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]See how the plumb bob dangles toward one leg because the ground is uneven? [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]yup [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes his hori-hori and makes a small cut on the cross branch where the plumb bob hangs[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes the two pieces of raw glass and sets one by each of the A-Frame legs[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]I mark the exact spot where it sets on the ground [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]sorry... [b]Vicious Chaosswo.[/b][b]: [/b]'gatta go... [b]: [/b][i]Vicious Chaossword vanishes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Tal bows to rumi[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Hi Tal [b]Tal[/b][b]: [/b]how are you? [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Good, i'm making an A-Frame level [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]There was a girl here helping me, but she seems to have vanished [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]I didn't even catch her name [b]Tal[/b][b]: [/b]I'm sure she will be back [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up the A-Frame and switches the orientation, setting the upper leg by the lower glass and the lower leg by the upper glass[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Tal looks at the a-frame wondering what it will turn into[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi marks the new spot on the cross branch where the plumb bob hangs[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi makes a small cut with the hori-hori[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up the two pieces of raw glass and sets them back in his inventory[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi measures with his arm the distance between the two marks on either end of the cross branch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi makes a small cut mark with his hori-hori directly in the center between the other two marks[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]And there you have it [b]: [/b][i]Rumi realizes Tal has gone and he's talking to himself[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi shakes the A-Frame level to make sure it is sturdy[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi feels comfortable with the build quality[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks up the hill to the main community garden area[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]let's see now... we have 18 people signed up [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the community garden area[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi decides to start near the top and work his way down the hill[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks along a contour a little ways down from the top of the hill in the direction of Maple Road[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi comes almost all the way to the forest edge[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks a nice spot to begin[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands up the A-Frame level and sets one foot on the spot he has chosen to begin[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets a piece of raw glass right beside the set foot of the A-Frame level[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets the other foot of the A-Frame on the hill where it looks roughly level[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees the plumb bob hangs slightly off from the center mark toward the A-Frame foot he just placed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi moves the foot slightly uphill until the plumb bob line dangles near the center mark[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds the A-Frame still and waits for the plumb bob to stop its gentle swinging[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees that the plumb bob sits right on the center mark[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes a piece of raw glass and sets it down by the recently set foot of the A-Frame[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the first foot of the A-Frame up off the ground and pivots the entire tool around the newly set foot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets the raised foot of the A-Frame down on a spot that looks level with the last spot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees the plumb bob hangs slightly off the center mark toward the direction of the established foot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi moves the unplaced foot slightly downhill so the plumb bob line dangles near the center mark[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi waits for the plumb bob to stop swinging and checks to make sure it lands dead on the center mark[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi waits for the plumb bob to stop swinging and checks to make sure it lands dead on the center mark[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Eagle Eye bows to Rumi[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles and waves[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets a piece of raw glass by the newly placed foot of the A-Frame and picks up the established foot to pivot around the newly placed foot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi moves the free foot of the A-Frame around until the plumb bob shows dead-level[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets another piece of glass and pivots once again[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks the A-Frame across the hillside on contour, leaving a piece of raw glass each place the A-Frame touches down[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the curve of the laid raw glass as he goes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees Ivorak down by the road and waves[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Ivorak waves back[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lays the contour curve of raw glass pieces all the way from the forest edge to just past the middle of the hill, above the intersection[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lays the last piece of glass and picks up the A-Frame level[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the road[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Hey there, Ivorak [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]Hello [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]How's it going? [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]I'm well. [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]Sorting through a bunch of things in my head. [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]How are you? [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]These must be exciting times [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Well, I told everyone they could lease a garden plot starting today, but I haven't made any plots yet [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]so i'm hurriedly trying to get this going [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]Ah. [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]i have been meaning to get handy pockets down here with her tools to actually prepare the beds [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]i have this hori-hori, but it's not really sized appropriately for this kind of task [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]i need pole tools, not hand tools [b]: [/b][i]Ivorak nods[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]but design work comes before any earthworks anyhow [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]gotta get these contours laid out so we know where to dig [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]maybe i'll see Kets a little later and she can help me get beds prepped [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]i'm gonna head back up and lay another contour [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]Well, don't let me distract you. [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]you're welcome to hang around if you like [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]I think I need to go. But thank you. [b]Ivorak[/b][b]: [/b]Blessings, Rumi. [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Be well friend [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back along the hillside in the direction of Maple Road[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi comes to the place he started the previous contour, near the forest edge[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the terrain, calculating the distance down to the road[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks a little ways down below the first contour and picks a point to begin a second contour[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands up the A-Frame and sets a piece of raw glass by the foot nearest the forest[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi moves the second foot until the plumb bob shows dead-level[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lifts the established foot and pivots around the recently set foot, where he places a piece of raw glass[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks the A-Frame level along the hillside again, marking a second contour a ways below the first contour[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi works his way across the hillside and finishes just below the end of the first contour, above the intersection[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the two contours[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]that ought to be plenty of space for now [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]I guess I ought to make a cut mark and pick up the glass [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back up and across the hillside to the origin of the top contour[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out his hori-hori[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi thrusts the hori-hori into the earth[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi rapidly works his way along the contour, digging a small but visible trench with the hori-hori, while picking up the pieces of raw glass[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi gets to the end of the contour and walks down to the origin of the lower contour[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi thrusts his hori-hori into the earth[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi digs a small trench along the length of the second contour, picking up the raw glass as he goes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi comes to the end of the contour, wipes the dirt from the hori-hori, and sets it back in its sheath[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]much better [b]: [/b][i]Rumi is exhausted[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back to his sitting spot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sits[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i] [/log]
Alright everyone. For those of you who have not begun to prepare and plant your garden plot, now is the time to get started. There's a number of ways that you'll be able to interact with your garden plot, and many of them are currently under construction (like story mode ). The central mode of interaction is RP and other elements will be built around it. In the meantime, there are two [b]IMPORTANT [/b]things you will need to do to make the most of your garden experience. First, copy your garden RP logs. And post them here: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/303-community-garden-logs/"]http://magicduel.inv...ty-garden-logs/[/url] You should make a thread for your own plot and nobody should be posting in that thread without your permission. Some people do not use the forums and they have already made accommodations to have their RP posted by somebody else. Feel free to read other people's garden threads and give them +1 if you like what you read. YOU NEED TO POST YOUR LOGS WHENEVER YOU GARDEN. THIS LOG IS AN OFFICIAL REGISTER OF WHAT GOES ON AT THE COMMUNITY GARDEN AND ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS WITHOUT BEING LOGGED WILL BE LOST TO THE SANDS OF TIME. DO NOT EXPECT A [b]HARVEST[/b] WITHOUT POSTING YOUR RP LOGS. We're working on a system that may be able to use an in-game log to reduce garden forum "spam". Until you read otherwise, you need to use this system. Second important part of managing your garden is following your "plot status". For the meantime, your plot status can be found as an open document in the Community Garden Knowledge Collection. You can find the knowledge collection in papers belonging to Rumi, Phantom Orchid, Falronn, and Fyrd Argentus. Plot status will soon be easier to follow and not require finding one of the members of the garden leadership. For now, check the knowledge collection to see what is the status of your plot. Plot status will let you know what is going on in your garden plot and is the inverse of your garden logs. They will affect each other. If you don't post your logs, you won't get an accurate plot status. It's a two way system, and you need to get comfortable with it if you want a [b]HARVEST[/b]. More information still to come. ENJOY YOUR GARDENS!
I'm not suggesting trees and toxicodendrites should be plants, just mentioning that we have two creatures which are both plants. As new ritual participants develop, I wonder why limit ourselves to a paradigm of "creatures". In addition to plants, I could imagine also types of artificial or non living combatants in rituals. I guess aramors are sort of like this. I had in mind traps or enchantments that might have action in only one round or something like that. I dunno, sort of diversify the dueling experience. I see the +/- response. I guess people just like their crits. I like mine.
I'm extending this contest for six more weeks to Fall Equinox, 9/22. So far only 2 participants... I'd like to see more. Get on it people!
Plants (like creatures) in combat rituals http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12732-plants-like-creatures-in-combat-rituals/
Plants would be a second category of combat participants. Would not have any VE or do any actions in combat, but provide stronger and more varied auras. Would take up max 2 of 6 ritual slots. Would have their own page with list, images, PTC codes, etc. level upgrade requiring age/heat, not wins losses, but contribute to rituals gaining power through wins. Have their own series of tokens. We already have at least 2 plant-like creatures (tree and toxic), but we could potentially diversify the combat experience by adding another form. I could list further ideas, but I'd like to see what community thinks.
nice work... very easy to use. We'll see how well the community uses it when we get some weather.
Planting corn and beans in the pumpkin patch [log=Day 200, Year 7] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Eagle Eye bows to Rumi[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]*[i]smiles[/i]* Greetings [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears a pair of sparrows singing companion calls near the forest edge[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the rows of pumpkin sprouts[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees the pumpkins in the leaf mulch have sprouted slower than the pumpkins in the straw mulch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the end of the row and stoops down to begin pulling off the mulch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks along the row, pulling off mulch and setting it to the side[/i] [b]: [/b][i]nadrolski high fives Rumi[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and continues onto the next row, pulling off all the mulch until the pumpkin patch is bare and all the seedlings are visible[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Don't you worry little seedlings, your warm mulch will be back before you know it [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out two big bags of seeds and sets them down at the edge of the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out his hori-hori and stoops down near the end of the first row[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi drives the hori-hori into the ground and twists to make a small hole[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi withdraws the hori-hori from the hole and makes another hole close by[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi makes a series of holes between the first two pumpkin seedlings, using the full width of the bed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands and moves down past the next pumpkin seedling[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the first row and stands back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the beginning of the next row and begins digging small holes with the hori-hori[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues his way along the row, digging the small seed holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly works his way through the rest of the pumpkin patch, digging lots of holes and not disturbing the pumpkin seedlings[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes digging and stands back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wipes a bit of sweat from his brow[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks over to the edge of the pumpkin patch where he laid the bags of seed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stoops down and loosens the drawstring on the two bags to open them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks down into the bags at the bright yellow corn seeds and the deep burgundy pole beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sticks one hand into each seed bag to grab a handful of seeds[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi allows the seeds to slip through his fingers, falling away back into the bags[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi savors the texture of the seeds[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up a handful of the yellow corn seed and puts it into a pocket[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up another handful of yellow corn seed and puts it into the same pocket[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up a handful of burgundy pole beans and puts them into another pocket[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the drawstring tight on the bags to close them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the edge of the first row and stoops by the seed holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places yellow corn seeds from his pocket in three of the holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places a pole bean seed in the fourth hole[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places another three corn seeds in holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places another pole bean seed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues to set seeds in the holes, one pole bean for every three corn kernels[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks along the row, thickly filling out the area between the pumpkin sprouts with corn and beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and begins on the next row[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi works his way through the entire pumpkin patch, placing corn and beans in all the little seed holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes placing corn and bean seeds and steps back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back to the seed bags and opens the drawstrings[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts all the remaining corn seed in his pocket back into the bag with corn seed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts the remaining pole bean seeds in his pocket back with the other pole beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the drawstrings taught to close the bags and ties them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the beginning of the first row and kneels down on his knees[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the earth over the first corn seed and holds his hands over the buried seed for a moment to offer a silent prayer[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi moves on to the second seed, covering it with earth and offering a quick silent prayer[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi works his way along the row, covering all of the seeds and taking a moment with each one to silently express thanksgiving and offer a prayer for abundance[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and continues through the rest of the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi covers the last of the corn and bean seeds and stands back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices a few seeds he missed, and goes to cover and pray for them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi steps back again to observe the work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins to collect up the piles of mulch and places the mulch back on the beds, carefully directing it around the pumpkin seedlings[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lays the leaf mulch throughout the pumpkin patch as a bottom layer, and places the straw mulch as a top layer[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the mulching and steps back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up the bags of seed and put them away[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wipes all the dirt from the hori-hori, places it back in its sheath, and puts it away[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi observes the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Time for a little rainwater, I think [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out the two remaining Mildrain stones from Marvolo[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the shimmering stones[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds one of the stones up in his hands and looks it over carefully[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts the stone back away and considers how to learn the rain song without Marvolo's help[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lifts up the other Mildrain stone in his hands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi used the Weather Mildrain stone to increase its Weather-mildrain spell casts[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi kneels on both knees and prostrates himself on the earth[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes and straightens his body up and raises his hands toward the sky[/i] [b]: [/b][b][Spell][/b] [i]A gift of rainwater for the garden of abundance[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes to see the clouds gathering overhead[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles as the warm rainwater begins to stream down onto his face[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes off his shirt and boots[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins to dance in circles around the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi dances his way up the hill, picking up his shirt and boots in the process[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets his shirt and boots down by his sitting spot and continues to dance around in the rain[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slows his dance as the rain lets up[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts his wet shirt and boots back on[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the road[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi heads east toward Fortune's Well[/i] [/log]
Harvesting blueberry seeds from the wild blueberry shrub in alche's alley [b]DAY 193, Year 7[/b] [log=3_-1x-3_1] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks up the path[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi recognizes the tree and stops in the road[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks up the hill to the high area above[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices that only a few of the season's blueberries remain on the bush[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks a large blueberry off the end of a branch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pops it in his mouth[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sits beside the blueberry bush[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks and eats another blueberry[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks a handful of blueberries and wraps them up in Gift Wrap from his inventory[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stashes the blueberries away to process and save the seeds for planting in the fall[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks and eats a few more blueberries[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the path[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues along the path, listening to the surrounding birdsong[/i] [/log]
Preparing a small pumpkin patch and planting pumpkin seeds [log=[b]Day 185, Year 7[/b]] [04/07/12 18:54] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid smiles warmly at Rumi as she walks down the path[/i] [04/07/12 18:55] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns a smile[/i] [04/07/12 18:55] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]It is so good to see you [04/07/12 18:56] [b]Rumi:[/b]you too [04/07/12 19:00] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [04/07/12 19:01] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi walks over to Phantom Orchid[/i] [04/07/12 19:02] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi reaches forward and opens his clasped fingers to reveal a handful of pumpkin seeds[/i] [04/07/12 19:02] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid opens her eyes wide and smiles[/i] [04/07/12 19:02] [b]Rumi:[/b]These are for you [04/07/12 19:03] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid holds out her hands[/i] [04/07/12 19:04] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi gently drops the seeds into Phantom Orchid's hands[/i] [04/07/12 19:04] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid looks down and cherishes the texture of the seeds as she rolls them over in her hands[/i] [04/07/12 19:05] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]They are... beautiful. [04/07/12 19:06] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid closes her eyes briefly as images of a lush garden flash through her mind[/i] [04/07/12 19:07] [b]Rumi:[/b]I will find some companion seeds for these pumpkins [04/07/12 19:07] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]This is such a happy moment for me, for us [04/07/12 19:07] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [04/07/12 19:07] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid feels her pendant glow warm against her chest as she holds the seeds[/i] [04/07/12 19:08] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]I have a good feeling about this [04/07/12 19:08] [b]Rumi:[/b]walk with me down the hill here, behind the tree *[i]gestures with his hand to the northeast[/i]* [04/07/12 19:09] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid turns and follows Rumi, walking beside him[/i] [04/07/12 19:09] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi leads the way around the tree and down toward the small valley[/i] [04/07/12 19:10] [b]Rumi:[/b]our design calls for this whole field to grow into a pumpkin patch [04/07/12 19:11] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid notices a slight drop in temperature in the breeze as they reach their destination[/i] [04/07/12 19:11] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi notices the songbirds begin to alarm in the forest[/i] [04/07/12 19:12] [b]Rumi:[/b]they alarm at Eon's presence [04/07/12 19:12] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Yes, I recall [04/07/12 19:12] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]looks over at Eon briefly[/i]* Greetings and welcome [04/07/12 19:13] [b]Rumi:[/b]Today we'll plant the first seeds, and our harvest will provide all the seeds we need for next year [04/07/12 19:14] [b]Rumi:[/b]A small patch this season will make way for a whole future of growth [04/07/12 19:14] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid nods[/i] [04/07/12 19:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi takes a few pieces of raw glass and begins to set them on a rough contour just above the valley bottom[/i] [04/07/12 19:16] [b]Rumi:[/b]When we construct the main garden, we'll use a tool to define accurate contours [04/07/12 19:17] [b]Rumi:[/b]I can see the contours well enough to give us lines to start this small pumpkin patch [04/07/12 19:17] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sets another contour using the raw glass just above the first contour[/i] [04/07/12 19:18] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi steps back and examines the lines[/i] [04/07/12 19:19] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid kneels down at the site for the pumpkin patch[/i] [04/07/12 19:19] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sets a third line of raw glass just below the first contour, following the same curve[/i] [04/07/12 19:19] [b]Rumi:[/b]that will do for now [04/07/12 19:20] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid takes the pendant from around her neck and holds it out above the ground[/i] [04/07/12 19:20] [b]Rumi:[/b]we'll shape a few rows across this bottom to this same curve as the bottom contour [04/07/12 19:21] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi withdraws his hori-hori from its sheath on his belt[/i] [04/07/12 19:21] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid hums an ancient tune to the grass and to the flowers[/i] [04/07/12 19:21] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi holds it up and examines the blade in the sunlight[/i] [04/07/12 19:22] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid closes her eyes and focuses on her pendant, which begins to glow red and push aside the grass and flowers to make room for the seeds[/i] [04/07/12 19:22] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi reflects the sunlight up the hill at Eon and giggles[/i] [04/07/12 19:23] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid replaces her pendant, looks over at Rumi and softly laughs[/i] [04/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi thrusts the hori-hori into the ground and draws it across the soil, following the curve laid by the pieces of raw glass[/i] [04/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi picks up each piece of raw glass as he comes to it[/i] [04/07/12 19:25] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi steps back and looks at the curve cut into the earth[/i] [04/07/12 19:26] [b]Rumi:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* that looks pretty good [04/07/12 19:26] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid uncorks her flask of sand, and pours a thin line of sand into the small valley shaped by the hori hori[/i] [04/07/12 19:26] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]This sand is from Necrovion [04/07/12 19:26] [b]Rumi:[/b]ah, excellent [04/07/12 19:27] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid caps the flask and tucks it away[/i] [04/07/12 19:28] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi kneels back down and thrusts the hori-hori into the ground just below the cut curve[/i] [04/07/12 19:28] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi digs around, expanding the hole and loosening the soil[/i] [04/07/12 19:29] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi withdraws the hori-hori from the hole, and walks along the curve a short distance[/i] [04/07/12 19:29] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi thrusts the hori-hori into the ground again, teasing and loosening the soil[/i] [04/07/12 19:30] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid moves over to the first hold and holds out and opens her hand, revealing the seeds[/i] [04/07/12 19:30] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi withdraws the hori-hori from the soil and continues walking along the curve, making evenly spaced planting holes[/i] [04/07/12 19:31] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid chooses one and places it gingerly into the hole, a single teardrop falling onto the soil next to it[/i] [04/07/12 19:31] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid sets the seeds down, and covers the hole with dirt and softly packs it down with her fingertips[/i] [04/07/12 19:32] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi comes to the end of the row and moves up to the next row of raw glass pieces[/i] [04/07/12 19:33] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi cuts the curve with his hori-hori, while picking up the pieces of raw glass[/i] [04/07/12 19:34] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid places one, and then another, seed into the holes and carefully covers them with soil[/i] [04/07/12 19:34] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and steps back to look at it[/i] [04/07/12 19:35] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid stands and then follows Rumi, placing a thin line of sand along the contour of the small trench[/i] [04/07/12 19:36] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi examines the first row that Phantom Orchid has completed planting[/i] [04/07/12 19:36] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [04/07/12 19:37] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns to the second row and begins cutting the holes with his hori-hori[/i] [04/07/12 19:39] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and steps back to allow Phantom Orchid space to plant the seeds[/i] [04/07/12 19:39] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid walks along and bends down to place the remaining two seeds into the holes[/i] [04/07/12 19:39] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid kneels to cover them with a soft packing of dirt[/i] [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]We should give them a drink [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]yes we should [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]but first, we need to mulch [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]we could use leaves or we could cut some grass [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]or both [04/07/12 19:42] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]nods[/i]* Yes, of course. To keep it from evaporating under this unforgiving sunlight [04/07/12 19:42] [b]Rumi:[/b]i wish Shem was here... his sickle would make quick mulch out of this tall grass [04/07/12 19:42] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]I will gather leaves from the forest edge, and you can cut some grass [04/07/12 19:42] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid nods[/i] [04/07/12 19:43] [b]Rumi:[/b]i guess i'll just use the hori-hori [04/07/12 19:43] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi walks around the meadow near the pumpkin patch stopping to cut clumps of tall grass with the hori-hori[/i] [04/07/12 19:44] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i] walks over to the edge of the wood and clumsily gathers an armful of leaves, muttering[/i]* And a basket would have been nice for me [04/07/12 19:44] [b]Rumi:[/b]Eon, would you let Phantom Orchid borrow your herbs basket? [04/07/12 19:45] [b]Rumi:[/b]I see you have two baskets... maybe you could help us collect some leaf mulch [04/07/12 19:46] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Come Eon, get dirty with us! [04/07/12 19:46] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid shrugs and delivers the leaves near the first row[/i] [04/07/12 19:47] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid walks back and begins to gather more[/i] [04/07/12 19:47] [b]Rumi:[/b]should we do leaves in one row and straw in the other, or mix em up? [04/07/12 19:48] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc whispers a code to Poe[/i] [04/07/12 19:48] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]walks back with an armful[/i]* I don't know, I've never done this before [04/07/12 19:49] [b]Rumi:[/b]lets use leaves in the top row and straw in the bottom row... we'll see if there is a difference in the mulch ecology [04/07/12 19:49] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]turns and smiles to Etluc[/i]* Oh, thank you. Though I think we have enough leaves now [04/07/12 19:49] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Would you like to place them along the top row Etluc? [04/07/12 19:49] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sets an armful of straw beside the bottom row and walks off to collect a bit more grass[/i] [04/07/12 19:50] [b]Etluc:[/b] *[i]nods[/i]* Sure [04/07/12 19:51] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Great [04/07/12 19:51] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc begins to move the pile of leaves to the top row[/i] [04/07/12 19:51] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi cuts several clumps of tall grass from around the meadow and returns to set them down by the bottom row[/i] [04/07/12 19:54] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi picks up handfuls of straw and walks along the bottom row, allowing the straw to slow fall down and coat the bare earth[/i] [04/07/12 19:54] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns to the pile of straw and grabs some more handfuls to distribute[/i] [04/07/12 19:55] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc finishes moving the leaves and steps back[/i] [04/07/12 19:56] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi continues mulching the bottom row with straw until the pile has been entirely moved to the row[/i] [04/07/12 19:56] [b]Rumi:[/b] *[i]laughs[/i]* we're gonna probably move all this mulch to the side tomorrow when we plant the corn and beans with the pumpkins [04/07/12 19:57] [b]Rumi:[/b]labor of love [04/07/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid chuckles[/i] [04/07/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc chuckles[/i] [04/07/12 19:57] [b]Rumi:[/b]better to do the same task twice than to plant seeds and leave the earth bare [04/07/12 19:58] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi steps back with Phantom Orchid and Etluc to examine the new pumpkin patch[/i] [04/07/12 19:58] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Yes, they require the sunlight, but also some protection from it [04/07/12 19:59] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Not unlike us all [04/07/12 19:59] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [04/07/12 19:59] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid looks out over the pumpkin patch and smiles contently[/i] [04/07/12 20:00] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi used the Weather Heavyrain stone to increase its Weather-heavyrain spell casts[/i] [04/07/12 20:01] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc looks up at the sky[/i] [04/07/12 20:02] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi kneels down on his knees, raises his arms, and looks up at the sky[/i] [04/07/12 20:03] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i] [04/07/12 20:03] [b]:[/b][b][Spell][/b] [i]Let the heavens and the earth come together and bless these pumpkins with rain![/i] [04/07/12 20:03] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes to see clouds begin to gather above him[/i] [04/07/12 20:04] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid looks up and smiles as the rain begins to kiss her face[/i] [04/07/12 20:05] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi tastes the raindrops as the rain begins to stream down from the heavens onto his face[/i] [04/07/12 20:05] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid runs up the hill ecstatically and twirls around in circles, drenched in a heavy rain[/i] [04/07/12 20:06] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc smiles at Poe, blinking the rain out of his eyes[/i] [04/07/12 20:07] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi watches Phantom Orchid and smiles at her shimmering radiance in the rain[/i] [04/07/12 20:08] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi takes off his shirt and dances around the pumpkin patch[/i] [04/07/12 20:08] [b]Etluc:[/b]My fire! [04/07/12 20:08] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc runs off[/i] [04/07/12 20:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns to his place on the hillside[/i] [04/07/12 20:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sits[/i] [04/07/12 20:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi listens to the rain all around him[/i] [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i] [/log]
Morph sold to Tal for 20gc Other creatures will be donated. Mods, please close thread.
[u][b]This is the public log for the Community Garden. ANYONE can post logs here.[/b][/u] The search for blueberries, thanks to Mya Celestia [b]Day 179, Year 7[/b] [log=1_-2x1_1] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees Amoran K Kol sleeping under the tree and smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices movement in the forest at the top of the hill[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees a red-shoulder hawk fly up from a branch of one of the trees on the forest edge, heading north into Loreroot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears the distant cry of the hawk, followed by similar mocking tones from a group of blue jays[/i] Rumi: *[i]smiles[/i]* silly corvids : [i]Rumi notices Amoran has awoken from her sleep[/i] Rumi: Greetings Amoran *Mya Celestia*: *[i]smiles[/i]* Hi Rumi Rumi: Hiya Mya *Mya Celestia*: How's the garden? ? Rumi: Do you want to plant some seeds? *Mya Celestia*: *[i]smiles[/i]* Sure Rumi: What do you think you would like to grow *Mya Celestia*: I like blueberries. Do you have any blueberry bushes yet? Rumi: This will be a little plot just for you... so pick something you want to give some love and attention Rumi: hmm...blueberries Rumi: we're supposed to have a berry patch right down along at the bottom of the hill, along the road Rumi: you know, i LOVE blueberries *Mya Celestia*: They're my favorite fruit Rumi: A blueberry bush might be a little overkill for a small plot, but maybe we can plant a first shrub along the road here *Mya Celestia*: Awesome! Rumi: any idea where to find an existing blueberry shrub? we can probably cut a sucker form the root system and plant it to grow a new bush *Mya Celestia*: Hmm...I know I've seen a bush somewhere Rumi: i've never grown a blueberry shrub from seed, but surely it can be done Rumi: the seeds i think are very small in the berry *Mya Celestia*: I would think so. I mean that has to be how they started at one time right? Rumi: well most every plant has a mechanism to make seed, but many rarely use it, if propagation through other means is more effective *Mya Celestia*: I'll go wander the forest and see if I can find anything that looks like a blueberry bush. If I find one, I'll let you know [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles and waves as Mya departs[/i] [/log] [log=3_-1x-3_1] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks up the road and stops to rest[/i] Rumi[b]: [/b]How many times have I walked this road and never stopped to enjoy it? [b]: [/b][i]Rumi reads Mya Celestia's note with instructions for finding blueberries near here[/i] Rumi[b]: [/b]ahhh [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks up the hill and into the forest edge[/i] Rumi[b]: [/b]*[i]smiles[/i]* sure enough [b]: [/b][i]Rumi climbs up the hill and examines the shrub[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks a few ripe berries from the shrub[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi tastes a blueberry and smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sits next to the blueberry bush[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears numerous birds songs coming from all directions[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i] [/log]
Welcome everyone to the Community Garden Logs. This is the place for garden plotholders to record garden roleplay. As the Community Garden project develops, we will be incorporating a variety of ways you can interact with your garden and get feedback from your garden to support your roleplay. [b]Right now the most important thing you can do to support your garden experience is to take logs of your garden roleplay and post them in this sub-forum.[/b] Each gardener should make a topic for your own garden. This also goes for gardeners who do not use the forum and have arranged for someone else to take their logs. You will each have your own garden plot and the log is a record of what goes on in that plot. When two or more gardeners work or interact together in the Community Garden, each gardener should add the events to their log. Please use the following format for your Garden Logs: Topic Title: [Playername]'s Garden Each day's log belongs in it's own post. Please Begin each post with the MD date. If you like, you can also include a brief description of the log above the date. [b]Day 204, Year 7[/b] :[i] Rumi opens his eyes.[/i] :[i] Rumi ...[/i] Sometimes you will record logs to support your garden RP that do not take place at Meeting of the Roads. Underneath the MD date, please include the location data for each scene logged, including the Community Garden. [b]Day 195, Year 7[/b] 1_-4x-3_1 : [i]Rumi opens his eyes.[/i] : [i]Rumi ...[/i] 1_-2x1_1 : [i]Rumi returns[/i] : [i]Rumi [/i][i]...[/i] If you wish to condense your log, please use the following format (use brackets where I have used parentheses): (log=Day 204, Year 7) : [i]Rumi opens his eyes.[/i] : [i]Rumi ...[/i] (/log) [log=Day 204, Year 7] : [i]Rumi opens his eyes.[/i] : [i]Rumi ...[/i] [/log] OR [b]Day 195, Year 7[/b] (log=1_-4x-3_1) : [i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] : [i]Rumi ...[/i] (/log) (log=1_-2x1_1) : [i]Rumi returns[/i] : [i]Rumi ...[/i] (/log) [b]Day 195, Year 7[/b] [log=1_-4x-3_1] : [i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] : [i]Rumi ...[/i] [/log] [log=1_-2x1_1] : [i]Rumi returns[/i] : [i]Rumi ...[/i] [/log] There will be one pinned log for the community garden in general. This can be used by anyone who wishes to log community garden roleplay. This should be used for work in garden areas other than the leased plots. An example of this would be the pumpkin patch that was planted a few weeks ago and is being tended by the community at large. When we construct the toolshed (Yes, soon!) the log of the events will be recorded there. This thread may possibly merge with the 'Community Garden Construction Progress' thread for simplicity. Thanks to everyone participating. My apologies to everyone not participating for filling your forum 'New Content' with garden RP logs. We may eventually develop other methods for keeping track of the garden. Happy Gardening!
To find all your images, click your forum name in the upper right corner, and click 'My Settings'. 'Manage Attachments' is the fifth item listed on the left column of the 'My Settings' page. From there, you can view all your attachments and delete as necessary. EDIT: I just realized Chewett left a link in the original post. Maybe still useful information.
Online Archive [url="http://mpbonline.org/GG072012/"]http://mpbonline.org/GG072012/[/url] Interview begins 13 minutes into broadcast
Reindrach sold to Manda for 10gc
Viscosity altered by weather effects magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12694-viscosity-altered-by-weather-effects/
Entire realm viscosity increase/decrease added once to each scene based on weather type. Maybe -10 for sunny, +10 for mild rain, +20 for heavy rain, +30 for storm, +40 for snow. Something like that? Maybe different alterations in different lands. Example: storm has different viscosity effect on GG than other lands.
I speak with Mississippi's Gestalt Gardener, Felder Rushing about permaculture garden design on my local public radio (NPR) station. The interview airs in 11 hours at 10:15am CT USA, July 21 (16:15 ST, Day 202). Check out live stream @ mpbonline.org/Programs/listen_live Second part will air next week same time. When archives are available I will post a link to an audio file for download.
I'd like to set up a structure to record a log of weather events in the realm. I have a couple ideas and I'd like people to comment with thoughts on these ideas and some ideas of their own. First, I wonder if a clickie can be coded to automatically record triggers. This would be a simple way to do it. Scripters, can this be done? Second idea, we need a social structure that gives 24 hour attention to weather logs. This seems like a daunting task. The only group I can think of that has guaranteed 24 hour availability is LHO. I wonder if LHO could record the weather for us and post a log on a clickie in the Paper Cabin as part of their duties. Community Garden can pay for this service from our treasury. Grido, you asked what garden treasury would be used for. Would LHO be willing to take an additional task? Would you be willing to negotiate a contract on behalf of LHO team outlining services and payment? Any other ideas? I can record the weather when I change it, but I'm not really online all that much. We need logs of all weather events.
Rumi interplanted the pumpkin patch with corn and beans amongst the sprouted pumpkin seedlings. [log=Day 200, Year 7] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Eagle Eye bows to Rumi[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]*[i]smiles[/i]* Greetings [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears a pair of sparrows singing companion calls near the forest edge[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the rows of pumpkin sprouts[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees the pumpkins in the leaf mulch have sprouted slower than the pumpkins in the straw mulch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the end of the row and stoops down to begin pulling off the mulch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks along the row, pulling off mulch and setting it to the side[/i] [b]: [/b][i]nadrolski high fives Rumi[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and continues onto the next row, pulling off all the mulch until the pumpkin patch is bare and all the seedlings are visible[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Don't you worry little seedlings, your warm mulch will be back before you know it [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out two big bags of seeds and sets them down at the edge of the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out his hori-hori and stoops down near the end of the first row[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi drives the hori-hori into the ground and twists to make a small hole[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi withdraws the hori-hori from the hole and makes another hole close by[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi makes a series of holes between the first two pumpkin seedlings, using the full width of the bed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands and moves down past the next pumpkin seedling[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the first row and stands back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the beginning of the next row and begins digging small holes with the hori-hori[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues his way along the row, digging the small seed holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly works his way through the rest of the pumpkin patch, digging lots of holes and not disturbing the pumpkin seedlings[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes digging and stands back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wipes a bit of sweat from his brow[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks over to the edge of the pumpkin patch where he laid the bags of seed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stoops down and loosens the drawstring on the two bags to open them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks down into the bags at the bright yellow corn seeds and the deep burgundy pole beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sticks one hand into each seed bag to grab a handful of seeds[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi allows the seeds to slip through his fingers, falling away back into the bags[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi savors the texture of the seeds[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up a handful of the yellow corn seed and puts it into a pocket[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up another handful of yellow corn seed and puts it into the same pocket[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up a handful of burgundy pole beans and puts them into another pocket[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the drawstring tight on the bags to close them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the edge of the first row and stoops by the seed holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places yellow corn seeds from his pocket in three of the holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places a pole bean seed in the fourth hole[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places another three corn seeds in holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places another pole bean seed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues to set seeds in the holes, one pole bean for every three corn kernels[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks along the row, thickly filling out the area between the pumpkin sprouts with corn and beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and begins on the next row[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi works his way through the entire pumpkin patch, placing corn and beans in all the little seed holes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes placing corn and bean seeds and steps back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back to the seed bags and opens the drawstrings[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts all the remaining corn seed in his pocket back into the bag with corn seed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts the remaining pole bean seeds in his pocket back with the other pole beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the drawstrings taught to close the bags and ties them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the beginning of the first row and kneels down on his knees[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the earth over the first corn seed and holds his hands over the buried seed for a moment to offer a silent prayer[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi moves on to the second seed, covering it with earth and offering a quick silent prayer[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi works his way along the row, covering all of the seeds and taking a moment with each one to silently express thanksgiving and offer a prayer for abundance[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and continues through the rest of the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi covers the last of the corn and bean seeds and stands back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices a few seeds he missed, and goes to cover and pray for them[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi steps back again to observe the work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins to collect up the piles of mulch and places the mulch back on the beds, carefully directing it around the pumpkin seedlings[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lays the leaf mulch throughout the pumpkin patch as a bottom layer, and places the straw mulch as a top layer[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the mulching and steps back to observe his work[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up the bags of seed and put them away[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wipes all the dirt from the hori-hori, places it back in its sheath, and puts it away[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi observes the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Time for a little rainwater, I think [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out the two remaining Mildrain stones from Marvolo[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the shimmering stones[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds one of the stones up in his hands and looks it over carefully[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts the stone back away and considers how to learn the rain song without Marvolo's help[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lifts up the other Mildrain stone in his hands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi used the Weather Mildrain stone to increase its Weather-mildrain spell casts[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi kneels on both knees and prostrates himself on the earth[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes and straightens his body up and raises his hands toward the sky[/i] [b]: [/b][b][Spell][/b] [i]A gift of rainwater for the garden of abundance[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes to see the clouds gathering overhead[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles as the warm rainwater begins to stream down onto his face[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes off his shirt and boots[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins to dance in circles around the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi dances his way up the hill, picking up his shirt and boots in the process[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets his shirt and boots down by his sitting spot and continues to dance around in the rain[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slows his dance as the rain lets up[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts his wet shirt and boots back on[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the road[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi heads east toward Fortune's Well[/i] [/log]
Yes 15sc = 1gc for me
@Lightsage I saw u purchased morph from ivorak. Are u retracting offer?
would it be difficult to code a mood panel widget for android?