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Everything posted by Rumi

  1. I like the sound of that
  2. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9406-community-garden/page__st__40#entry124867 Link to my actual post above. I started in this topic and drifted toward the garden and ultimately posted in the community garden subforum. Still, it seemed appropriate to post here.
  3. Happy Halloween MD! I've missed you all. You have never been more than a click away, yet I know better than to visit MD with less than an hour. I have not set aside that hour (or three) in over a month. As some of you know, I am a gardener in real life, and I have a small ecological garden design business. I do other part-time work and I mostly set my own schedule, allowing time for MagicDuel. The same week the MD Community Garden opened to the community, I started a new part-time job, helping to run a small organic farm whose farm managers had moved away during the middle of the season. It's only a few days of the week, but the hours are long. Now our growing season is coming to a close and workdays will stay short through the winter. I will probably continue to work with the farm into next year and I suspect the spring will be very busy again. I have two kids, 3 and 5 years old, and we recently started playing video games together. Most of my gaming the past three months has been with them. I have another child on the way, due in a month, and needless to say that will also put pressure on my available time. So here we are in November. I promised you results for the scarecrow contest which I have not delivered. I said I would try to update the garden log weekly and I have not since the end of September. Those of you who are working closely with me on the garden project development have been left hanging. I want to act with integrity and so I will make commitments I can keep. I'm so excited that you have all supported the community garden and now you are using it. Right now is a critical time for this project and I know well enough that we need additional leadership. The Hindu Vedas give three archetypes: creator, sustainer, destroyer (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). It is said that truly effective leadership is mastery of all three archetypes, yet most people gravitate toward one. I gravitate strongly toward creator archetype and not so much to the others. Gardening has helped me to learn the skills of the sustainer and destroyer, and I think it will be many years more before I come anywhere near to a balance. Creativity is my passion, and the best I have to offer. Right now our garden needs sustainers. Without sustenance, all things starve and I am afraid my schedule doesn't offer me the regularity required to sustain the garden without help. In addition to assistance with the garden keeper role, we need people who can host regular events, manage ongoing quests, maintain active relationships with land leaders, manage the treasury, and a number of other things that need routine. The crucial skill of the sustainer is nurturing, and we need help to nurture the garden to maturity. This means daily love with a perspective of weeks, months, and years. Anyone who is interested to take on a garden leadership role is encouraged to send me a PM or post in the Community Garden Leadership thread. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12218-community-garden-leadership/ As for the upcoming garden season, (11/1/2012 - 2/1/2013) all plots will remain free of charge. Our treasury is abundant and there is no need for plot fees. All gardeners who have registered for plots will remain registered, unless they specifically request to be removed. Gardeners are requested to continue using the garden log forum, and the community garden status will updated as frequently as possible in the community garden knowledge collection. The Scarecrow contest will have a winner sometime soon I hope. I have spoken to several people about judging the contest, but I have not actually convened an official panel of judges. There's more I wanted to say, but I'm tired and I have a long day tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for your patience. Happy gardening!
  4. My apologies to nad and everyone. I have not been online very much recently and I haven't been able to take possession of these resources. I discussed with Fang and Seigheart when he was TK leader about having an official treasury (and treasurer) for the community garden. Fang, can you make this happen?
  5. Will be collected today when I get a chance to sign online.
  6. Dual issue here is in game rules and forum rules. Do the log and onscreen chat need to meet different standards? I think Chewett could maybe clarify about what constitutes a violation of our terms and conditions.
  7. Big thanks to MB water guild for 100 mineral water to be used to petrify lumber. Looking for a good lumber -> petrified lumber cauldron recipe (PM or post in new thread with ideas)
  8. [cquote] We are experiencing some server issues and we are dealing with them. We hope MD will be functional as soon as possible. MD Council [/cquote]
  9. Awesome entries everyone! Deadline for submissions has passed. Please allow six weeks for judging to be complete by 11/1/12 (Halloween, dia de los muertos, Samhain). Possibly winners will be announced during Ceremony for the dead. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12963-ceremony-for-the-dead/
  10. Fun topic, but a could hardly agree with you claiming the SoE are clearly the Jedi Knights. If anyone at all would fit the bill, it would be SotIS. What about that band of Jawas on Tatooine? TK
  11. Weeding and watering [log=Day 260, Year 7] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices two pairs of juncos moving about and singing on the hedge in Nimrodel's plot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi watches the juncos curiously[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices one of the pairs flies off from the hedge down the hill to the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands and observes the weedy pumpkin patch for a moment[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks down the hill to the pumpkin patch with a hint of a smile as he passes all the beautiful women sleeping in and around the tree[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi squats low beside the first bed of the pumpkin patch and examines the weeds[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees various clump grasses as well as clover, and deep-rooted lamps quarter and dock[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices a few thistles growing up[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees a few plants he is unfamiliar with[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines one of the unfamiliar plants, which has tiny purple flowers[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out his hori-hori and withdraws the blade from the sheath[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins working his way through the pumpkin patch, weeding with the hori-hori[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi digs up grass clumps with the blade while drawing them upward with his other hand[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Avaritia opens one eye, looks over at Rumi, PoE, and Sehanine briefly, then falls asleep again[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi only digs up the deep-rooted plants around the bases of the pumpkin plants[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi cuts all the deep-rooted plants off at their base throughout the rest of the patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls up all the thistles except for one, which he leaves to flower and seed[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls up most of the others weeds, but leaves the clover and some clumps of the unfamiliar plant with the tiny purple flower[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes weeding and cleans his hori-hori with the edge of his robe[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places the hori-hori in the sheath and puts it away[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands and examines the corn and beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees the beans are flowering and almost ready to put on fruit[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi thinks the corn looks pretty pathetic, but makes a nice trellis for the beans[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks at the pumpkin vines sprawled across the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hopes they flower out a little more now that it's less of a weedy jungle[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Axel Keravnos He looks towards Avaritia and gives her a small smile[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sighs and turns to walk back up the hill[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees Axel Keravnos by the road and waves[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks up to the top of the hill by the forest[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands on the hilltop and looks down at the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi raises his staff up in the air with both hands[/i] [b][Spell][/b] [i]A gift for the garden[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi watches the clouds roll in and begin to pour down, first on the pumpkin patch, and then all around[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lowers his staff and walks down to his sit spot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sits and watches the rain pouring down on the rosebushes in Magistra's garden, making the small leaves dance[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi feels the rain pouring down through his hair and clothes, teasing his senses[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i] [/log]
  12. Observation and watering [log=Day 239, Year 7] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks up the road from Fenths Press[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks up toward the garden[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks along the hillside, observing the plots[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines Magistra's smal rose shrub[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues along to see potatoes sprouting up out of the ground in Nimrodel's beautifully prepared plot[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi comes to Eagle Eye's plot and looks over the moist cleared area[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wonders what kind of seed is planted[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b][i]*smiles*[/i] maybe a little rain for these garden plots [b][Spell][/b] [i]A rain blessing for the garden[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi watches the clouds gather overhead[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks up and feels the first raindrops fall down onto his face[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi feels the water wash down through his beard and hair[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks slowly through the rain toward the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the corn growing tall over the creeping pumpkins[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the beans winding their way up the corn stalks[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks at all the grass and weeds begining to take hold alongside the crops[/i] [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]We're gonna need to have a workday [b]: [/b][i]Rumi feels the rain let up[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back up the hill[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sits[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi watches the bees dance around a patch of clover[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears a sparrow singing in the tree[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i] [/log]
  13. [quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1347844887' post='121912'] Rumi There is no garden plot to use, yur page say that contours are not done and not eart work done, and it will be done .... (at a date already past) sorry i dont see going nowhere talking in empty space, when your self say in your paper there is nothing and for the record i have posted saying that its per your paper not yet ready ... so before saying one dont do its part [u][b]do your part !!![/b][/u] [/quote] [quote] 8/1/12 Day 213, Year 7 Contours have been laid out, which will be the basis for garden plots. No earthworks have been started and plots have not been marked on the contours. Ground-breaking will occur sometime this week. [/quote] Tom I can tell you are frustrated and I apologize. I understand if you wish to wait until we've prepared your space a little more before you begin to use it. The community workday I had intended did not come to fruition and I'd like to have a community workday soon. Until our ground-breaking community workday, any work you do on your garden plot will be starting with a piece of (mostly) undisturbed meadow. That can be quite a challenge, and I must say I am very impressed with the way Nimrodel and her gang of gardeners set to work. The rumors are true, Nimrodel's drachorn tilled the field on her behalf. At present, none of the major earthworks (mostly digging broad contour swales) have begun. However, the contours have been laid out and cuts in the hillside have been made to mark those contours and begin to soak additional rainwater into the subsoil beneath the community plots. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12701-community-garden/#entry118795 As the 8/1 entry in the papers suggests, there were no marked plots in the area. Like many parts of MagicDuel, as the community garden has expanded in scope, its limits have become more rigid. As each new element is added, that element shapes all the elements that follow. In the first week of the garden lease, a number of people began work on their plots before I could plan a work party. I realized that there was great value in allowing these gardeners to define their plots and their garden experience for themselves. I thought it would be better to delay a work party and allow these gardeners to set their own parameters. I also wanted to observe the gardeners a little while before supplying feedback. My mistake was not removing the suggestion that we would have a groundbreaking "sometime this week". Honestly, that never should have been there in the first place. On Day 1, there was nothing to look back at so I foolishly chose to look forward Some people will prefer a community garden experience with more defined parameters and that will be more and more available to you as we continue to build it out. Please remember the papers are a guide, meant to encourage your roleplay, rather than hinder it. The only structure you must abide is [b]RP Reality Requirement: Intimate.[/b] Everything else is just gravy. Go ask Evil Bob
  14. What do you think about a ceremony during Samhain (also called Dia de los muertos, or Halloween), which is the Sabbat marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of the winter freeze. It's the time of year most associated with death in cultures where people depend on stored food to survive the winter.
  15. This is a reminder to everyone who has signed up for a community garden plot: GO USE IT! Many of you have visited your garden plots and I encourage you to keep posting records of your garden work on the community garden logs sub-forum. As of right now, 3 out of 18 plots have recorded action in the community garden logs. I've been mostly on hiatus for the past six weeks, and I have waited until now to begin to use the 'plot status' area of the knowledge collection. Now that I have begun to use this feature, I will try to update once every week. Please contact me if you have any questions. Happy gardening!
  16. Rumi

    New ideas

    Inherent risk of using kill items and spells http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12935-inherent-risk-in-using-kill-items-and-spells/
  17. There has been a lot of concern recently over regular killing of players, mostly resulting in discussion of resurrection practices. Is it feasible that we could increase the risk of killing? One idea I have is make a kill attempt a roll of the dice. A good roll results in success, a bad roll results in failure, and there should also be a chance for the killer to die. Imagine I try to kill Seigheart with a stone dagger and he fights back and I perish by my own weapon. Another possibility would be to incorporate spells or items that could cause the same effect. Seigheart tries to kill me but I have cast a mirror enchantment which causes his kill spell to target himself. This could possibly even be added to mirror ritual spell as an added effect. Possibly I could have an item in my inventory that improves my chance of reversing a kill spell. It seems that an inherent risk of death would make me think twice before attempting to kill someone else. Your thoughts? (Thanks for being my dummy, Seigheart)
  18. What about .PNG? I think I have a mixture of PNG and jpg. Better yet, what would you call an ideal upper limit for uploaded file size?
  19. Our incomplete story mode can be confusing and is in some ways irrelevant to gameplay, yet it certainly contributes heavily to our culture with hidden meaning and symbology, gorgeous artwork, and (somewhat) personalized character development. If the (up to 24 hour) wait times turn people away and make them bored, can't we just do away with the wait times and stats/principles bonuses they give? You can make up all those stats in a short period of dueling and we all know it, but newbies don't. It would also be nice if the story wasn't repeated at each MP, but split into the chapters. Maybe shades and marind @ mp3, carnival @ mp4, under construction @ mp5. Of course, I'd like to see the story continue instead of under construction, and it would be cool if choices defined more than keys and access. Perhaps different paths could offer land loyalty or specific creatures or items. I dunno, just brainstorming.
  20. Like Marvolo
  21. I'm a little confused at how this auction works. You said it's a monthly auction and that there will be two winners each month. If two tokens are sold, do they just go to the top two bidders? Do they go for the same price? Currently, CotS bid 16gc and Sasha bid 14gc. Does that mean I can bid 15gc and top Sasha while still coming in under CotS? If two tokens are up for auction at one time, do we need to specify "I'm bidding on gold avatar token 1" (not gold avatar token 2), the same as if you were selling two drachorns? Please clarify.
  22. Weeding and watering [log=Day 216, Year 7] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears a group of bluejays cawing from different directions[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees a rabbit run across the field into the forest[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the road[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks toward Fortune's Well[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi returns[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down the hill to the pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi observes the corn, bean, and pumpkin seedlings which are really starting to fill in[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees some of the grasses are perked up in the beds too[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks along the beds, cutting the grass short with his hori-hori and occasionally pulling up runners from the ground[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes weeding and waters with rainwater[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands back to observe the weeded and watered pumpkin patch[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back up the hill[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sits[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i] [/log]
  23. 10gc note
  24. Rumi 1 gc
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