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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. 2 Silver?
  2. come on Real Life, let me in MD for more than a half hour each day! :P

  3. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/6552-abra/
  4. [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1333113463' post='107863'] I remember protectors saying they are losing adepts due to inactivity, wasn't it that if you go 5 days inactive you are no longer an adept of someone? Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you really didn't want to be an adept of someone, do that. [/quote] Actually, the person stays your Adept, but is not counted in terms of "activity". So while I may, for example, have 36 Adepts, only 31 of them are active. If too many fall asleep, their names will still show as "adept of Maebius" when you look at themm, but not be valid for their Protector staying MP6.
  5. When is the actual Birthday for MD? Day 100?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nadrolski


      and that is on Day 104 Year 7 when converted to Server Date..

    3. Maebius


      thank you sirs!

    4. nadrolski


      Bon Voyage and see you soon, Sir Maebius :)

  6. Presuming the date is correct, Happy Birthday! Whenever it truly is.
  7. I'll take the side of the supporter here. For those wandering on a collecting spree, if you coordinate with a friend to pass on your secondary resources (Sand/Flowers/Syntropic Dust/etc) you can harvest often and get a final result which includes a lot more than the "one Flowers" you might if you were not "storing them elsewhere" during your herb collecting. Kudos for the offer. I'll keep you in mind if I gather any more.
  8. I have two recipes, and deciding which is my favorite. Want them posted here, or sent via PM to you?
  9. Interesting, I just went and +Rep'd a post on some other topic, which initially showed zero, and after I did that, it was showing +5. So, I think the storage or record of Reputation is still there, but the display is not showing quite right.
  10. And when the day forwards, At least it was...

  11. “If things start happening, don't worry, don't stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too.” ― Dr. Seuss

  12. And more yet still! Happy Happy Anniversary of entering the Realm, physically!
  13. "You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created." - A.E.

  14. "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you; it will be enough." - Meister Eckhart

  15. Agreed, I will always cherish my own creature named "Sagewoman's Light". You will be misses, missy!
  16. dittos thrice-fold! Happy anniversary of entering the realm, physically.
  17. Does your Elu still have it's papers? Have you been a good master and kept it Happy? 1 GC if you answer yes to the above.
  18. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1331889160' post='106706'] @Pipz - how is this related? [/quote] I think Pipz was commenting about the Apostrophe in "Don't" displaying as not being "Don\'t"
  19. Though a candle may burn out, the Legend never will... May your adventures elsewhere be prosperous and wonderful, Sage!
  20. Still interested in those Angiens. I'll have to get a few more credits or other resources (most of my coins fell out of my pocket lately), but I'd like both, if we can work out a deal.
  21. Huzzah! We missed you.
  22. Thank you, my Worshipers, I owe this to you! Need any help, ask away. :)

    1. Guillak


      Show me all your research? :D

    2. Maebius


      PM sent, Guillak. (just kidding!)

  23. I also noticed the associated "Pass papers" are land-loyalty locked, at 150. To me, this somewhat defeats the purpose of the Pass Papers, as being a way for folks to visit the lands without king-summon type spells (since they require someone to grab them from inside that Land to begin with). Perhaps I am wrong in the presumed "use" of the Pass Papers though. I would have assumed being a citizen of a land already implied you were more familiar with that land and could wander it more freely. I viewed the papers as a nice way for citizens to offer new friends a tour.
  24. I would have to agree, while the Fierce Needle is "physically" located in MArind Bell to grab, I would assume it is meant to be a more Public and accessible tool, for anyone to use. Hurm.....
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