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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. To go MP6? Are there enough Adepts? Lets find out, shall we?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Atrumist


      I'm already looking adepts for you.

    3. nadrolski


      Bring the Light through Sir Maebius!

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      You will make a wonderful protector, I'm sure. Good luck Mae, and... check your PMs!

  2. Yes. I think I will. Why not?

  3. Alas, it seems the Sisterhood has disbanded?
  4. Oops! In the distraction of being Dead, I forgot to mail mine to you. Congrats Passant!
  5. 2 Silver for one of the Angiens (either one), and an empty Memory Stone. And small fragment of my soul, to keep as a slave, when you need an extra set of hands.
  6. I'll put 3 silver for the Angien CotS doesn't want, and 4 for the one he does. (7 total, for both)
  7. Don’t look at what you cannot do because that will discourage you. Look at what you are capable of.

    1. Dragual


      But never forget to push your self to excel beyond what you though you were capable of.

    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      This all seems difficult and unpleasant. I think I need a nap. (kidding, good advice)

  8. first random silver: [b]Anruil.[/b] Congrats!
  9. Tell all your friends, tell all your foes. If you idle near the Gazebo of Equalibrium, you have a chance of a free silver coin over the next few days. Randomly, across many timezones, I will be logging in, and if there is at least twelve people idle or active in the scene, one of you will receive a Silver Coin (based on a dice roll to determine the winner). I will do this random randomness 13 times. Simple as that. Come see the [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11715-we-want-them-back-declare-war-to-death/page__view__findpost__p__104540"]Beacon of Light[/url], and feel a little richer for it perhaps.
  10. Thank you Passant! (for those who want more "raw" logs, than the pretty one above, ) [log='here's the full event']Passant the weak: Maebius, are you really here? And shall we get started then? *laughs* Tal: where are the other dead folks? Ashum: spread around the land Maebius: I am here. Yes. Passant the weak: Silence please! Ashum: Seigheart is in marble dale park... Passant the weak: I hear one of the dead Tal: he should be here Maebius: Seigheart has moved to the Park, but I think we can still take that into consideration. He was moved by others, after all. Ashum: and he tried to kill me... Passant the weak: Allright, one minute. I shall check with Seigheart body Ashum: i have only 8 lives remaining... : Tal drinks some water to cool off Passant the weak: Allright, one minute. I shall check with Seigheart body Ashum: i have only 8 lives remaining... : Tal drinks some water to cool off : Ashum hides away from the water Passant the weak: I have not seen Seigheart there, but left a message to his spirit Passant the weak: One dead is here and shall represent the others Tal: shouldnt rhaeger be here too? Passant the weak: I ask it again. Is one dead here ? Maebius: (rhaegar should be back soon) I am here, and I seek to Bring the Light. Passant the weak: The voice of the many has awaken you. I am here to help you bring the light, a humble representant of the power of the alive. Maebius: Thank you my friend. Help me use the power of the many to reach the light. I am representing the 3 dead that tried to help the first dead. And I want them back. Tal: can I add my will to bring back my adepts? : Passant the weak smiles Passant the weak: We want you back. You have expressed your will, I will help you as much as I can. Passant the weak: You heard the voice of the many. You collected the energy of the many. I will give your body my most precious good. : Passant the weak presents his flask of stone oil to Maebius corpse : Passant the weak passed Flask with stone oil to Maebius Passant the weak: This is what reads on the flask "Uncommon ingredient, very complicated to manufacture, used in alchemy and rare remedies. Most say its actualy useless in practice." Passant the weak: That Stone Oil will not resurrect you. But use it wisely, and bring the light. That oil is the symbol of the will of many to bring you back. Because We Want you back. Maebius: *smiles* I seek to bring the Light. Maebius: When the will of the one if not strong enough, the many cannot drive it no matter how large? Maebius: I reject this, and transpose my own Reality, if only for this moment. The will of many, the energy of the outer, can lift and bind the will of the weak. Balance can be shifted. Maebius: The Orb here, hidden yet charged by the will of the many, I release this Heat. Maebius: So long has it charged, so many have helped. The Heat, fuels the fire, the Oil will Burn. Passant, can you light this oil? Maebius: I will purge the Darkness of death for those bound by it. I risk blindness, I risk Life, but the effort is mine to own. The targets of Seigheart, Guillak, Princess Katt, will Live. Maebius: We all will live. I Want them Back! *pauses* Maebius: (clickie will no longer accept Heat, fyi) Maebius: Current Heat Absorbed: 3606194 : Passant the weak takes the flask, tilts it over the hidden orb and let a drop of oil fall onto it Princ Rhaegar: Maeb Princ Rhaegar: I can't give heat anymore : Passant the weak deposit the flask onto Maebius corpse Princ Rhaegar: just see the names of people who have given it Passant the weak: I want this flask given back to me by a living one Tal: you can see who gave heat?? Princ Rhaegar: just see the names of people who have given it Passant the weak: I want this flask given back to me by a living one Tal: you can see who gave heat?? Princ Rhaegar: Maeb gave me the access Passant the weak: hush Princ Rhaegar: Passant the weak: The oil has been light Passant the weak: And I can see a ray of light Passant the weak: I can see a ray of light coming from the plant and reaching the sky. Passant the weak: This light is a link between those who are dead and those who are alive Passant the weak: May this light strengthen and become visible to all, not only those who have faith Passant the weak: Maebius spirit, do you have something to add? Maebius: Syntropy fights Entropy, but outside this all, Heat still pools. I pool it in the Cause of Life. The other, the many, enforce their will to the draining of Time and enthropy. The cycle steps back. Maebius: Life Before Death. Light blinds the death and banishes it. I want them back. Passant the weak: We want them back : Passant the weak bows Maebius: Thank you, for your efforts, all who soaked Heat, and all who spoke Hope. : Tal nods Passant the weak: People and cats, you may talk now Passant the weak: And if you have faith, I know you see the light Passant the weak: We believe in our power, and we will get them back Maebius: I also pledge my Balance, which as been set evenly so long. To upset Death, and bring Life again. Not only this Heat of yours, but my own. *smiles* I'll live. Passant the weak: *laughs* Tal is still alive I heard it Maebius: *watches at the Hidden Orb slowly releases it's Heat, streaming Light into the sky. Passant the weak: (I got the log, I shall publish soon) Princ Rhaegar: (no more names for me ) Passant the weak: (blame the dead!) Maebius: (I also snagged it at HTML. . and rhaegar, you only got one peek, hope you used it well ~~ ) Ashum: wait... with all the heat in the orb... can you not do something else with it? Passant the weak: We set a link between Death and Life Ashum.... isn't that big? Maebius: Anything, such as streaming it as Light, a beacon to the lands, in Life's cause? Maebius: (The mechanics of revival were initally never the object. ) Maebius: (Now, I'll admit to having a slightly more personal stake in the matter, but I still consider the clickie to be more a show of Community Will, the magic happens behind this all.) Ashum: 3000 heat (way more than that) should be enough to bring at least one of you back... Maebius: Today, we turned that focus towards Light, and Life, and reviving those who recently died. IT will work, but not because I "pushed a button". *smiles* Make sense? Ashum: hmmm... Ashum: i still believe you could of put it to better use but... Ashum: whats done is done... *rolls around spreading roses* Ashum: and at least we have rose petals... Tal: out of curiousity, how much heat did I gather, if its not a spoiler Tal: hi esma Princ Rhaegar: Hello Foxy Lady Maebius: (Tal added #### Heat) Ashum: O: Esmaralda: Good morning *smiles* Maebius: Hello, Esmaralda. Isn't it lovely, the Light here? Downright, Harmonious right now, those pillars! *laughs* . Princ Rhaegar: Shine? the beam is seen all the way from Golemus... *coughs* : Ashum stares at esmerelda and tosses a rose to her Tal: the secret is to use lots of wax, and polish the pillars everyday Esmaralda: *chuckles* Perhaps shine was an understatement Princ Rhaegar: Mistletoe bridge Maebius: (hey, it may be a 'cheap hack', but I had to make it shine!) Esmaralda: (I can't see the button that allows me to donate heat. Do you all see it?) Princ Rhaegar: I can't either, which I mentioned : Ashum throws another rose to esmaralda Princ Rhaegar: probably stopped on purpose? Maebius: Yes, the Heat is dissipating, a Beacon to the realm. Esmaralda: *smiles at Ashum, as she deftly catches the rose* Thank you for he rose : Ashum smiles and watches as roses pop out all over her body Ashum: nearly infected all of MD... Esmaralda: Ah well, I guess there could be worse fates than being covered in pretty roses *winks* Ashum: windy will be pleased.. Ashum: you wont say that when she starts eating the roses off you... : Esmaralda chuckles Esmaralda: So Maebius, why do you want for the heat to dissipate through the realm? It's not up to 5 mil yet. Tal: *whispers* he was impatient Esmaralda: Ahh Maebius: The timing was right, is the main reason. Not so much impatience, as Action at the proper moment. [img]http://everthorn.net/Misc/images/I%20bring%20hte%20Light.PNG[/img] [/log] Also, just for the math-inclined.[spoiler] At the moment I turned off the Heat-soaking ability, there was 3,606,194 Heat charged. With the current rate of Heat Loss, this should keep the Gazebo comfortably warm for just over [u]41.7 DAYS[/u]. (over a month, 3/29/2012 wow!) Also, for reference, the total Heat recorded over the entire time this was active was: 4,278,246 units. [/spoiler]
  11. It's time I tried Living. I seek to bring the Light!

    1. nadrolski


      We bring Water of life. Now, we bring Light of life!

    2. Maebius
  12. With the heat stored near the Gazebo, there is definite interest in charging up the revival efforts, which were "For Seigheart" all along, and only expanded to "I want them back" later. We've topped 3 million active Heat there. You topped 3M. Sustained, Active Heat. That says that while others may wish Death to remain in a general sense, there is still the hope of turning it back in this particular case, when the numbers add up so long and so readily. If someone is to remain dead, let them choose it themselves. I want them back.
  13. Angien 3 Silvers? edit = (to start the bidding)
  14. Bring the Light, I want them (us) Back!
  15. An invocation, to the Powers That May Be, and to myself, in the meantime. Thank you all for your Heat these past few days..... [quote]Within each person, within their heart and mind, the Light beckons, and beacons. Beyond a single person, beyond each single heart and mind, the Light shines. We are one. Light is known to be energy, Creation, progress, and Life. The Principles clearly speak this Truth. Those dead, still speak. There is Life within them. Light can add to their Life. [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b] In the past, Heat has represented the Willpower of those outside, feeding the Will of Life to those who died. Revival of the corpses poured outside Energy to them, in the form of Heat, and they lived. Heat is being gathered,and stored at the hidden Orb, by the Gazebo of Equalibrium. Now, four lie died within the realm.[b] I want them back[/b]. [b]I seek to bring the Light[/b] Adding Time, this moment of active Heat has stretched over days, steady in it's levels, through the actions and will of those around it. Heat has been gathered. Heat is gathered. Heat is gathering. This outpuring of energy Lights hope in my heart. The four were alive. The four are alive. The four will be alive again.[b] I want them back[/b]. [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b] Death comes below, the darker Chaos. The balance shifted and life was snuffed. Heat facilitates all things, dark or light. The cycle turns, for Vitality and Action to renew. Syntropy fights Entropy, but outside this all, Heat still pools. I pool it in the Cause of Life. The other, the many, enforce their will to the draining of Time and enthropy. The dead will cycle back. Light blinds the death and banishes it.[b] I want them back.[/b] [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b] When the will of the one if not strong enough, the many cannot drive it no matter how large? I reject this, and transpose my own Reality, if only for this moment. The will of many, the energy of the outer, can lift and bind the will of the weak. Balance can be shifted. Creation needs only measure and means. Our measured bodies rest, our means keeps the hidden Orb charged. The orb, suits Life, circled and efficient, as those orbs bind Creatuon of creatures. My will, our Heat, enforces this.[b] I want them back.[/b] [b]I seek to bring the light.[/b] Growing further, the Light of my will, The Heat of the Cause, I will purge the Darkness of death for those bound by it. I risk blindness, I risk Life, but the effort is mine to own. The targets of Seigheart, Guillak, Princess Katt, will Live. I also will live. The origins of Heat are abounding, surrounding, and focused. Light, Heat, Strength, Steadfastness, Strike Death down.[b] I want them back. [/b] [b]So may be.[/b] [b]Be[/b], very well. -Maebius [/quote]
  16. Well, I'll admit that until an hour or so ago, from this message, it still read "For Seigheart". At the behest of many many people, it has now been updated to the rallying call "[b]I want them back[/b]", which includes us Marind Bell corpses too, and shows a personal accountability for the Heat donators, in putting their Will where their Words go. Still, "you started it Seig!" [i]edit: (Also trying to work out how to use charged Heat Jars to restock Heat there. I've messaged Chewett and Awiiya, but if anyone with md-script access knows a good method for this, please let me know)[/i]
  17. Can one truly undo what has been created? Once formed, the memories remain. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Seigheart


      *makes chewbacca sex noises* LOL

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      Everyone wants little Chew babies.

    4. Maebius


      awwww, yeah... (this completely derailed my original intent! but is worth it for Chew-baby references now!)

  18. (Thanks Peace, beat me to it.) On topic, I am quite impressed that the Sustained Heat in the little plant remains so High. Seigheart may have his detractors, but the experiment of that clickie shows that there are quite a lot of people willing to dedicate their efforts and Attention to him. It's nice to see that, so I'll keep it up for a while more. "[i][b]I want them back[/b][/i]" [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3854"]Here is the location of the click-able[/url], to store your Heat. edit: I want them back! This is the new call, for Heat donation.
  19. I play Maebius. I play Avindeca Gol. I play maeb ius. I have been Tom Lette. I am also two others, with their own Story. In case you were curious. Yes, and? (reference for "[url="http://www.dangoldstein.com/howtoimprovise.html"][i]Yes, And...[/i][/url]" No harm intended)
  20. Maebius


    Interesting reply. I would consider it more "Selling the opportunity to a Wishpoint", as even stacking many many guesses, there is a vanishingly small chance of getting all 6 numbers correct. Still, I see your point. But would counter it os by no means a "sure thing".
  21. Maebius


    This may be held at the Gazebo of Equalibrium, please? I am considering buying a ticket, and am slightly inconvenienced in terms of movement at the moment. Great idea, BTW!
  22. [b][font="Arial"]Srecan Rodjendan Rhaegar![/font][/b]
  23. Because when They arrive, They will bring the fire Make you come alive, They can take you higher, What this is, forgot? I must now remind you, Angiens Rock! Angiens Rock! Angiens Rock!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      What about tainted angiens?

    3. Maebius


      Like death metal, they still Rock, just in a different way, yes? :)

    4. ChildOfTheSoul
  24. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1328997980' post='104081'] ... Last I knew, in-game demi-gods see in-game actions from in-game characters responding to in-game events. On another note: - I don't know about anyone else, but I find the whole thing pretty cool and eventful. [/quote] Agreed! I could rename the clickie's password if you folks prefer. Been a hectic weekend, but feel free to suggest a good "phrase" to represent the corpses and it'll be done.
  25. Seigheart has a few neighbors in the grave!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      No! That's why I ask!

    3. dst


      If I didn't say I did then it means I didn't.

    4. Maebius


      When the will of the one if not strong enough, the many cannot drive it no matter how large..... my Will is frikkin huge, I hope! :)

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