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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. The "hidden orb" plant thingy at the Gazebo already knows the names of the dead, and could be re-awakened for the cause if needed. ..or, what Burns said. I only have a single silver left, but would donate it to the cause too.
  2. This is so tough. I've only voted on a few, since it's difficult to decide "who" is most "what". Kudos for this amazing adventure/quest though!!!
  3. Why not play to the moon, and either it's fullness or Darkness, for Stories to unfold? (or both) so every other week, with slightly shifted days to allow all to participate in time. As for Time, well, that's your call.
  4. +1 Like for this. Let the tales be spun once more!
  5. I have to agree with your overall points Eon, in that Skilldamage is good. However, I think what Chewett may have been implying is that "it's a good thing" is a rather broad statement. It could potentially (if I'm being mean and creative) be read as: Mur thinks skilldamage is good for some folks to have and use the way they do. Mur thinks driving people into sanctuaries is a good thing. Mur thinks people complaining about Eon/Skilldamage and reducing their playtime is good. Note, I'm not claiming Mur said these things. I'm pointing out that there are a lot of things that a sneaky lawyer-type might be able to claim in such an open phrase, and I know there's some folks who hold a grudge aginst you or skilldamage in general. I'd hate to see a valid argument broken down into flame wars over a technicality. As FireStarter says, I don't mind the stat damage. Grab two friends and it's recovered pretty darn quickly, after all. The general suggestino of a pseudo-sanctuary? I would vote that down pretty strongly, but was an interesting suggestion to propose.
  6. I do like that candy is permanent, for the exact reasons Tom Pouce mentioned above. I've given and received Candy as prizes, and cherish them. However, the boxes are unusable, so I wanted ot address that. Not so much as direct complaining, but merely to prompt some more discussion on it and see if any new ideas sprang up.
  7. I am sorry for reviving an old topic, but it applied, I think. There are currently shared Candy boxes in the Tribunal for folks to grab. They don't work, as of the last 9 days, due to "too many objects" being out in peoples pockets still. So, grabbing shared boxes is most likely not hte answer at the moment. Suggestions?
  8. Why yes, yes it is. :)

  9. hmm, I wonder if there are nicknames behind my back? :P

  10. My opinion is that this is very clear. The other spells like Mirror, noMulti, OtherArmy and such are "knowing how combat works" and meddling with it to your favor if cast. Ghost simply removes the combat option entirely, and is thus "not a fight". This is a Heads contest. It is all about fighting. Boss heads particularly so. Thus, you need to fight. No where does is say "Heads contest is fair", but I think the rule is quite "balanced" in it's own way.
  11. What does it take to Become a Magi? So many definitions of that word around it seems. :)

    1. Tarquinus


      Well, for one thing, it's plural, so it would seem at the very least you have to reproduce yourself.

    2. Maebius


      OR just go insane and start talking in the plural third persons. :)

    3. Tarquinus


      They say they like your suggestion.

  12. Interesting suggestion. If I'm understanding you right, you mean that using an ITC would work the same way it does now, so that "new folks" can grab items with the help of someone with the required loyalty to grab it. But in -addition-, if two people have the required Loyalty to grab it in the first place, they can jsut trade it at-will the same way silver coins and such work, as long as they are in the same scene? If the recipient does not have the proper Loyalty, they can still grab it via ITC at the current Item_Transfer locations? Or am I understanding it wrong. If this is correct, I think it could be very handy for folks grabbing shared tools, (heck, my own bucket-use would benefit from this!) but in general I think it may be a bit too open for abuse, in the sense that a dedicated team could strip all the shared tools within seconds, passing them to a "hoarder", unless the Trading inquisitor also would limit them to 3 shared, as it does now too. If those limitations are in place, I think it's a neat idea, but feel a tiny bit worried there's some flaw I'm not seeing that would make it abusable.
  13. I'll also agree GIMP is a wonderful free program that supports layers and many other "photoshop-like" features.
  14. You'll need some more Honor then, before you'll gain Heat and wins and such.
  15. How's your Honor looking? -500 or so?
  16. Others have died, we came back. Patience will pay off. Continue existing in the realm, and it will help you, I'm sure.
  17. I wonder if it's possible to get [b]uv('player_tag')[/b] also? This might be nice to limit clickies to specific groups or individuals. (I'm thinknig about the '[i]Bringers of Light[/i]' and '[i]Death Guards[/i]' specifically, but many other uses are possible)
  18. I'd have to toss my hat in with those similar comments. "Forum Admin" and "Chewett the wookie" are two seperate roles, but I dont' see why they can't be the same "account" if you have been trusted with it for so long. If folks think you are abusing your power one way or the other, have them sue you. Otherwise, [b]I think in terms of an efficient "administration/moderation" of such a popular forum, the easiest method for you, should be used. [/b] In this case, "Chewett" should stay the access account, since that is you, and doing otherwise, as you stated, updates/fixes/changes "[i]will be less frequent[/i]". Your call though, and if you do agree a secondary account is Needed, then do so. I would not do it merely to appease some peers.
  19. There you go. That answers it, most likely. Story Mode can move you about a little, depending on choices taken. (More details than that might be spoiilery, though)
  20. Would you be going through Story Mode by chance?
  21. My gosh these are excellent!! Well done!
  22. Princ Rhaegar, Tom, and Sootjhing Sands, feel free to pick your prizes! the angien/ts is gone, but I have plenty of other creatures and Stones for you to choose from! Pimped Grasan, old Unholy Priest, Imperial Aramor? FreezeCreature Stone, Prot Attack Stone, Prot Heal Stone, Prot Defense Stone, Prot Freeze Stone,Prot Heal Stone, Prot NoMulti Stone, Prot NoArmor stone, or Prot Movelock Stone, and Silver Coin.
  23. [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2221 - [2012-02-28 21:06:47 - Stage 11][/color] We have received various emails regarding if various things are alt abuse or not, and therefore this announcement is more detailed in regards. If it is still unclear then you should as before, ask us. Believing something is ok is not an excuse. You are allowed multiple accounts and you are allowed to do what you wish with them - provided you play them separately and within the rules then that is perfectly fine. Breaking the rules with one account can get punishment on your other accounts as well. With having more than one account, you need to remember these rules; [b]You are not allowed to have (idle or active) multiple accounts in the same or surrounding scenes [/b]- log them out or keep them apart. This is to stop the farming of alts. [/quote] ?
  24. Thank you Liberty.

  25. I forget the exact date, but might be good to look it up and archive "Pips took it over" as part of this document also?
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