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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Per the original Heat Voting Announcement: [quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2206 - [2012-02-17 22:33:18 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Heat Voting (concept)[/b] There is a method used so far to show the will of some for something to happen, by loading heat into an item and reaching insane heat amounts. I believe this method is a good indicator of collective will power and can be used as a voting method if something should happen or not. To counter it with a "negative" vote, an additional item could be used to load heat and show a group of people is against that something. The ability to raise heat is directly proportional with the skills, age and by that with the popularity of a character. The fact heat drops is also relevant when considering that a certain matter might be seen by someone that can do something about it at a later time. In other words it is a vote that slowly fades away if not sustained and has as only "enemy" the "forgetting" of that cause...and that is in a way very realistic.[/quote] [b]As of this moment, there is more Heat in the left-hand rock than in the hidden orb "vine". [/b] (aka: Spartan Stays Dead) Make of that what you will. For those who ask me "[i]how much is needed before he's revived[/i]"... I must explain that I only helped activate the clickies to record your Heat donations. Heat drains from each every second, exactly as your own personal Erolin device, and trends towards zero without constant donations. I do not have a revival item or spell. It is compeltely up to the whim of those who [u]DO[/u] have such magics and tools on what sorts of "[i]heat limit[/i]" to reach. I'd suggest pestering them for details.
  2. I love this idea. There are often times I'd like to just review a recent combat, or check how close to twelve wins I am, but the "you got smacked" had not triggered to turn it yellow. I click the icon and see the last (new) incoming attack, which means wait a few seconds for it to load, close the 'popup', then re-open the combat log again, wait a few seconds, then click the entry I'd like to review. If a half/half icon is too confusing, perhaps an options to toggle "last incoming/total list" would be useful?
  3. I liked this story. The chapters could probably be a bit longer, but since I can't write coherently myself, I cant judge too much! I agree though, that the characters were captures pretty well there. (and while Mur's name is used as an oath in-game as you've written, I think it fits. Not sure about how it would need to be changed though, as this is more an "external writing".)
  4. By the way, it's [b]<!-- content separator -->[/b] Not [b]<!-- content section -->[/b] That caused me some minor headaches earlier.
  5. I missed it in triggers too, sadly. I tend to watch moodpanel much more closely, and only check triggers to see when Drunk wears off. Sounds like a fun even though, and now that it's on the forum, there might be more awareness.
  6. If only I had a spare WP to make a Windy. I'd be all over this.
  7. Since the game is meant ot be playable at similar "level" by not spending a single cent or peso, or rupee, I think the shop is fine. Ading "useful" things tends to widen the gap between players who spend credits and those who may not. That said, I understand the argument that tokens and such are "powerful/useful" but still, they can be gotten through trade with voting credit-coins alone so are still not "needed". I don't want to see a market for credits undermine certain flavours of the realm anymore than they already may.
  8. [quote name='Valldore Nal' timestamp='1337881558' post='112790'] I don't think that her comment (although misleading) was about the location of the fountain. [/quote] Wisdom indeed.
  9. (Oh, go tell Willow's Shopkeeper "Trade Checker" for this in action. Use either type of *TC ...except ATCs)
  10. Ditto the wookie. I'll miss you, but remember, if your mind changes, the realm is always open for you to return again.
  11. (Note: I'm merely announcing this, to retain a bit of Anonymity for the other participants. It's not "my quest". ) I've noticed some strange reflections in the Fountain of Dark Vibrations the other day. One of them seemed to spell out: [b]There's a small red man running around the realm playing pranks on people. [/b] [b]I think he may have been a Leprechaun![/b] More details are surely visible in the water of that fountain by now, if you take a peek yourself. (no password, just check the Fountain of Dark Vibration clickie)
  12. This can be closed if you want. This round only three people signed up, and I think I'll reclaim the clickie for something else soon.
  13. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1337732700' post='112644'] but then again question is if neg stats are even needed [/quote] They are needed, that's all I'm going to add here. I agree there are issues with combat, but why re-write it entirely? That fundamentally changes what MD has become.
  14. Feel better, fast as lightning, sir!
  15. http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/trophycontest_boss.php A good link to keep an eye on.
  16. Thank you Rendril! array|boolean mds_is_itc(string $itc) Returns false if invalid ITC is supplied, otherwise it returns an array with item information. ["id"] - The ID of the item itself. ["uid"] - The ID of the owner! ["playername"] - The playername of the owner ["name"] - The name of the object (ie: "Silver Coin") ["creationdate"] - When it was created (as epoch seconds I think?) ["transferdate"] - last transfer date (also as epoch secondS?) ["tag"] - Tag ("tool", "Valuable", "enchanted, consumable", etc) When inputting an item transfer code, never use the full string, it will be treated as invalid and return false. I find it best to copy from the ITC to MDI of the code, that is all it needs to identify the creature. if(isset(@input['submit']))//check that button was clicked { @vc= mds_is_itc(@input['ctc0']); if (@vc) { echo "<table border=1>"; echo "<tr><td>Item Name:</td><td>".@vc["name"]."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Item ID:</td><td>".@vc["id"]."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Owner ID:</td><td>".@vc["uid"]."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Owner Playername: </td><td>".@vc["playername"]."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Created:</td><td>".date("F j, Y, g:i a",@vc["creationdate"])."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Last Transfer:</td><td>".date("F j, Y, g:i a",@vc["transferdate"])."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Tags:</td><td>".@vc["tag"]."</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo @content[0]; } else { echo "Sorry, it appears that is not a va"."lid Item Transfer Code.<br>"; echo @content[0]; } } else { //echo the html, it is not shown by default echo @content[0]; } if(isset(@input['submit']))//check that button was clicked { @vc= mds_is_itc(@input['ctc0']); if (@vc) { echo "<table border=1>"; echo "<tr><td>Item Name:</td><td>".@vc["name"]."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Item ID:</td><td>".@vc["id"]."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Owner ID:</td><td>".@vc["uid"]."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Created:</td><td>".date("F j, Y, g:i a",@vc["creationdate"])."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Last Transfer:</td><td>".date("F j, Y, g:i a",@vc["transferdate"])."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Tags:</td><td>".@vc["tag"]."</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo @content[0]; } else { echo "Sorry, it appears that is not a va"."lid Item Transfer Code.<br>"; echo @content[0]; } } else { //echo the html, it is not shown by default echo @content[0]; } <form method="post" action=""> Enter an ITC to check<br /> <input name="ctc0" type="text" /><br /> <br /> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"/><br /> <br /> <font size="1px">*Copy from "ITC" to "MDI", not the entire code</font> </form>
  17. Thank you Rendril! mds_is_itc(); is now a valid function. It returns the following details on an item. (returns 'false' if an invalid code is entered) ["id"] - The ID of the item itself. ["uid"] - The ID of the owner! ["name"] - The name of the object (ie: "Silver Coin") ["creationdate"] - When it was created (as epoc seconds I think?) ["transferdate"] - last transfer date (also as epoc secondS?) ["tag"] - Tag ("tool", "Valuable", "enchanted, consumable", etc)
  18. on a quest to gather 10K water......

    1. nadrolski


      sir, that 1559 Water-guy racing alongside yours is now partying with his TK family.. >_<

    2. Maebius


      Release the lycan! ^_^

    3. Udgard


      At times like this I miss my old water collector >.>

  19. confirmed, I have seen this with buckets and Herb baskets myself.
  20. I believe Grido offered to revive anyone for 20Gold, if I'm not mistaken. In a more general scheme, I like the idea. While there is a historical tradition for Heat voting revivals, There are a few more items out there now, after teh recent Dominion Journey. Silver may be yet another method to use?
  21. Will the spartan live or stay dead? You decide!

    1. Maebius



  22. Well... .technically you do, but it is not visible until MindPower 4 and above. If you check the clickie it will show your "temp active heat" at the moment you first clicked. Most likely, it will be zero though, as MP3.
  23. The heat given is not added/removed from the same "pool" so if someone votes "stay dead" it does not impact the stored Heat for "let him live" at all. Also, this is not meant to overstep the current effort to collect coins. It is a separate Action, for those who may not want to offer payment, but rather speak with their Heat. For those who want him alive, there's nothing stopping them from using both methods, or even suggesting their own. As for the location-specific nature of this... I think it very well fits the nature of MagicDuel itself. We must use location to find a friend and PM them, we must travel to a sanctuary to remain safe while idle, and such. [i]Where[/i] is just as important a question and concept as [i]What[/i] and [i]Why.[/i] The body of Spartiatis is here at the Gazebo after all, the center-point of the entire realm. I understand the concerns for folks so distant, but that merely re-enforces that if you REALLY want to show your vote to revive (or keep dead) then you show that by your total activity, moving from wherever you are to this scene if necessary.
  24. Yet another brave soul has lost it's living state here in the Center of the realm! Oh noes! Since I have been contacted by a number of people regarding the "heat voting clickie" that was used successfully to restore Life in the past, I have accepted the request to re-activate that..... with a twist. In order to actually allow a "vote" to be more accurately recorded, there are TWO clickies setup to collect your active heat. The hidden orb vine, can be accessed using the phrase "[b]Revive Spartiatis[/b]" and will function exactly as it did in the past. This is located in the corner of the steps, as circled in the image below. You can safely check the clickie without using Heat, as it will only drain it when you use the button inside the clickie to allow that. The large rock can be used to represent a desire to keep Spartiatis dead and buried with the same sort of "heat storage" utility if you use the phrase "[b]Spartan stays dead[/b]" on it. (also circled in the image below) [img]http://everthorn.net/Misc/images/GoE_image1.png[/img] All your Active Heat will be drained if you click the button within these clickies, and it will record a running status of it's current Active Heat. This Heat drains away at the same rate as other heat storages, such as your Erolin device and Heat Jars. Speaking of Heat Jars, it is unfortunately [u]not[/u] possible at this time to use Jars to store Heat and transfer it to the voting clickies. The Heat must be [u]your[/u] own Personal active Heat, at [u]this[/u] location. Let the Will of the Many once again decide the fate of the One! I think adding a "negative vote" like this is quite in line with the spirit of the "Heat vote" concept as mentioned in the announcement! [quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2206 - [2012-02-17 22:33:18 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Heat Voting (concept)[/b] There is a method used so far to show the will of some for something to happen, by loading heat into an item and reaching insane heat amounts. I believe this method is a good indicator of collective will power and can be used as a voting method if something should happen or not. To counter it with a "negative" vote, an additional item could be used to load heat and show a group of people is against that something. The ability to raise heat is directly proportional with the skills, age and by that with the popularity of a character. The fact heat drops is also relevant when considering that a certain matter might be seen by someone that can do something about it at a later time. In other words it is a vote that slowly fades away if not sustained and has as only "enemy" the "forgetting" of that cause...and that is in a way very realistic.[/quote] [b]Also note:[/b] I will NOT be using any Prayer Heat from my Worshipers, unless specifically asked to. For now, I'll refrain from voting one way or the other, unless I am sure it's my own Personal Heat released by my stored Erolin devices.
  25. Safe Journeys, Hedge! May all your stories be Adventures
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