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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. You aren't the only one opening it... nor is it "boredom" on my part.
  2. Thus: [b]Option #16. Other/null (comments posted below)[/b]
  3. (edited for better collapsable logs and to remove some names in submitted entries) The [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12861-maebius-madness-monthly-mini-quest-1/"]"Sunlight" quest[/url] has run out, and here are the entries thus far. I made this a multiple-choice Poll, so feel free to vote for your favorite 1, or three, or however many you want to. At the end of two weeks, September 15th, the poll will close, and I'll award the top three winners their choice of prize, from my stash. (stash includes a Gold Coin, a few Silvers, and a few creatures with 2-5Mil Heat, plus anything they might request specifically in terms of resource or Enchanted Stone, or such... feel free to get creative) Thanks all for your participation! [log='Submission #1'] Shades went about their business as usual: Unnoticed by the things that clamored around all the time, and in fact unnoticeable to almost anyone but themselves. Not to say that nothing was unusual to everybody else though, quite the opposite in fact. Lo and behold, the eternal sun was gone, and it had been replaced by a large white rock, while darkness covered the land. Irritated warriors took little notice, other than to complain about the lack of training partners. Giddy researchers flocked about, taking measurements and making observations, you could almost feel their hurried excitement. Huddled together deep in the forest, a group of people stood together, smiling at the sky. "Today, brothers and sisters...today we witness the night, the overwhelming presence of the moon and the unmistakable absence of sunlight, so let us enjoy while it lasts."[/log] [log='Submission #2']Summer days arnt here to stay Unless united with the moon's bright rays Now winter comes to seize the day Letting it's frozon grasp chill the summer Inside we do not stay Going outside is the way to see the moon lit sky brighter Hardly cold it is anymore since the moon began its wanning Togeather the sun and the moon have brought back these summer days [/log] [log='Submission #3'] Sometimes, it just feels to sit back and relax, watching people argue, quarrel and fight in front of you. Unlike most, such people have simply learned to mind their own business. Not that this is always right, because many a time it is needed to interfere in problems you're not part of to help prevent it from rising further. Life isn't about keeping that one angry thought in your head, and repeatedly using it as an excuse to continue fighting. It is about working hard; using time and energy to solve these problems which have occurred in the past, and continuing to do so or else these problems might arise again. Greatness is only truly achieved by those who understand the importance of the very few people who struggle to prevent problems instead of increasing them, and try to have these qualities in themselves. Having to learn this is the only way one can be successful in life. This is what I have learned from the Principle of Enthropy.[/log] [log='Submission #4'] Seems Unbelievable: No Lorerootian Is Generally Hugging Trees! [/log] [log='Submission #5'] Studying Uronology Naturally Legalized Imbued Golemian House Throngs [/log] [log='Submission #6'] Sanctifying, scintillating, scarring Undulating, ushering, unyoking Nurturing, nourishing, nullifying Luminescing, liberating, lilting Gate-crashing, gyrating, glamoring Heartening, hypnotizing, hexing Titillating, truncating, tyrannizing [/log] [log='Submission #7'] Searching for the beginning and the end Under every rock and in every crack Nowhere to be found and Life has become a wreck I'm starting to despair Giving up has crossed my mind However how much i seem to care To remain sane i must leave this search behind [/log] [log='Submission #8'] [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5017"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5017[/url] We hid the poo under the plant... [/log] [log='Submission #9'] SUNLIGHT Somewhere along the plains, Dante stood, blinking into the sunlight; seeing it reflect of the thousand soldiers, decking in shining armor that were to be his opponents today. Unlike so long ago, he was no longer a young little mp3, no longer did anyone dare to call him weak in fear of getting crushed of when he proved otherwise. Now was his time to truly shine though, this invading force moving to charge, ignorant of the reputation this man had build for himself. “Lionheart! Lionheart! Lionheart!”, roared the men behind him, rallied behind their leader whom stood in front of them all, ready to meet the enemy, not to cower behind his allies. It was a thunder of sounds, metal against metal as the armies clashed, led by the brave Dante, his swords flashing about; his creatures wreaking havoc wherever they went. Graves where to be filled this day, for the carnage seemed nearly endless, yet finally the forces of Lionheart overwon, armor caked in grime, dirt and most of all blood...but faces shone with victory. Heroically Dante staked his banner into the ground of the battlefield, claiming it as another victory for his forces, staring up into the sun.... To then suddenly open his eyes and find himself waking up, still a tiny frail mp3, the glories of his conquest nothing more then a pleasant dream as he fell asleep on the grass, baking in the warm glow of the sunlight. [/log] [log='Submission #10'] this is a test. say hi [/log] [log='Submission #11'] Sunlight shone through the window-pane as my mind started to wander, Upon my life did I ruminate, examine and ponder. Never did I question the journey of life I’ve taken, Little did I fathom that it would end so sudden. Invigoration of a child; the feebleness of an elder, Growth and time will just lead to decay and departure. Hunched and huddled upon my deathbed, in desperation to caress, The sunlight’s lapsing touch upon my wrinkled, withered hand. (A poem about death, dealing with the principles of entropy and time.) [/log] [log='Submission #12'] "Lights" Silver light shone through the night, Under trees and over highs Never known to be the sun Light holds down every tongue In awe all await the moment when Golden rays pass the horizon Holding the day soon to arrive Twilight comes to ban the night (And a little bonus:) Secrets from the Sun Sunlight shines forever more Under gazebos and over doors Never saying what to see Light tells us of a mystery In time we'll know what we were meant to see Growing closer to the things that be Holding all secrets to ourselves Twilight will bring the end of times [/log] [log='Submission#13'] So comes the pain Unless we recover No one knows when Liars are healers In times of distrust Grey is cool and grey will come Hell is now and hell is right Till we find out...here comes the sunlight[/log] [log='Submission #14'] Sunlight Sunbright First Star I see each day. I wish I might I wish I may Have this wish, I wish, horray! [/log] [log='Submission #15'] (S)everal times I have watched, the clock ticking, and the time pass. (U)nder it mechanical contraptions that spin and spin. (N)ever ending. (L)eisurely I sat as the clock said "Tick-tack." (I)magining fantasies that may never be. (G)hosts of hope crossed my mind, of dreams that may never be. (H)ere I sat leisurely. "(T)ick-tack." Said the clock. [/log]
  4. For my opinion, I think it's a valid try. If it turns out badly, then we know not to do it again. If not, then someone gets revived. Yay, someone's alive. That's never a bad thing overall. Regardless of Siegheart's valuing of Life or the "community" trend, I agree with the thoughts there. Siegheart, you ARE a member of the community. By even posting and chatting in the realm, you are part of it. Don't let the irritable comments of others get you down too much. You said yourself "it's a game". If you get killed again afterwards, then it happens.(If I agree that it would be fun in a twisted way to see that, to be honest) It is still No reason not to try and make an effort to live again -now-. [u]Yes,[/u] I would like to play a game. I want them back.
  5. Papers are probably the main thing I am asked about, by new RP-minded folks. combat training and "how do I get past those gates or solve the Berserker's thing" is the second most frustration I hear.
  6. Horray for Hawks!

  7. Anyone interested in a very small "art commission"? Three very simple sketches wanted. PM for details and to quote your price.

  8. Anyone interested in a very small "art commission"? Three very simple scribbles wanted. PM for details and to quote your price.

  9. Anyone interested in a very small "art commission

  10. Last chance, the quest will automatically stop recording entries on the 31st, as the reflected Sunlight reaches it's peak. Prizes include a gold Coin, a few Silver, and a Heated creature or two.
  11. when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill... :)

  12. stirring up the dross in the swimming pool, isn't usually this fun. :)

  13. This is an interesting case. On one hand, I agree that sponsoring the Molquert quest with a WishPoint is a valid thing. Good for you to inspire soem activity there, Seigheart. On the other hand, if Seig is the one who gets revived, that crosses some pretty strong grey-areas and looks suspiciously like "buying a revival with TK rewards". Regardless of the original intent. I don't envy Council to judge/jury if this is "fair" or even "legal" or not. I say, let the request stand, and see what happens when revivals actually happen? If Molquert can revive multiple people, and requires more than one person's effort to Succeed, then it gets even more muddled. But for my opinion, I think it's a valid try, at least, until the act itself happens and we go through the 'fallout' of details then. If it turns out badly, then we know not to do it again. If not, and someone gets revived for a WP, then, yay, someone's alive and someone else gets a wish! Yes, I would like to play a game. (I also am not even going to get into the statement of death being an item effect, or "normal", or any of that. I'll keep my opinions to "sponsor a WP for revival" as the original topic)
  14. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345562826' post='120682'] Lol why me? O.o [/quote] Probably because you are famous? A legend in your own right, the way I see it. MetalBunny: is there a qualification on what you'd consider "famous enough" to write about? Or perhaps a cut-off (famous stuff that happened before [color=#808080]MDD/MM/YYYY[/color]?) Or are you leaving it open to us other 'scribes' to determine who's newsworthy? (I do like the idea better having us choose, but wanted to clarify in case there were 'filters' in your mind first)
  15. Hmm, that is a worrying change recently. They used to reset every day, and I agreed, from when I was MP6, the Heals were nice, but rather limited for anyone other than a new MP3. The "harmfull" spells were potentially a bit nicer to have 20 of each day. (I made them into Enchanted Stones usually) Perhaps fixing the Heals back to 20/day and limit the other ones to 8/day or such? (so they can still be Enchanted?) or, this is just the sign of something larger coming for MP6 stage "very soon"[size=1](tm)[/size] ??
  16. Hippo, Birdy, Two Ewes. Hippo, Birdy, Two Ewes. Hippo, Biiiirdy, Deer, Goat-boy! Hippo, Birdy, two ewes....
  17. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1310238846' post='87454'] After the memory stones there will be the learning stones and after that the research features , after that new resources, with other monopoly, and so on. The "edge" of the development will always be expensive and hard to get, compare it with the modern days technology. [/quote] I believe this is the reference being questioned here. Since "Research and Connections" has been live for a while now, and Memory Stones as well. Perhaps we have not found them yet?
  18. Well, to drail the conspiracy with obvious truth, I did it. To get people at the GoE for my quest! Or it was Molquert.
  19. Yep, the clickie form seems to be working, too. 6 entries so far. I'm loving them!
  20. I logged some heavy rain I saw today in-game. (BUMP!)
  21. I know I asked this before, on a Harddrive long ago... but does anyone know where the "MD board game" rules might be found? 30-ish tokens, black & white, closest to 0 wins?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Order of picking varies by round.

    3. Pipstickz



    4. Maebius
  22. I know I asked this before, on a Harddrive long ago... but does anyone know where the "MD board game" rules might be found? 40 tokens, black & white, closest to 0 wins?

  23. Poe died too? I missed so much the last few ...hours. What's on my mind? Quest ideas, and Angiens, honestly.
  24. The hidden orb at the Gazebo of Equalibrium has been updated with a mini quest of mine! (No password needed) From the Dark of moon to Brightness of the night, this will be active. (14 days, until the full moon @ Aug 31st for this first month) Details are in the clickie. (also, if you can't submit your entries in the form fields for some odd browser/clourflare/captcha reason, please just PM them to me on the forum or in-game) All entries will be posted after, and a voting poll will be used to vote for them as the moon wanes. Winners will receive various small prizes like Silver Coins, Enchanted Stones, Heat-infused Creatures, or other small requests winners may have. Another mini-quest will go active on next New Moon. (Picture below for the clickie location) [spoiler][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/hiddenorb.PNG[/img][/spoiler]
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