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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. minor MD vacation for the next week. Life Happened. If you see me, I'll be idle, just grabbing ActiveDay.

    1. nadrolski


      have fun and see you soon, sir :)

    2. Magistra
    3. Nimrodel
  2. [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1348342520' post='122274'] Dark Tower reference, we even have Roland in the realm. Golemus/Loreroot = Gilead/Inworld MB = Midworld No Mans Land = Outworld Necrovion/Deathmarrow = Endworld/Dark Tower[/quote] Very interesting, but I would mix it up just a little bit, and the matching is still flawed the way I see it. I would have put MB as Gilead, thecity that Once Was bright, but the world moved on.... yet since MB is one of the more populated area,s that doesn't quite hold up either... Lets make Necrovion Gilead, since it was so important to History, and is now lost to Viscosity and such, and was the seat of such Great Dynasty under Peace's father, etc etc. . The other lands of MB, NML, and Loreroot are Midworld. GG I almost ALMOST see as either Lud or the Calla, but the connection there is feeble too. Tribunal, is definitely Endworld, with Mur's dominion being pretty much Can'ca no Rey. We have not reached the Tower (throne) yet, after all, unless asked in by the Red-named-in-chat Crimson Mur. But I like the perspective either way, regardless of which land is which. As for Jedi. I have to agree with Rhaegar. Angiens are Midichlorians aren't they, and we all fight against our Dark Side? I'd make a personal correlation between the Avatar Airbenders. Golemus is obvioiusly all a buncha Fire benders. Loreroot are the solidly loyal earthbenders. MB would be waterbenders for more than one obvious reason, which leaves those Necrovions to be the last Airbenders. (Note: I have yet to watch more than two episodes of the sequel with Korra, so my thoughts may change there. Waiting for disk set.)
  3. Indeed, welcome to the most unique realm I've seen in a very long time. ...and trust me, even after a year, you'll still have Questions. So keep asking them. Enjoy!
  4. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. See this thread for details: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12273-a-breakdown-of-the-interface/ Those are Heat Erolins. welcome to MP4! As for the Grasans, search through all the Announcements for "grasan". Here's one example. [quote]Ann. 2089 - [2011-11-15 07:46:14 - Stage 11] The Farting Grasan produces Toxic gas A farting grasan (thx Mya) will fart excessively. These ..products..of his ability *cough* can be collected for later use, whatever those uses might be. Toxic gas together with toxic herbs and other similar things to come, will be usable as primary source to extract deadly poisons or power up items with effects such as paralyze or intoxicate.[/quote] There are a few different names you can give them, for varied results.
  6. As Falronn stole the thought I had in better words already, I'll just paraphrase them. Peace has Histroy with this realm. She has handled death gracefully, more than once, and as a Protector, when others have fallen, shows the community values her existence in the realm. I'd like to keep that existence as corporeal as possible. Death tends to make it difficult to use the intent of an MP6 as currently defined, to "do the job". Plus, As always in my mind, Death in the realm is a good lesson, but never meant to be a Permanent State. It's time to keep the Revivals as active as the Deaths have been. It's all part of Balance, after all.
  7. I think we need a proper war, to vent the frustrationsd that keep bubbling up in minor skirmishes lately. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nadrolski


      +1 Like, Sir Maebius

    3. lashtal


      Si vis pacem, para bellum.
      Si vis bellum, para culum! ^.^

    4. Jubaris


      Fine, we need less peopole... Like 100 :D (I just connected to VertuHonagan)

  8. I am sorry to see you go. Especially after your quote regarding "that ugly dude with a missing eye that cuts you open if you get anywhere near the treasury door? Or the dragon inside the cave that burns you to ashes when you enter."
  9. No worries, Lashtal. I mostly meant, if your alt is enjoying the quest, I only ask you'd not also have Lashtal (or a bunch of other "you"s in the list, please) I should have phrased it as "one character per player please, whichever character you want to have a chance in the winners lottery." Your alt is fine, by itself there, if that makes more sense. And can remain as a winner!
  10. Oh, I really hope I don't need to say this, but please try to keep your Alts out of the winner list... especially if you've gone through and gotten a bunch of words on another character and speed through the rounds to 19 points on other characters. That just goes agaisnt the spirit of the quest, having fun. I'm not planning on asking Council to do a full alt check on such a minor little game, but if anyone notices a known alt, can you please ask them to lose a round or two in ortder to keep the winner list "fair" for players, not just characters. Thanks!
  11. Another New Moon (close enough ), means another mini-quest from me! At the [color=#a52a2a]Signpost in the Marble Dale Park[/color], you will find a rather simple little game, that I'm sure many of you have played before otuside of this realm. ...[b]Hangman![/b] The rules are simple.[list] [*]Get exactly 19 points by the time the quest finishes. (near Full Moon) [*]Losing a round lowers your score by one. [*]Guessing the words/phrase correctly increases score by one. [*]Six wrong letters makes you lose. [*]All words and phrases are MD-related. [/list] At the end of the quest, by popular request, I will have a Lottery drawing from my hat, posted to Youtube, for the prizes. Extra notes:[list] [*]You can keep playing and intentionally lose points later. so you can Self-balance there. [*]Prizes will be announced later. [*]Any typos in names or events were taken directly from Adventure log or copy/pasted from the game interface. [*]The image of the poor hanging figure is not meant to imply any ill-wishes towards a certain former corpse, but should give him a chuckle. [*]edit: click-spam may produce some odd bugs like letters being used or unused improperly. Since you can just play another round later, that shouldn't bother too much in the long run. If many people are playing, be warned! [/list] Enjoy!
  12. The results are in, and I decided to keep ties as tied for this, rather than draw a name from a group of 2-3 for each place. With that in mind: First place (5 votes) - Each wins a [b][color=#ffd700]Gold Coin[/color][/b]![list] [*]DARK DEMON & samon [/list] Second place (4 votes each) - Wins either 4 Silver Coins or an Enchanted Stone (ChaoticBoost, Locate, or the choice of the others I carry)[list] [*]Pipstickz, lashtal, & Jaime [/list] Congratulations! Mods, this topic can now be closed, please. See you next month for another fun mini quest.
  13. Yep. Now to put a price that is both affordable to me, and not insulting to the artist by being too low. I love it Dante!
  14. One more day left to vote. Encourage all your friends to add their thoughts to the Poll. Drawing/awards to be allocated "tomorrow".
  15. I was being serious. Has anyone been dead this long? I know the message when we see a corpse is something along the lines of "They should be revived or will start to decay." plus something about reviving automatically at Torches or if not by magic. I forget the actual quote and am mot near a corpse lately.... Seigheart, Take a note of your current stats and maximums. If it happens again, see if they changed? Perhaps it is part of the "death mechanics" but we have not seen it at this level of effect yet, due to the timeframes involved?
  16. Also known as "The Hidden Orb". rpcq4-gazeebo-hiddenorb Very nice, by the way.
  17. Death is a lesson, but not a permanent state, in this realm. For that reason alone, he should Live again, for now.
  18. Bump. still a few days to vote for your favorites! As an added note, Ties will be resolved by drawing names from my hat, in a similar fashion to my first "[i]Tour of Sorts[/i]" quest.
  19. Minor note: If you want your form buttons to be nice and fit the "style" of MD (like the buttons in-game for [Talk] to chat, or [Send Message] for PMs, etc, etc...) instead of the default ones.. Add [color=#008000]class='frm-textbutton'[/color] to your code as below. [CODE] <input type="submit" class='frm-textbutton' value="Submit!"/> [/CODE]
  20. It's times like these that make me smile....

    1. Pipstickz



  21. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1346765319' post='121418'] By joining an ally, you get stats....... Joining an ally is optional. If you wish to be in one, you take it as it is: with advantages and disadvantages. [/quote] Seconded. It is a risk you take, to gain citizenship and the benefits of joining the Guild/Alliances.
  22. Congrats to everybody!! I'd LOVE to see what others came up with, more for curiosity of the ideas than who won which place. Would anyone mind sharing their submissions? Also, I'll skip any rewards, and just keep my sponsored Angien Egg for whomever picks that. [log='Here is mine....'] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Describe the functioning of a sundial in relation to Principles.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Write an original, MD-related motto for a Sundial.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Discuss whether a sundial could work in MD and, in case, where.[/font][/size] Since for me the Sun never moves, though I have noticed that other Stories have it shifting in the sky and even finding Night, I have decided to use the general "idea" of a sundial as a time-keeper rather than a physical shadow-caster. I'll try to explain my horrible drawing below too. If you have any questions please ask!! (I'm not even sure this could exist "for real" outside of MD as it's a bit of a philosophical construct more than a physical one.) Picture a tall thin support, formed of shifting ephemeral ever-changing colours and design. Imagination holds up the structure you see, for without it, no Sundail could ever have existed physically in any realm. The dream and idea of it is the foundation. Above the structure is a sort of spiral horn-like shape (think rams horns that curve downward to a point). Above THAT, almost out of the image, is the ever-burning Light (I didn't say Sun exactly). Instead of a shadow tracing across a marked circle to tell the time, however, the "horns" are pushed by the Light and grow outwards and downward from the "force" of the light over time. The horns are marked into segments, and as they curve, they eventually re-connect into the support structure, as if they will re-start where they first protruded. (so the horns are actually spiral rings, in a sense.) The tips, and narrowest section of each horn is rules by Darkness. One side ebony and one side jet. Wood and Stone, and represent the first moments of our time in Magic duel. So many questions, so few choices that first step, thus, the narrow point, but quickly growing in thickness and possibility as Light pushes/illuminates/teaches and Time passes. The spiral nature of the sides is obviously where Time is represented. Their essentially circular nature reflects well on how Time is a moving thing in the small-scale but taken as a whole, is One. The circle-horns turn to track moments, but never truly "Move" beyond their spinning, but describe the local Time by looking at which fragment of the horn-circles is on "top", emerging from the support structure itself. As the darkness starts to be brightened by the Light, representing how each visitor to MD grows in thickness of knowledge and details of the realm, the horn-circles shift from black materials to something lighter. Syntropy, and Elements now share equal places on top of the sundial, formed of glittering fine-grained Eucalyptus wood (which changes colour over time to a dark brown, and thus provides a somewhat even transition with the nearby ebony). Opposite the syntropic wood is the elemental section, with a core of heavy rock, wet sandstone around that, and light pumice exterior material. The main and "longest" segment of the horn circles represents Cyclicity and Transposition. While the cycle is represented throughout by the spiraling horn-circles, this is ever more apparent as they grow in girth. The materials on the Cyclicity side change to blood-red metal on the outside of the spirals, and pure white on the interior, representing the training combat and rest periods of most people, and the outer Stats, and inner Enlightenment as they look deeper into the realm. The Transposition side abruptly switches to an opposing spiral, and the movement of the overall "horn" slightly pauses so it falls slightly out of sync with the opposite "Cyclicity" side, it's movement becomes slightly random, so that it is alternately longer or shorter than the opposite "horn" over time, but the random speed tends to keep them -almost- even. (this may be an effect of the opposing spiral reacting to the Light pressure which drives the whole apparatus) It is made of stuff similar to the Imagination support, but much more solid. If the imagination is primarily pink gas at a particular moment, the Transposition is rose coloured glass for example. If imagination is flowery or fiery, the coil takes itself to appear like hard-packed pollen and petals, or glowing orange metal for that moment. The Transposition segment also slowly becomes layers of materials, reflecting the Imagination support at each moment, and as it "turns" a small sliver of it is locked as that material. The overall effect is a shimmering vaguely striped spiral in a myriad of metallic rainbow hues. As Time progresses, and the horns flatten out and the "spiral" cut in them becomes much shallower and the materials on both sides gradually fade to a not-quite-pure white ivory (if it were a screw, the threads get smaller trending towards a simple cylinder.) Balance is restored as in the movement of each side as the pointed Dark tips curl upwards and approach the shimmering support column of Imagination. The spiral is still reversed on the side that represented Transposition, but is now moving at the same rate as the Cyclicity side. Balance is once more restored and the the horn segments on top now glow faintly from reflected and absorbed Light. The spiral 'cuts' begin to fade away as they get more and more shallow, as combat training and other Roles even out over time, with diminishing returns. Periodic dark and light veins in the ivory symbolize the events of the realm that slightly interrupt the overall smoothness of the ivory(and our daily roles here that fall into a routine), or flashes of new learning. Eventually, the pointed horns 'grow' into the support structure, and the horns themselves get less and less solid. Our time in MD has either reached it's end, or we've become (like chewett and some other older vets) so established in our roles and learning that our personal growth ..... not really stops, for it never stops, but reaches a zenith of sorts. Time ticks once more and the faded past of the horns is now curled and half suspended below the top of the support structure. One day has passed. Dark points begin to appear from our imagination again, as a new day starts. The cycle repeats. "There is time enough for all of it, and all of you." As for a location of this strange little sundial, I almost think that either inside Sage's Keep, with it's varied Light-sources, or perhaps the Paper Cabin Roof, being above where the imagination support really starts here in this realm. However, overall, I think a Sundial in general runs a bit counter to the overall "timing" for this realm. It would be an interesting thing to ponder, but doesn't exactly "fit" here as I understand Sundials. Enjoy! [img]http://everthorn.net/Misc/images/Sundial2.png[/img][/log]
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