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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. I think Nimrodel would love that avatar on the right.... but maybe not. (I just know she was talking about wanting a warrior in a corset & skirt recently)
  2. Best of luck in all your adventures, Sasha-ghost. I'm sure you'll bring gifts and joy to many other realms beyond this one. Be well, and I'll miss ya.
  3. Why not the Temple? or the Quadrature? or the floating book?
  4. when you try to actually write a little script for some totally unrelated project, and spend two blasted DAYS trying to debug what looks perfectly correct, only to then discover it's mdscript syntax, instead of normal PHP. @storage[@vp] =/= $myvar
  5. I have to agree here. While Pipsticks makes a very valid point, Fang hasn't changed the quest details at all, nor has he "withdrawn sponsorship" if his conditions are not met. He merely seems trying to boost popularity in the quest, by hinting at better rewards if there are many. It's the classic case of "one marshmallow now, or two later". Either way, you still get marshmallows!
  6. From here on, the Prior Monthly Maebius Madness will be stored in the little Oak Log plant, at Awiiya's Way, in case anyone wants to just toy around with it informally. #2 hangman is there, at the moment.
  7. Yes, because we can.

    1. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      If a group is as strong as its weakest member, Eon should work out less.

  8. Just wanted to bump this because it rocks!
  9. Well, I had to get the body/avatar to hang after the first victim, right? I'll try to get the remaining prizes out ASAP, when I find you folks. Or if you prefer a PM/ITC sent let me know and I'll do that if needed. I prefer handing it over in-person though. Idle at the Park for now!
  10. Natural 20 [quote name='Vicious' timestamp='1349276984' post='122969'] Crits [/quote]
  11. My son folded up papers with the rewards, and another set with all the potential names on, and drew from each pile to determine the winners! (Next time I may just list the rewards as while he enjoyed writing and folding the papers, it took a bit longer than expected to re-open them all due to Post-It-Stickiness[size=1]™[/size]) [spoiler] http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=lKLapKAQFPE[/spoiler] Congratulations TO Everyone!! Gold Coin - Vicious ChaosSword Gold Coin - Valldore Nal Gold Coin - Chiruaga Angien Egg - Dark Demon 3 Silver - Antyvas 2 Silver - Sunfire 2 Silver - Pipstickz 2 Silver - Tipu 2 Silver - Nimrodel 2 Silver - VirtuHonagan 1 Silver - samon 1 Silver - Laylah Personal Favor - Dante Lionheart Prot Attack Stone - Princ Rhaegar Prot MoveLock Stone - AmberRune Prot NoArmor Stone - *Peace* Chaotic Boost Stone - Esmeralda Chaotic Boost Stone - Chewett (the Wookie) Locate Stone - dst [size=2]Those rewards with a are handed out already, so I can track who got what so far.[/size]
  12. [quote name='Peace' timestamp='1349210121' post='122879'] Emm, not trying to take this offtopic but... are you a woman Reggy? The cover figure has some body parts I never thought you had... [/quote] I'm guessing this is where " change it enough so it's not plagiarism, comes into play.
  13. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1349081600' post='122685'] [cquote]Because some of our voices on the forum have become inactive, we are looking for 2 new players to fill the vacant spots. -The person should be between 200 and 400 AD. [/cquote] [/quote]
  14. Video tonight I hope. To answer Ackshan. A Favor is pretty much anything you want (within reason). Need 100 Wins/losses somewhere? I can help. Want to grab some shared tool? I'll help try to ensure you get it from folks who can grab them. Want me to smack around your friend or foe to heat-infuse their newbie alt? Sure thing. ...etc. Be creative.
  15. You know, for the year I've ben in the realm, I never really played with that Calendar. I think I knew about it, but forgot. Thanks for the reminder!!
  16. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1349159735' post='122793'] Doubt [/quote] Hope
  17. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1349122946' post='122747'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: and may i suggest the name "Twilight Brigade".[/font][/color] [/quote] ...you spelled "Dawn " wrong, Fang. Sun's rising, not setting, the way I see folks being Revived. On topic: You have my Help, if ever it is needed, Fyrd.
  18. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1349107951' post='122733'] Silicon Dioxide [/quote] Injections
  19. Tea reminds me of [b]boost[/b]. [size=1](And artificially boosting postcount FTW! )[/size]
  20. Here is the unsorted list of "winners" for my little [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12955-maebius-madness-monthly-mini-2/"]Hangman[/url] (seig's avatar) quest. Hope you enjoyed it. Soon as I can get my son to cooperate, I'll be drawing winners from my hat, and posting the video here. (Within the next Day or twos, as it was his birthday this weekend so we've been partying a bit too hearty ) [b]Current Winners (with [u]exactly[/u] 19 points):[/b][list=1] [*][b]AmberRune[/b]. [*][b]Valldore Nal[/b]. [*][b]Seigheart[/b]. [*][b]Chewett[/b]. [*][b]ignnus[/b]. [*][b]Pipstickz[/b]. [*][b]Dante Lionheart[/b]. [*][b]laylah[/b]. [*][b]Deleo[/b]. [*][b]Eara Meraia[/b]. [*][b]Tipu[/b]. [*][b]DARK DEMON[/b]. [*][b]Princ Rhaegar[/b]. [*][b]samon[/b]. [*][b]Sunfire[/b]. [*][b]Nimrodel[/b]. [*][b]dst[/b]. [*][b]Plix Plox[/b]. [*][b]Vicious Chaossword[/b]. [*][b]VonUngernSternberg[/b]. [*][b]Esmaralda[/b]. [*][b]Vasilemacel[/b]. [*][b]Chiruaga[/b]. [*][b]VertuHonagan[/b]. [*][b]Antyvas[/b]. [*][b]Eagle Eye[/b]. [*][b]Ackshan Bemunah[/b]. [*][b]Quinntius[/b]. [*][b]Seeker white[/b]. [*][b]Princess Katt[/b]. [*][b]Aelis[/b]. [*][b]*Peace*[/b]. [/list] Prizes to be given out shortly: 3 Gold Coins Buncha Silver Coins A handfull of various Enchanted Stones (assorted Spells) Two Favors A young Angien Egg ...but, [b][u]you all Win[/u][/b], if you enjoyed yourself for even a moment. Thanks!
  21. The way I see it, there will never be, and shouldn't be, a "exchange table", because the market itself is made up of us, the players. and it is subject to individual subjectivity. We make the rules, though there is generally agreed-upon values. But having them tabulated as "official rates" jsut seems a bit wrong to me. Unless you add "subject ot personal opinion" to the table or such.
  22. One more day left! Act now to join the Nineteener Names. (ps: TK_Fang, I plan on using the remaining prizes leftover from last month's SeigSponsors, if that's alright. 3G and a few silver, I think, plus some stones?)
  23. I like it. And it suits the "new you" that has released itself from the TKs lately, and now bound to other chains on your own creation. ...or something. I have to slightly agree with the others commenting "why not? your choice", but, it really is your choice. If you like it, Take it!
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