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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1345208139' post='120328'] Seigh, this will be the first time You're getting a neg rep from me. And I know you for almost 2 years so far.. [/quote] Ditto. I found the whole issue somewhat amusing from an external perspective....until that post. Fang seems to be taking it well enough. Don't stress over it please.
  2. It appears to be the "footer" for almost every layout page.
  3. ...and at the end of the day, I say Thank you.

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Thank you for being you, and all that you do. :)

  4. Yes, Sleep! Rest well. Be well.
  5. ENFP Extravert(22%) iNtuitive(12%) iNtuitive Feeling(38%) Perceiving(56)%
  6. One thought that still keeps bugging me slightly, is the Token concept. I hate to focus on it, when the original topic is broad enough for many suggestinos, but Tokens are still the only part of the game that "requires" credits, if included in the tutorial. Yes, there's free voting, and I can see the benefit of pointing it out to new folks and improving our realm's e-reputation. But it still makes me worry that, unless explained as optional, the very idea of tokens "[i]feels[/i]" like a vague method of 'monetizing' the game. It's not really, but there's that sense behind the idea which I cant' rationalize away in my own mind. I don't have too many tokens myself either, but do vote every day for the credits. It's just not "necessary" to use them, is it? Granted, human nature being what it is, pointing them out will be a nice boost to the votes over time, I'm sure. (then again, bringing up the idea of "make every ritual has it's counter" again is a totally different topic )
  7. That's what I was going to suggest. While Principles can still be nice at the beginnig, liek they are now, the idea of Tokens are a bit more in-depth. I suppose it comes down to if the focus is on combat stats (Principles for Tokens) or ..um... "Personality?" of characters (Principles as symbolic traits, that also are useful for Tokens). I'm sure both perspectives are valid, but I would save tokens for a bit later once the basics of combat are introduced. Combat is different enough from other games, particularly with the encouragement "to lose" and keep Balance. I would imagine being a starting player, that Tokens would needlessly complicate the stats of creatures, particularly as MP3 when most crits are locked or unavailable anyway. Tokens shoudl definitely be introduced, but only after a bit of combat experience, and only in a limited way, as a simple example. (Claw for aramors, and/or something for the Barren Souls only, perhaps) Overall, though, I really like your outline where story mode encourages soem quick fights right away. I very much enjoyed the Story for it's symbolism and such, but if the focus of the new player is "get wins, and losses and Heat(xp), then definitley jumping to PvP combat is much clearer than the current Tutorial which often makes folks think they need to find more NPC shades and guards after they are done. It almost seems like a return to what I hear older folks talking of MP2 days. (which were before my time)
  8. ~day 218: Year 7~ A slow start, with more planned today, once another friend 'wakes up'. [log='1_-3x3_1 - Ravens Peace'] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Maebius sits for a moment, by the water, then takes a Toxic seed for himself, chuckling a bit.[/i][/color] [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=WNtrwTzIclfpRfERM1P-yw,,"][color="#7E5132"]Maebius[/color][/url]: [/b]This one will be a nice balance for the other seeds I'll be planting in the garden, I'm sure. And protect them from predators, I hope! [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Maebius gathers a small bit of water from the lake here.[/i][/color] [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=WNtrwTzIclfpRfERM1P-yw,,"][color="#7E5132"]Maebius[/color][/url]: [/b]Back to the Ferry now, for one final prayer... [color="#305681"]*[i]gathers his belongings and heads off down the path, humming cheerfully[/i]*[/color] [/log] [log='1_2x3_1 - Angien Ferry'] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Maebius sits down on the edge of the dock, staring out across the water, from the distant Keep to the egg shrine and back, with a serene smile on his face[/i][/color] [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=QgTV2qCvdpKSaw0yVYyH_A,,"][color="#7E5132"]Maebius[/color][/url]: [/b]It feels so wonderful to be back here again. New Life, new hope, now...new seeds! [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=QgTV2qCvdpKSaw0yVYyH_A,,"][color="#7E5132"]Maebius[/color][/url]: [/b]I wonder what sort of seeds to grow? Perhaps I'll se if these echoes bounce back with any ideas.... [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Maebius rests quietly, in thought[/i][/color] .... (unrelated chatter) .... [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=sCWsqYopxv89MJTrSDLP6w,,"][color="#7E5132"]Maebius[/color][/url]: [/b]I'll keep those defenses up for you all day, as needed. [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=sCWsqYopxv89MJTrSDLP6w,,"][color="#7E5132"]Maebius[/color][/url]: [/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]takes a deep breath and slowly reads over his scrolls[/i]*[/color] ...now back to thinking of seeds and the sorts to seek. [/log]
  9. Many many congrats! The best times are yet to come.
  10. What I'm curious is how there have beem ...a few replies on the forums in short order, yet I wonder if Phantom orchid has received her sponsored reward yet. I don't ask this in an accusing manner, just putting things in perspective here. We all have lives beyond MD. I understand the codes may be on another drive. But, why not take a few minutes and resolve the issue thi weekend over a spaRE 10 minutes and keep the arguing here minimized?
  11. Oooh, shiny! I bid a[b] [color=#ff8c00]5 gold note[/color].[/b]
  12. Dying a little more each day, and loving it.

    1. Mallos


      Maybe it should hurry up?

    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      did you ask 'it' if it wants to be given loving?

    3. Maebius


      hmm, perhaps loving It is what's killing me?! O_o

      /reconsiders Life a bit more, and potentially stops chasing waterfalls, with a laugh.

  13. [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1343921613' post='119026'] [i][color=#808080]Perhaps it's not for personal gain, but rather to support the game.[/color][/i] [/quote] +1 to Shem! I'm possibly interested in the stack of Angiens, but not sure how to "transfer credits".
  14. Oh noes! While I understand that RL ? MD, I do also agree that your Role is much MUCH more than simply acting as a conduit for Council messages, or handing out bubbles. Your activity in the realm stands for a lot more than you may realize, to me, and to others I'm sure. Stay leafy, and don't leave if possible. As for council saying you are irrelevant, are you truly going to take them as the final authority on Your action here? I truly hope not, as that changes a lot of how I see things. Your views are respected, your dedication is inspiring, and your words provide much needed shade to those who stop to listen to them. [b]tl;dr [/b] Please say it ain't so!
  15. There's always the option of getting a badge for Land Citizenship too, which influences your AP, and VE, and such in various ways. Linking AP and VE would rather befuddle that functionality too, in potentially very unbalancing ways. That's all I'm going to say about that topic though.
  16. Add enough Fire and it all Vaporizes. (I mean that in both classical physics, and elemental correspondances, I think)
  17. off camping with the kids until July 31st. ... MD, I'll miss you.

    1. nadrolski


      enjoy and be safe sir! we'll miss you

    2. Pipstickz


      have fun camping with your mother until July 31st ... kids, I'll miss you. Hello MD!

    3. The MoM

      The MoM

      ah Maebius, I remember your kid from that video.. nice lad :) hope you have a nice time, you, him, and all the rest :)

  18. [quote][b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=RuoW2A2v1jETHow7yyF-7A,,"][color="#bc9434"]BFH Lightning*[/color][/url]: [/b][color="#648c59"][i]MD Summer Team Leader Fyrd Argentus fate was decided by his team. He is now alive at the Gazebo of Equilibrium. Team Leader Maebius remain dead. Would it be too late for him and his team?[/i][/color][/quote] Too late, he's alive, ALIVE!
  19. Why not simply login to your old account? Nothing truly dies here, after all. it's still there, waiting to be woken up.
  20. No Libs, you [u]can[/u] wander to the Path of Lineliness if you don't keep checking your StorySCroll after getting a few Aramors and such. I'd been meaning to test exactly where it breaks down, but did that once on a new alt just because I "got ahead of myself". If you go back to the Old Man's Road, you can fix things, but it is a bit confusing I'll admit. (you don't need to go the whole way back either, you can skip a Shade)
  21. can't seem to find the right rock. I'll check it out ASAP, though..
  22. Welcome to Magicduel! (I'll mention though that the forum is not for RP, but I think they'll accept this one time, because, well, MUFFINS!)
  23. It was my understanding that the three leaders of the teams were remaining dead until their teams work with to revive them. As mentioned above: "If any team find the five "Revivers" for their leader revival. The respective leader will get back to life on the same ceremony." However, none of the teams have yet found the five.. thus Valldore Nal, Fyrd, and I are still dead. Good luck though! Perhaps the three teams can coordinate efforts? (OOC: I'll be a bit idle this weekend, possibly. Camp preparation, as I'm one of the den leaders)
  24. [b][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=5]TEAM 2[/size][/font][/b] We had three quests from Team 2. Totals: Team 1 = 4 + 3 + 4 = [color=#0000ff][b] 11 points![/b][/color] Team 3 = 0 + 13 + 5 = [color=#ff0000][b]18 Ponts![/b][/color] Team none = 8 + 7 + 7 = [color=#dda0dd][b]22 Points![/b][/color] Light the Beacons: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12667-summer-fest-light-the-beacons/"]http://magicduel.inv...ht-the-beacons/[/url] (Winner = ignnus from no team. [color=#0000ff]8 total[/color])[color=#ff0000]....................................DIV..03......................AV: 2.67[/color] (Lone Wolf from Team #1 came in second place. [color=#0000ff] 4 total[/color])[color=#ff0000]..........DIV..03......................AV: 1.33[/color] [color=#ff0000]BONUS +5[/color] Summer Treasure Chests [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12670-summer-fest-the-treasure-chests/"]http://magicduel.inv...reasure-chests/[/url] Team 1 opened 3 chests[color=#ff0000]..........................DIV..16......................AV: 18.7.....BASED.IN.5.SCORE=0.94[/color] Team 3 opened 13 chests[color=#ff0000]........................DIV..16......................AV: 81.2.....BASED.IN.5.SCORE=4.06[/color] Team none opened 7 chests[color=#ff0000]....................DIV..16......................AV: 43.7.....BASED.IN.5.SCORE=2.18[/color] [color=#ff0000]BONUS +0[/color] Summer Quizz [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12681-summer-team-2-summer-quizz/"]http://magicduel.inv...2-summer-quizz/[/url] [indent=1]Team 1 [b] Total : 4 points[/b] Team 3[b] Total: 5 points[/b] Team None: [b]Total: 7 points[/b][/indent] [color=#ff0000]BONUS +5[/color] [color=#ff0000]EDIT (BFH): CLARIFICATION[/color] [color=#ff0000]Team 1: 1.33+0.94+4[/color] [color=#ff0000]Team 3: 0+4.06+5[/color] [color=#ff0000]Teams DIV by 3[/color] [color=#ff0000]Bonus TOTAL: +10[/color]
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