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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. congrats! Sounds like a fun spell!
  2. Ahh, I also jsut considered you probably meant "weather" as in Sunny spellcasts, and Storms, and such. I'll admit I miss about 80% of those types of actual "weather" since I tend to ignore the triggers except when I first login, or am checking ot see if the gazebo is still glowing. So, Hmm.... I'll sleep on the ida though and see what bubbles up in my head. I doubt anything concrete though.
  3. If the clickie pulled data from "outside" possibly (cron job, external server? ...load other website as some folks Papers do?), but then we are stretching the bounds of the realm a bit more. I can't think of a way to get a steady semi-automated feed from -within- MD directly, except for an organized effort of people, as suggested above. But that's less "automatic" and prone to fall into idleness at times. Hmm....
  4. I'll second the wookie. Quite a bit of chatter in-realm about this, but less success finding un-fresh "matches" among my friends. Still a good idea, I hope to see someone score here!
  5. The Keys have vanished from the signpost, but if any are still held in-hand, they can be used for a while longer, since the chests are still active. (semi-)Final results? Team one scored 3 points Team two scored 0 points Team three scored 13 points Team four scored 7 points I can break down individual character's number locks opened if necessary, but the overall winning team is fairly clear.
  6. The treasure chests have started to flicker in and out of phase with the realm. Can't be long now before they vanish again. (I'll be removing them in a day, so now's your last chance to open as many as you can!)
  7. Ahh, so just to clarify in my mind: If I use creature id 778877 & 778878 in battle, and you use creature 778870 & 778874 we would have a "score" of 11 right? (obviously, there would be 6 creatures on each side, but you are comparing the id per slot, yes?) ..77-..70 = 7 and ..78 - ..74 = 4 (7+ 4 = 11) maths are hard So ideally, you'd want to use low id creatures against high ID ones, for the largest 'spread'?
  8. 7.17. Lucky day. Hope it is filled with adventure and smiles.
  9. Note: The beacons are gathering Heat correctly now.....
  10. Summer Fest?! Magic Treasure Chests?! Horray! The signpost in the Marble Dale Park now has a bunch of strange enchanted keys hung from it. Grab one (only one!) and see if it works in one of the 16 magical treasure chests that have also been hidden across the realm, under the password of "[color=#b22222][b]Summer Treasure[/b][/color]". (they keys require no password) [img]http://everthorn.net/magicduel/key15.JPG[/img][img]http://everthorn.net/magicduel/chest1.JPG[/img][img]http://everthorn.net/magicduel/key3.JPG[/img] [b]There is a trick though! [/b] Each treasure chest has two locks. You may only unlock one of the locks yourself, so teamwork is a must. If you try the wrong key, it will vanish from your hand and reappear on the signpost. Using the right key will keep it in your hand to try elsewhere. (some keys are used more than once) Some treasure chests [u]also[/u] require a certain resource to be in your pocket, where it can feel the energetic essence of the material. (this chest needs water) (those keys shown are NOT the right ones for that chest) Each team has their own set of keys (unaffiliated peoples also are considered "team 4") and their own chests, so each group can open each chest on their own for points. Opening a treasure chest awards that team one point. There are 16 total chests scattered around. Have fun, with the [b]SUMMER TREASURE[/b]. For those who want coordinates, a Little Bird told me the following locations where these treasure chests have been spotted: 1_-1x3_1 1_-1x-2_1 3_4x-4_1 3_1x0_1 1_3x4_2 1_-5x2_2 1_-3x2_2 1_-5x-3_1 1_-4x-3_2 1_-4x-3_2 1_3x0_1 1_3x-3_1 1_3x-3_1 1_1x3_2 1_0x0_1 1_0x0_1 [size=2]This quest brought to you by "Team Two". [/size]
  11. MD Summer Fest is Open! Festivities should start.. So let's Light the Beacons across the realm! Those Beacons must be lit with your Heat until they are All Balanced and above the minimum! Team work [s]may[/s] [u]Will[/u] be necessary!! :-D For every stage it will be given the following score: 0.5 point for reaching the minimum heat on One Beacon. 3 points for being the player to achieve the Beacons Balance! You can find the Beacons scattered over the lands, using "[color=#b22222][b]Summer Fest[/b][/color]" to look around the following clickables: [b]Ash Arch[/b] (rpcq4-loreroot-asharch) [b]Sage's Keep Interior[/b] (rpcq4-sagekeep-wallbreak) [b]Ivory Lighthouse[/b] (rpcq-ggivorylighthouse-door) [b]Marind's Room[/b] (rpcq-mdamarindsroom-balcony-A) Good luck! Each time the beacons are balanced, the difficulty increases. How many points can you earn before the event ends?! [size=2]This quest brought to you by "Team Two". [/size] [size=1](darkraptor, can you help?)[/size]
  12. Summer Festival? YAY! ^_^

  13. Thanks chewett! I tend to rsort instead of arsort, for my personal views of lists, so that the "big" people sink down to the bottom. But the technique is still sound!
  14. [b]011011001000111011010101 00000101[/b]
  15. Maebius


    Would these horoscopes be based on when we joined MD (our "birth" in this realm?) or our natural births in "the real world". I may be interested, if I can scrounge up a coin or five.
  16. so many potential spoilers there Libs.... But I agree, there are quite a few NPCs already and more might not be too useful, except as a one-time quest to challenge people, then they would be gone again for them. Similar functionality would be to get a key to the "armor treasure" you were mentioning as the reason they exist, and have guards of players, similar to the Dominion event. That way, control of the realm is more in the hands of us players, not some automated npc force.
  17. Happy happy birthday, from all of us to you!
  18. Phantom orchid said it best. Stay, or go, it is not my decision to make. As much as I still think whacking the wookie was a generally bad idea, leaving means the killers win. So, don't let them. I null-vote.
  19. I'd like to request a small plot for the Bringers of Light (or just me ) to play around with, and grow further.
  20. [quote name='Ivorak' timestamp='1341967059' post='117213'] MD should allow criminals. We (the players) should not. [/quote] +1 Like. My thought is similar, while I understand your frustration for being dead yet again, Seigheart, and trying to find a fair way out while righting perceived wrongs, attacking Grido here isn't going to solve anything. This isn't real life. There are slightly different rules here. Killing is wrong and illegal in real life too, and I do believe you happily confessed to killing Chewett recently. That colours things a bit where the "illegal" line is crossed yes? I do hope you can be revived soon though. This just doesnt' seem to be helping the cause, though. Sorry.
  21. I've seen similar "BAD SITE!" warnings on my browser very very sporadically on some of the pages, and had considered their banner ads were being sneaky. I'd block the page, but return to that open tab later and seem t ohave no issues voting after a period of time (which I guessed was possibly due to the banner ad changing?) Note: this is pure speculation, not explanation.
  22. Nature may reach the same result in many ways.

  23. Challenges is useful every Heads Competition, when it updates to show the current points. Otherwise, yeah I kinda agree that some of the old links are not really used much lately. Not sure how to re-organize them except maybe alphabetically or such?
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