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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Here ya go. To answer Rumi's question, if you try to unlock a Clue, you'll see how many points you have left and need to confirm [i]"spend it or not?"[/i] That's the only way I know of to double-check your own current Research Point values. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10652-research-and-connections/#entry92598 [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2029 - [2011-09-27 00:59:50 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Research and Connections (codename: "clues")[/b] The announced research related feature announced for stage 11 is here! You will see a new link just on top of each scene.[color=#ff0000] All players where given 10 research points and more points can be unlocked in batches of 10 in the wish shop. [/color]Use them wisely. A new series of achievements that will enable you to start researching these clues will be launched tonight. First thing you need to do is to activate level 1 clues once these acievements are up, only then you will be able to reveal the clues you can see now. Currently there are about 40 clues of all sorts of levels scattered across the entire realm, not so many, but new clues will be added constantly. You can check what is new in the new clues interface. There will be hundreds of such clues so you can use your free 10 points now or wait to use them just on the clues that you consider most interesting. Clues can be also actually researched and "discovered" by yourself, by making logical connections about the realm. It will take a couple of more days to fully man that feature because it needs a team of people to operate is and all this is quite new for everybody, so dont expect an answer on that right now. When that will be functional I will announce it. (Applause - and mark of history - go to Rendril for preparing up this big section of MD so carefully and to Yrthilian that gave me the initial idea) Update: Public meeting at "Meeting of the Roads" about questions related to the new clues feature[/quote] [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2030 - [2011-09-27 01:45:30 - Stage 11][/color] [b]New achievements available - Research Depth, level 1 and 2[/b] To reveal research clues you need to unlock these new achievements. They are quite easy to unlock, however the first level clues are quite basic as well. Level 3 and 4 clues are not released yet but you can't unlock them without going through the level 1 and 2 anyway. Good luck finding where these new achievements have been placed [/quote]
  2. The ID can change if you pick up fresh resources (such as dowsing water, harvesting Herbs, and such) Resources are counted as normal items now, as described in the original post.
  3. Going to stay MP5 for now. Life is sucking my activity for a while. Thank you all my Adepts for the time at MP6. Support sir nadrolski, Peace, and Sunfire if you could please. Be Well!

  4. Handy Pockets asked me to mention she's having forum issues. PM her any messages, in-game please for now.

    1. Chewett


      Isnt she always having forum issues? Just blame me for it... im purposely blocking her access...

    2. Maebius


      ok. I blame the wookie! :D But not really.

  5. Yep, but if you go into the script and just save/compile it,it will reset the timestamp to 14 days, BUT you'll [u]also[/u] get an error if the Locations does not include your "current scene". Otherwise, if you DO try to save & compile a "distant" script and do not include your current location coordinate, it breaks the script when you walk to where it is saved. Seems that compiling it looks at your current coordinate, so not being "there" compiles it with location errors too. (you can get around that by adding your current location to the script when you click it via the "Quest Clickables" menu, and editing it from there)
  6. Bob blooming is a magical thing, yes?
  7. My main argument in the recent cases is that when one character gives up and leaves, and the other specifically says "ahh, just wait a bit, I'm busy".... the community will act as they would for other plans, because they are fun. If that's getting Tea, then so be it. I think that's why a lot more discussion on the meta-topic of handling these latest deaths moved to the theoretical forum-realm now. Here's where I must fall back on the main reason I started this. What value does life have here? In this case, there was a funeral in-game, since the player seems to have left, or not returned messages, after posting "I'm done". The Heat vote never showed much beyond an attempt to draw the attention of those who Could help. Coin collection did take place in-game, but also on the forums as a more global reminder of it. To my knowledge, [u]every[/u] post I linked has had echoes if them in scene chatter. Every single one. Some were outside of my normal activity time, I'm sure soem were outside of others. The forum is nice for a more "global" archive of thoughts. But it still doesn't answer the main question. What price should be put on a life in MD? For grido, it is 20 Gold. I think it's fair, particularly since I've seen other publically offer to pay the price with pooled coins. For some, it seems we require Great Acts of Event and interaction. That's also fair if folks prefer that. The main question is, is that fair? The revival fruit idea came about as a reaction to "no one did anything" the way I see it and is still playing out a bit,( with less public support as you also mentioned.) But that's not the main reason I asked the question in this topic. Is all this Effort and Creativity worth it? [b]Are others accountable for their lives, or are We in charge of them?[/b] I don't mean that against your comments Z. That actually supports them in my mind. What is the value of a Life in MD? There's two answers. One is the price of Revival of a dead character" that can be debated ad infinitum here on a case by case basis. The second is the price it costs MD when death drives someone away from hopelessness.
  8. In light of unreturned messages, and my fear that the spirit of Spartiatis has begun to fade, so too has the Hidden Orb stopped soaking Heat.If you wsh to donate your heat to a cause, still, Loreroot has a Moon chalice, with far FAR more activity in it over the last few days, than this little vine accumulated while it was active last month. I will keep it up, to list the last 10 timestamps, and track the trend towards zero, then remove it entirely. Revive the Dead? Perhaps not this way, this time. Rest well, among the ashes, Spartan. May your spirit return one day, and find Adventure wherever you drift.
  9. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1340396605' post='115829'] I really don't want to accuse anyone, we're all to blame nothing happened yet and Spartiatis was the first to die. Also if we all clasp our hands together I'm sure we'll be able to bring them back in no time. [/quote] You are right. We should have tried a few things, beyond just complaining about 20 gold coins being unfair.... (among other minor ponderings I'd seen in-game chatter over the past month.....) [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12322-a-new-community-project-of-sorts/"]http://magicduel.inv...oject-of-sorts/[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12327-im-the-ghost-of-sparta-goe-now-is-haunted-by-a-ghost-becareful/"]http://magicduel.inv...host-becareful/[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12461-help-fyrd-call-back-all-the-spirits/"]http://magicduel.inv...ll-the-spirits/[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12483-recipe-for-fyrds-bodhran-to-wake-the-dead/"]http://magicduel.inv...-wake-the-dead/[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12511-revival-fruit/"]http://magicduel.inv...-revival-fruit/[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12441-a-funeral/"]http://magicduel.inv...2441-a-funeral/[/url] I think at this point, what happened is Chewett had publically said "don't bother, I'm busy right now too IRL", more than once in game, and Spartiatis seems to have left the realm, or at least not made any noise lately after: [quote name='Espartano' timestamp='1339334964' post='114264'] Or donate my coins to anyone who is interested in using them in a revive item (not to cast in me as without my crits will not play anymore) ... So this is a goodbye. [/quote] edit: couldn't tell if you were being semi sarcastic, Samon. I posted these links in a light-hearted frame of mind, not to also accuse anyone, but as a reminder of what didn't work this time it seems.
  10. Well, my full thoughts on the matter are a bit complicated. While I see the overall importance of Patience and the need for personal accountability towards Action for our characters, there is a line somewhere between the "game" and the Game of MagicDuel. Death is an interesting experience, if handled properly. The limitations can be either torturous for someone dedicated to creature combats, or wonderful for those into the RP and symbolic side of things. Death, overall, is a good thing to have, as ther is always hope for it's reversal. Nothing ever dies in MD has been said before, in relation to accounts leaving, and such. In this regard, charging for a revival is [u]also[/u] a good thing. We are free to set our own selves up as anything we want here. Greedy, evil, good, generous. It all can exist in the shared wonderful Realm we inhabit here. There is always potential challenges for our characters, that if soemthnig doesnt' work, try something else. If it's important to you, and you put forth an effort, there's a nice chance Things Happen. However, the important part of this is the hope and potential for the future. Failure in MD can teach us about our own responses to similar situations in Life. But those lessons need to be constructive, rather than rejections. I really really hate to use Spartiatis as a martyr, but his situation is a perfect example in my mind where the meta-line of "MD spirit" can potentially get crossed. The player was effected deeply, and by my reading had posted "I'm done". Some could say the character did not put forth enough effort towards his Goal (revival), and those are valid thoughts, in most cases. Yet not everyone here Roleplays, or is a socialite. Some could say that it's just another case of the person not "getting" the realm's identity, and not quite fitting in. I can't accept that opinion though, because there is no "not fitting in" here. There 's a place for all types of characters, silent grinders, or pure Roleplayed Beings. I'm sure there are peopel who come to MD as curious newbies, and leave after a while, finding the game not to their liking. That's fine. But when someone enjoys the game, has integrated themselves into the community, then loses Hope that they will ever get to play again.. that's bad. That reflects directly on MagicDuel itself, counter to the Advertiser's efforts. Pushing a [u]player[/u] away, is generally a bad thing, once it becomes clear that the Character's irritation of "being dead" has crossed over to player frustration at being excluded entirely from what keeps him/her here to begin with. Would the spirit of MD be harmed deeply if in such cases the admins or Council steps in to "cheat" a bit and revive someone in this sort of situation? Ideally, I'd hope that the player would at least be reminded "[i]sorry its taking so long, try something else[/i]." or "[i]Rest assured that in ## time, you could be revived again, but not at the moment[/i]". A little glimmer of Potential is a Big Deal at times. So in summary, the value of a Revival in MD is quite variable, depending on the situation. The value of a [u]Life[/u] in MD is priceless though. If we kill a spirit, that is not worth the cost at all.
  11. What value, a MD life?

    1. Kaya


      About half as much as a guild, according to the heat votes

    2. Maebius


      Interesting results, yes? The community speaks.

  12. Since it was brought up elsewhere, I figured I'd start the topic here for general discussion or ranting. How much is a life worth in MagicDuel? Grido has suggested 20 gold coins to use his revival tool. As an alternate discussion, what of those "god accounts" with magic to use if needed? While I believe the player of Spartiatis may return in a different form, is there a line to be crossed between characters not being revived until they learn a lesson or show effort, and the player quitting the game in frustration? That's a bit more of a meta-question, but an important one I think, for the general long-range health of the player community. How strict are the "filters" in MD reality? I'll add my full thoughts on the matter shortly, but essentially, I agree with a few different viewpoints. Each case is it's own.
  13. It would show you have donated "two", in your case, Grido. One bundle of flowers, then if the ID changes, a second one would b counted. More accurately, "Twice" might be a better phrasing. (I'll ask Gort to change the wording slightly. It's her clickie )
  14. You enter the ITC########MDI fragment, not the entire trade-code. As for item IDs, if they change, you would get credit for "two" flowers, and yet simply increasing the quantity of your "Flowers" resource (such as people giving you more Flowers) and having a new ITC to use will not necessarily change the "item id" of the resource you carry. So, it's an interesting limitation, not based on character, nor items, directly. I'm curious how high folks can get the count up to, though.
  15. I've worked with Gort Hedera today, who wanted to gather a pile of Flowers to decorate the Gazebo of Equalibrium. She's places a small bit of magic to the HiddenOrb clickie there, which appears as a little vine, to the left of the central stairs. (where the Heat-vote clickie is for me) Her collection will accept the ITC of Flowers you have in your pocket, and count how many individual "bouquets" are submitted to the form, displaying it in her clickie. If you gather more flowers, you can add them to the decorations. Lets make the gazebo as beautiful as the memories we hold around it! Since these are virtual clickie-flowers, you will still technically "hold" them in your inventory, but you can pretend they have been added to the Gazebo. It's the thought that counts, after all, right? Lets see what happens.... [size=3][color=#a9a9a9][u]Technical specs:[/u] This is somewhat experimental, and more social-thing than an actual Quest. Tracks the ID of the flower resource, so trading back and forth to get a new ITC will not work to artificially boost the count. [/color][/size] [color=#a9a9a9][size=3]It also seems that increasing the "Flowers" you carry by getting more quantity may not change the ID, just make the ones you carry more Real. (read: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10370-how-can-resources-be-fixed-unsplittable-groups/#entry90038).[/size][/color]
  16. [s]By the way, if you search for a "resource" that is unsplittable, such as [i]Water/Fat/Memory Stone/Wiiya[/i] etc, it will return a value of [color=#000000][color=#0000BB]string[/color][color=#007700]([/color][color=#0000BB]1[/color][color=#007700]) [/color][color=#DD0000]"1"[/color][/color] instead of an integer with the number of items on-hand. Is this a bug? (I'm guessing not a bug as Resources are not a quantity but a real-ness when in large amounts)[/s] Resources are counted as normal items now, as described in the original post.
  17. Agreed, that while I love the effort that Rumi is doing,. I think he's earned a WP for the pure reason of that effort, and the ripples that have spread from the Garden idea in general. Perhaps it's merely a different phrasing, but saying "[i]WP to change the subtitle[/i]" feels wrong to me. (and yes, I was given a WP for some code help, that I asked Council to revoke as something valuable as a WP was not for the work I did, in private) In Rumi's case, he's done some serious effort, both in MD that moved beyond the realm itself. Had people thinking about ecological sustainability and inter-relationships for perma-culturing, Many disciplines were discussed, from forestry, aquaculture, seasonal climates, Artwork requiring engineering validation and not aesthetics, just, wow! ... The whole Community Garden has gone [u]well beyond[/u] a simple quest to "describe a garden or draw a pretty picture", and I'd happily support granting an overall WP to him in "general".
  18. [b]tl;dr: Mixed feelings. Efficiency and slightly improved Public relations may be needed. Maybe make an alt or "mini-announcement Forum" for better transparency in activity, while keeping Final Answers as they are now, just quicker. Still, Thank you for keeping the game running so we can have this debate to begin with.[/b] My feeling on this is mixed. I don't know the council, never tried to worry who or how many were there, and assumed they were also in charge of "coding stuff" and "admisitrative stuff" as Chewett mentioned for forums and wikias and general logistics. They are busy, important folks! However, I do agree that they are probably either too few in number or rather over-worked currently. I have no evidence to back this up other than the rather long period of time between any emails being answered, and the necessity of sending "reminder" messages if I don't hear back within a month. Granted, not all my personal pet projects are worthy of more than a one-line reply, but I wonder if there's some sort of "email workorder/ticket system" to track requests? I know I've asked the same question more than once and gotten a "No, we never received this before, but thanks for asking.." (when I know because I saved the "we got it, please wait a week" form-letter replies.) Add to this the relative Silence on the forums lately in response to Big Dramatic Events ™ and I just think they may be overworked or acting somehow like a "hung jury" behind the scenes, trying to reach consensus. So, Efficieny may be the most important thing to work with? Public relations may need a tweak too, and I'm not quite sure how to go about such things. Perhaps, a simple forum, similar to "Announcements" where someone with Voice of Council could post "[i]we see this happening, and are watching current resolutions[/i]." type comments. This would not really Change the situation itself, but would at least reflect that there is Activity or Discussion happening, rather than silence. [size=2](There's some theorum about silence being frustrating because it means either no one read it or no one cared to reply, and that uncertainty is more irritating than a non-committal answer, but I can't cite that at the moment)[/size] The phrase "I Hear You" is an imporant one in therapy, after all, for soothing unbalanced emotions. In terms of losing MagicDuel's soul, I disagree, I have seen the realm as being in the hands of us players from the first week I started playing, as long as we play by the general Framework of Mur's Outline (which seems to be, "[i]play how ya want, unless we say no[/i]"). I missed the RPC days, but heard grand stories of Items being created out of thin air for folks who made them "real" in their playing. I've heard grand stories of, well, Stories. I've heard it said that Mur would allow sneaky creative things, then make a rule to prevent it, but the original Creative Thing was[i] almost[/i] welcomed. I wonder if that sort of dynamic Manifestation of Us could be encouraged somehow? Maybe MD has changed in "soul". What made it change? us? Council? Surely not Mur taking a vacation. It's self sustaining now. As far as the statements about one Game Maanger being a bad idea? I'm suspect of that statement as True in a general sense. To horribly simplify things, the Roman Empire did great under one Head Guy. Hitler did some impressive things for Germany (ignoring the BIG BAD THING). Napoleon Bonaparte rocked his world too. Mur build this realm for us. Just because one Leader is bad, does not mean all are. Perhaps ONE dedicated or thick-skinned individual could create an alt, or use Master of Ceremonies as an example, and at least Watch. This relates back to Public Relations I mentioned. For all Land and Role and Event things, Mur always asks for one point of contact, yes? Maybe that's needed in reverse? To conclude though, regardless of the issues, The Council is (I think) made up of players like us. Their role is most likely a labour of love, without pay. They may need a bit of restructuring or shift in keeping the Spirit of MD running smoothly, but they do a lot to physically keep the game of MD running, and for that I thank them.
  19. Words can say, hearts can Do.

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      In most cultures, the heart is the center of the soul.

  20. Thank you for bumping this! Off to the Outdoors! [size=2]I had three images on my camera, and then completely forgot about getting more! [/size]
  21. I hereby petition this thread for PINNED status.
  22. There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go...

  23. We have to choose one? I think all of these are great options,. and will think more on them all this week.
  24. how many fingers are you holding up again? :)

    1. Nimrodel


      just one... and its making all the difference... :P

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