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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. (edited for better spacing and format, no changes to actual nominations made) Adventuring Award - My nomination already listed. Best Beautification - My nomination already listed. Champion Fighter - My nomination already listed, argh! Fossil of the year - Awiiya definitely! The Golden Protector - Peace, without fail Helper of the Year - Dark Demon always offers to help, and my other choice is already listed. Most Addicted - Dark Demon is an obvious choice in my mind Most Popular - hmm.... Fang Archbane. Everyone knows him, and we are always talking about him. (if Popular is re-defined as liked... I may have to change this, but I saw Eon there too, so figure it fits) Outstanding Service to MD - BFH Lightning, (because I can't nominate Chewy for his foruming) Pre-eminent Role Player - Ackshan Bemunah springs immediately to mind for me, as a not-yet-nominated-but-should-be. Prime Quest - Awiiya for his "get a bubble weaver after doing my quest" quests, which were varied and fun and are sorely missed. Rookie of the year - My nomination already listed. Top Techie - does Master of Ceremonies count, for Kake and all the other 'techie craftables?' (probably falls under the mur/rendril/etc restriction, sadly)
  2. Holiday card exchange?! ask and ye shall receive... my address.

  3. Maebius

    Christmas Cards

    Oh, oh, Stalk me! and I'll repeat what DST didn't quite say. Show me yours I'll show you mnie.. or something. [size=2](that came out wrong.. but I needed the funny today) [/size]
  4. Here they are, for your perusal. [log='soap?!']First of all: I took Barren Souls's card. While those empty shells do not represent a problem, my biggest concern is about Grasans. To win a war against them is to win a war against stench and obesity (two big problems of our modern world). Few already noticed this, but we're getting overwhelmed by those farting fatties. They are rude, they fart loud, they are strong… They are to be exterminated. Now, how to do that in an elegant yet paradoxical way? How to turn something fat and smelly into perfumed and neat artifacts? Angiens are said to represent both the question and the answer, hence Angiens will be. Few Angiens, fueled with high VE, could burn those Grasans and turn them all into soap bars. Flowers and aromatic plants would then add a fresh fragrance to these bars, spreading freshness in the whole realm. [/log] [log='Compromise']Well, the battle will never actually end since once I got posed the question, I was no longer allowed to assist in the battle. As such, one only has a day to influence the outcome. If that was not the case, through cooperation we can have everyone win. We all talk to each other and decide which side should win first, and support that side. All the people on that side win. Then the remaining people then support the other two sides, one by one. Eventually everyone wins. Unless of course, you expect that once a side wins, the quest ends. In that case, you also compromise and decide which side should win, and split the spoils. The threat of not compromising is the equivalent of the US congress where everyone digs in and nothing gets done. it's better to have some of the spoils, then be fore-ever locked in conflict. In the end, compromise and cooperation wins. [/log] [log='three ideas, hmm?'] Hello Maebius. I was trying to find out some ways in order for the creatures i've sided with in this war (the barren souls) will manage to win it. The main problem as i saw it are the grassans, who seem to be winning for now and who we (the barren souls) can't win against to shift the balance . Here is some ideas on how it can be done: Idea 1 : The first idea is to persuade you (Want some candy? to change that code so no other creature still exists If you just remove from that code the grassans and the aramors, my work is done. There are no enemies, so there is no war Victory!!! But i have a feeling that this won't happen, so lets try some other possibilities .... Idea 2: The second idea that came to my mind would be to try and find some allies. Even though i'd totally prefer (in regards to power) those drachs over GG, i'm afraid that if they decide to turn against us we will have no chance .... so i don't really trust them. Considering the fact that we (the barren souls) have a unique way to fight in this battle (we are the only healers , so we are the only ones that use the power stat ) i would say the best ally we could get would be ........ The Tormented Souls, what else ? With their ability to weaken the opponent (i'm taking the aura as it is described and not for what it actually does, cause that's how it suits me right now ofc ) grassans will no longer have a chance against us !!!! Victory again! And here one more idea on how to win this : Idea 3: As i mentioned earlier, the grassan is our main problem. So here is a solution. Against the grassan fights, we will send only one soldier instead of 2. One may not be enough to win, but at least he won't lose either. At the same time, the other one will go and hunt down aramors in order to gain wins and heat and lvl up. Once it becomes a Hollow Warrior, it will go back to the fight with the grassan and kill the Barren soul left behind *laughs evilly * Mouhahaha! Work is done! Hollow Warrior should be more than enough to kill both aramor and grassan, while grassan will no longer be able to retaliate, this time it's one on one! Victory again! [/log] [log='simple balance']Thoughts on how to 'win' the war.. In war as in many things ( if not all ) your actions towards others tend to be replied by them in a equivalent manner. Balance tends to prevail, as such "winning" a war may be achieved but surely at the cost of losing something. [/log] [log='drachs!']I'll ask about game mechanics & i suggest one bring drachorns and freezerrs into picture.. *chuckles* out of game, I think balance is better than wining.... for some reason I didnt like to see zero percent aramours or Barrens[/log] I know I got a PM from EagleEye also, since we went back & forth a few times to discuss his thoughts....but can't seem to find it in my PMs. (was it a forum convo I accidentally deleted? Do you have a copy still?) But, that's all I had archived from the past month. Each of you wins a coin as soon as I can get in-game again to break a Note I have. I see some shifting around of TK issues, so if I needed help splitting that into individual coins, who would you recommend I contact? (or have them PM me on forums). Thanks all, and I hope I will throw something together this month, (that is less clickie-based), to continue the monthly trend. [size=2]Thanks also for understanding the delay and idleness on my part recently.[/size]
  5. grrr. could a mod change the title to "#4"? please? Time's slipped away from me. Organizing the submissions now to post when I get home tonight.
  6. I'll be putting a Poll on this soon to have the community vote for some submissions I got for "How to stop the war?" for my last quest... which is Waaaayyyy over schedule and delayed. Sorry. Gathering them now, and will update this post later today... ...but I wanted to just update you all on the fact I hadn't forgotten about you. Followup post will bump this once completed. [spoiler]For explanation, not excuse, I've had a few close family members in&out of the hospital, and a change in work, and other sundry Life Happening. MD took a sudden shift to [u]much[/u] lower priority on my awake hours. Thanks for understanding. I still plan on returning more actively soon.... and am lurking on forums on the weekends as best I can for now. Forum conversations are much easier to get replies to than in-game PMs for now, if needed.[/spoiler]
  7. I remembered my password to forums! Hi all, still out of sorts, but thanks for posting for me Rhaegar. I make no claims of coolness or 'grammer' though. :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jubaris


      "Guys I'm back. Now you have two cool people, Rhaegar and I", Maebius' last statement posted by Rhaegar.
      Welcome back!



      Rhaegar, is this for the LOL'z? lol!

    4. Jubaris


      x) The truth is out there somewhere.

  8. Perhaps a bit more than 24 hours before the shift in the battles is needed. (I miscalculated the seconds and added a zero. They aren't that important are they? Just a zero?!? ) I edited it for folks who have not started yet who should just need 86401 seconds or there-about... and the current quest peopl will catch up "soon". (they were all just set to zero-day again, so will see the change in under a day too) For those at the "end" for now, where it asks to tell me something.... try the clickie again in a day. But it will still keep prompting you to "tell me something" so that's important too!
  9. To clarify, or not.... The winning condition is a bit intentionally vague. As is the nature of the different Fiery Spirits. Part of the challenge is to figure out what happens with the numbers shown as you win/lose and such. Also, initially you may need to close/re-open the Park signpost to see the flames, which it should say at the bottom of the 'welcome' text in the Park after you attune to your creature. Sorry to be a bit less specific this time around. There's a reason for it, you'll hopefully understand as you continue in the next few days and the interface shifts a bit for you.... (anyone who did my Tour of Sorts may already understand Patience required for some things to happen). I also freely admit the "winning" is not 100% accurate to MD combat mechanics in proper PvP rituals. Think of them more as Rock-paper-scissors, using crit names instead of scissors or paper or rocks. It's close enough for symbolic reference.
  10. (Sorry for the 24 hour delay, been out of state travelling unexpectedly, and just returned last night) [b]tl;dr ... [/b]Go to [b]Heresy Lane[/b] and say "[b]Vital Lights[/b]" again at the hut. Once again, it's time for M3 Quest time! This month is a bit of an evolving 'Sequel' to last month's, which can be found [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13104-maebius-madness-mini-monthly-3/"]here[/url]. The battle you helped the fading knight is still going on, and now you can help more directly. Start at the Heresy Lane, inside the hut again, by using the familiar phrase "[b]Vital Lights[/b]". Initially, you may not see the exact method to "win", but after a few days, more information will become visible. Also, the types of fires are not nearly as 'random' as before, and there are no unfriendly spirits. As for the choice of initial card? That's your story to decide, not mine. Can you win the war? Good luck!
  11. Having dreamt in MD myself, but alone, I think the overall idea of hte Dream is very awesome. As others have pointed out, they are valualbe, in a personal way, and have given me a fresh perspective on some things when I dreamed... and for that reason I like the idea of privacy, as absolute except the Dreamcatcher (& dreamer). However, I also have a vague unsolidified acceptance that if someone really wants to listen in, using the mechanics of thir spells and available "tools" they spent their Wishes to earn, then that's alright too. That's their choice, and right, and it's only fair, in the larger sense. I mean, I didn't ask for a clown to come smacking at me with a hammer, in StoryMode, but he did. Our choice is how to react, knowing it will happen when it happens again (if it happens again). Truly private conversations and inspirations regarding a Dream can still be handled via PMs, or forum conversations, or even email, if Secrecy is required to be absolute. Everything else, is details and flavour, and subject to the larger picture, in my mind. I do understand the desire to keep them private though, in a general sense. I just agree with both sides of the argument, for different reasons.
  12. I have a drawing that's at the pencil-scribble stage due to recent weather interruptions, but I still hope to get it submitted SOON, if it's not too late.
  13. [spoiler][quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1352305761' post='125183'] It's the countdown to Christmas, is it not? [/quote][/spoiler] Fixed.
  14. Oops, I totally forgot the extra silver you TK folks sponsored, for that one, since I had my own list. Thanks for keeping up on things!
  15. I liked this quest a LOT, though never quite finished it. Good work, and congrats all!
  16. Thanks all! This made my day, as the past week's been hectic and I've missed MD.
  17. back to somewhat normal today, now, to catch up on Life and MD and dry off from this rain! :D

  18. Ahh, sorry, Vurtu. the monthly quests are tied to moon phases in the "real world", so they automatically turn off. Here's the contents for those wishing to follow the story: [log='Vital Lights - Start'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight0.png[/img] You see a strange knight, kneeling with his sword, quietly sobbing. He looks up at you suddenly and sighs. [i]"Ahh, thank you for coming to visit! It's been so long since I had real company here. "At the [b]Clash of Ages[/b], my fallen friends spirits glow like small flickering flames. If you could go there and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the book, it will remember those spirits." "Take this small crystal, and gather the Light from those spirit flames. It should hold at least three charges.[/i] The knight pauses for a moment, then warns you: [i]"However, not all of the spirits are friendly. Our enemies fell in battle there too, so there is a chance some may drain your Vital Light. Luckily, there [u]is[/u] a pattern to which flames contain which types of energy." "Come back when the Crystal has been fully charged!" [/i] [i][/log][/i] [log='Vital Lights - uncharged crystal'] If ant any time, your crystal is not charged fully: The knight looks up hopefully, then frowns again with a deep sigh. [i]"The Crystal I gave you can hold a single charge of Vital Light, but it is not full yet."[/i] [i]"At the _PLACE_, my fallen friends spirits glow like small flickering flames. If you could go there and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the _clickie_, it will remember those spirits." "Come back when the Crystal has been fully charged!"[/i] [/log] [log='Step 2'][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight1.png[/img] The knight smiles and touches the crystal, which flashes so brightly you are blinded for a moment. When your vision returns, you notice the knight's features have faded as if by a blank mask. While you can't see him smile or talk, you hear his voice in your mind. [i]"Thank you my friend. I have begun to fade across death's veil. The Light from my friends draws me onward... but it is not quite enough yet."[/i] With a wave of his hand, the crystal darkens, but grows slightly, and he gives it back to you. [i]Continue as you have, at [b]Marinds Roundabout[/b], and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the fish atop the fountain, but this time you will need to gather at least three charges, before the crystal is full. I wish you luck and speed!"[/i] [i][/log][/i] [log='Part 3'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight2.png[/img] The knight smiles and touches the crystal, which flashes again as the knight's face becomes a skull-like visage. Once more, the crystal darkens, and grows, and the voice in your head speaks, quieter this time, as if from a distance: [i]"Continue as you have, at the [b]Gazebo of Equalibrium[/b], and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the rocks there, but this time you will need to gather at least five charges, before the crystal is full. I wish you luck and speed!"[/i] [i][/log][/i] [log='Part 4'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight3.png[/img] The knight smiles and touches the crystal, which flashes again, and his features have now become almost transparent, with the very bones visible within his figure. Once more, the crystal darkens, and grows, and the voice in your head speaks, even quieter from a great distance: [i]"Continue as you have, at the [b]Clash of Ages[/b] once more, and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the book, but this time you will need to gather at least nine charges, before the crystal is full. I wish you luck and speed!"[/i] [i][/log][/i] [log='Part 5'][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight4.png[/img] With a flash brighter than any before it, the knight's body fades to mere bones, and you sense his life-force fading away.<br> The crystal cracks into splinters, and the knight's voice calls out, one last time as it fades to silence: <i>"Return to the Clash of Ages, and the flames now hold your reward....."<br> " By stealing the life of those flames, I have died. Thank you for fading me away...."</i> [/log] [log='final'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight5.png[/img] The crystal is cracked, and the ghostly knight's voice calls out, one last time as it fades to silence: [i]"Return to the Clash of Ages, and the flames now hold your reward....."[/i] [i]" By stealing the life of those flames, I have died. Thank you for fading me away...."[/i] Then at the Clash of Ages again: [center][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight5.png[/img][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/clash_flame.gif[/img] Within the flickering flames, you can faintly make out a series of letters and numbers.[img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/clash_flame.gif[/img][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight5.png[/img] It seems the spirit of the knight has granted you a small bit of his Vitality and Light as reward for your help. [/center] [center] - [b][i]REWARD CODE HERE[/i][/b] -[/center] [center] <p>I hope you enjoyed your task!<br> -Maebius[/center] [/log] Most rewards were varied creature codes, particularly Tormented Souls, 280+ aged Barren Souls, or a few ITC of Enchanted Spell Stones. (chaoticBoost usually)
  19. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1351589930' post='124815'] winter >> [/quote] North Winds
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