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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. "Escape across the world. Change your appearance. Find new friends. Discover a wise new teacher. Try everything. One day, you may find you are still stuck with you. This is where the path begins." - Kumaré

    1. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Skip step one and you're set.

  2. Hmm, while I see the value in more "internal MD" stuff like guardds, or broken patterns, or such, I think in some ways that misses the spirit of what drew me here initially. (Note: the below is obviously biased, cause I [i]really[/i] like clickable scripts!) The power of this realm is that We make it run smoothly, or not so smoothly. Expanding Story Mode, or working with official repetitive Quests would be a short-term benefit for most players, as this new content would quickly be 'solved' and back to the same state we are in currently. However, the fact that anybody can do almost anything, given time, luck, and skill, is the real draw of this game for me. I like what you wrote BFH. Ignoring the obvious historical issues with some 'events': Want to make another GGG event? Grab some friends and start it. Want to liven up Loreroot's people? Find a bit more Sludge and run with it. Want to gather people in the Park for a time instead of GoE? Put hangman on the signpost. Want to irritate people, or find some like-minded new allies? Deplete resources everywhere. There's such a myriad of things to do, using the tools already provided, which are "official" because they happen. Granted, not everything becomes popular, or persists. But things that do, do so because they fit best with the current state of MD. We hold the power, really really. Heck , when Molquert was added to give us an "[i]official Thing to use for ressurrection[/i]", what happened? He died. Says something about our little realm, doesn't it.
  3. As with all the other wishes, may this one find you well. Happy birthday!
  4. So much backlog to read through. I'll be replying asap...

  5. So much backlg. I'll be slowly replying ASAP.

  6. so much backlog. :P I'll be rplying asap.

  7. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1362476363' post='133439'] Should I check deeper? [/quote] Well, two (per day) were used, it seems. That being said, I figure, with any tools, abuse is possible, but why not give someone the benefit of the doubt. If Fyrd gave him a jar willingly, we don't need to concern ourselves too harshly with why or how it is used. It was Fyrd's tool to share. Fang now has it. Tools are meant to be used. If they are abused, then act upon that and deal out harsh punishments. That also being said: Fang, sometimes silence is stronger than words, which seem to tend to get you tripped up when any flaw is found.
  8. Placeholder for future, as my local region still has about 4-6" of snow, and ice below that. [size=2](We ordered our seeds, but planting outside is usually a Beltane Event here, in upstate NY, due to microclimate being colder than the national weather-zone map would imply)[/size] Cool weather starters tend to happen around the end of March at the earliest...
  9. A bit late to the party, but I agree with Shadowseeker's comments there. While I thought the 'selfish wishes" was more to simply gague our personal motives and inspire some furure events or concepts within MD, granting a bunch more than the top three was a nice friendly touch. (I say this unselfishly). MoC is such a clown, though, isn't it?! For those wishes ungranted, and those to-be-later. I think this is good cause to keep working towards those goals now, to make them "real" even if not yet manifest. That's the overall "theme" I considered the origical topic to be meant for. Springboarding our imaginationsa bit. Well done, all!
  10. Life is a game we play with others. Life is -really- a game we play with ourselves.
  11. Forgive the delay in replying to this, but it seems the results of a public poll quite well reflect my own thoughts and the other secret judges. Though it was a much closer call in my mind. Congratulations to #7 (PLIX PLOX) for those winning wings! I'll be organizing prizes for every submission this week. (just back to MD today, after another sudden work trip, then vacation... so catching up a bit today. )
  12. I was just thinking the same thing. Happy Mursday, Manu.
  13. I've seen these and figured they were weird artefacts of idle people, or, as you said locations with 'invalid/hidden/secret/something' coordinates that hte map smooshes up at pixel # 0,0.
  14. whew, Finally resting my wings a bit, so I can share yours.

  15. Belated, and thus extra-saved-up Birthday Blessings to you Both!
  16. [log='Entry #8'] "What are your Wings?" [color=#ff0000]Love.[/color] link to picture: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5805"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5805[/url] [/log] [log='Entry #9'] My wings - are ignorance. Only if I allow myself to forget everything I know, only then I can feel as wind fills the wings If I become naive, then nothing is impossible for me. And I can fly easily, without doubts. Because with knowledge comes doubts, and they starts to crowd in mind, prohibiting to move freely and fly. So sometimes, ignorance is virtue. At least for me. Three times folded Wings of crystal gray. Leaves that are under snow - All of them are sleeping. [/log] [log='Entry #10'] [color=#008000](Maebius Note: the file linked at StoreNow below is a zipped MP3 of the recording sent to me.)[/color] My wings are my ears. Not that they are that big (:-p), but since I was a child, music and sounds really made me fly. With eyes closed and all other senses expanded, gates to otherworldly realms can be opened at the tiniest vibration. Sound as the primal spark, the OM. Imagination as the fuel, Transposition (as in synesthesia) the mechanics allowing me to "play a poem". For your quest I let madness flow as well and tried to "play" the poem outside Sage's Keep. "Scrolls of every size and shapes - that may lead to the world's demise" So here we are: first of all I recorded sound samples. I took papers, scrolls and books and recorded page flipping, paper ripping, paper crumbling etc. I assembled "page flipping" sounds in the space, I added a chirpy and airy synth sound as a flying carpet, because Marind Bell is (also) a realm of Imagination, because of Wind's Sanctuary, because of Wings of wind etc. I wanted this sound to be Brian Eno-esque, ambient music, something vast yet minimal, in order to display a realm full of possibilities. An open space. The pages turn always at the same pace to create an hypnotic effect, or... isn't it just you falling asleep? Wake up! After around 2' something happens. The sound of page flipping is replaced by a harsher one, scrolls are now ripped, crumbled.. Together with the scrolls, the very structure of sound is ripped. Time is stretched until it reveals its essential components, its "nerves". It's the world's demise. Papers seem to be whispering while ripped.. The music changes too: the initial synth sound changes into a minor key and then degrades away (the effect I used actually reduces the sample rate of the original sound, hence it acts in a Entropic way... 3'45" - 4'15"). In the meanwhile, an old church organ emerges to play what once was Chopin's "Funeral march". Even this has been Time-stretched and reverberated as to assume cosmic proportions (it is, in fact, unrecognizable: from a cosmic perspective, or a detached plane of existence, even the world's demise can be accepted :-p). From 4'30", the church organ is dubbed by a detuned sound, which used to play the same piece as the organ but without being synchronized. Both the detuning and the a-synchronization represent to me clues of Entropy. Music and tuning are all about Syntropy, but musical instruments - being subject to Entropy - tend to go out of tune. The cool thing is that I learned to play a brief excerpt of Chopin's funeral march specifically for your quest. The execution (on keyboard) was not perfect because I'm really not a key-nius; but that was functional to the feeling I wanted to express. Recording crappy music and trying to make it sound good through electronics is the 21st century alchemy! :-D [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5885"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5885[/url] [/log] [log='Entry #11'] I have written a number of poems, each describing a different aspect. They may not be as classy as your own, but then again, I'm no poet So yeah, it took quite some time. _________________________________________________________ This first one shows how wings are a little related to creature fighting: Come to me, my little angiens, My prodigies, my cherubins. I seek thy wisdom! Thy knowledge! Thy power! Rise, my angiens! Let the whole world be known! Protect me, my angiens! As I have raised thee! Endowed thy purposes with words and made them known! Share my feelings, my angiens! Avenge me at betrayal! For thee, and thee alone, make my wings. Wings that allow me to be free, and experience the greatest ecstasy! __________________________________________________________ This next one is on how my wings are a symbol of freedom: I rise into the skies, enjoying the light breeze against my face. They take me anywhere, Everywhere. Feeling free, I scream. But not with fear, but delight! The delight of being free! Oh, the sweet bliss that liberty brings along, The sheer unending joy I've waited for so long! I soar over the seas, gazing at the horizon. Flutter over the forest, to see what nature has gifted me with. Rise over the mountains, and see the world, with wings! Knowing now my way! Finally loving myself! ________________________________________________________ Last one, which shows wings as a symbol of guidance: Prithee, my wings! Show me the light, the world behind the trees! Show my the light, which wisdom's eye sees! Prithee, my wings! Show me the path I seek, not one so bleak! Guide me towards the right way, and lead me not astray! Prithee, my wings! ________________________________________________________ Hope you liked them! =D There is a deeper, inner meaning inside each of them, if you close your eyes for a moment and Seek, Search, Choose, Ask, Act, Try, Know and Fly. Thank you for teaching me that, Maeb [/log] [log='Entry #12'] What are my wings? I guess I never got an easier question! I am using them every day. As soon as I wake up in the morning I stretch them, stroke them, dust them, so that they shine again…and fly. Every moment they support me, give me strength when I am weak, hold me when I stumble and carry me away when I get into trouble. I look more gracious having them; I would be the most miserable creature losing them. But that will never happen because they are a part of me. Maybe, reading all that, you are moving on your chair impatiently waiting that I actually say WHAT they are. I am not going to torture you any longer:) Those wings started growing the first day I saw HIM at the Maple Road. It seemed HE didn’t even notice small and unsure girl, standing in front of big and mighty Guards of Loreroot. Or did he? HE suddenly started speaking and I felt something like a wind carrying me softly away…I looked around, not fully understanding what was happening. The next moment I realized that there was an utter silence…he looked at me, waiting for the answer to some incredibly difficult, tricky question to the unknown and complicated fighting system, the question which I haven’t even heard. I smiled…and HE smiled in return. From that day I realized that something is changing, something is growing in me, making me see the world from another perspective. One day I woke up and realized I have wings. So WHAT are they? My Friend, I almost sure that you know the answer if you already had the precious privilege to love and be loved in return. [/log] [log='Entry #13'] I will understand it as "what makes you tick". Thirst for cognition, to understand the world we are in and the very existance, escaping the feeling of mass pointlessness. Moments of pleasure and joy, even tho I always feel an urge for them, pass, and the feeling of their pointlessness comes. How do we feel comfortable about ourselves, how do we feel human, without understanding our 'mission'? If there is no realm for our 'souls' after our deaths, is it our task just to help the future generations by sharing our experiences, just for the whole race to stumble some million years later, rather than now? How do we escape the thought of us being someone's programs in a virtual world, that will die out and vanish, like our computer ones do? Seeking I see as an only legitimate way to counter this madness given to us by the very existance. Can one really call himself a human without a thirst for seeking an answer? Wouldn't he just be a simple animal, ignorant in their beauty? Even though the final answer may be horrifying, wouldn't that still liberate us? "Earning your wings", you once mentioned to me in fun. Earning by understanding? There was a thought in ancient philosophy, about virtues being tightly related with understanding. One would, and only then could, become brave if he would understand the essence of being brave. Conclusion is that there is only one true virtue - understanding. Although I get a feeling of becoming trapped. My greatest stimulation for being alive makes me 'die'. As much understanding you get, you tend towards the status of the observer, who passively observes and does not interfere. It is a known comparison of action being life and passive state being death. How do I preserve my wings that are slowly wearing out? [/log] [log='Entry #14'] I'd have to say that my friends are my wings. They lift me to places I've never experienced, new heights of joy and wonder, and they also glide down with me when I am lost and disconsolate. Without my wings, I'd be alone in a large and wide world, unable to move on and find my next roost. Without my friends, I'd be dejected and gloomy all the time; with my friends, I can soar on wings like eagles' to peaks and places of wonder. My wings lift me up and set me down gently. My wings get me where I want to be. My wings push me on to new heights and new goals. My wings let me fly. [/log] [log='Entry #15'] What gives you wings? what makes you fly? what brings that sparkle in your eyes? It is not an item no, to me it are my friends aye, I’d follow them to whatever ends They’re always there for you they support you when you’re sad they’re people to hold on to they worry when you’re feeling bad I don’t know what I’d do without them by my side there’s so much I’d lose and every day I’d die a little bit inside [/log] [log='Entry #16 - INELIGIBLE as it's an old poem I wrote that semi-inspired this quest] In times of quiet desperation, I turn to seek the storm. For in that tempest-tossed fury, in the twisting of the world around me, I am lifted up. I lose control. And then, I am truly free...[/log] (The edit was to split the post into two chunks, and format the poll better, no real content was changed)
  17. (The edit was to split the post into two chunks, and format the poll better, no real content was changed) This quest was very interesting to me, and I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the delay in posting this "vote". I have two judges who were reveiwing the submissions, and I'd like the "third" judgement to come from the community here. [b][u]Vote for your Favorite[/u][/b] and I'll use the final tally to weight against the others. [size=2](as always, please don't alt-abuse, or vote for more than 1 somehow. There's a WP on the line, so I don't want to have to send the mods after anyone here. )[/size] [quote] Senses Enabled, Expand Knowledge. Solitude Everywhere Around, Reverberating Cries Heard. Challenges here, Our Options show Enlightenment. Another Shade Killed. Another Choice Taken. To Return, Yes Knowing Now Our Way Finally Loving Yourself [b]Seek, Search, Choose, Ask, Act, Try, Know, FLY. [/b] One more task for you, the most important. Find Maebius, in PM or forums, or however, and answer the question: [size=5][color=#DAA520][b]What are your Wings?[/b][/color][/size] What makes you fly in this realm or outside it. Write me a picture, draw me a song, or play me a poem. What are your Wings? [/quote] [log='Entry #1'] boundless imagination unrestricted lift me up to the clouds the wind whispers the floor moves away the city as a Christmas tree shines with infinite lights going like a sea of ??stars I raise my face no more fear freedom awaits me when imagination is unrestrained its limit defines the size of my wings everything becomes possible even fly. [/log] [log='Entry #2'] His new life comes with utmost pain and agony, Still, he seeks for the reason of him being beastly, For his true purposes are both Golden and Infernal, He was presented with the options of life or denial. * * * * * “So the legend is true, he was reborn ~hic~ by the Demon of the East” Speaks the drunkard in the Lorerootian mist “Ah well mate I don’t care at all, he could have just stayed dead!” Replies the Old Man with a neck hued in fleshy red. “Where am I?” [name redacted] asked himself while looking at the floating stone with the Shades surrounding. Still adjusting to his newly found life, his mind and body is terribly unstable. “Evelei, you put me in here” [name redacted], accusing the Shade. The Shade didn’t respond. He kills it with his staff, and walks off to the Toiler. [name redacted] thinks of what had just happened, He realized he killed an inhabitant of the land, He chose a Grasan and stabs it in the neck on the toiler, The sacrifice for his crime of the forbidden murder. “But what do you think ~hic~ the reason behind his decision?” Speaks the drunkard with the Old Man that’s his minion “No idea, to kill my Shade? I am an old man with blurry opinion!” “Look there he is! He’s returned to bring forth ~hic~ his dominion!” [name redacted] slits the throat of the drunkard and the Old Man, realizing it is indeed them who killed him and broke his Angienic wings. Now that he had avenged himself, he has a very clear path to take; the dominion of the dark lands and the enslavement of mankind. All will bow to him, and all will praise him, and he will be in paradise of the damned, flying like a wingless bird, and all of his disciples spreading his dark agenda, spreading his words to the worthy and taking lives of the unwilling. He is in mid air of satisfaction. * * * * * His lifeless body, with flesh decomposing, His will indeed choose life over the denying, He gained consciousness under the black haze, He had dreamt all along under the Stone’s blaze, “Where am I?” [name redacted] asked himself while looking, At the floating stone with the Shades surrounding. [/log] [log='Entry #3'] http://www. youtube. com/ watch?v=uyd6OLyhPJo [/log] [log='Entry #4'] What gives me my wings, you do ask? Well I'll play you a poem if that's my task. To start on the twenty-fourth, a bit late you might say. That's because I've been procrastinating all week and all day. Sometimes this is madness for I lose my life, For a game I love so much, it brings me great strife. But I'd not quit and lose my life here you see? Though to remain, I have no chance to be me. But different mes are what I can find, In this box to which we are confined. Some might find the relation quite hazy, Others would be quick to call me crazy. But there's a shade and an angien within us all, And this realm lets us hear their call. So this realm is what makes me fly, Because without it, I'd surely die. [/log] [log='Entry #5'] My wings: Virtue in realm transcends , used everywhere. [/log] [log='Entry #6'] "What are your Wings?" [b]Fast Skycal![/b] [size=2](maebius notes: the app @ [url="http://www.2ndsegment.com/skycal/"]http://www.2ndsegment.com/skycal/[/url] )[/size][/log] [log='Entry #7'] A really nice picture: [color=#0000ff][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5884"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5884[/url][/color][/log] (second half below)
  18. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1359734637' post='131818'] Ah, so basically you want a let's call it "semi-cauldron" that will just turn X amount of resources into 1/2/n semi processed items. And those semis will be used for cauldron types. Did I get it right? [/quote] I like this implimentation. Cauldrons, to me, seem wonderful and awesome for the more "complex" items. Something like turning 100 Lumber into 10 Wooden Planks, as I beleive Udgard was considering, would give at least a minor use to resources, as well as allow a bit more refinement in some fancier cauldron recipes.
  19. I hope to be there, with a little present for the garden.
  20. Why so quick to close this? As much as I think most people disagree with it as an event, I am sure there are some who would support it for various reasons. Might mix things up a bit, perhaps. Either way, it is your choice. I support the option of such choices! ([size=2]even if I don't always agree with them[/size])
  21. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1359708773' post='131794'] Mur has previously presented a reason as to why these items stack, its somewhere on the forum if people are interested. There is no technical reason not to provided clever programming. [/quote] The link for comments about resources. I think they should remain "stacked" for similar reasons. It's been brought up a few times, and shot down more than that in-game when I've seen it discussed. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10370-how-can-resources-be-fixed-unsplittable-groups/#entry90038 (edit: I picture it like Mind Power!?! Bigger doesn't mean more copies of you, it means more influence for you ) That said, I agree that discussion is always valid, even if it trends against the original post. New ideas can sometimes inspire tangents that Do work out. However, I feel that the shared tools are fine the way they are. I'd love me some large bundles of Herbs to get when I'm all alone wandering, but the current system is setup to encourage cooperation (or competition) between lands. It's up to us to coordinate that if necessary. (granted, as also stated above, lack of "end uses" may be teh root problem, with why things other than Fenths and Stones are not as "in demand". But that's a different topic than what I believe No One is suggesting here.
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