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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. When we first came here, We were cold and we were clear....

  2. I was told (perhaps incorrectly) that council is able to transfer credits between accounts in that manner, if there is an exchange on "valuables" such as crits or quest rewards, or such. If this information is not correct, I will have to withdraw that particular portion of the sale. Sorry.
  3. Maebius

    stepping down

    Gort says "*HUGS*" (with an implicit "Good luck and conga-rats Change!") [spoiler]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScfSowzycSU[/spoiler]
  4. I'll keep the original post updates as best I can with current high-bids.
  5. I am looking to convert a few crits and credits into cold hard Coin. (gold) As such, I have the following to offer, but reserve the right ot cancel individual trades of they do not meet my personal value for that individual item. 1 Morph (snowball) id=696860 + [jewelshards] (highest bid = 15G) dst 1 Bloodpact Archer. ID:793966 Age=227 (highest bid = 6sc) Dante Lionheart 1 Imperial Aramor. ID:797929 (highest bid = 3sc) Rophs 2 Nutcrackers ID:696527 & ID:796784 Age= 537 + [blackdiamonds] [blooddrop1] [blooddrop2] (highest bid = 2gc) Darkraptor Age= 232 no tokens (highest bid = 2gc for untokened) nadrolski 5 3 Angiens, the youngest of which is 229 days old, (UPDATE: two are now reserved for another private sale.) (highest bid = 7 Silver each) 42 Credits. Feel free to make your bids. I'll keep this open for 1 week after the most recent posting below.
  6. Thank you for your interest in the best Land of the real. ;) I've voted.
  7. sounds awesome, especially the multi-mdia part. *Maebius* (ID:208870; Days:879)
  8. constantly amazed at your work, by the way. Well done.
  9. ^stole my Thunder. I'm actualyl having a tough time deciding whether "Balance" or "Light" is my favorite. Balance for the same reason as you, Shem, with the connection to Cyclicity, not Stasis. Balance returns to itself, wheather it is movement or calmness between opposing forces. I prefer the number 3 for that reason, it's stable, but not "even" and thus, balanced well. Light for the ability to offset Balance, for a time. For the idea that enough energy pouring into something will kick it off-balance. Light is force and Will and direction and creativity in my head. Light is also dangerous. Burn brightly enough and you may hurt yourself, fuel your efforts with your own vitality, in a sense. So, it is not always "good" either, but it is powerful. A candle in the dark is powerful indeed, when you can't see, but while you cna see the short distance around you, those far distant can see YOU even better. For those many reasons and thoughts and visions, both good and bad, I like Light. It's a weapon, and a curse, and a cure, and Hope, all wrapped up, and available to us all. Gather Heat, cast a spell, even chat between scenes, you are adding Light and energy to the realm, regardless.
  10. Happy Birth/sprouting day, to the shadiest Tree in MD. I mean that as a compliment of course! You know, with the leaves and the sun, and the... Not those other shades. :)
  11. Off to camp, my apologies to people follwoing my PL. be back Monday.

  12. Is there a timeframe for this, by chance? And more importantly, are the instructions in chronological order? (ie: run the quest first, then apply for a link, or, make it, then apply, then get participants, then...?) I'm suddenly inspired!
  13. ^ This. I like randomness, and while it would prevetn organized groups gathering at a specific time, it may encourage inter-group cooperation, as people spread out and check in to grab what they can, if it's available. It's also fair in the sense of not biased to any one timezone or group, assuming true pseudo-randomness.
  14. Well, I always seem to miss the shared tool reset due to my schedule, but I don't mind. My opinion for the options you presented would be to reset them every iteration of your testing. Who knows how many times you'll need to do it, but might as well let the lucky/active try for one, knowing full well they may lose it within minutes. It's like a lottery. To the victor go the spoils, and all that. :) makes life interesting, having the chance to grab one, but not assured. One Maybe marshmallow now, is always better than Gaurantee of no marshmallows. :) 0 + 1? > 0.
  15. Mur = MD, all that needs said is "thanks mur!" otherwise, my lips are sealed. :cool: Hahaha!
  16. yep, just like that! :)

  17. I beleive by Bots, he means things like the Guards outside Willows, Loreroot, and the Shades of Tutorial... NPC is perhaps the better term? That being said, I think ultimately it would be a bad idea. Bots/NPC are more static foes. Heads contest is about the entirety of the combat system, and thus to me requires a more active and shifting foe. ie: the rest of us together. :)
  18. Happy Happy, Birthday Birthday! May your wishes come true, in the best possible ways.
  19. Sudden urge to download newest Bukkit, and Worldedit, and waste even MORE time at work, since Md's firewalled for me. I could be persuaded to throw a server copy out there, or at least a multi-world on our tiny server and dedicate it to MD cloning. hmmm... :wacko: Darn you time-sucking game! :rolleyes: ^_^
  20. I think I want a new Tattoo. ;)

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      It's time for a new one for me as well :) If I had the money I'd have full sleeves.

  21. I think I want a new tattoo. ;)

  22. Thanks for the warning. I was considering less MDscript, and more like those interactive WIX pages some people use. Not quite "clickables" in-game, but still potentially useful for the sort of quest idea mentioned, or the "flash puzzles" I've seen used? (sans variable storage and such, so not quite the same at all perhaps)
  23. Hmm, very interesting idea, though I think we can use our current "comments about self" to pseudo-script via redirecting HTML (forms and such), as it currently works. I'll try to fiddle with something to test that (but I'm sure folks like No One or the wookie might already know). As for players themselves, I think it may be a not good idea to use us as clickables. Not a bad idea by any means, but I have a vague undefined sense that it would change how we players are fundamentally represented in the realm. I can't explain what I 'feel' though, in short words here. And, of course as Ivorak says, it's nice to talk to people also. Automation is fun, but too much may be 'limiting' in a sense. I'll second storing spells or item transfers in current MDscript! It was mentioned waaaay back as a possible thing, and 'soon' hasn't happened yet for that feature.
  24. [spoiler]Obligatory xkcd comic regarding dorfs.... http://xkcd.com/1223/[/spoiler]
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