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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. SOLD! I'll be tracking down folks to send them the CTC, ASAP, OK? :cool: Then, I'll be idle (or sleeping/offline) at Angien Ferry for the next few days, if anyone needs to find me and pass coins or such and I can't catch you online to trade.
  2. Said by a wise man recently: "now this feels like a game" :)

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  3. Nuuuu, that went too fast. pre-Congrats to folks who solved it, I'm loving it so far!
  4. It hasn't rained here yet.... :( "Soon" (tm) I'll upload a pic.
  5. Often, I have a good idea, and get stuck for a few days on how to "make that work" before I even write actual code. Perhaps we cna use this thread to Bounce ideas off each other, and help out. Even non-coders could use this thread as a resource to pool our collective Brainpower into implimenting things. So, Ask away! My first example: A database of sorts that checks if you've done specific activities, like "click this button every day". and earns the user points for staying "active". A secondary interface that lets a seperate user view the "Activity Score" of other individuals and mess with it somehow, either by granting them a bonus, or a penalty. Details of "active" can be generic, as I can fiddle with Date algorithms as needed. I'm more trying to sort out the @Storage format to handle all that sort of thing, and not just lump it into a huge array, or tie up too many of the MDscript "variable Storage slots" limitations. :)
  6. (there are some newbie-friendly quests, one very inspired by Mya's) Otherwise, I have nothing to add, except to Second teh idea of Facebook, or YouTube, or other "advertising" to initially snag new player's attention, and a friendly environment in-game to keep them. How to do that, is "In Progress" currently, so I am jsut looking forward to "Soon". :)
  7. Oh, why the heck not, since I was asked twice now.... :P Name: Maebius Activity days: 93% (A total of 893 out of 963 days) ID:208870 My reasoning is that I do beleive I can be impartial, and balanced in terms of ideas, while keeping personal bias to a minimum. I'd been complimented before on my ability to "judge" impartially, and outlining both sides of an issue (playing Devil's Advocate) before. Plus, Power corrupts, and I'm not nearly corrupted enough here. :)
  8. Maebius

    New ideas

    Some Scene Tags (ie: Sanctuary, NoJump, etc) temporarily alterable, based on player interaction? http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14624-scene-tags-more-fluid-based-on-player-interaction/
  9. An idea I had recently, inspired slightly by how "RP reality requirement" can change based on players in a scene: What if certain key Scenes could have their Tags toggled by player interaction somehow. Many options for "how" it might work. I'm merely suggestion the Possibility of something Working to alter Scene-tags. The first thing I thought is using "Heat vote" style clickable to donate Heat, and if it is above a certain arbitrary level (50k?) the scene's "Sanctuary" tag (for example) is in effect. Lacking the appropriate "Heat" in the scene would drop the shield, for the Sanctuary example. Other options would be NoJump, or ItemCollecting, perhaps Not ALL scenes would be impacted, obviously, and some might be permanent Sanctuary and simply not contain the "heat Clickie" or whatever is used as the UI. Could make certain scenes like a GGG, or Lab, or such be a bit more Dynamic, and might open the possibility of temporary Events using the feature, with minimal "cleanup" when it's over by allowing the 'Heat' to dissipate. Also, of course, I'd suggest a way to counter the Heat collection. Either a "Heat for NO!" option, or something, for proper Balance. Alternately, tie it into a Viscosity-like effect, where people in the scene often (not idle) keep it 'refreshed' rather than Heat. Thoughts?
  10. Maebius


    Check out Change's "Coloured Paper" project too, which might be perfect to cooperate with and grow! http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13927-the-coloured-paper/ My goal, now is to work on one more Big Quest and make it a Permanent part of MD landscape. :)
  11. ditto ditto! Happy [belated] Birthdays!
  12. If this copy-paste is outside of MD-proper (as in, this forum, or such) I would be able to help a bit. I have a wordpress-enabled site, and thus some small experience, but not too much fancy plug-in-hacking under my belt yet.
  13. I can confirm the following: [spoiler] @vy = @vl['landcitizenry']; if (@vy == '1') {@vy = "No Homeland";} if (@vy == '2') {@vy = "Marind Bell";} if (@vy == '3') {@vy = "Loreroot";} if (@vy == '4') {@vy = "Golemus Golemicarum";} if (@vy == '5') {@vy = "Necrovion";} if (@vy == '6') {@vy = "Underground";} if (@vy == '7') {@vy = "MagicDuel Archives";} if (@vy == '8') {@vy = "No Mans Land";} if (@vy == '9') {@vy = "unknown lands";} if (@vy == '10') {@vy = "Lands of the East";}[/spoiler]
  14. Entomologist Tools (Magnifying Glass, tweezers, pins, mothballs) for hunting/collecting Bugs of course! :)
  15. Ok, looks like the bidding is ending tomorrow. Last chance for folks. :)
  16. Hmm, I don't think Syrian's idea is best, for the reasons Chewett states. There should be a "way for people to deplete" even if I'm personally irritated when it happens. Keep as many Doors open as possible, imho. As for my Suggestion, I really like dst's idea of tier2 resources being based on the scene, a bit more. Rocks (per Lapher's suggestion?) in GG, Clay in MB (water, etc!)? Sand in Necrovion? Loam/Dirt in Loreroot? So many ideas there, I cant' decide on one specifically. To answer the original psot, I think curerntly Resources -seem- to be fairly balanced, presuming that things like Lumber or Unidentified Herbs becume 'useful' or Cauldron items are made a bit more public to utilize them. Currently, my worry is that the recent Water-Wars are paritally due to the fact Water is used in a number of different, very useful recipes and Bushie-harvest. AUTUMN2050 hopefully will resolve that bit of current imbalance, so I'm not worried about current Resources until I see how that change works out. (aside: any thoughts on a Public Clickie-Cauldron, rather than tools to pass around? Make one scene a proper "Laboratory" of sorts!)
  17. Hmm, if shared tools reset, perhaps that might "reset" independant Tools during the same processing 'tick"? Yes, more coding needed, to get all the lsit of IDs or flag them somehow, but it's a possibility, while we are brainstorming. :D I like the idea of "tool repairs" in general too, and perhaps could be Crafters or the Guilds responsibility to handle? (Dowsers for buckets, Fusioneers for Heat Jars, Woodcutters, etc... not sure how to handle MemoryStones, or Fenths, or similar Tools at the moment though)
  18. Timeless Birthday wishes to you, when you read this. :D
  19. I'll have to jump in here and somewhat support the original idea, for mainly the reasons Zyrxae mentioned. I've experimented with the Land Cleaner items, and they do take two people working together for a fairly easy "push out of scene" effect, along the Heat Veins as described in the announcement (or a temporary lock IN the scene if the fight cause fails, I think?). The issuse becomes that outside of Torch Competitions, the "victim" can usually just click back on the arror to re-enter the scene folks want to clear, after seconds. Then, of course, our combat system means they stick around in that scene for a number of minutes (unless there are more people ready to pass the Tool to, and fight them back out). Since the tools work anywhere, in any Land (yes, even the East, and Underground, since I know the Heat Veins are mapped there) and can be picked up in any capital without Land Loyalty (thus, "public") Anybody is free to use them against anybody. The reasons you may perceive nadrolski wanting this done are perhaps biased, but hte fact remains there are a few discussions on forums, and in ancient chats regarding "fixing" the tools for purely logistical reasons. They work great as they are created, but have flaws in terms of what I beleive the Intended Uses are/were. They aren't really very powerful as they currently stand. The counters to them are fairly simple. Set a defense that allows you to not lose the battles against you, Pickles/Votes/[shop?]/FriendCombat for quick AP to return to the scene, and probably others I can't think of right now. Discounting Resources entirely, the Cleaners are more dustmap than Power-washer, currently. :P I support the discussion to see how to improve them and re-match current MD mechanics.
  20. Happy Happies, and Birthdays! :)
  21. Updated. (no worries, everyone. :) )
  22. Yep, what They said, in triplicate. :) Be well, and enjoy your new home. We'll leave the Light on for you to find your way back . :P
  23. Ahh, good point. I was leaning more towards the Integer value, honestly, since it's displayed already. (and can already imagine a quest of "get X# peopel here) ...hmm, and with that thought, perhaps not, since the coordinates in certain places (Golemus, etc) might be wonky due to the Tiny Men, Abra, and other sorts of things.
  24. Just a suggestion, since I know it's possible for a scene to grab the number of "active players" there. (seeing as it is listed just above the names in every scene) mds_Active_players('1_0x2_1'); Could either return a simple integer value, or an array of names? You can check for specific names via mds_check_group_location(), but I didn't notice in my browsing a way to do a more generic check of "how many people at 1_0x2_1 currently?" Ideally, it would be very cool to see if they are idle or not, but since the current scene lists anyone "orange", then I'll stick to utilizing similar implimented features here. :)
  25. Petition to Pin this index, pls? (or move to Script Manual catagory and pin, wherever it seems best) :)
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