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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. I have a few more poems scribbled on my notebook at home, but wanted to post the ones I wrote while at work today. :P I'll edit the post when I find the papers I scribbled on quick before falling asleep yesterday.... I was feeling dangerously Poetic yesterday, and needed to get these out of my brain before they burned. [log='For Fang Archbane'] That wolfen fang, that wolfen eye, Sees sometimes more than you or I. That wolfen eye, that wolfen paw, grabs surely towards the dreams he saw. That wolfen paw, that wolfen fur, chained only to himself (and Mur). That wolfen fur, that wolfen bite, snaps out with ‘Will’, when others “might”. That wolfen bite, that wolfen howl, is never throwing in the towel. That wolfen howl, that wolfen fang, Inspires me with his freedom, dang! Fang, keep on your 'Meteoric' rise to fame and fortune. [/log] [log='For Phantom Orchid'] Perhaps her answer never told or maybe... Over rivers crossed, her idea died. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B00onTRscLN0aFlQendmTnZ1dEk/edit?usp=sharing A small poem, plus a gift of a rose-tinted mirror. Rose glasses are too cliche, and a mirror is more active than merely filtering the incoming Light. Thanks to Poe for making a Dream give me a fresh perspective, when Life in both realms was getting me down. [/log] [log='For Lashtal'] Three times three, and ten again, plus three is this one’s name. Leading off on shadowed trails, is how he plays his game. an old man? Shade? yet something othered, since death his countenance has crossed Yet light within can not be smothered nor ever not forever lost. He taught bits of undiscovered things, of mirror shards and the darkling dust So for inspired storms that now minds ring A dedication to him, must. Thanks for our chats about shades and shadows! I love those talks. [/log] [log='For Nimrodel'] Her breath across a woodwind blew, and ripples aired across the breeze. The leaves they rippled likewise to the fingers flying over octave keys. Nimrodel, though claimed un-Lady, in my experience is one. An LHO, and helpful elf, but to avoid too much mush, I’m done. Nimmy is a very helpful lady, not just because of her Stars. Thanks for this quest, and all you do. [/log] [log='For Princ Rhaegar'] (not my original poem. Original source: [color=#1155cc][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/240908) The boat, barely visible, leaves a leaden lacey ribbon aiming directly for the burnt orange sun. As it reddens, for a moment, their standing silhouettes eclipse it. Then the sea restores its dominion, dark as the coffee cooling in our cups. Dangling from the vine arbor, the lights reflect a constellation on the table’s dark top. I trace my fingers among them, hoping conjecture would shine on the mind’s calculus. Thanks to Rhaegar for our many, MANY talks on topics within the Seekers of Enlightenment, and elsewhere. You always make my mind feel less sleepy, and I’m glad to have met you. [/log] [log='For Kiley'] One I know, less as maeself, but more as alter’nate’d names. Yet still, behind the keyboard typing, must her include in poem parcels for this quest. It might not rhyme, but poems seldom due in the dusty sorts of books that fetch most value from the scholars and sages down through history’s river. And that’s why Kiley adds herself to lists of those I wish to thank. For greeting me in-game, when first we met, and casting smiles as she went. For swims and splashes by Willow’s shore, for giggling at my alt’s kiss, and so much more. Now a Fusioneer, and hawtest of them. Thanks for lemon drops, and fires of friendship. (have a cup of coffee, on me) [color=#1155cc][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]http://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TO&Product_Code=QC-COD-MUG&Category_Code=QC [/log] [log='For Nadrolski'] Drop drip drop, don’t ever stop. The high-five boss, a training top. This sir, is one I always know to great things, he will surely go. Sir nadrolski, thanks for trees, and water, and Bringing the Light! [/log]
  2. I'm glad to see this discussion. Your comments are pretty much exactly why I asked, dst. It's a rather big issue, beyond "oh, just trade a crit". Might have unintended consequences, but I still think it might be an interesting idea. Not convinced it will be best to melt morphs "out of season", though, thus, the topic, in case others love the idea. :)
  3. I like a Day of Combat too, for Balance issues, Every step into a new scene, you are hit by teh new NPC equivilant of Loreroot guards (but different and random attack, or Mur's "Guardian Army"!) ...but now we are just getting silly. I like Tranquil days. They are great for people to go exploring and questing and such, without "fear" of being smacked too hard.
  4. This would be a bit more work, but I think is an Excellent idea. To make up a fake example:
  5. The way I see it, if Mur does anything, it's not quite fair, or quite by the rules. This is NOT to mean against the rules. The rules still apply, if we try. It's a game, and he's the one playing it with us. :) In regards to the quoted announcement "escapes" implies willing exit from the jail, or at least acceptance of the fact one is now "outside". Going back in, would show good faith effort to completing the sentence. But that's my interpretation. Grido has the keys, not me.
  6. Hmm, well, on my tablet, that sort of reolution is just not going to happen, I kinda like being able to scroll vertical, rather than horizontally. And some people do care about Resources, as they are the very reason they are at a particular scene, to harvest them. I could make the same sort of argument for grinders: "You Don't Care about chat, just who to attack", right? Many ways to play, many options, after all. :)
  7. All MDscripts need a Location setting to define where they can run properly. Otherwise, they will toss an error. See here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6799-location-setting/ [log='General Info'] Storage Data Can use functions, or call as a Variable directly once defined as in: @vs = mds_storage("foo","aoau"); echo @storage[@vs] mds_storage_load(); mds_storage_add(); mds_storage_read(); mds_storage($name, $type); type = keyword that determines the scope and sharing level of the storage totu: shared only for this object and this user toau: shared only for this object but for all users accessing it aoau: shared across all object and all users, separated by editor aotu: shared across all object but only for this user [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5453-clickable-objects-features/?p=45805"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5453-clickable-objects-features/?p=45805[/url] Variables defined in MDscript. A listing of the valid Variable-names to use in scripts. (@va, @vz, @temp, @content, etc) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5494-variables/ How to Store Values in Variables. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5492-how-to-store-valuesvariables-using-mdscript/ retrievetmp(); -or- mds_retrieve_sessdata(); Retrieve the value of a stored Session variable. (semi-redundant) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7584-function-mds-retrieve-sessdata/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_retrive_sessdata storetmp(); -or- mds_store_sessdata(); Store a value in a Session variable. (semi-redundant) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7583-function-mds-store-sessdata/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_store_sessdata uv(); -or- mds_read_uvars(); Listing of User Variables, available in MDscript. (id, playername, maxve, etc) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5499-user-variables/ [/log] [log='Key Control'] mds_give_rpcq_keys(); Gives a key to the player. mds_take_rpcq_keys(); Removes a key from a player. mds_has_rpcq_keys(); checks if player has a specified Key. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5498-key-control/ [/log] [log='Player Functions & Variables'] uv(); -or- mds_read_uvars(); Listing of User Variables, available in MDscript. (id, playername, maxve, etc) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5499-user-variables/ mds_player_avatar(); Will echo the player's avatar image if the name is valid, otherwise it will give a no avatar message. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6293-function-mds-player-avatar/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_player_avatar mds_player_heat(); The player's active heat count. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7564-function-mds-player-heat/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_player_heat mdsi_takeheat(); Takes heat from the player's active heat and stores it in the item. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7562-function-mdsi-takeheat/ [/log] [log='Location Functions'] mds_check_group_location(); check if a given group of people are in that moment online in a given location on the map. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13103-mds-check-group-location/ mds_location_visits(); returns number of of times player has been in the location. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7579-function-mds-location-visits/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_location_visits [/log] [log='Item Functions'] mds_is_itc(); returns an array with item information http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12354-function-mds-is-itc;/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_is_itc mds_has_item(); check if user has a specific item or not. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7342-function-mds-has-item/ mdsi_item_heat(); Returns an array of info on the item’s Heat, and players who added it. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7563-function-mdsi-item-heat/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mdsi_item_heat [/log] [log='Creature Functions'] mds_is_ctc(); returns an array with creature information http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6072-function-mds-is-ctc/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_is_ctc mds_creature_icon(); Will echo an image icon of the creature matching the ID if it is valid otherwise it will give a missing creature message. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6196-function-mds-creature-icon/ [/log] [log='Heat Related Functions'] mdsi_item_heat(); Returns an array of info on the item’s Heat, and players who added it. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7563-function-mdsi-item-heat/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mdsi_item_heat mds_player_heat(); The player's active heat count. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7564-function-mds-player-heat/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mds_player_heat mdsi_takeheat(); Takes heat from the player's active heat and stores it in the item. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7562-function-mdsi-takeheat/ http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Mdsi_takeheat [/log] [log='Miscellaneous Functions'] mds_current_weather(); Returns a string with the current Weather (or false if none). http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14251-function-mds-current-weather/ mds_debug(); -or- debug(); http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5497-debugging-your-code/ mds_no_warnings(); This will stop MDScript Warnings, but not other errors http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5453-clickable-objects-features/?p=45897 Templates! (useful for populating @contents) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5496-templates/ [/log] Updated: as of latest Edit timestamp
  8. Today's the Day?

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      +1 :)
      And tonight is the night, my friend.

  9. FYI - also mentioned: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7164-vists-at-location/ Mods, feel free to hide this reply, if needed.
  10. duplicate of: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7579-function-mds-location-visits/
  11. Why would we want to? In order to trade them (to you?!) or pass them out as rewards, or perhaps try to get... *sniffs* ... old Jeff back. :( Many reasons I could see, but plety of reasons against too. Thus, my post. :) Initial post updated for gender unbiasing. (Sorry Helga, et al) :))
  12. Melt Morphs before their usual time? http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14266-idea-snowmelter/
  13. Just tossing this out to the community to see if it's even a good idea, or a horribly unbalanced one. Don't hold back! What would you think of a spell, item, Cauldron recipe, or other "effect" to exist, which could focus a large amount of Heat, or resources, or time, or ____ to melt a Snowperson before it's natural devolution? A alkahest solvent or such. ;) I have a vague idea of Principles, that I could flesh out, with Light adding energy to unbalance Cyclicity or some-such, in order to "explain" how it might be possible, but before I dig too far into those shadows, I figured I'd throw the idea out. The way I imagine it, even if a recipe or other "renewable/public" effect is created, it should be rather difficult. Not just a matter of 10 Water, a sprinkle of Herbs, and a Heat Jar would do for such Powerful Magics. Would you want to see something like this,or would that heavily detract from the Morph's uniqueness? Discuss. :cool:
  14. hmm, I tried this on FF and IE8, following No one's directions, and I'm also not seeing the page shift at all. The only thing that moves is the right frame, when the nice new pictures open/closes, which is what I expect. The "content" frame seems static here.
  15. excellent suggestion. Sometimes I have been looking for a 'recent' announcement and found it's #23 back or such.
  16. I have not, but a good friend of mine went through a stage where she did, and we experimented a bit. (we were quite into "lets experiment on this" and not jsut rely on the Advertisements for efficacy of a few different herbal or 'alternative' medical options.) She mostly had tried it as an antibacterial, in ointment/cream form, for the many cuts and scrapes from wildcrafting the outdoors, and as part of a tincture of other herbal things taken orally. However, she stopped when she became pregnant, and worried about some spots which became -very slightly- grey over time (I believe it's called argyria?) where she kept getting open wounds from outdoor life. At that point, she stopped using it. Topically, it seemed to have worked better than nothing. In the case of a long scratch from briars getting partially treated, partially untreated, and partially with "Neosporin(tm)". The silver-treated cuts healed a bit faster than "nothing" cuts, and very slightly slower than the [drug-based?] antibacterial ointment cuts. Beyond that, I can't claim any more detailed first-hand experience.
  17. Maebius


    I need to find a picture, but on one of the nature trails near my house they have little direction arrows with distances to the other sections of the park at each intersection of paths. Deep in the woods in the middle of one trail, is a signpost that points up, with the [average] distance to the Moon. I asked the park director once if they could adjust the sign since the moon tends to orbit and the sign points incorrect direction, and he laughed claiming I 'missed the point'. (I get it, but it was still funny) So, in reply, I helped make a sign that also pointed to Neverland, with the distance "straight until morning". Back on topic though, we all know M.O.O.N. That spells MagicDuel, right? #TheStand. :cool:
  18. Hmm, I'm on the fence with this topic, but see that both sides will have strong arguments in their respective favors. Overall, I think such posting is 'allowed', in the same way that the recent forum topic "not illegal" but is one of those pesky grey-area ethical issues. (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14244-hard-n-phirm-not-illegal/?p=137738 ) I would generally be agaisnt such activity, without permission from the alt owners, since it seems most times such information is posted, it is in order to harass or otherwise irritate the person who's alt is "secret". However, as stated above, there's usually a reason such information is Outed as well. Ignoring reasons like "retribution of insults/abuse", I can also see some valid reasons for posting this sort of thing. Unfortunately, all of these reasons feel very subjective, and thus, are open to different interpretations on a case-by-case and person-by-person opinion. Inform the community of potential troublemaking. Might be good to know who you deal with? Share potential alt-abuse issues, for whatever reason (combat train/quest help, etc) But, I'd also love to hear other opinions on the topic. [spoiler]Over all of it, I still keep reminding myself that "MD is not a true democracy". There's a unique precident in the game of "spells can be used however you want". This has good and bad sides, but is something I rather like about MD itself. The rules are slightly different here, than "out there". And if Mur suddenly decides "ok, all folks who are nice are considered criminals, only Monarchs make rules, and can be arbitrary"... well, that will change MD a bit and make some folks leave, but would still be an interesting realm to work in, wouldn't it? [/spoiler]
  19. I started this over the weekend. :P I'll PM you and see if it's appropriate format to what you were interested in, before finishing the rest of the command list.
  20. Thankyou all, for all you do. All of it. :)

  21. I admit that I also made alts to experience a different version of MD. (partially a RP-reason, so be warned). My first batch of alts were stopped at teh end of MP4 as I was testing/exploring mapping out different StoryMode paths. That was fun, but I don't really consider them alts as they just got played to a point and abandoned. My others were to RP a bit of a different style of character, and challenge myself in a few different strategies. One remained MP3 and only used Barren Souls. I wanted to see if I could stay balanced, while helping out other MP3s with even random defenses being "non-damaging" and easy to grind on. That worked, except the whole "stay balanced thing" It would have worked if I spent more time with them, but I at least stay out of skill damage there. Another alt was meant to be a bit mean and snarky and took the Story into Necorivan (pesky gates changing shortly before I finished the Story, and locking from AP instead of keys! I didn't have as much fun as I initially thought trying to make oen character embody "the mean bits of me" so I mostly stopped playing them too. It was kinda fun seeing how people treat someone who was intentionally irritating, but not blatantly insulting. Another alt was a challenge to myself to see if I could communicate in a different way, and still have people understand, and feel like I was still "experiencing MD" as fully as I could. That experiment worked very well. I just wish I had more time to dedicate to both Maebius, and her. :P In my case, I would answer anyone who asked "are you an alt?", but never offered it freely. Not that I tried to keep it entirely secret, but I figured it wasn't necessary to openly share "Hey, I'm Maebius, and this is also me, and this one". I still play the characters the same way as I started, even once they are known. Some of them remained secret for far longer than I expected. There are MANY ways to 'play' this 'game' we call MagicDuel. That's the beauty of it.
  22. *raises a pint of homebrew chicory porter* Cheers on your birthday!!
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