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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Pendulum swinging back around. Is it a nice change, being in motion at least? :)

  2. What they said! :D Happy Happies on your Birthday.
  3. Some days you just feel separate from your better halves... Some days you don't.

    1. Maebius


      lately, the former. :(

  4. Surely my fellow MD'ers, there are other Adventures happening in our little realm, which you'd like to Log somewhere? ;)
  5. For Reference of the name Spartiatis: tl;dr: Spartiatis was a player who was killed, after making an effort to RP his death, there was a lack of revival after a month, so he left the game.. Molquert was created as a Revival Specialist around this time, to help counteract the situation. [spoiler] The Value of Life in MD: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12519-the-value-of-life-in-md/?hl=spartiatis Spartiatis the Ghost: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12327-im-the-ghost-of-sparta-goe-now-is-haunted-by-a-ghost-becareful/?hl=spartiatis#entry112313 The Funeral: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12441-a-funeral/?hl=spartiatis [/spoiler]
  6. Pay no attention to the folks behind the curtain. You came to find "The Wizard", not us. :P

    1. Maebius



  7. May your cups be overflowing with warm water, milk, and tannins! :) Or, in other words, Happy Birthday.
  8. I agree, but the overall 'perception' is that revival tools are not currently used to the best of their ability. Grido publically offers his to use anytime, for example. (Only a handfull of gold needed.) (I agree this is his right, and would NOT change this...but is an example of how one player can 'break' revival easily and remove the tool from the equation)
  9. Quick reply. Basically yes. I know I have a bit of a personal stake in the question, but it was nicely synchronistic that I am now 'researching' the concept first hand. Molquert is nice, but requires OTHER people to help you revive. The kid yesterday stated more than once to me that "laziness" was the worst part of revival. Yes, his guards are tough, but that's to prevent Revival being too convenient. The dead seem to be unable to directly effect their own Revival, except through 'begging others to help'. (note, this is not meant to sound accusing agaisnt any group/person. It is the mechanic we have to use) There are revival items, but they seem held by tight fists. Molquert's guards are a challenging combat. This means current revival techniques are possibly limited to a mechanic that quite a good portion of MagicDuelers simply do not care for?. Combat isn't for everyone. It also seems grinders may not have the Social network to rally the community to their aid. (these are generalizations) I don't think "more revival items" will fix anything, as it still uses the same mechanic. Greed will 'break' this method, as we've seen. Ideally, there could possibly be a third method of revival. (sadly, I don't have a good idea yet of what that could be) Something influence-able by the Dead, would be ideal, though the effects of Death limit this a bit currently. Inventory items (bushies/etc) can't be gathered easily Dead. Heat is not happening without movement/Combat. What does this leave us beyond "asking for help?" ...begin brainstorms here. I also don't think changing Killing Contract items will do anything long-term.Death is obviously meant to exist. Changing cooldowns doesn't solve the core of the issue which is balance of revival, since Revival tools aren't used now. We need a more general, and potentially more 'holistic' solution.
  10. :D Happy Birthday
  11. Want to change the world, there's nothing to it...

    1. Maebius


      yes, it's technicalyl an Advertisement, but I liked it. Especially the setup/intro. :/

  12. so falls the sparrow....

  13. (this is an experiment, not sure if it'll work or get too spammy! If so, or if it needs moved to Offtopic, please do so. kthxbai) With many timezones and scenes scattered across our realm, it is sometimes difficult to know everything happening across our little bif of MagicDuel. I thought, "why not tell people about it". Post snippets of things you encountered recently, (not future plans, or distant pasts) and show folks reading how Active this realm really is. :) Selfish first echoes: Maebius works with Eon to kill the Tainted Warriors. Peace and Azull jsut died! O_o I've heard there's a few couples getting married sometime?! Quite an interesting discussion happened in MB regarding Water and it's value. New faces were seen, and challenged by the Loreroot Guards. Wind & Rain Pub had a party! I missed it but heard it was fun. What have you seen around the realm, that might be worth mentioning?
  14. Estel, we call it" (tolkien) -&- "the Stockdale Paradox". :)

  15. Happy Happy Birthday! and hugerrific Hugs from Gort too. :)
  16. Just adding my voice that it's happened still/again for me today. :)
  17. Hmm, the Cube in MD isn't a PuzzleBox is it?! O_o That would explain a lot, actually. #RaisingHellOnMondayMorning.

    1. Kiley


      The box... you opened it, we came:P

  18. Hmm, the Cube in MD isn't a PuzzleBox is it?! O_o that would explain a lot, actually . :D

  19. oops, misclicked negrep. :( teensy phone screen) interesting ideas, though is quite a huge change. I am not sure about the resource/tool part, but otherwise the other concepts I think are nice. especially the registration and soldier/medic concept that adds a role for nonfighters who want to participste for their land still
  20. Feeling oddly Nacreous this morn. :P

  21. While we all 'know' the Answer is 42, I'll bet 51 officially. :)
  22. much PublicConcil chatter, Soon.

  23. Clickables and Spells/Trades. It's been a while since you mentioned wanting this, Mur. :P
  24. A place to record the Official Announcements posted about or by Public Council...
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