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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. I can code, if you need "clickable access". (also have public clickie access for things like MDA bookshelf, etc) to share clickies among characters and setup multistage quests, and such. Or to write smaller projects or debug scripts that give you a headache and need a seconhd set of eyes to "find the darn missing semicolon." ;)
  2. can I just say I read this and started drooling. Not for the artwork "spam" in a scene, but the general idea of items/clickies and temporary quests that this would allow for... hmm, may intice my monthly madness back.... Thanks Mur, for opening yet another box in my mind. ;) At least it still has Hope inside it, not just the demons that escape first!
  3. hmmm. let me check my finances. I may be interested in the Angiens... travelling so will be another day before I log back in. :D
  4. 0 Voliotion so far! (no grinding). ;)
  5. Happy Happy Birthday Birthday.
  6. ok, that is cool. I need to look up how to render a world like that! cooool. :) and yes, now I must get a single block of Mycelium for my house to spread into the fungus cavern I built! :D
  7. Iron doors. ;) or traps. ... or simply Play Nice, Play Fair, Have Fun? #feelingOld
  8. You can also downgrade easily with the Minecraft Launcher, so if you do decide to use the 'current' Bikkit, the world can stay as-is (mostly, since soem of hte new flowers will go >POOF<. I swap back and forth frequently on mine when I want to use WorldEdit and the TARDIS plugin to hack around places easier, then sqap back to current 1.7.2 for "the players" to get back online again easily. (my castle changed, no big Egg on the island, I'm making a cobblestone castle instead. Thanks for the footpath to spawn. I'll work on cleaning up the path this week, if I can). Lock/trap doors, people? Don't Grief! how hard is that?!?!
  9. Simple thing would be default cloud woudl be inbox/outbox/other. When you unlock Message Labels, the Cloud woudl be your labels. Clean as you want it, and streamlined, no?
  10. Thanks for all the well wishes. (and hi Lashtal, you can't kill me, I'm already dead in that Berserker's place!) I'll try to pop in every so often, as I do really miss MD, but lately, I havn't been able to. Have fun, all, and keep your Light Shining! (even if only tyo sharpen those shadows!) :)
  11. To all, It has been my great pleasure in helping with various MagicDuel Council projects and discussions, however, as you all know, I have been more than idle lately. With my current situation and life shifts, I do not have the time and willpower to dedicate to being a productive member of the MagicDuel Community. (this does not mean I don't miss it, or leave because it's too much work!) As such, I am hereby posting my intent to retire, effective now. I will continue to lurk around the realm, as best I am able, but will not be doing much else. I wish you all the best. Be well, -Maebius
  12. because we like being masters of our own world. :P
  13. oh! I have a small server, but would LOVE to connect to yours for when I feel more liek playing and less like being Op and fixing griefs. I tend to mostly just make epic Farms (carrot fields, stables, not mob/xp farms), in insanely distant-from-spawn locations. ;)
  14. sooo, belated, but Happy Birthday to rikstar too, and thanks for all the well wishes back when it was my actual birthday! :)
  15. Maebius

    Size of things

    which is really why the Total Perspective Vortex was such a horridly effective torture device, in theory. :P Thanks, I love this kinda stuff.
  16. Come on November, lets get this Life thing moving forward...

  17. Apartment hunting, may be internet-less for an undetermined amount of time.

    1. Rophs


      Good luck out there

  18. Freedom doesn't always feel freeing...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chewett



    3. dst


      Oh...I sooo miss the sandwiches from UK! They were the best I EVER had!

    4. Maebius


      chewett, that made me laugh. Thanks! It's so sadly true though.

  19. Hmm, lots to ponder, but I kinda like the "old/current" system of Torches just fine with only one real "complaint" to make it run better. Bob being a capital really messes up the strategy. Not sure how to fix that other than removing that scene as a 'capital' though. Otherwise, the all AP=0 when moving with a torch works for me. Not convenient, of course, but 'works' for strategic planning and overall "balance" in my mind. I know you have soem big Changes planned Chewett. So I won't suggest anything new right now for this. I helped a few Torches and it wasn't toooooo unfair the way it stood now, except for not being able to visit GG or Necro very easily at all from MB/LR. Is there an East/Tribunal Torch now? I honestly forget.
  20. Happy happy birthday.
  21. (shameless plug!) This sounds like just the fit for what Public Council is working to coordinate, perhaps? Essentially: Poke Mur about stuff the Players should have/want done, yes? :) Or were you considering something a bit seperate? A single point-of-contact?
  22. I use Puffin browser for my android tablet. seems to work great. theres a free version that stops after 14 days (unless you get more time by putting a referral code, which gives you around 4 weeks more... but I liked it enough to support the full version. http://www.puffinbrowser.com
  23. Brief summary of PublicCouncil activity so far. (so you folks can see where we are) ;) To be updated periodically, as needed. Organized ourselves, set rules/'bylaws'/structure/etc to coordinate efforts and direction. Forums created and structured. Held a few short meetings to discuss future plans & priorities (+ many threads with Your ideas). Discussed Adventure Log. Approved and Begun. (Your Adventures start now, go!) Planning & Preparing Events (Halloween, etc!) Working with coders to prioritize Unfinished Items. Finalizing a number of smaller requests from individuals and Land leaders. A number of Larger Scope ideas to be finalized from Public Feedback. ie: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/8-new-ideas/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/5-work-in-progress/ ...? Additionally, you can contact Public Council at any time via our Forum, or private messages to the our members: Maebius, Syrian, Zyrxae, Eara Meraia. Per announcements, If you have a Super-secret Alt that needs to contact us and can't track down anyone to PM directly, you may now use the Hidden Orb at the GoE to submit a message to a shared 'mailbox' there. No password needed. Please only use this feature as a last resort though. Forums and in-game PM preferred. (If you'd like this clickie be moved somewhere more accessible to new folks, suggest it to us! ;) )
  24. If it's anything like Shem & I, you'll need to track down Mur in-game some time and pester him personally there, as directed. I tried a PM@Mur as well, and was sent in-game, then POOF it appeared when I followed his footsteps to the scene and ''Reminded' him. :)
  25. bright as tigers eyes, god is a messy child, with a funny sense of grace

    1. Maebius



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