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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Curious for code-fu folks: Can you draw on HTML canvas of a clickie @Content[] image?

    1. Chewett


      It's just java script so yes. I use html canvas for the html5 crit page

    2. Maebius


      i'll PM you a question, thanks Chewy

  2. Curious for code-fu folks: Can you draw on HTML canvas of a clickie image?

  3. Ditto. I'm up for it, if others are. For those with my old address, it's invalid. I moved after LifeEvents changed my situation. PM for new info. :) [spoiler] You should all participate if willing!! dst sends the BEST cards out. I still have one of hers, in a place of honor. :P [/spoiler]
  4. Curious. Just tried it myself.. I can use it fine in FireFox, but Chrome loads kinda laggy, but still works. (Win10 laptop here.)
  5. Is this still valid, not necessarily for the rewards, just the fun challenge? ..and yes, apparently so. I didn't see the smaller "Permanent " line at ht ebottom on my tiny screen. oops
  6. I'm going to have to agree, there! and add Top Techie = Chewett , for all his work in making MD awesome. Yes, it's been more than a year he's been doing it, but he continues, all this past year too, in leaps and bounds.
  7. Yay, fixed... thanks all. Good to be Back in MD,

  8. Happy Happy Birthday! [sharedmedia=gallery:images:2152]
  9. Sorted. Topic can be locked/closed/deleted/etc. Thanks.
  10. Might as well ask here too. Informal poll. Re-write the Tour of Sorts quest I did, or kill it dead and bury it? :)

    1. Maebius



    2. Ungod
  11. Some of you may remember my old Madness quests, and specifically the "Little Tour of Sorts" quest I have up and running around MarindBell and the GoE steps. Apparently, the Tour script is a bit broken. :( I have been messing around with it this past week, to try to fix things, and am thinking the @storage methods changed a bit, but I can't quite figure it out myself. So: I'm asking to commission a code-wise person to help me. I don't need them written "from scratch", probably, just a set of eyes to see what might be wrong and update the new formats/syntax/etc. I'll send you the "Tour of Sorts" clickie scripts in a PM or somehow, and would like to work with you to debug, or update them to more modern concepts. Payment?... um.. I'm kinda out of the loop, but name your prices and we'll negotiate. :) If I can get my head wrapped around code again after this past year's brain-death, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance. -Maebius
  12. Yes, but this is still a valid question, since entering the Laby is a non-whitelisted scene, by the way I read it. :) However there are more than two ways to enter GG, so it may be a moot point??
  13. Possibility, since you need the Exploration points the first time you enter a new scene. Hmm......
  14. No no no.. Flash Bulbs. Use them and all but the arrows will be hidden, for a time, until the glare wears off... because: Flash. lol :P
  15. The stomping in the wooded dark, The glimpse of distant fire's spark. The purple haze as dusk descends, Hides all the forest denizens. It's not just Bigfoot you might fear, There's Dragons too, both far and near, But though they next door may reside, It is from YOU that they all hide. -Maebius/Nate
  16. What they all said! :D
  17. Totally making this up, but I always figured Erolins was a jumbled form of the word Eidolon, from Greek. (Like Aramors are not Armors) (Greek εἴδωλον: "image, idol, double, apparition, phantom, ghost") I've always viewed them as not just Heat Storage things, but Light-avatars of ourselves/ Will/ Potential Energy / etc. Words fail to describe the thought in my head, but it's there pretty solidly. They are not-Shadows, which we store our energy(heat) in to use as a battery later.
  18. Give me a crime, I'll do some time. :P My thoughts were going to be around the levels of 15k Heat as well, (though I like Hiria's as well) presuming lack of Training happening there. it would take some dedication to get this, without Heat Stones/spells and Erolin stored could only get you so far. I can picture it as a Heat-vote sort of thing like the old clickies. Store the heat over time, and if it's above x# for a specific time cycle, then it "melts".
  19. Happy Happy Birthday!
  20. In service, shared, I reflect my self-worth. In Social crowds, I shine. But hidden alone in my apartment's couch, I'd slowly lose my mind. The good in others, easily glimpsed, myself I see it too, but it's much brighter outside these innermost eyes, which are coloured a saddening blue. My shoes have been given, when blisters were felt, and others needed walking more soundly. My cooking's not perfect, some burning was smelt, but such things make my happy, profoundly. But standing alone, is the thing that I fear, and why last year you all not found me here. This is Maebius. This is me. in a nut-case shell. The cage is one I instinctively to look into, and hear the birds singing... or something. :) (edit: I do not post this for proper TB citizenship... I think... but the question and opportunity struck a cord that NEEDED this reply today. so it's posted.)
  21. Very interesting..... http://colorquiz.com/results.php?code=m,2,3,1,4,0,6,7,5,3,2,4,1,0,7,3,6,5,5&p=full
  22. PM'd you via the forum since I didn't catch your echoes in-game to message there. :)
  23. If anyone stumbles upon a confused-looking soul named Biospark... he's my Sprogling. :)

    1. Maebius


      Remember him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1bmj6vSmYs

    2. Rophs


      :D the sprogling is on MD? :D

    3. Maebius


      in theory... still in tutorial mode, has decided "wait 24 hours" is what it means when you "wait 15 minutes" upon meeting scary thing after fighting shades. hehehe Who am I to disagree?

  24. oh, pick me, pick me! hehehe
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