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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Oh, I would suggest have people PM you with their stories, and grab a few judges (or post the storys annonymously for Voting) to determine winners and such. (EDIT, the Annony-mouse submissions prevents risk of claims of nepotism, and lets us judge more fairly) How will you determine who gets what reward offered? :)
  2. Happy Happy Birthday!
  3. (PM'd Aniwaya with my contribution towards reward for Creative and not-hurting-Oshericks return of my Hat post-haste.)
  4. Yes, Christmas points are set. Congrats to all! Following Christmas Points tallied using top finishers. Only questers with 2 and more quest points will be given participation points: (thanks TK folks for tallying this too) Esmaralda - 4 Points Clock Master - 3 Points dst - 2 Points Aeoshattr - 1 Point Aethon - 1 Point AmberRune - 1 Point Ars Alchemy - 1 Point Death Ray - 1 Point Eagle Eye - 1 Point Edgra - 1 Point Lintara - 1 Point Miq - 1 Point MRF - 1 Point Nimrodel - 1 Point phantasm - 1 Point Syrian - 1 Point tankfans - 1 Point The Adventurer - 1 Point Tissy - 1 Point Ungod - 1 Point Wideberth - 1 Point
  5. To all MB folks, there is a vote in the capital, to grant someone citizenship. Please make your thoughts known. Thank you.

  6. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16955-christmas-points-maebius-says-its-murmas-time/?p=170578
  7. Alright, thanks to the wonderful help of the Treasure Keepers, i have the results video. (Thanks!!!) (names in GREEN have been handed out/awarded/sent/etc) Results as follows..... 1 gold coin ................... Clock Master 1 gold coin ................... Clock master again 1 gold coin ................... Esmaralda Snowman ..................... dst Bloodpact archer..........Aeoshatter BoostDefense stone.....Aeoshatter GuardianArmy Stone.....dst Toadspeak Stone ......... Death Ray Aged Angien Egg .......... Lintara 5$ credits ...................... MRF 5$ credits. ..................... AmberRune 5 silver coins ................ Esmaralda 3 silver coins ................ dst 2 silver coins ................ The Adventurer all remaining participants will recieve 1 silver coin. *Nimrodel* Ungod *Miq* tankfans Wideberth Aethon Tissy Ars Alchemy *Syrian* phantasm *Eagle Eye* Edgra hope you enjoyed it, and hope you had a Merry Murmas Time! :)
  8. Ahh, why not! :D Maebius ID:208870 Days:1193 MP5 My favorite fruit is Apples. They come in so many different varieties, from sweet and squishy, to tart and crisp, and all combinations in between. They can be juiced, and baked, and are firm enough to pack well in a pocket for hiking into the wilderness, and store very well on a bowl without refrigeration for a good while. All in al la very convenient and tasty treat. Plus, they have lots of symbolism, with the seeds pattern and mythological significance across cultures. The world, not just in a grain of sand, but in a fruit, that I eat! neat! (close second is elderberry, for similar reasons, every year I harvest tons of them and make jelly, and cordials, and medicinal syrups, and the branches are hollow, and...)
  9. Update to the above. Same applies for the current times (as of this post). I am able to grant citizenship directly, but also encourage posting for the citizens to read. Alternately, you may make your wishes known in-game, via messages and chatter and moodposts. I like that method best, actually. :)
  10. MRF, if you'd like, you could re-apply for citizenship via the "vote system", and you'd have my Yes, though I would be happy to get any feedback from the rest of the citizens as well, either FOR or AGAINST it. Best of luck!
  11. MRF would be interested in re-applying for citizenship. Thoughts, after time has passed?
  12. Ok, so I can not get my tablet to take more than a 5-8 second video without crashing. ARGH!! Going to try at work tomorrow to fiddle with things, since I wanted to record the process of drawing names and ensure Fairness and Transparency... [spoiler] (similar to how we did this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1bmj6vSmYs)[/spoiler] if I can't get the camera working, I will post the names as drawn and hope you trust that it is fair. (or, try to take Tiny clips and ask a friend to paste them together into a longer video?)
  13. The drawback for this is that new players in un-popular areas (how many people go to the Aramory lately, for example?) would blur those scenes and make it difficult to navigate, or at least confusing. Assuming you keep the arrows crisp, navigation is easy, but too much "fog" would close off even more of the realm than simple AP cost does currently, in my opinion. I like the concept a Lot, but not the functionality, personally.
  14. See initial post... (unless you want the actual pixel-coords for where it goes? that'll be trickier to do as my art-fu is weak. Scene coordinates provided in initial report. Coord: 1_-5x4_6
  15. Would you happen to know the "land" that the Drop of Blood seems to resonate with? (I see you have two currently in-hand)
  16. On the mainland map, sometimes you will notice an orange dot (active player?) at the extreme upper left corner of the map. Looking through past threads here I did not see this reported yet. Upon research by a few, it was discovered and confirmed that at least one location shows your player-ping at this spot, effectively at 0,0. Territory: Loreroot Coord: 1_-5x4_6 Tags: citizenship, Sanctuary Sky visibility: No Visibility This is the "Citizen Vote" sub-room within Loreroot's capital. Being at this scene and checking the player map, shows your animated PING in the extreme corner, not in the correct location 'within' Raven Hold.
  17. I'm most likely going to get rep'd for this, but I feel deeply about this bid. :) Drop of blood (may be mine or may be someone elses) - 1 Gold.
  18. Oooh, this sounds fun.... Maebius (ID:208870)
  19. or at least reigned in a bit? This I could agree with. Also, *checks logs* a minimum AD count for crits, perhaps?
  20. I will also agree with the majority above. While I did not get to interact directly with Confused Sant,a I saw him talk with a few folks, and seemed like a jolly old Elf, and did appreciate the "wandering" nature he had this year. As for overall, the Christmas Points were a nice addition to "bribe" some extra level of interaction from some folks, but not heavy-handed about it. Plenty of quests, from clickies, to RP, to arts, to duels. Good mix of "whatever you wanted to do, you could find", I felt. And yes, the Tree gave its usual freebies. I consider them Gifts anways, since you need to login to get them, so don't discount them as trivial. Well done, I know there was a LOT of behind the scenes work. Kudos to you all for doing what you did!
  21. Well, commercial air flights are "Commercial", and thus prone to the most severe forms of self-correcting methods of cost-savings maximization. The fact that personal GPS can confirm that most long flights follow essentially a "Great Circle" route that curves when compared to what you might consider the "shortest straight line" between two distant locations, seems to imply a Globe. The shortest distance between any two points on a globe winds up being remarkably similar to those "Great Circle" curves flown on airplaine routes. (I flew twice, approx 2,752.62 km, & 3,959.88 km). Both times I used my mobile to "track" the flight, which described curved arcs according to "the map" as I understand it. (cartesian perspective, which also accounts for curvature) It may not be "proof", but seems to fit the data in my mind, that Earth's round. But in other perspectives, I LOVE this topic, when you try to expand your perceptions outside "default communal fact" and see for yourself what might be wrong.
  22. Ok, quest closed and scores above updated. Soon as I grab my Sprogling to help me draw names from the Hat (monday or tuesday after school), I will post the final results.
  23. Maebius

    Maebius Miscellany

  24. yep, I was questioning the 7's, which was odd becauase the step before gave 6 points. Looking deeper, yep, you did. Yay for those early Bugs! updated list
  25. 8 Points is considered to have lit up the Star on Awiiya's tree, and "Completed" the decorations, (if you got bugged, please let me know ASAP since I know the first day where were some bugs resetting score, that got fixed after you started.) (also, don't count Gort, she was my tester...) Name Points Gort Hedera 13 Clock Master 13 Lintara 13 dst 13 Aeoshattr 13 Esmaralda 13 *Nimrodel* 13 MRF 8 AmberRune 8 Ungod 8 *Miq* 8 tankfans 8 Death Ray 8 Wideberth 8 Aethon 8 The Adventurer 8 Tissy 5 Ars Alchemy 5 *Syrian* 5 phantasm 2 *Eagle Eye* 2 Edgra 2 Rophs the Green 0
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