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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. OOk
  2. Laz, can you get into Loreroot? If so, you and Aniwaya can duel around a bit. :P
  3. yeah, that is the tricky part! Thanks FireStarter! I will track you down to hand over coins ASAP! Edit: Coins sent, Imps received! Can be closed.
  4. oooh, i've been a bad maebius. jail time sounds fun. :P
  5. Null Vote. :P (or, if I must... it really REALLY is a hard choice, but I will go with MRF mostly to support a fellow citizen, sorry other folks!)
  6. If you have the item code which someone shared with you, which starts with ITC...., you will need to activate it in specific scenes that are configured for item transfers. The closest one to the Gazebo of Equalibrium is inside Willows Shop, in Marinds Bell lands. (assuming the guards are not blocking it for you). There are other such scenes around too. Check the scene tags ( close to the bottom of the page, way below chat) where it also shows the scene Coords (coordinates) in a format like Coords: 1_3x1_1 Best of luck! also, not ALL the buckets from MarindsBell require citizenship, I believe... but Most do. ;)
  7. ok, I'll bite. 2sc each? Will be nice quest rewards for later. :)
  8. Happy Happy Birthday! :D
  9. Happy Happy Birthday hat-thief! :D
  10. As we all probably feel. Take your time. RL > MD. always.
  11. I have requested Access to the MarindBell forums, as is standard for all citizens. Apologies for the delay, but I'm sure the wookie will grant that soon as he's feeling better. :)
  12. I was not concerned when I said "Seconded" that you would steal the creatures or items. I was more seconding the "bit worried" part. Time passes, we forget things, etc. As for the randomizing, why not simply put them all in a hat, and then pull one out at a time, going down the list of participants. (or roll dice, or list in a spreadsheet and randomly sort it) :)
  13. Be Well, Miq. ...and here I was just talking to you about renting the keys last week. Following this thread to know who will manage them next. I have ideas for the use of that room, still. :)
  14. Welcome Klawdees, and thank you for your patience. I will be writing up that task that we talked about. Messed up the chatlog, and it got obfuscated prior to this, but this is a snippet, and the important stuff. To all, who may express concerns... I will ask you message me privately, and such chats will remain private. I have a specific reason/goal for this one. ;) There was quite a bit of discussion about Darkness and Light and Wind and Stories and the Bell itself... but alas, that got Obfuscated... Suffice it to say I am admitting klawdees to Marind Bell for now. I would hesitate to have him join an Alliance, initially, as with MRF. But I welcome his perspective, and also interesting for folks who would like to explore Principles with him. He seems to like Principles and discussing them, and creatures archetypes. [spoiler] Maebius: In a single line, can you tell me why I should admit you to this Land? *smiles* Maebius: Answer, honestly, if you can, not what I might wish to hear, and trust me, I am more open minded than folks might think. klawdees: Searches keep me company when maps and paths don't, winds keep me company where roads and roots don't. klawdees: (in my natural language it'd be birds and beasts, not roads and roots...but w/e) klawdees: (trying not to let the religious imagery I still absorb leak into my MD research too much) Maebius: Than swords may be wielded, and cut through your doubts, and this Land accepts you, step in, from without. *he brandishes the ceremonial Sword suddenly* : klawdees jumps back : klawdees steps up...? staring at Maebius suspiciously klawdees: I don't like my doubts. You can cut them if you want. Maebius: May heat and your own Light, bring more to this place, to carve out your footsteps, when in here, you grace. *he flicks the sword playfully in the air, gazing at it a moment, then holds it out* : Maebius extends the sword near your shoulder, if klawdees chooses to step closer klawdees: Just don't move them far away or out of sight, actually kill them. klawdees: *giggles at the funny lines and steps forward* Thanks. Maebius: Then welcome, and since you prefer the poetic.. I spoke similarly. *smiles and taps klawdees' shoulder then puts the sword away casually* klawdees: I'm not sure what wind has to do with light, but I'm fond of their connection, even if it's hidden tonight. klawdees: Oh, thanks. Yeah, I've been doing a lot of that this week. klawdees: So does this mean you're my King now too? Or are you still just King of the Land? klawdees: ( *'s page refreshes* Hey, thanks!) Maebius: .... King? yes *he chuckles* Though it's merely Maebius if you prefer. klawdees: Thanks to the king and to all others involved in this decision. I said saying that would be my first action, so now I've said it here at least. klawdees: ( *eyes droop* xD) klawdees: *thinks* OK, thank you King Maebius. Maebius: And as for my role, that all depends on you, doesn't it? I am King of Marinds Bell. If that is the Land, or it's people, it is the same? klawdees: *nods* The crown just means other things also are who we are, to the extent they give you that crown. Right? klawdees: Lintara is crowned by the grass. Maebius: Yes. presactly. I am crowned by the people. klawdees: I was crowned by an Herb Basket for a little while the other week. 'More chatlog corruption, sorry I missed the followup, but it was mostly "cool, thanks, welcome, I'll have a Task for you now, sir" stuff before the RP faded away. [/spoiler]
  15. With the LandVote coming very close to automatic Acceptance, and with my own discussions with MRF, I have officially accepted him as a member of Marind Bell citizenry. Welcome MRF! [spoiler] Scene: Angien's Ferry, after a conveniently timed meeting outside Willow's Shop, where MRF was doing handstands.... : MRF walks over on my hands still wobbly Maebius: *chuckles* Well, since timing is of the essence, I will get straight to my reasoning to invite you here. I know you've wished to be a citizen, yes? : MRF nods swaying dangerously Maebius: The votes have been tallied, your reasons explained, and I would be honored to *he tilts his head to try talking somewhat at the same orientation as MRF's* Maebius: ...Honored to welcome you as a Citizen of Marinds Bell. *draws the ceremonial sword, still leaning half-sideways, with a smile* MRF: *rolls over on to my knee to make it easier for you* thank you kingy Maebius: I will ask, once more, if you could reply aloud. Do you wish to join our Land, and aid it's efforts as well as seek aid for your own? And stand against any who oppose it? : Maebius kinda wiggles the sword a bit, trying to figure the best way to use it on an upside-down person's shoulder without injury MRF: yup unless MRD comes back (highly unlikely since his account is locked) MRF: (i rolled and on my knee now :P) MRF: and if MRD does come back it will be a leaving on good terms and good faith of anything learned stays with me Maebius: Understood. ( oops, wrote that as I was typing, then saw you flip over.. sorry!) Then, it is my great pleasure to invite you, officially and with full rights and blessings, to be a Citizen. Maebius: *taps the sword gently on MRF's shoulder then flicks it to jungle one of the bells* Welcome, to Marind's Bell. Now, feel free to stand, among equals. *grins* . .MRF: *Stands and twirls* thanks o my king oking MRF: (dead poets society references on you for life :) )))) Maebius: *chuckles again* That's two more KingyComments, you know. and it's officially tracked now! *puts the sword away and twists the sparkly ring once, then extends his hand* Glad to have you, sir! Maebius: (sounds a barbaric YALP, in welcome!) MRF: *shakes it* thanks good to be your peon o king my king MRF: awesome :D and i figured forum access would be a while especially due to my circumstances Maebius: (The forum is more "chewett is on holiday", than "personal circumstances" i beleive. No worries. I will keep you informed of anything important there!) MRF: yay Maebius: (Now, sadly, I have a young sprog that needs my attention, not in this realm for a bit.) Maebius: Thank you again, for making Marind Bell your homeland, for as long as it may serve us together. MRF: My pleasure thanks for wanting me :D [/spoiler]
  16. My hat is still missing, and a Reward has been offered for it's safe return! http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/17048-king-maebius-hat/

  17. We'll keep on keepin on, wookie... See you soon!
  18. Any further comments?
  19. What if a Loyalty Leader has single-digit Loyalties, and claims no Leadership beyond "game mechanics"? Or what you mean by "legal action"... :) Honest question. (otherwise.. hmm, intriguing)
  20. Found another one. Top of Mt Kellethas, where Alliance listing is. This location shows the personal map Ping in the extreme upper-left (0,0) rather than where I expect it, inside Golemus Lands itself. Territory: Golemus Golemicarum Coord: 1_-5x0_4 Tags: landinfluence, Sanctuary Sky visibility: No Visibility
  21. Would you happen to remember what it looked like? I'll try to browse through the shop in a day or two, when I can shuffle it once again.
  22. Thank you Klawdees. I know you planned on entering a LandVote once MRF was accepted.declined. I invite all citizens to comment here, with their thoughts, or if privacy is preferred, PM me them. Thank you.
  23. I have little to comment beyond shaking my head, but will confirm Kiley's awesomeness, and that the Fusioneers were never "against Grido" as the above seemed to imply. Gort Hedera, my dearest Alt, was a member. I miss them, but also claim part of their disbandment to idleness, NOT to the "king of GG" being a particular person. Otherwise, I will hold my tongue. 'tis not nice to speak ill of others. ;)
  24. I've used StoreNow for some things and also agree it's been randomly wonky, but can't submit a proper Bug Report for the what/why. I will say that like dst, I have NEVER seen the options page you screenshotted. I've always uploaded "picture" the same way, and while it used to do directly to a download link, it now works great for imbedding images as described. Not sure what changed, but it's definitely acting a lot different behind the scenes for me now. I usually host important stuff on my webserver though, so... doesn't always effect me. I do wish I could see a list of "what the heck did I upload over the past 5 years?" as I am sure much of it was temp bug-report screenshots or temporary storage things that are defunct and could be deleted to save server space (since you don't apply the "time limit until deletion" feature mentioned on the page, right?)
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