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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Totally offtopic. (or is it?) .. but wanted to share with you MD folks. http://www.iflscience.com/brain/brain-training-can-teach-synesthesia-perception Neat! I'm trying it this week. :P So far, no luck...
  2. I personally think Principles should not be changed, as (other than the ancient fossils and the Archer-drain/swap like Rhaegar mentioned) we picked them. Even if not what we want now, we wanted them then, for some reason. However, I think totems Tokens, (d'oh!) should not relate to them then. Which is a huge overhaul of the totem system, I realize, and may cause Drama. But I always felt the Totem-link and the Player-link were never really the same thing anyway., so shouldn't be related at all.
  3. Aha! I knew this was in my mind before: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14549-suggestion-mds-active-playerscoordinates;/ Maybe merge the topics, mods? Please & thank you. :)
  4. That would be awesome, I agree. The scene seems to already now this in-game, as it is displayed, so the functionality should be 'somewhere', but I don't know an MDscript function to do the same
  5. I randomly do what my friend calls "Flash poems". I get 3 words, and 5 minutes and a pencil to write it down. Here's my collection. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nyTJxWK_EEHeTr2D1gb0RFA03AoHQSfJXhdQeOsnqS8/edit My favorite though, is this one... Bigfoot, dragon, purple! The stomping in the wooded dark The glimpse of distant Fire spark. The purple haze ,as dusk descends. Hides all the forest denizens. It's not just bigfoot you should fear. there's dragons too, both far and near. But though they next door may reside. it is from YOU that they all hide!
  6. I can confirm the Contract killing can be countered. When I set out to take down the entirety of the TWs, it was tricky to even get the three folks we did kill, killed. Partially my own schedule, partially Things Folks Did, to prevent us from executing individuals. That's almost one reason I enjoyed the two we did manage to kill off, beyond the first "surprise!". I can't speak towards OtherArmy or any of that, as I am not a combat-oriented person here. However, being dead myself a few times, I think that there is ample opportunity to interact with the community, with the caveat of IF The Community interacts with you. I can't recommend any new mechanics or such, really, as I agree with the current situation, but do think that most folks who are "killed" are not new folks who would have fewer "friends" to contact and help out. This is good. That being said, if the person killed was "unpopular", and that definition is up for debate, it's rather easy to make their life frustrating by killing them, not reviving, and letting them deal with Molquert and such alone. As DD stated, this is fun, the first few times. Guess I don't have any real answers to add to the topic, other than to state that I see some potential weaknesses it the current system, but overall Agree it is a good system for most and does not really need too many changes, IMHO. c'est la vie.
  7. I lurk a lot. Would not say "active" in the realm as far as chatting with folks lately, since I've been trying to bug-hunt on my Tour of Sorts code that broke somehow... but I'm logged in daily again, idle-in-scene-but-mentally-active-in-windows-of-MD. I don't have a Role though, to my knowledge. :P
  8. Happy Happy birthday! :D
  9. I feel rather obligated to vote for St Peter: seeing as I like the creature type... St. Peter Agien ID:506965 9 Silver.
  10. Burns said it better than I would have. :P
  11. Jester - Ruler of Nothing gets a vote in my book. I didn't see him in Lot 1.
  12. Ok, I got to listen to this. You could charge for the download, it's that good. Oddly and unexpectedly, 23:15 worried me. Where' they go?!? :)
  13. I love how the bug report here is "fix chrome", like Chewy will be able to do that, rather than "fix MD to like Chrome better". :P
  14. Maebius


    The Slow spell itself has some merit. Possibly x3 as Rophs updated, instead of the x6 initially mentioned. Yes, there is potential for abuse, as there is with any spell currently. But isn't the thread to discuss the spell itself, not "how will dst/eon [ab]use it" ? *sigh* My suggestion would be like any other Ghost/ChaoticBoost/Locate sort of functionality. Buy it. :) I vote interesting idea, add it.
  15. Sage's Keep used to have a different use for the book inside it. :P (didn't it?) The East 'never existed' a while ago. and yes, to continue the theme, MarindBell's current king used to be Loreroot too. :P
  16. Maebius

    On viscosity

    Yep, first thing I thought of was the Heat Vein calculations somehow tying in or referencing the Viscosity. Probably WAY more of a system/database hit to process all that, but conceptually, it makes sense. Otherwise, I always envisioned Viscosity how others seem to: Namely, it factors in the Receiving scene somehow. But I understand from a coding point, that creates a whole mess of inter-connections that are simplified by merely checking "current scene". I wouldn't average them, though, I'd keep the current system, but when it increases, High Viscosity flows/bleeds/crystalizes along the veins to the adjacent scene closer to centre. Yes, this means that the center would accumulate faster but also is where people gather now and reduce it quickly, so might not be too much trouble. The fringes would stay "maxed/isolated" based on the current method of slow increase-over-time. However, it also means that an extended effort of the community on "the fringes" would lower viscosity along the heat-veins as well, making the whole "path" potentially a bit easier to walk. And thus, a rather interesting compromise?
  17. [spoiler]interesting. (and OFFTOPIC!) that's the same error I'm suddenly trying to debug on my quest that I hadn't touched for almost a year now. Will submit bug report properly, once I am off mobile. :P[/spoiler]
  18. yep, been tracking this a while. Go Humans! :D
  19. And this is presactly the reason we won't stop you. :P right? To add to the acual topic, I think this all sounds like a very interesting thing, as long as there is a sort of "death" for the added clickables and items. Similar to how they go inactive after two weeks, if ever needed, they don't default to "visible" for very long. Otherwise, my main fear is that we will have a cluster of cool things pop up and happen, then the clutter will sit unused again for a while. However, overall, I am VERY excited for this, myself.
  20. New quest. Make Mur a songsoundstory. :P (I downloaded it but won't get to listen until tomorrow when I have my laptop and actual speakers back. Looking forward to it!)
  21. w00t! Thanks to you all for the birthday wishes, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY rikstar too. Great minds are born alike, I suppose. MB got us both too. :P
  22. I want to remember where I saved all my scripts ,and make my old Monthly Madness ones "automatic" to cycle through for fun, if not for "profit". :) to be completed "soon". :P
  23. Interesting. Before we get too tied up in the details and definition of Death, I wanted to weigh in on what is in the larger-scale a very interesting discussion topic. Without considering "things to code to make Lands cool", I am curious if anyone else would weigh in on the original question. Here I would argue that each land already does have it's abilities., they are just subtle. As mentioned before, MB has it's openness and sanctity. It is Open to all. And we don't see -too- many shades there lately, I think. maybe.. ;) What would the other land's "theme" be then? There's been discussion of Necro, but so far, nothing detailing how you would perceive Loreroot and Golemus Golemicarum. Would you be able to elaborate on any generalized thoughts on there as well? Also, for the record, I agree with a wry smile about how the MB concept seems worryingly "aggressive", as written. Not wrong perhaps, but interesting.... Something to discuss among the SoE a bit more, perhaps...
  24. Flavinoids.
  25. Though gems atop a crown may crack, and fall from crusted head, the crown remains, the jewels reshaped, in winter Trees aren't dead. Those are my thoughts. With all the layers you read into those words. Whatever you see, it's true.
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