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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. My love a gol [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1359160832' post='131431'] Eyes Sky blue, deep and rich in thought A smile shadows her lips her mind waivers, [size=4]Emotional and distrought[/size] crystal tears fall down her face I wish I could freeze time I would string her tears into a[color=#daa520] golden [/color]necklace to be worn never looking behind. [/quote] My love, a golden statue, glowing like the sun. Her skin, her eyes, they greet me when the day has just begun. The nighttime fades, the light returns, and lips speak truth to words just dreamed. Opening the shades, heart's fire burns, the limnal life of waking sleep it seemed now within, i realize, the treat that was left when slumbering I was only one. Now move, I don't need you, flowing waters run. Does it make you feel a[color=#800000] [b]deep dark cocoa[/b][/color] bittersweet? [size=1]Note: wow, this came out a bit more depressed than I am feeling today. but I like the odd almsot spontaneous inner rhymes there too much to change it.[/size]
  2. If you really really need to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAiHWOJ4wHs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBVkcTCcYSU etc. I'm going through it now, I totally forgot about this until now, but am at chapter 7. Very interesting! I don't think I'll make the deadline though, as I have some big work projects to finish by Saturday.
  3. What if Heat gets converted to AP while carrying a Torch, or something. I can't maths at the moment, but the idea of Torches using the Heat you'd usually get via Viscosity and "burning it away" might be a nice compromise? (assuming I'm thinknig of it right). Low Visc would let you walk easily like it does now, and high Viscosity maybe could provide a minor AP boost. Not enough to negate it, but to ease the regen to one tick or something Using an algorithm would make it easy to adjust/balance by tweaking the equation then, rather than adding rules/conditions? (edit: not the sort of Heat that Protectors get, as in Active Erolin... sorta. I meant the Heat gain from traveling... so it is that Heat, but would not directly use your Erolin Heat, just the calculation used to gain it while moving)
  4. buzzz buzzzzz, buzz, buzzzz. (Happy Birthday in 'skeeterish)
  5. Ditto - Happy Spawnday.
  6. Ditto Ditto.
  7. Quest Closed. I have had a lot of really cool submissions, and will tally them up as soon as the Flubonic Plague going on in my local area has passed and I can think coherently again. I'll be posting the results for forum judgement (in case of a tie from the other two, and to let you see them all) ASAP. Sorry for the delay.
  8. Hmm, my votes: 10 - [b]Udgard[/b]-upgrade to my item creation ability 9 - [b]Princess Katt[/b]-MB citizenship back 8 - [b]Chewett[/b] -summon people to Angiens Shrine 4 casts 7 - [b]Soothing Sands[/b] - Passant's independent sand melter 6 - [b]Peace[/b]-Scimitar of Destruction' currently owned by Aysun (inactive account) to be returned to me and ... 5 - [b]Darigan[/b] -return of my piece of brain and the Root of the Matter Inn Guest Book from BlackThorn's Inventory 4 - [b]Lone Wolf[/b]-a jail free card with a one time usage that'll free the holder from jail despite length of time left or severity of punishment 3 - [b]Rumi[/b]-an independent rainwater harvest tool -four casts of Weather - Mild Rain. 2 -[b] Fire Starter [/b]-My chawan to be able to heat up cold tea 1 - [b]Tal - [/b]-ability to change the viscosity in loreroot to high amounts, or to temperarly close the gates of loreroot,
  9. May all your [good] dreams come true! Happy Birthday. May all your [good] dreams come true! Happy Birthday.
  10. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1358525210' post='130912'] So I was supposed to continue it after someone had won it? [/quote] I think what the wookie may have meant was, on one hand you seem to have wanted much more participation, in order for the "good rewards" to be made available. However, stopping the quest before even a full day passed, when soem folks may be offline, severely limits the potential "submissions" to a very limited few. So, you can't have both ways: many questers, and limited time. I also think, that from the timestamps on this forum post, it almsot looks like it was won by Chewett within 61[b] minutes[/b]. Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:02 PM Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:03 PM That cuts down on the participant potential even more severely. [b]That's still a valid way to run a quest, with folks being at the right place at the right time[/b], but you can't say that then complain there weren't enough people.
  11. I have to smile every time I hear these and similar thoughts. To me, this way of thinking is what keeps me here. The Dueling is a series of simple Clicks, but THIS, is where the Magic Happens, in MagicDuel. In that ephemeral shifting blurr between "the realm" of MD and this real Life. Yep, it's happened more often than I sometimes care to admit, taking something out of MD for Life, or insight into MD from Life.
  12. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1358433002' post='130813'] Snickers! [/quote] The Sisterhood. (how I miss them)
  13. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1358428750' post='130800'] lots of linguini [/quote] Mmmm, Pesto!
  14. Happy birthday!!
  15. I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be. —Albert Einstein

    1. Grido


      I didn't fail, I found 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb; I only need to find one way to make it work.
      - Thomas Edison (paraphrased)

    2. nadrolski


      - Lord Tipu

  16. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1358251380' post='130560'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Castle[/color][/font] [/quote] Nathan Fillion
  17. (kept a few pms unread until I get back to my home PC and can save them all offline there. Weekend I tend to travel. ) Awesome jobs so far!! this is getting difficult!
  18. Honest Bid. I sold my santa last year, and was sad to not get it back... I wants it, my precious. I have a GG drach, and offer it in trade, happily. If Nim wants to make it a package deal, that's cool too. Feel free to post other offers.
  19. GG drach?
  20. Excellent submissions so far! Thank you. (also: To answer a question I received, if you sent me something but suddenly feel inspired with a different Answer, before Jan 26th, feel free to send it to me! I'll gladly accept new ideas as long as the quest is running. )
  21. Well, Council did ask for "[b][color=#daa520]This is your chance to be selfish[/color][/b]." and not to ask for "community" stuff, and you never know until you try.... I wish for two things: 1) A Fancy Hat - similar to the one in my pictures and profile. When used, I can listen to it like a seashell and hear Acoustic Remains of the scene. Regular cooldown and recharge as per normal "Spells" can apply. 2) A mirrored Mirror Ritual spell. (8 casts of course, to Stone it for cash!) Instead of making the opponent copy my ritual, it copies my target's defense when attacking. Likewise, an incoming attack copies the defense, instead of the attack. ....and... 3) A new wishpoint, so I can code my own Moebius Scroll to play with ad infinitum.
  22. It's that time again, the Moon outside MD is dark, and I want to see it brighter and full. ....So, you get to go questing for me! This one's a bit different, and more philosophical. Hope you enjoy it though. Start at the [u][b]Marble Dale Park[/b][/u], no password needed. [color=#800000]The clue is intentionally vague.[/color] Winners at the end will need to send me something, which is described at the last step of the quest. I'll have a few judges to help narrow down the finalists and pick what I feel best represents it. (there is also the potential of a Lottery in the case of close ties, by my usual method of kid-name-drawing) Prizes include a WP for the luckiest person, quite a few colourful crits, and a good selection of spellstones. (sponsors welcome, but I may have enough things to share, unless there are LOTS of participants)
  23. Maebius

    365 Ideas

    I like Z's old Transpositino quest. Perhaps a new season each year? http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12158-quest-transposition/ Otherwise, I'll keep my mini monthy madness running and try to get them more organized.
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