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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Maebius

    WTS Crits

    3 sc for each of the above mentioned Angiens (#1-4 with tokens) 2 sc each for the ones without tokens.
  2. Bumpity Bump. If no other bids by tomorrow around this time, feel free to close the topic. Thanks!
  3. “Even After All this time The Sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look What happens With a love like that, It lights the whole sky.” ― Hafez

  4. Updated. Any other bids? If none by "Wednesday" server time, I'll close this. Remember, I'm accepting not just coins, so feel free to get creative.
  5. *laughs* Well, one forum post and three separate PMs in-game... I'll publicly state that sir Pimp Nadrolski will not be sacrificed. I'll just hold on to them I suppose, and put the CTCs in as quest rewards someday. Don't panic folks!
  6. I am curious how to mesh this with the recommendation that Alts are almost "encouraged" to play with Story Mode. I'm trying to find if it's a forum post, or announcement,m but back when I was MP3, I asked about trying different story-mode choices to at least two LHOs (forget who), and vets, and heard more than once "Yes, feel free". That could be considered abuse in the strictest sense. (note, those story alts never made it out of MP3 for a reason, to prevent having "roles", and sit idle now)
  7. Darkraptor, you get the Imp and Pimp, so you don't get into a bidding war with someone. I'll keep the other creatures open for another day or so, unless no one else bids on them. They'll probably get sacced Tuesday after tool resets, if no one wants them.
  8. Yep, just put a fresh alt through the initial Tutorial, and only have 9 Principles to choose from the first time. Just like the original post Chewett described. (Plus the first one still shows: Time Principle + 1 entropiei but actually grants Time as the choice, not Enthropy. )
  9. Maebius

    MD Player Map

    I'm thinking the same thing, keeping the marker general to region, or exact info, is a personal decision. If you don't feel comfortable sharing, no need to do so. (or send folks your info via PM, as was done with recent Holiday Card exchanges) Overall, even if you just pin the center of your state/province/etc it's neat to see the spread of MD across the Lands of this realm. Mirrors the realm map with player-pings, right?
  10. I like the interactive googlemap that our favorite Tree put up here:<br /> [quote] Forum link: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11347-md-player-map/page__fromsearch__1 The map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=205566850638164354811.0004b5d7d2f3f9b7ed5fe [/quote]
  11. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1325759438' post='99780'] i can, but iv been an rpc and have full clicky editing rights, is there someone who has full clicky editing rights and wasnt an rpc? [/quote] Give me 9 more days and I'll test that for you, once I snag wish #44 for myself.
  12. What Samon said. No ability of editing that book for my next quest vexed me a bit.
  13. yes, pretty much every time an alt of mine goes through solving the contraption. I refresh, and only after doing so get the white and wince as my speakers blow up. I'll send another alt through there later this week if no one else confirms/denies it. (both in Firefox and IE8 if I recall correctly)
  14. Updated bids so far. I'll wait a day to see who else replies. (darkraptor, you really want those pimp colours don't you?)
  15. Confirmed. IE tends to be an issue. ie6, ie7 and ie8 all tested Chrome, Firefox working as intended.
  16. In such a situation as this, I would think a bit of Patience is in order. I don't claim to know the inner workings of the TK <--> Mur relationship, but I think snap judgements without waiting at least 24-48 hours are in order. Since Confused Santa is not the Postman, is not Mur, is not KC, etc... having the boss-in-charge clarify this point woudl go a long way in easing any perception of bias. But, that's just my opinion as an outside party.
  17. A few Pimps, Imp, and Jokers for sale, plus an Angien Egg if anyone's interested. Make an offer here, or contact me in-game (inside Sage's Keep probably, or the Angien Ferry). I'll accept coins, creatures, items, etc. ...or favors. (not the kind DST enjoys finding!) [b]Pimped [/b] Grasan named Nadrolski Stored Heat 1832642 Age 190 [b]Joker[/b] Stored Heat 320854 Age 133 Tokens = [claw1] [onyxfangs] [b]Joker #2[/b] Stored Heat 64373 Age 231 [b]Unholy Priest[/b] Stored Heat 7901 Age 14 [s][b]Angien Egg[/b] (3sc Chengmingz) Stored Heat 51753 Age 96 Tokens = [sunshine][/s] [s][b]Pimped[/b] Grasan[/s] (5sc - darkraptor) [s]Stored Heat 546879[/s] [s]Age 27[/s] [s]Tokens = [emeraldglare] [antifreeze] [darkshield][/s] [s][b]Imperial Aramor[/b][/s] (6sc - darkraptor) [s]Stored Heat 537076[/s] [s]Age 138[/s] [s]Tokens = [stardust] [darksky] [onyxfangs][/s]
  18. Not sure if it's a bug. Sacrificing creatures always costs around 20 AP. If you have less than that when you arrive, it will simply keep you at Zero (won't go negative), but you can still sacrifice with less AP.
  19. New Year, New Day, New Hour, New Now! :D Embrace it.

  20. I can buy this in my current Avatar Shop, so will try to coordinate with someone to "save" my current avy ASAP and send you the ATC. Update: And thanks to Pipstickz help, I grabbed this for you. Actual ATC sent via PM. Enjoy!
  21. I met two other folks IRL so far, and only due to a lasts minute issue with work, or it would have been four. One of those was from "across the puddle", so a Meetup idea can work, if the stars align properly. I say go for it. You never know.
  22. Just seeing this now, and will add my LOVE of this if it were implimented. Often, I want to setup a cheap ritual with soem "fresh" creatures, that wind up being dead for some reason or another and thus invisible to use on a throwaway defense. So, this would save a lot of effort in swapping to the creature page, healing, then going back to find a target to set a defense up for. Seconded!
  23. I'd be up for it, depending on time and place. With the US being so large, perhaps we could split up a "regional" meetup sometime, to ease logistics of travel. But regardless of details, I'm willing to try.
  24. I was pondering the same thing when I read this announcement. ([i]While the other thread seems to have devolved into other Citizens and friends of GG arguing about "Who's the leaders? Triumvarate? Alliances? Me?",[/i]) I was struck that the Council interveneing on "land diplomacy" seemed just "overstepping" as the initial use of Land Tools to banish a citizen. Use of tools, is a game mechanical rule. Otherwise, Hmm...... Politics is fun, amirite?!
  25. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1325177831' post='99028']But recruiting new citizens is ok? It doesn't fit in reward/punish sections.[/quote] Recruiting citizens in Azull's case was handled by his joining the Fusioneers. Not via any kingly "accept me" powers. Alliance automagically involved Citizenship, so I'd say Kiley was, in effect, who granted Azull citizenship to Golemus, via her Alliance.
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