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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. I was slightly confused about Stat boosts during Story mode also, so good catch. I'd also recommend slightly changing your tip above to actually say "action Points". (change highlighted below) One of the more irritating things my third day here was asing some question (I forget what) and being helped with something simialr to " Well, walk around for VP but wait for timer get AP and VE, but don't bother going to LR, GG or NV yet for UPs. You won't need them at MP3. Want a Tree?". Took me even more asking to realize the info was correct, and what all those acronyms meant as Value, Action, Vitality, Golemus, Mind Power, etc. Granted, tips won't usually reply in such 'cryptic' ways all at once, but writing out AP=Action Points would be helpful to some, and though redundant for others, still valid. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1320196142' post='95081'] ... find ways to temporarily raise your [b]Action Points (AP) [/b]if you wish to pass this gate. The lessons you learn here will help you succeed later in your travels" [/quote]
  2. I grabbed a Needle as a test yesterday, posted in the Mood panel to Fight for Weakening.... and was very happy to see the trigger box start filling up with such things Causes. (yay MD team!) I don't know who you were, but the experiment worked. I handed my Needle away then, after playing once. The tools seem fine, and as the wise notes above imply, all we need to do is use them. From what I understand, The needle is in MB which is one of the Most accessible locations. I've also seen them in Loreroot's capital. (have not looked in Golemus or NEcrovion myself) Being so freely shared should encourage folks, even "weak MP3 noobs" to use them, which I believe was Mur's intent. Also: what Fire Starter said.
  3. *applies hopeful /Sarcasm tag above. * I wasn't going to post here, with my full thoughts on the topic, but I will add my voice to the whining and say that such terminology, which I'll read as being steeped in sarcasm, hit a bit too close to home for some of my family, and I dislike them personally. Lets step back, relax, and discuss rationally please. MD is not a democracy, but is a community. There are untold layers and subtleties to any group of even Three people, so the world we've built here beside Mur is a complex one. None of us are 100% correct, except as it applies to ourselves, alone. I admit there are things I'd prefer to change. Change takes time. Forum posts such as this seem to flare up over the course of 48 hours, to inferno levels, with emotions running high. As much as it's worth, I agree that Darigan feels slighted and abused. I agree that Firs was valid in his original post about the sorts of badness that impact others here. But that's only one side of the mirror. To address recent specifics: Spells can be used however the owner wants to. Combat is not harassment, as outlined above. (perhaps less friendly, but not illegal). If visiting the Tribunal for a cup of tea, why not temporarily "put your crits to sleep" while you travel? You'll be back in the park soon enough. I did similar recently, and kept them dead for two weeks. When I felt like "training" or was asked for defenses, Vitality was shared to them again. Eon exists, that won't be changed. We can. There is no spoon.
  4. [img]http://everthorn.net/musings/images/baaaa.jpg[/img] Cold Winter Commin, whare ye be, [url=""][b][font="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif"]Meadhbh? [/font][/b][/url].. Baaaaa!
  5. Ok, the way I see it, and this may be selfish of me, but Eon's SkillDamage is quite important, for the Principle of Balance, or more accurately: Enthropy. [quote]Acording to this Principle, all organized forms or matter or information request more energy than those less organized. Thus all things tend to lose their order and their initial energy, unless they are constantly fueled by energy. ... This will lead to techniques of inavoidable constant destruction or manipulating the speed with which Enthropy acts, thus increasing the longevity of a system of any nature[/quote] As the timeframe of the realm grows, now over six years, it is true that a good portion of the older Vets may have gained incredible stats and skills over time. Whether they are grinders in short spans, or simply casual trainers over long months, they far exceed other newer MP5 stats. This is as it should be. However, If MD is a reflection of a world, which somewhat transcends itself, as I feel Mur implies numerous times... the lessons of MD can carry over too, and vice-versa. (I even quote Mur in my forum sig, btw, which applies here) Eon balances these horribly impressive stats, somewhat. In the larger picture, I think it would make MD more balanced and long-lasting. Linear progression of power (as training seems to do) only makes the strong stronger, and the young impossibly behind them. While it's true that stats matter, the types of ritual is also important. A newbie MP5 can still defeat Eon with strategy. StatDamage only seems to hit you, after all, if you are Defeated, right? (if I'm mistaken, the implication is still true, there are ways to prevent it, which I grant ALSO affecct other training methods) Eon represents something to work against, perhaps, like grabbing umbrellas against the rain. Complaining about the weather doesn't keep you any dryer, so why continue to do so? Use the tools and community to act. Fair or no, (just as a rainy summer may be "unfair" to crops) Eon exists, having earned his powers. There are a few ways to handle it. Some personally in-game such as moving to Sanctuaries. Bring your friends along, and keep up the chatter if you want. Some methods exist as shared tools (literal Tools, or more metaphorical 'things to do') to lessen or remove the threat of his Damage. Use them. ...or Adapt.
  6. The needle is not the only thing you can use to help out, you realize? The seeds of victory are out there, if the community works together to nourish them.
  7. [quote name='Paracelsus' timestamp='1319554720' post='94614'] Maybe the citizens of each land could protect their land resources by using these lands cleansers, i mean if they join forces and decide to protect their herbs resources they could kick out the ones depleting... [/quote] The concern always comes back to not knowing who depletes things, as without posting someone active and monitoring the resources hourly, it is very difficult to determine who it was, if lots of people pass through a particular scene.
  8. Interesting and creative suggestion, but I am not sure that each land would want to have a specific location "Blocked to outsiders" for the simple reason of protecting their citizen-grinders. I will admit it's a very interesting idea though, in theory. I just would vote to not have it so, in practice. (but that's just my own humble opinion and can't speak for the Monarchs and other citizens of each Land)
  9. Thanks all. Innos is the only one I have not fount yet to contact with a silver coin. Anyone know the best place/time to catch Innos online?
  10. Of the suggestions I saw on the meeting logs, I think the best and most "generic" would be to simply hide the entry, with a "Content flagged inappropriate" and a click to show it. (similar to how some comments work in other sites) Then, the content is not -changed- by any mods, and those who wish to view it are welcome to do so. This would remove the slippery slope of changed context, or subjective "editing" potentials.. Granted, it may require more coding though, or jscript or something? If someone gets offended by this 'hidden' text, that's a whole different issue, since they "accepted" to view it in a sense. As far as the writer of the inappropriate PL entry, they can get a warning or banned if they keep it up or whatever, but the ability to enter it should remain. It's a public log, and Opinion of that person. Negative opinions are still valid, IMHO.
  11. I like this idea, with similar functionality to the current "jump to leader" that Alliance folks can use. (only valid when leader is online, but as Passant suggests, only valid when "official Meeting" setting is flagged somehow by the system) My suggestion to this would be a method to de-teleport people afterwards. Perhaps to the Gazebo of Equalibrium? This would save Mur porting folks out that might be "stuck there" once the meeting is finished. Perhaps a similar button on the Meeting Interface (however that works?) to "Leave Meeting".
  12. Does using a Stone count as "my spell" ([color=#00ff00]+3[/color]) or "someone else casting a spell" ([color=#ff0000]-20[/color]) ?
  13. [quote name='kuPfeR' timestamp='1319121342' post='94363'] (and by the way, I liked the song for his "impact" on my game evening, someone can tell me the title/artist of that song?) Kup [/quote] The song is "Calabria 2007" by Enur, featuring the lovely Natasha, who sadly passed away a few years ago in an auto accident. [spoiler]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL1hlzLsUaU Note, the ladies in the video wear somewhat sparse outfits, and may not be entirely safe for some work, or jealous wives. (nothing you wouldn't see at the beach though) [/spoiler]
  14. I'd start the bidding at 2 silver each. (any particularly interesting IDs on those?)
  15. I've hesitated to answer, but will have to agree with the apparent masses here. Surprises and the Luck of being somewhere, somewhen, is a part of Life and MD itself. Stumbling on RP or events is kinda fun. However, for something serious, like Medals for activity and work within the realm, or to defend against alleged "crimes", without knowing where or when to be except at the last minute, that's a bit Unfair. (Heads contest can be as Unfair as you want, since it's a semi-scheduled Event that lasts over days once you notice it started) I'm particularly troubled by the part of the announcement highlighted below:[log='Ann. 2055 - [2011-10-18 02:01:59 - Stage 11]']"Day of absurdly blind justice" will be postponed one day. It will take place on day 292 (sometime during second part of the day, not sure a time now). Anyone that has something to complain about an ONGOING investigation, or one that was ignored, be present. I won't take any pms, emails, forum posts.[b] Either be there in person [u]or it means you don't care that much[/u]. If you know you might be accused by anything or are part of an unfinished trial/investigation/complain, be there (even idle!), it will matter[/b]. Location to be announced later.[/log] I have been idle or semi-active in the realm since hour 10:00 and it is now only a few hours until the "end of the day". No announcement about location yet, and Day 293 is soon upon us. I would be really, REALLY irritated if I stood accused of any crime, and made an effort to be somewhere, (even idle), and have the things I rescheduled be unnecessarily delayed because of "some internet thing". MD is not just a game, but If it purports to be more than that (ie: reflect Real Life) then the social norms of Real Life probably should also be respected. Communication and allowances for the multinational nature of MD included. I understand, however, that this entire Day of Justice may have come about to light a fire under Council's feet, with a recent perception of inactivity. But Activity should not require one to be In the realm at all times, "just in case" they are needed. Even LHOs have scheduled timeslots to help out, so you can somewhat plan for who you probably track down, ahead of time. (Note: as with king Firs, this may have come across ranty, but it was meant as an honest reply, not insulting. Good debate only happens with shared openness, after all. )
  16. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1319115476' post='94357'] Tipu will truly miss [b]YOU[/b], not only your avatar [/quote] Seconded. The Kiley herself is so much more miss-able than any humble avatar itself.
  17. I can offer a rather fresh Angien Egg, for one of the Enlightening artworks.
  18. The Winners have been chosen for my Quest. Congrats all!!

    1. Maebius



  19. The Results are in, the Lottery has been drawn, and the list of winners is below! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1bmj6vSmYs[/media] (I have had a last-minute sponsorship from person requesting to remain anonymous, and one Angien from Passant, so while the latter names are not on this video, they were chosen the same way, from the remaining names in my hat, by my kid!) [list=1] [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]darkraptor[/b] has earned [color=#0000ff]The WishPoint![/color] [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Guillak[/b] has won an Angien (age 209)! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Vasilemacel[/b] has won Angien (age 204)! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Master of Magic[/b] has won an Angien (age 197)! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Tipu[/b] has won an Angien (age 194)! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Soothing Sands[/b] has won an Angien (age 175)! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Ghunny the Beast[/b] has won a fresher Angien Egg! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Elthen Airis[/b] has won a fresher Angien Egg! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Shaded[/b] has won a fresher Angien Egg! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Falronn[/b] has won a fresher Angien Egg! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Princess Katt[/b] has won a fresher Angien Egg! [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Esmaralda[/b] has won a Tormented Soul [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Mighty Pirate[/b] has won a Tormented Soul [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Nimrodel[/b] has won a Tormented Soul [*][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b]Passant the weak[/b] has won his own Angien. [*]The rest of you awesome folks have won a Silver Coin! [b]Living Puppet[/b][color=#00ff00][size=5]√[/size][/color][b], AmberRune[/b][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b], duxie[/b][color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][b], Duke of Malfi[color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color], Innos, Jolla[color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color][/b]! [/list] [b][color=#ff0000]C[/color][color=#ff8c00]O[/color][color=#ffff00]N[/color][color=#00ff00]G[/color][color=#008000]R[/color][color=#0000ff]A[/color][/b][b][color=#00ffff]T[/color][/b][color=#ee82ee][b]U[/b][/color][b][color=#800080]L[/color][color=#4b0082]A[/color][color=#b22222]T[/color][color=#696969]I[/color][color=#8b4513]O[/color][color=#008080]N[/color][color=#4b0082]S[/color][/b]!! If winners would like to trade the CTC and such among themselves, or request something different (such as not wanting a TS or such) feel free to contact me and I'm happy to work out something. Hope you enjoyed the quest! (the green checkmarks [color=#00ff00][size=5]√ [/size][/color] are those I've already contacted with the CTCs and such)
  20. Jam on, Ye Gainfully Employed! Miss you!! ...even if it's only in passing we meet lately.
  21. Congrats to the list of folks who completed my quest before the deadline! (first post updated to reflect names!) I'm back from work-travel and waiting on a witness to help me ensure Random Fairness in picking the list of winners for the prize lottery. In the meantime, I've had a few folks ask about what others chose for the part of my quest asking to find examples of Principles in the scenery of my homeland Marinds Bell. Without giving away too many details, I figured I'd list what scenes were chosen for what Principle, by the questing folks. Interesting results! [log='Tally of Scenes for Principles'] [u][b]Balance[/b][/u] (x2) Marble Dale Park Gates of Marind Bell (x3) Passage of War Champion's Dome Marind's Marble Stairs Winds Crossing [u][b]Cyclicity[/b][/u] (x2) Marble Dale Park [u][b]Light[/b][/u] Angien Shrine Angien's Ferry Sage's Keep [u][b]Darkness[/b][/u] Willow's Shop (interior) Wind's Crossing Fenth's Wielder Passage of War Winds Sanctuary Willow's Walk [u][b]Syntropy[/b][/u] Willow's Walk Sage's Keep Winds Crossing Marble Dale Park [u][b]Enthropy[/b][/u] (x2) Marble Dale Park (x2) Fenth's weilder Champion's Dome Gates of Marind Bell Marind's Roundabout Passage of War Winds Game [u][b]Transposition[/b][/u] Willow's Shop (x2 ) Passage of war Angiens Ferry [u][b]Elements[/b][/u] Sage's Keep Interior (x2) Wind's Crossing Winds Sanctuary (x2) Angien's Ferry Angien’s Shrine [u][b]Imagination[/b][/u] (x2) Wind's Sanctuary (x2) Marind's Roundabout (x2) Angien's Ferry Passage of War Whisper Alley Fortune's Well Willow's Shop [u][b]Time[/b][/u] Marinds Roundabout Marble Dale Park Passage of War (x2) Stairs to Champion's Challenge Willow's Walk Angien's Shrine Sage's Keep (x2) Angiens Ferry [/log] Sorry for the delay. Prize names and awards should be updated tonight. (Pesky RealLife(tm) getting in the way of important matters. )
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