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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Hmm, you know, in typing up the question, I suppose typing the CTC would still fit the overall "theme", even if rather klunky (and would get a LOT more info than I need, if I ever need it later). I could frame the content text as confirming they know how to trade creatures or some-such, and call it "Educational" if a newer person does it. I'll keep fiddling to see if it's possible, but that might just be a suitable workaround with less user-input required, checking mds_location_visits(some_coords) and then checking it again to verify it increased. Useful for Birds, Remains, or anything else I come up with. Mwahahahaha... Thanks for the idea!
  2. I saw how you can get the CTC and all sorts of info. I was more interested in something akin to: Quest note: Get an Egg. code at clickie elsewhere checks for Egg-type somewhere in user's "Army". If exists, go to step 2. Quest Note2: Hatch the Egg! Code section in other content area confirms, Little Bird-type found Content = You did it, huzzah! Code finds if (!exists LittelBird) Then content[] = Booo! hatch dat Egg, yo! For example. (yes, the code is not correct, it's pseudo-code to make my example)
  3. Just a random thought, inspired in part by Fyrd's chessboard idea, and also on my own quest I'm trying ot make "automated" now instead of via PMs... Is there a way to check the id, or type of creatures a player has in their army? I highly doubt it, because I can see it being "spoilery" to sneak peeks into a person's potential defenses (well, those that change their Personal Profiles to not show them by default). Still, if there is a way, I'm trying to figure it out, in hopes of working something into my quest. (spoilery info of my own: Get a creature, upgrade it once, Ding you win that round of questions) Thoughts?
  4. [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1312962396' post='89929'] Maybe we could have a carnival in Marind Bell? [/quote] I prefer to have a party in the Park... but lets leave the Carnival out of this. Don't need to wait for Mur to change scenery, gi visit Windy's Pub, or the Root of the MAtter, or simply, peek into the MDPark now, and join the festivities!
  5. Enjoy the holiday! If you can, eat some treacle pudding for me.
  6. Happy Happy Birthday!
  7. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1312634145' post='89615'] 77) MagicDuel is an alien agency supporting alien invasion by planting alien agent inside player's head through mental osmosis. People do not leave MD on their own - they are either saved by exorcists or are fully in alien control and no further adjustments are nessesary [/quote] (wait, I thought we were supposed to make stuff up and say lies here, for the funny of saying so??!!? ) 78) Mur's full name is an anagram for "Mutual Red Rums" which makes The Shining of Heat all that scarier! or Mutual Murders for those who have not seen it, he's out ti kill us all with MD insanity! (it's also A Drum Result Mu, which makes me think of heartbeats and the coefficient of friction. Viscosity?!)
  8. Enjoy London! Bring us all back some treacle, could you?!? Or, at least, one for me.
  9. Bada-bump! Little Pebbles, Flasks of Sand, or even small Green Apples? Make me an offer, if you are interested in selling or trading your unused items. *smiles*
  10. [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1312448926' post='89452'] I expected a Cube... [/quote] Nahh, I would expect an orb. Cubes are our own boxes we make around things, while Fenths are more of a quanta of Reality the way they seem described, and more "primal/elemental/natural". If you took a Fenth by sacrificing some random MP3, however, I think you might get more of a squared circle... maybe... Otherwise, very interesting Mur! Of course the shell is flawed, otherwise we'd never get to use it for recipes, right? I wasn't expecting the outer 'Viscosity' holding it up though, making it seem like the old concept of Ether permeating spacetime. Hmm...
  11. I'd be interested in the one with blood drop, for 2SC.
  12. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1312354795' post='89382'] The AP to enter and to leave IS intentional. [/quote] So Abra and its friends will be joining me in the Park sometime? That might be rather interesting..... You -are- the king, Yrth, so all I can say is thanks for letting those of us who can, visit. Particularly in light of the Fenth's experiment today.
  13. (please read the whole thing) Look at this Block of text until you get bored with it. When you get bored, instead of instinctively redirecting your attention to something more stimulating, notice your slight agitation that you may feel and try to resist it. This is not to make you tolerable of things that are mundane, but to build back your attention span, which the internet has taken away from you. :P ♥

    1. Grido


      Read Mur's long posts up to the point where it says "bet not many of you read this far" if you start to notice it, your attention span is fine :p

  14. [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1312271528' post='89311'] 61) Mur is your schizophrenic alter ego whom you do not know about. [/quote] 62) No, Mur is the low hum of background radiation leftover after the Big Bang. 64) MD generates post-hypnotic suggestions we have and makes us all secret agents. One day soon, Stage 11 will be released and we'll all go crazy and take over the world, in both Realms of reality.
  15. While I have no direct loyalty to Golemus, I agree with Burns. There is still other 'back door' exit available, as it was prior to this change, and this change simply means there is another option for those who can use it. Challenge and limitations mean things to overcome, after all, and are their own reward once we get in. "Buyer Beware" in a sense, or "GateWalker Beware" to be more accurate.
  16. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1312191586' post='89255'] Happy Bday. [/quote] Seconded! Thirded, and such! Have a Blessed Natal-Fest, BFH!
  17. such... things.. I've dreamed?!! MD, get out of my head. :D

    1. MoM


      same here ^^

    2. Mallos


      Same also. I dream every night, so I've had several MD dreams too.

    3. Guillak


      I don't sleep anymore.

  18. [quote name='MoM' timestamp='1311953304' post='89112'] some BHC features are working too... for example MRAylon transferred some heads to me yesterday... [/quote] Clash Of Lands, I am guessing. since I am now able to gain Heads. That is why you were not earning Heads earlier, MoM. The Clash is now underway. Both contests are apparently slightly concurrent. Interesting, hmm? The regular Heads jsut started a bit earlier, so the Boss folks can let our victims gather up a nice HeadBall before we swoop in.
  19. Thanks Master, while I enjoy the periodic "contact buzz" from your Nightshade, I am not much of a smoker, nor arsonist, so not quite interested in those two items at this time. If the item was something different, I'd try to get that sort of payment though, so thank you for your estimate of the pricing I may have to pay. Any other offers out there, usable or not?
  20. Though the mills of Mur grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.

    1. Brulant


      This has been running through my head all day since I read it this morning…

  21. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1311804003' post='88976'] The MD "Spirit" is to use what ever means you can imagine to gain the upper hand on others. [s]Only[/s] those who are willing to risk getting in trouble by pushing rules or boundaries get rewarded. [u]Some also are rewarded for playing fair.[/u] [/quote] Corrected. As Xrieg implied, I think, there are multiple ways to the "top", and each has their methods and chances of failure. Additionally, there are many "tops" for this '[i]game[/i]', be they power, combat skill, friendship, and item hoarding, among many other potentials. To each our own. While I see where xrieg was going and commend the idea, I think some may misinterpret his words. The Spirit of them, as with MD as I see it, is to enjoy, and look for the challenges ourselves, then form a path to pursue them. But then again, I have admitted to liking Heretic Archers as well.
  22. I would agree that while the creature-upgrade changes, and Viscosity have adjusted and re-balanced the way some things work in the realm, and Stones added a nice new feature, re-writing a MindPower level to change it would be considered a shift in the fundamental Nature of things, depending on what you have planned for it. Thus, Stage 11 would consist of the "New MP6" assuming it integrates things with our newer understanding of Heat, Memory (stones) and the 'physics' of movement (Viscosity).
  23. [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1311695830' post='88881'] Hello and welcome to the Realm! Don't be a stranger [/quote] Well, not stranger than some, or wierder, at least. Welcome!
  24. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1311622536' post='88839'] I agree... I would suggest cutting bonuses by half - I like viscosity feature and the new AP bonus overcompensates/ almost nullify it in its present parameterization (well, not for GG and Tribunal). Otherwise - I like it [/quote] It may nullify it in a sense, but you still must sit through the regeneration timer once you have burned it up. Walking one path through Golemus at 350AP is easy (for example), but returning the same way you get back to where we were last week. one step, wait a half hour. another step or two. wait again. rinse, repeat.
  25. Thanks. Clarification added above and as above, so below. Usable = code-able, not "tools". Though if others want to sell a tool with a 'use' instead, I'm still open to that interpretation as well, depending on prices. Unusable "regular" items will also be considered.
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