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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. I wonder what the cut-off is for that 'abuse scandal". Judging by personal experience and some park chatter, us newer folks are innocent, unlike you corrupt vets under investigation. (Seems not all got that announcement, myself included)
  2. How apt, to be born this day. Happy Birthday wishes, Jester.
  3. [quote name='bfh lighthing' timestamp='1301608951' post='81576'] If I haven't told you this: WELCOME!! [/quote] ...and a fond "hello and welcome" from me as well.
  4. [quote name='Thief of Truth' timestamp='1301611860' post='81577'] Awesome~! Any pointers as for playing? I love the concepts, but they leave me a bit...befuddled. [/quote] Well, I'll second that MagicDuel is not your typical online game. In fact, I'm finding it less a "game" intirely, and more a rather interesting community wrapped around a game-ish framework. Few hints: Patience. That's kinda important it seems. Good things come to those who wait, or persevere, or are dedicated and consistent or some-such. I'd tell you a few more but am afraid you'd steal the nuggets of Truth and I'd be left with only lies. Your name, is such, after all. Welcome to the enigma that is Magic Duel. I'm a newer player myself, and it's a wonderful, confusing, and enlightening place here.
  5. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1296983486' post='78531'] please be patient people, the quest isn't forgotten Emerald is having tests in RL, and had a fever recently too, as soon as he normalizes his activities, best works will be choosen. [/quote] I wonder, will the entries be kept private, or would shared information be allowed among the participants of this quest, once the results are made public? Either option is fine by me, but I would be willing to offer my thoughts after the contest, for further discussion and critiques.
  6. I'll start the underbidding at 1 Silver for each. If the bidding goes higher, I am of course interested in upping the bid further... lets see who else is interested.
  7. Can I pretend that shooting stars in the night sky are airplanes?

    1. Sharazhad


      what if you pretended that they were UFO's instead?

  8. training training, over the bounding main [gathering place called the Park]... Hmm, that sorta breaks the meter. Oh well..

  9. Tormented soul is no longer on the market. Thanks for the offers all. Other creatures gone.. please close topic?
  10. Welcome! There is plenty of chat, once your Story sets you free. Few quick notes: Be patient. Don't rush through things, and take your time. This isn't your average online game.
  11. [quote name='Phear the Wolf' timestamp='1300886928' post='81154'] nah, I'm way to busy and waaay to lazy to do all that... you can send me a ss with the before-after, or a video, or just tell me you did, whatever... also, they will be fresh, the remain and the water beeing, forgot to mention [/quote] Sacrificed, and screenshotted (open the biglog for the images below) [log=Log Box Name][img]http://everthorn.net/musings/images/sacced_for_Phear.PNG[/img][/log] /Weep
  12. [quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1300827681' post='81108'] I'll trade 2 aged trees for the angien egg if you haven't sold it already.. over a year of age. [/quote] Well, the Angien Egg went really fast... sorry, it's sold now. Updated the listing on first post. The other creatures, including my last [b]Tormented Soul[/b] are still up for grabs if anyone's interested. (Xrieg, I'd be willing to do a one-creature trade with you, per your PM... I'll PM you in-game soon as I find you) @Phear Wolf... um... I'm rather intrigued by your offer. Would you want to meet at the Fenth's Press to witness the deed yourself, or take my word if I do sacrifice something?
  13. I offer the following creatures for trade, in hopes of getting a few Remains/Trees, or WaterBeings, or perhaps a Hollow Warrior. Your choice. They don't need age or tokens, I am just collecting "healers" for a little experiment, and figure they might help others. Otherwise they'll be Sacrificed next week. I will also accept coins or items/resources if you'd prefer. [s][b]Elemental III[/b][/s] - Sold [s][b]Heretic Archer II[/b][/s] - Traded [s][b]BlockyWall Grasan II[/b][/s] - Sacrificed to the Fenth's cave. [s][b]Dark Archer[/b][/s] - Sacrificed to the Fenth's cave. [s][b]Tormented Soul[/b][/s]. - Gone! [s]Angien Egg[/s] - SOLD! I would be willing to offer Young newly bound Angien Eggs for the right price. The aged one's gone though.
  14. And a happy, happy birthday from me as well!
  15. Maebius

    WTB Joker

    consider it sold then! PM sent, I'm idling in the Park for tonight.
  16. [quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1300727965' post='81006'] UP, exp : 18258, age : 72 - 1sc UP, age : 54 - 1sc [/quote] See, there you go, older and cheaper than what you offered me. If you want three Priests, I'd happily settle for 1 silver coin. I sent you a PM via forums.
  17. Is finding it hard to actually have an alt here... but which one to put to sleep...?!? One quested and has personality. One did not but gained much more in knowledge... :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maebius


      hmm, wonder if I can change my Forum name, depending on who "wins" in my schizophrenic decision...

    3. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      I think Chewett posted somewhere that it is feasible ;)

    4. Pipstickz


      Just do both in one forum account >>

  18. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1300685715' post='80979'] as the title states, buying aged UPs and winderwilds. post offers here [/quote] The oldest Unholy Priest I have is sadly only: Experience 50450 Won battles 41 Age 64 If you'd be interested, or not have any other bids above mine. Offer a price and it's yours.
  19. Spinning fire for the supermoon & Spring. (only practicing) Awrrrooo!

  20. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1300480096' post='80846'] How about "Erolin Control" and you talk about your Control Level and Control Points... You could also adopt the term "manna" and redefine it from its common meaning.... [/quote] I like the concept of Heat, for soem vague undefined reason in my head. It works with the sun imagery and allegory. Heat tolerance seems apt. Otherwise, I was considering suggesting "Understanding" to reflect "Mind Power" levels as the understanding to do more with creatures, rituals and such gameplay. But then that causes the implication that lowering one' XP is a loss of understanding, which has it's own negative connotations to consider. Hurm...
  21. (edit for typos) My thoughts on the matter are that I seem to side with Chewett and TTL. (yet also understand the original complaint. It is irritating for some people, understandably) The park has rules, that are socially developed, and not enforceable by any "game mechanics" or single authority figure. While I agree that continued random attacks by an individual are sometimes a pain, I personally have defenses set that give me a win about half the time, against random folks attacking me. Just ask Pothos and some others, when it goes to random def, I want to win in Def sometimes, which is why I have the creatures I have. I do not set a long chain of single trees intentionally. If I am in hte mood to lose a lot, I would change up my defenses. But most days, even if I want losses, I don't want them "Exclusively". I like to make folks consider the rick of attacking me. If they ask, I will set a single tree or two, that's it. You want to just sit in the park and chat with folks, grab a friend, it is quite easy to kill off your creatures and leave them un-revived for a while, if social chatter is your goal for idling in the park. If you want to train, grab a friend and train. If you want to do both at the same time, realize that at any time some clown can come at you with the mallet of his creatures and smack you. It may not be "Fair", but it is "possible" with the current rules of MD, and their intentional open-endedness. You want to retaliate against someone, there are ways. Even the loreroot guards have a weakness (that I havn't found yet, but many people claim is easy once you know it). Find that weakness, and exploit it with your own creature selection. Or team up and give that person XP. There are simple rituals to do so, if you understand the combat system. Try to make the Fenth's Press the new hang out of social chatter by getting all your friends together there. Or Windy's Pub that seems quiet lately. If the "abusive park violators" continue to just troll the park and attack at will after being XP capped, for no "in-game benefit" and increase of skills, then re-address the situation. Until then, use the options at our disposal. As for MP4, the situation is a bit more complicated, but there are by no means "no options except making ParkPolice to enforce it". In interested pondering, -Maebius
  22. is wearing the hat in my gallery to work, with a big green shamrock on the front for today.

  23. is wearing the hat in my gallery to work, with a big green shamrock on the front for today.

  24. Maebius - proud new citizen of this Land.
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