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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Sky's not Falling, and the earth's still turning.. Yeah, the sun's still burning in the sky where it should be.. Though I'm not past caring, I have lost some bearing.. And the world seems harsher than it needs to be.

    1. Maebius



    2. Maebius


      This is completely counter to -my mood- yet felt so right to post it here. Smile.

  2. I have noticed similar, both in Firefox 6, IE8, and Chrome. Most notably when trying to look at any popups (PM mail, Annoucnements, Adventure Log, etc)
  3. Clash of Ages would be an interesting place. *smiles* Plus get the new folks seeing a few active names through their tutorials steps, not just within the Paper Cabin. I say go for it. Then again, there's always outside the Hollow Den, for those with access to Loreroot, and that might be more fitting, based on the Huvourers description.
  4. May the wind be always in your sails, Pirate! The MD realm will miss you.
  5. Accessible or no, fair is fair. I'll petition the next monarch for MB Papers asap.
  6. In the case of Nadrolski and the water tools, and the interest of full disclosure.... I'll admit I also helped grab buckets and sent the ITCs to the Dowsers, as well as a few MB citizens who requested them, so that they would be shared among those who would/could use them. I don't necessarily want jail time for it myself, but would like to more fully understand the rule and my involvement in any activity that may be considered illegal. With the new limitations in place, it would be impossible to do this now, but at the time, I also felt it was still "sharing" and not hoarding the water-collecting tools.
  7. If the attack in sancturary, or Create Sanctuary spell were set at 4 casts, and Only 4 casts, the problem of Enchanted Memory Stones would be avoided automagically. As far as the suggestion, I kinda like the idea of both. The question is, should it affect the Scene itself, or the persons within it.
  8. I'll toss out 3 gc for myself. (Edit: Assuming this Elu still has it's history papers, and not a sad shadow if it's initial happy self If the Elu in question has been stolen from, I'd prefer to withdraw that offer. I'm after a "fresh" one so to speak.)
  9. Best wishes for your continued enjoyment of MD, in whatever Role you choose to take each day. You'll always remain Queen Kets in my mind. Burt yeah, Cold winter coming. Stay warm! [spoiler]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8uIrBHxv20[/spoiler]
  10. numbers and values? I'm interested (maybe) in the Flowers and Timeless Dust, .. maybe.
  11. It’s like getting to the end of a jigsaw and having one piece left and one space left in the puzzle. Except the piece you have left doesn’t fit into that last remaining space.

    1. Udgard


      take your scissors and glue, and cut it to fit :p

    2. Ars Alchemy

      Ars Alchemy

      did you check inside the other puzzle boxes?

    3. Mallos


      That's when you just force it and call it a day.

  12. t’s like getting to the end of a jigsaw and having one piece left and one space left in the puzzle. Except the piece you have left doesn’t fit into that last remaining space.

  13. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1320929391' post='95581']... who made you the police???... [/quote] We all take on different Roles, don't we? I for one am sorry you feel slighted, but from the most recent announcements, it seems Mur agrees this was a bad idea. I will however, grant it was what I refer to as "creative use of game mechanics". Testing the boundaries of what is acceptable is the best way to create change, or confirm those boundaries further, so kudos for the creative attempt, regardless of outcome. Now that it's over, lets get back to enjoying ourselves, please?
  14. I helped someone today regarding "healing creatures". The prologue states the following when you reach the point of the Aramory: [log='Congratulations, you have bound your first creature to your spirit.']"Congratulations, you have bound your first creature to your spirit. The first step on the path of battles has been taken. However, the road ahead is still long. A new icon has been added to your menu, leading to the Creature Index. On the upper part of the page, your Adepts, along with yourself are shown praying to your Vitality Sphere. By clicking on the Vitality Sphere you will be able to give a percentage of your own life, depending on the number of your Adepts and bestow it to one of any of your creatures. On the lower part of the page all your creatures along with details regarding their life and level of evolution are shown. By clicking on their icons, you will be able to see more details about them."[/log] This is a bit unclear, since you don't actually click the big yellow orb with "adepts praying to it" in order to share your vitality. You need to click the little orange dot under each individual Creature, instead. Edit: Also, I just noticed that it is possible for a new player to wander into the capital of MArind Bell and get "stuck" on the "Weaponshop", the "Influences" or "Guilds" rooms inside there. Entering is easy, but they require +40 AP due to viscosity, and there is no chat window to ask for help. Might be a minor thing, but wanted to mention it, since it may require someone to wait almost a half hour to "escape" which is a long time when just discovering this 'Game', and thinking that a single "regen tick" would help them.
  15. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1320841367' post='95526'] The Fusioneer's have the responsibility of managing Heat jar's. Before they got turned into public items the heat jars where used and managed by the fusioneers and that is what they are doing. Managing the tool. Personally i dont care about the announcement of the shared tool as it is a complete contradiction to the alliance role. again remember the tool was the alliances before a bunch more got created and put into shared status. So the fact that the fusioneers feel they have a right to manage such a tool is not unjustified.[/quote] It is my feeling and understanding that announcements and changes happening 'later' in Time tend to trump past ones. In both MD and reality. (women can vote now? no wai!! ) Your permission may be justified, it is now a question of fairness. While we can't answer that in a public forum, folks are free to express their opinions here. For, or against. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1320841367' post='95526'] So it is like this. When Mur states it is 100% abuse and should not be done then Mighty may stop doing it that way. But if that is the case then nardolsk i think is it should stop taking all the water tools like he has been as that is a worse case of abuse. that what you lot are moaning about but you have done nothing to stop him or complain much about it. [/quote] I also can not speak for sir NAdrolski, but I am personally experienced in grabbing water buckets and sharing them with both himself, and ANY Marind Bell citizen that requests one (freely). Since many of the water tools are locked to non-citizens, and the fact they are readily shared if asked, it is not quite the same as "hoarding" them on a special account, or however you'll describe an empty Aramor, in my opinion. You may see it differently. If I were to ask to borrow a Heat Jar, may I? I'm honestly asking here, publically, and will use it in any manner which would follow the rules of the Fusioneers Alliance. Not a named "alliance" jar, but one of the shared jars that would have been grabbed from the mountaintop and will reset at the end of the week. May I, please?
  16. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1320833716' post='95514']I see this as Mur's mistake. Why making guilds for resources, and then turning all their tools to become shared, what's the point of the guilds then? They are obsolete. Unless I'm missing a stone in this grand scheme.[/quote] This was my thought, with the Heat Jars, and Marind Bell's water buckets (for the Dowsers). It seems to be opposing intentions. I wonder if there is another step in the overall Plan here, that wasn't -quite- implimented yet... Or was to be handled by us, as MightyPirate tried to do? Hmm.......
  17. This pretty much sums up my opinion. Overall, in general, I think it is a bad idea. Movement around the realm should be slightly limited with Viscosity and AP and such. However, there are times when it's really really useful, and for new players, such a link on a limited basis would be a god-send when they get in trouble trying to "explore and learn" about MD and don't yet understand the mechanics of viscosity and/or the Gates AP costs. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1320704176' post='95444'] It would seem fitting to have this ability available for mp3 players since they might inadvertently get lost/stuck in the labyrinth and/or Tribunals (and have a harder time getting out because of lower APs). But for an mp4+ player, it should be known by then that there are 'risks' that come along with venturing [/quote] [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1320704210' post='95445'] Perhaps, limit it to one cast per month... With a warning that it is only for emergencies, when you click it. (only because of the newbs that may get lost, and that's it) [/quote] [quote name='DarkRaptor' timestamp='1320704494' post='95446'] I like to think MD is all about exploring and take some risks.. so i don't like much the idea. Anyway, would like to suggest that the link could only appear when a player is stalled at some location without way to leave. This meaning current move cost > max player ap + 20 (free credits) [/quote] [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1320709683' post='95457'] What if it were always usable at MP3, only on Tranquility days at MP4 and not at all at MP5? [/quote] An even better suggestino would be to give new players a "Jump to PaperCabin" spell, by default, similar in nature to those unlocked when breaking Enchanted Memory Stones. It would be limited casts, and fade away after a few months. Plenty of time to learn the nature of the realm a little bit, but handy for 'emergencies' if needed when still learning.
  18. When you start thinking in 8 minute (or 12 minute) increments, to the point of subconsciously clicking a link within 2 seconds of the attack timer, WITHOUT looking at the clock, or calculating "Hmm, want to go here, that should take just under 4 regen ticks"
  19. You ain't gotta have money to know that you could make it Or be aware of heart to know that you could break it...

  20. awesome indeed! Thank you very much for sharing.
  21. While I understand the need for some PLs to be removed due to spam, or offensive content, or rules of whatever, I voiced my opinion about this in a recently meeting. I would have much MUCH more preferred if a "bad PL" post was not deleted, but simply changed so something like: #content removed by mod - Spam# #content removed - Inappropriate# or similar. We could then see who made the comment still (but not the comment). Public logs may be meant to speak about the player they are on, but often give some context and subtle perspective on the Posters of the PL as well. It's a two-way street. If there is a high incidence of spam or such, and since one chartacter can not truly 'spam the PLs" of someone (since you cna only add one entry), I would feel it is more fair to have the 'recipient' of the PL flag them as inappropriate for deletion, while mods simply 'censor' the content, but leave a neutral 'administrative edits made' type entry such as I said above.
  22. Confirmed. I tried closing browser, clearing cache, rebooting PC. Tal, and King Bull are not able to be attacked at this moment, by myself, though Tal is active & chatting, and King Bull is still showing orange in the MDP for me.
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