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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Can I request a copy if I promise never to complete for sweets again? I have been working on a clickie-ish version of "Clue" (the game) and am curious how you handled the hints, since it would be appropriate for my own ideas. I'll gladly swap snippets with you if you want.
  2. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1323527525' post='97626'] HQ - No. Why? Aren't forum PMs and in Game PMs enough? We have ITC, CTC, MDC, WPC. It's EASY to transfer something. [/quote] Agreed, I'm not sure what teh issue is that prompted this sort of question. It's not difficult to send an ITC, or CTC, or MDC, via forum or PM, or anything really. Might delay "in-person handing" of an item for an hour or twelve, but either way, using these methods means the TK doesnt' need to track down anyone hiding, nor does the recipient have to chase down a TK. If they want a prize, there are plenty of ways to contact folks in and out of game. For those without forum access, who refuse to email, THEN there's always the option of finding a TK to get their item in-game, which puts the onus on the recipient anyway, to "work around their personal restrictions" in a sense. Accountability is not the same as efficiency.
  3. It may result in a temporary shortage of resources, but the nice thing is they regenerate, albeit slowly at times, and after MurMas the quest will be over. Nothing permanent damaged, and the list of 'winners' could even be theoretically used for evidence of depletionists.
  4. I've noticed the same thing, quite a lot of them on my list when I know they have been empty for months. Also, not sure how it's supposed to work, but I'm noticing "Document not found" when attempting to "manage" the clickables I do have setup. No big deal, since the ones I use are nearby and I just walk to them. Could this be due to having a pass-word on them, so they wouldn't drop anyway?
  5. ever-hopeful BUMP. Also if anyone has a nice girly avatar, I'm interested in that if the original can't be located.
  6. I like the idea here. So essentially, to clarify, ending up with a list like: +4 Water +18 Unidentified Herbs +6 Sand +7 Branches would win due to "diverse quantity", over a simple +265 Lumber. (or similar) I like it, if so. Good luck to the questers!
  7. [b]Toxicondrite Seed [/b](Lv 2+) [b]Consumes: [/b]Unidentified Plants [b]Produces: [/b]Berries (or Fibers) [b]Gathering?: +0.02[/b] [b]Toxicondrite Seed [/b](Lv 3+) [b]Consumes: [/b]Sand [b]Produces: [/b]Loam [b]Composting?: +0.02[/b] [b]Water Being [/b](Lv 3+) [b]Consumes: [/b]Sand [b]Produces: [/b]Mineral Water? [b]Filtering?: +0.02[/b] [b]Winderwild[/b] (Lv 3+) [b]Consumes: [/b]wiiya [b]Produces: [/b]Feathers [b]Gathering?: +0.01[/b] [b]Heretic Archer[/b] (Lv 3+) [b]Consumes: [/b]Branches [b]Produces: [/b]Arrows orSticks [b]Gathering?: +0.01[/b] [b]Angien[/b] (Lvl 3+) [b]Consumes: [/b]Skin [b]Produces: [/b]Vellum/Paper [b]Crafting?: +0.02[/b] [b]Unholy Priest[/b] (Lv 2+) [b]Consumes: [/b]Paper (coloured or otherwise?) + Heat? [b]Produces: [/b]Ashes [b]Dispersal (or[/b] Propaganda[b] [/b][b])[/b][b]: +0.01[/b] [b]Empty Aramors[/b] (max level) [b]Consumes: [/b]Fat [b]Produces: [/b]Candles [b]Chandling[/b][b]?: +0.02[/b] [b]Empty Aramor[/b] (max level) [b]Consumes: [/b]Skin + Fat + Syntropic Dust + Wiiya + Fenths + Heat + Water (+ Sand + Wind + Fire) + OMG RUN! [b]Produces: [/b]that which should not be named [b]Skill: +0.02[/b] Necromancy Note, this is more of a saracastic suggestion, because honestly, this idea suddenly worries me and I don't want to see it in MD fully)
  8. Holidays approaching. Is your card-list complete? :)

  9. Adventuring Award - LAShTAL Best Spell Caster - I also think Amoran K Kol. Champion Fighter - I think that sir nadrolski also is an amazing fighter, or Eon if nads is invalid. Elite Evil Villain of the Year - I would agree Jester. The Golden Protector - I would argue Azull, for cookies! Outstanding Service to MD - Rendril is ineligible, so I'll also go with Eon (honestly).. Pre-eminent Role Player - Tough call... Innocense, or if she refuses, Z (goatboy!) Prime Quest - Tough call but I'll have to go with Fyrd, for his huge expansive lost-Path adventure. Rookie of the year - So many... I can't in good faith nominate one. Sorry. Top Techie - I would mention Fyrd Argentus, for his quests, unless Quests are supposed to be just considered in above categories, then Chewett... I hate to use another MB person, though, and my other choice Awiiya is invalid. Argh!
  10. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1322543537' post='96794'] It sounds a like a adobe plugin issue, they are not very stable. This was a joke, right? This option has been available for months. [/quote] Pentdragon is a newer player, and it took me a good month to notice the "options" off to the far right of the screen when I first started. IT was easy to overlook on a smaller resolution 15" monitor I had been using, since most of the "action" for MD is in the middle of chat and on the left icons. Back on topic, yes, I've noticed similar things crashing randomly in mail, but it seems to have cleared up for me automagically (possibly due to plugin updates?)
  11. Maebius Citizen of Marind's Bell. [b]244 Loyalty[/b] [img]http://everthorn.net/Misc/images/dreamhat.PNG[/img] The Dream hat, covering our heads and thoughts, and thinking recursively of itself, though not quite the same as itself. Our eyes peek from within the shadows of The Hat, pondering the infinite potential of Dreams, in purple.
  12. Happy belated bvirthday. (i'm getting behind on my forum reads! 3 pages eek)
  13. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1322078974' post='96483'] Since the needle overwrites the old effect with a new one, i think we can assume that only the most recent use affects the stats at all. Using the needle 6 times with 3 causes will result in a lot less damage than once with 18 causes, as i see it. Otherwise you could just make a team of 3 people and re-use the needle every cooldown interval and get to way negative stats that way. Which would be too easy for my taste. [/quote] I'm not sure about the negative stats, but am not entirely sure of how the Needle operates yet. Perhaps EON could confirm his stats after this latest usage? The way I was thinking it worked, was to reduce the given percentage of the target's stats. So if his attack was 1000 to begin with, and he lost 16%, he would be at 840 Attack (16% of 1000 = 160) Next round it's either reduced by a percentage further, or overwritten to be reduced only by the "new" amount.... The maths confuse me with what cause/modifier is multiplied first, but I think it may be a matter of "diminishing returns", so no negatives would happen?
  14. I used the needle twice, with similar results, but did not notice the stats displayed in the Trigger box until it was just about to clear itself, (so no copy/pastes). However, the second time was similar to this one: There are more won cause fights (2) than lost (1) (or equal number). Weakening all stats by 16% x 3(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item). Interesting to see the community rally around the cause. I wish Eon luck in recovering from the 'statdamage'.
  15. If a ritual does not have enough Vitality (301 I believe) the system chooses random creatures from your entire collection of creatures, and uses them instead of the ones you manually setup to use. That is what "goes random" means. IT is not possible to manually select an Elu to add it to a ritual. Think of it like elemental Eggs when you first pick them up. You can't use them in rituals. Eggs do not appear to be able to be selected randomly, but Elus apparently are.. which I consider a Bug.
  16. I'd like to try organizing a sort of "Retirement Party" for our lovely Queen, if possible. In that regard, we'll obviously need to coordinate timezones and such. (mods, Perhaps this needs a new topic? Not entirely sure, so if it does I apologize)
  17. I have my notifications off, because I was also continually getting "THWACK" notifications when in a sanctuary (for two days tested this recently). I'm sure it's a silly browser cache thing, but refreshing browser, clearing cache, etc still kept that icon highlighting with "forgotten or nonexistent battles" for many many hours. Rebooting the PC completely seemed to clear them for me, though.
  18. can we all step back for a moment and just let the auctioneer decide on the current bids as max? Until the seller updates or confirms the final bids here, you two won't solve anything by bickering back and forth. (and it is even the auctioneer's right to not acknowledge the "retraction", IMHO, but that's not for me to decide)
  19. I like this, and will type up a bigger erply, but in my own Magic Theory, I simply use Fstaticreality & Fmagicalfriction = Viscosity. Without our effort in moving, or magicking, Viscosity tends to crystalize Reality into a static form. In movement, and otherwise.
  20. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1321629982' post='96115'] "i told you so" [/quote] My new quote for forum sig...
  21. Fare well, muffin man! You'll always be king in my mind.
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