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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. (Have the royal items been taken away somewhere? Not to stir the pot, but I believe Handy Pockets still has the scepter and such for MB, but had promised not to use them. I half-remember Mur asked that Monarchs were to have stepped down and behave . I'll have to look up any appropriate Announcements and Forum posts....) And back on topic, I tend to agree with Azull & Peace. Knee-jerk reactions instead of a friendly PM or forum message might go a long way towards diplomacy. Stepping down, is stepping down, and such actions seem be crossing the line to me. But then again, I'm not entirely sure how GG politics work, so maybe it still is his call? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. (use Land Items, that is) I know a recent Mur-post mentioned that specifically, in relation to "stealing items" functionality someday.
  2. Getting to the MDA is a bit slow now, for newer folks, even with a burst of speed, sue to the gate's AP requirements... But there's plenty to explore in other areas. Have fun! I will agree, Lands seem like the sort of thing to ponder fully, before jumping in. With no monarchs, joining an Alliance is the most efficient way of gaining citizenship now, but you'll have to wait until MindPower 4 to consider that. Patience....
  3. Agreed. Welcome to the realm in all it's facets. Enjoy your stay.
  4. [quote name='gonzalocsdf95' timestamp='1325095506' post='98944'] [color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4]I [/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4]say [/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4]it is?[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] The trick to the guards is one of the Big Steps you can take in understanding the combat system here. I doubt you'll find any direct answers, since to do so would be giving out a nice Spoiler. My hint is to read the combat logs, try out all sorts of different creature types, and pay attention to how each works. Best of luck!
  5. Since it's a present for Mur, not rewards, can we add this one from me pls? Cause I'm kinda happy with how it turned out, but didn't want to steal Samon's chances. [url="http://everthorn.net/Misc/images/AngiendFerryXmas.png"]http://everthorn.net...ndFerryXmas.png[/url] [spoiler][img]http://everthorn.net/Misc/images/AngiendFerryXmas.png[/img] Bonus round: silver coin for the first person to PM me (IN GAME) where each image, everything except the wreaths, Egg-lights, and Signpost came from...[/spoiler]
  6. Also, I see you are an MP4, but the ability to display an avatar is not "unlocked" by default, it must be "purchased" in the MD shop. If you have unlocked the ability to use avatars, I'm sure you'll find an artist to work with eventually. Until then, if you have a spare credit there are a large assortment of Avatars in the MD shop as well. It's Holidays time for a good portion of the folks here, so I would also recommend waiting a day or three to see any replies. Patience is a virtue here.
  7. All part of my master plan, to make MB the best...... I would hope the land of Golemus stays at least semi-open. I like wandering there from time to time. However, not my decision, so I'm interested to see where this goes.
  8. Where is your coin from? I have a MDA Gold coin, that I might trade, (totally guessing that it might change to the coin's homeland if I trade??) if it's for Marind Bell or Golemus. (go to Inventory Details to see what "land" the coin thinks it's from) [spoiler]My Gold Coin: Gold coin (ID: ####) valuable Very valuable gold coin, useful for trading. Each coin is marked with a unique serial. 2011 Edition. SN:1300492070 MagicDuel Archives[/spoiler]
  9. [quote name='Laphers' timestamp='1324932230' post='98697'] In light of some of the topics that have been created about Christmas this year I thought it would be appropriate to have a topic where people who have something positive to share about Christmas can do so. [/quote] Excellent topic! Thanks to everyone who is reading this, and those that may not be, but still have a presence in the MD realm in some form or fashion. We all make this one of the best darn "online games" out there, in my opinion. You are too numerous and varied to mention in even an epic tome-worth of pictures, (which are 1000 words each!?! ). I also loved seeing the minor "irritation" of having to scroll my browser down a lot to keep up with chat, because the list of active people at the GoE was so long! It really reminded me that MD is what is is because of the community of players. I sometimes see less of them because of idle hours, but knowing there's this whole world of people in the realm beyond my usual haunts, makes me smile deep in my heart. Thanks and Happy Holydays[sic] MD!
  10. Thanks for your words, Samon, but I enjoyed simply making the image, and having fun. It's too "inspired" by yours, so I willingly removed myself. Should have browsed through the prior entries before finalizing it. No worries! No need to argue for it. (though if your conscience feels bad, I'll accept an Angien and call us even ....and I'm KIDDING!) Back on topic, AWESOME Entries folks. I loved this one.
  11. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1324775727' post='98484'] Additionally, in the event that your username changes without your knowing, you can log in using the email that your username is linked to. Simply use "youremail@email.com" (example) instead of your username, and type in your password and the security letters as normal. Awi [/quote] Wow, I did not know that. Even a year in, I learn something every day, here at MD and otherwise. Thanks Awi.
  12. Try Tipu Ribbit. http://magicduel.com/players/tipu%20ribbit That works, might let you login that way.
  13. Maebius


    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1323611182' post='97709'] ok it seems in the last minute you ppl decided to become more active, great.. Thank you all for participating, everyone that posted a drawing here will receive something for their effort You will be contacted by the TK soon. [/quote] [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1324732243' post='98458'] Edit: It seems that Mur may have forgotten about his little promise to the other participants. I will remind it. Sorry for the delay to those of you who it affects. [/quote] [quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2062 - [2011-10-25 01:18:07 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Treasure Keepers[/b] TK is now an alliance in Tribunal lands. A small percentage of the rewards stock the TK holds will be used to sponsor different events and activities as they think fit, apart from their assigned tasks.[/quote] At the risk of joining the "rant about Seig party (which I don't want to do) I read this as: -Mur lets TK sponsor stuff as they see fit, and gives them Stock to use. -Mur appointed winners for this contest and said "TK will contact them soon". -Others waited for TKs to contact them. Am I missing soemthing? Yes, maybe there was a miscommunication, but it's made public, so lets award who won prizes, and enjoy the holiday season, k?
  14. Maebius

    MD Radio ?!

    [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1324662371' post='98436']Completely off topic: Pastamancers for the win, Zleiphneir. Edit: Just to make it on-topic... I'm trying to man the stations on that website that amoran and falronn keep posting links on. Apparently you need to have at least one friend djing to be able to listen to your own music.[/quote] Bah, Mathmagicians are where it's at. On topic: I wonder, if you could just link to something like Last.FM and have players "radio stations" linked there? So you could "browse the MD player's channels" that way? Or Pandora, or one of those web-radio (I heart radio?) thingies? I don't use them, but have a friend's Last.fm playlist bookmarked for random musical background while playing MD sometimes.
  15. Or, you could modify a couple (or Maintain them) so you don't get notified until they go inactive again. That's what I did after realizing I didn't want spammed with daily emails, but still wanted to keep the option "enabled".
  16. 2sc angien.
  17. Here's my attempt. Angien's Ferry, using colourized snippets from around MD. (except for the wreaths on the Keep, and the lights on the Egg, which were hand-drawn) ...and it helps to actually link to the image. :/ [img]http://everthorn.net/Misc/images/AngiendFerryXmas.png[/img] [color=#0000ff][b]Gah?! I just noticed this is far too similar to Samon's attempt!! [/b][/color] http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11056-holiday-scenecreature-makeover-contest/page__view__findpost__p__97513 I'll keep mine here to enjoy, but will respectfully recuse myself from the contest if this seems to "copy-cat" of an image.
  18. Oddly enough, I'm not seeing ads when I clickthrough to the video... hmm.
  19. Mods are welcome to please close/delete./kill/etc this thread. All set. I have not found that avatar exactly, but found one that fits close enough for my tastes.
  20. 2sc Angien ID 724518
  21. I read it as "what is higher? Average age of crits overall, or average player age". I would answer the same as Chewett though, for the same reasons. My first creature is "older" than I am by two days. Time's wonky in MD, hmm?
  22. One suggestion is to make Candy a "shared resource" in a sense, in that it "returns to the box" after a period of time. Perhaps one month, unless Used prior? This is plenty of time for Elus to eat it, and nibble them for RP snacks, and such, but would prevent the worst of the Hoarding? However, this is more of a "game mechanics" fix, and I'd like to see a more community-minded fix. Not sure how to accomplish that yet, but I'm sure someone will think of it.
  23. Maebius


    I would happily send out cards to others. PM me and I'll share my address freely. If you tell me yours, I'll pop a card in the post for you too in return.
  24. I wonder what sort of processing hit that would impact things, if you looped through the 300000 Player IDs with something like: @va = mds_has_item("ten gold note"); and tallied up everyone out there? I know that function is limited to the single player accessing the code, but maybe others with better script knowledge know a similar method? If it worked, it would be a once-and-done search, right?
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