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  1. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Menhir in Happy Birthday Nimrodel and Menhir   
    Happy birthday, both of you. :)
  2. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Nimrodel and Menhir   
    Happy birthday, both of you. :)
  3. Upvote
    Lania reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
  4. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Day of Fortune   
    It was indeed very fun and dynamic! :)
  5. Upvote
    Lania reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    To DD :
  6. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Nimrodel in Let's reminisce...   
    For me MD is all about people :)
    First person I met as nimrodel: Griduchi as an mp2. I somehow made it to a private gg meeting about which i didnt understand a thing :P
    first person i disliked: Burns :P he said I was plagiarizing tolkien
    Closest friends in MD since then:
    1. Shemhazaj: Damn you dude. I dont think anyone can replace you as my best friend. He has been there for me like since I can actualy remember playing md properly. from anime to training to combat to quest to heads hunt to virtually everything, we did did it together. In Gotr there was no shem and nim :P there was always us. Always. I owe GotR for that kind of friendship and Sharazhad of course.
    2. Burns: We started as... lol.. really disliked him at the start. But apart from being the other person who is as close as shem, he has always set benchmarks for me. As in, everything i had to compare from rp to combat to stats to skills to wispoints, there was a time when I used to compare everything with him. And unlike shem, who pampers me as his little sister, this guy has always been a critic. A positive critic but a critic. A critic who has always helped in every aspect of MD. And real life. damn.. I dont think i could've made it out of my depression if it werent for Burns and shem.
    3. Dst: Gawd how i hated this female upto a certain point. Yoshi and his quest changed everything. She is one of my closest friends in MD now. Thanks to her I also got to know No one and Eon. To some extent at least. And they arent really that bad as they appear to be. 'Evil' is fun :3
    4. Reggie aka Princ Rhaegar: A friend of mine named addy told me that he always call him Prink because thats how his name is spelt :P Reggie and I fought like every moment in the past because at that time we absolutely refused to accept each other's differences :P I guess thats changed over time. We still have really different opinions. But We've learnt to accept them and appreciate each other's awesomeness :D
    5. Valldore: I miss this guy :( I hope he comes back soon to MD. :( He was more of a competitor in terms of questing and thats how I got to know him. We've had our share of fun :)
    Other people who've made my MD time awesome:
    Firsanthalas ( I was, am and will be always loyal to him),
    Marvolo ( introduced me to MD combat. and how to enjoy the game. thanks Marv. :))
    Amber chan (we barely spend anytime talking to each other, but this person is sooooo likeable. You talk to her and you feel comfortale immediately. I think she fits will all kinds of people. Thats like a huge talent. >>)
    Chewett (Thanky for teaching me patience and respect for people's space. Warning you do not take md bugs on yim. He'll lose it. :P)
    Lazarus: for making those incredible avatars. >.> I just cant get enough of them.
    Draconas: For giving me a reason to roleplay :) Otherwise i was pretty mechanical person who stuck to questing and combat >>
    Griduchi: For making GG fun and making me push him all the way as long as I was in GG. I was basically his calendar, memo, personal secretary stuff -.- He never remembers meetings. I have pmed him on FB too to remind him of LHO meetings >>
    Pipstickz: Who gave a lot of things a new meaning. We dont talk much now dunno why. But We were pretty good friends in the past >>
    Fond memories:
    Working in mcvitie's bar as a bar maid. :) (this was as Esmerelda)
    Winning my first wishpoint in Burnsy's first quest :)
    Becoming an LHo
    Winning gold in heads (thank you ni chan. And thank you sasha. You and shadow made the hunt incredible by abusing that no creatures take all heads bug. :3)
    All those cleaning sessions with draco :))
    Becoming a member of Knights
    Becoming a member of GG
    Becoming a member of SoS
    Becoming member of three organisations (mentioned above) which had only men in them :P
    Combat sessions with shem and Burns :) I remember trying to defeat every ritual that burns kept at fight club with an ele. That was the strongest creature i had in those days :P
    Quest planning with darky :3 Darky coded my first quest and both of use have come a lot ahead after that.
    First chat with Mur in MD. He surprised me with a small gift :)
    Getting my flute turned into a revival item.
    Wow.. so many memories. MD has always been constant in my life. Through thick and thin.
    The absolute best part of MD: CHRISTMAS CARD EXCHANGE. Its like your own personal bunch of happiness. It feels sooooo awesome to recieve a card from the other part of the world. I have all the cards i have recieved till now. They are really precious for me :)
  7. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy BIrthday Syrian   
    Happy birthday, kitty. :)
  8. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Jubaris in HappEH Budday Amber chan and Reggie! :D   
    Happy birthday on the double! :D
  9. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Poetry   
    Through rivets and valleys I wander,
    riven by the snow.
    There lie dying, my Angels,
    the ones who never show.
    They plead with me to save them,
    but instinct tells me no.
    A snowflake on my finger,
    a jackal by my toe.
  10. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Dark Harvester in Avatar/Artwork Ideas!   
    I love to draw, it's one of my biggest passions if not the biggest. So I wanted to shared with all of you my ideas:

    Thank you for passing by!! Feel free to share your opinion!!

    "I'm not the end of the line, just a ticket to another train"

  11. Downvote
    Lania reacted to Sasha Lilias in Hell Hounds Runnnnn! (quest)   
    There is a reason it is called a "Scavenger hunt" you know.
    You'll be given the password and you'll have to try and find where it activates. I'm sure hints will be available for those with little patience.
    Though, if you prefer, we can always place cute little arrows pointing to the exact locations if you like?
  12. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in How not to get a rainy day   
    By performing the rain dance.
  13. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Myth in Unique items marked as common   
    In that case, I fail to see where to "unique" part comes into play.
  14. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Assira the Black in MD based Jokes   
    Joke 1)A grasan walks up to a drachorn and sees the drachorn eating something. So the grasan asks, "Do you have any meat left?" Between bites the drachorn replies, "Nothing... Remains."

    Joke 2) A man walks into a bar and takes a seat at the counter. The bartender asks the man what he wants to drink and the guy responds, "What is the strongest sh** that you have?" The bartender nods and pours the man a drink. The man grabs up the drink and tosses it's contents down his throat. Eyes watering and gagging soon follow. After catching his breath he asks, " What is this sh**?" The bartender responds, "The best drink for such a mouth, Grasan Ferment."

    This is what I have thought of so far. Anyone is welcome to post jokes, comment on jokes, and make suggestions on how to make them better.
  15. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Myth in Tag! You're it!   
    Updated: Jan 19th, 16:50 ST - Description modified; Score method added
    Introduction: How long has it been since any of you played this? Too long, if you ask me. So here it is, your chance to go back in time and have some old fashioned and tiresome fun! Here's how it goes:
    Description: Every subscribed player will have to pass a unique item to any of his competitors. Tagging someone is rewarding. Being tagged and remaining that way brings penalties. Details in the Scoring section.
    For this, Chewett has kindly loaned a broken gold watch to me. This is the item you'll be passing along to one and other. Please return it to me once the competition is over. :P
    Sing-ups end on Jan 24th, 20:00 ST
    - a minimum 5 players
    - post your player name and ID on this thread
    - find me in game so that I can give you a Pair of 20-sided Dice. Everyone will roll these, and the player who rolls the smallest (added) value will be considered tagged by default as soon as the competition starts
    - I'll nicely ask every player not to withdraw from the competition if the unique item is in their possession
    - In case anyone signs up only to keep the item and thus the other competitors' timers at zero, the player is disqualified and the competition is delayed by a week. Player in question will not be allowed to sign up for this specific competition again
    - run around and tag other competitors by passing the unique item to them
    - take a print screen as proof as soon as you pass the item
    - post the print screen on this thread
    - make sure the screen shot contains the chat line showing you passed the item, along with the server time
    - rinse and repeat
    * Passing the unique item to someone who hasn't signed up will get you disqualified.
    * Getting killed or jailed will also get you disqualified. (I have no power over this)
    I will save the screen shots you provide as often as I can get online to save them. If anyone wishes to provide assistance on the math, they are welcome to do so.
    - every time you get tagged - receive the item - you receive 1 point (first to be tagged doesn't receive this point, because I'm the one passing the item to him/her starts off with 0.5 points)
    - for every full hour the item spends in your inventory, whether you're online or not, you receive 0.25 points
    - every time you tag someone, you receive -0.5 points
    - the 3 players with the lowest scores win
    Competition length: Jan 24th, 22:00 ST - Jan 31st - 22:00 ST
    +24 hours - Watch made its way to a non contestant (Jan 27th 01:08 - 21:37 ST)
    +12 hours - Eagle held it for 12 hours (Jan 28th 11:52 - Jan 29th 01:08 ST)
    +12 hours - Blackshade held it for 12 hours (Jan 29th 23:30 - Jan 30th 15:24 ST)
    +24 hours - Eagle held it for 24 hours (Jan 30th 22:06 - Jan 31st 22:41 ST)
    +12 hours - Eagle held it for 24 hours (Jan 31st 23:45 - Feb 2nd 01:20 ST)
    = Feb 4th, 22:00 ST (Wednesday)
    Location: You can be anywhere you wish. The one who rolled the lowest value on the dice, must be at the Gazebo of Equilibrium so that I can "tag" him/her.
    1st place: Tokened Reindrach or 1 Wish Point (pick)
    2nd place: Tokened Reindrach or 1 Wish Point (whichever is left)
    3rd place: 5 Gold Coins
    4th place: 8 Silver Coins
    5th place: 7 Silver Coins
    6th place: 6 Silver Coins
    7th place: 5 Silver Coins
    8th place: 4 Silver Coins
    9th place: 3 Silver Coins
    10th place: 1 Silver Coins

    - 1 Silver Coin (Mythrandir)
    - 10 Rainbow Candy (Asthir)
    1 Wish Point is sponsored by Miq. (Thank you!)
    The Reindrach, 5 Gold Coins and additional Silver Coins are sponsored by the TKs. (Thank you!)
    - no alts
    - sponsors, unfortunately, can't participate
    - I will not forbid Easterners from this competition. I will instead reach out to their common sense and ask them not to use their East loyalty to hide, as it's an unfair advantage towards everyone else
    - On a similar note, I'll ask everyone with access to restricted locations, whether the ability is yours or available to you through the help of someone else, to not use this advantage
    - A final request goes to those capable of interfering: please don't kill, teleport or in any way impede the participants during this event :P
    Let's get moving! :D
    01 - Rophs - 247146 - 6+3=9 (dice roll)
    02 - Dark Demon - 241314 - 4+3=7 (dice roll)
    03 - blackshade rider - 252882 - 12+6=18 (dice roll)
    04 - Assira the Black - 141566 - 20+10=30 (dice roll)
    05 - *Sunfire* - 197614 - 13+9=22 (dice roll)
    06 - *Grido* - 7251 - 16+10=26 (dice roll)
    07 - Kalamity - 253512 - 11+14=25 (dice roll)
    08 - AmberRune - 202358 - 20+18=38 (dice roll)
    09 - *Sasha Lilias* - 148016 - 13+2=15 (dice roll)
    10 - Clock Master - 105889 - 19+9=28 (dice roll)
    11 - *Eagle Eye* - 180715 - 12+8=20 (dice roll)
    12 - Gljivoje - 247317 - 13+15=28 (dice roll)
    13 - Change - 233774 - 14+6=20 (dice roll)
    14 - Lintara - 202332 - 18+19=37 (dice roll)
    15 - Aelis - 169860 - 8+15=23 (dice roll)
  16. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Assira the Black in less powerful items, but with md flavor   
    Small calendar - Numerous pages tied together containing information about each day of the year;
    Pocket ashtray - For the traveling smoker who prefers to not leave traces;
    Cigarette butt - Charred leftover of a cigarette probably dropped by a traveling smoker who didn't own a pocket ashtray;
    "Soon" note -  A small note which states only one word: "Soon". Can be subtly passed to curious or demanding fellows;
    Silent pencil - A pencil that apparently refuses to write silent letters. "the D is silent";
    Enchanted lips - A small pair of stony lips. Legend has it that they whisper fake secrets to naive ears;
    Hula hoop - A wide and light-weight circle placed around the waist and kept there through constant body rotation. Great for workout;
    Constellation map - A piece of black paper with many star-shaped dots connected by white lines. 
    not much, a couple are usable. the lips one is interesting
  17. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from gonzalocsdf95 in less powerful items, but with md flavor   
    Small calendar - Numerous pages tied together containing information about each day of the year;
    Pocket ashtray - For the traveling smoker who prefers to not leave traces;
    Cigarette butt - Charred leftover of a cigarette probably dropped by a traveling smoker who didn't own a pocket ashtray;
    "Soon" note -  A small note which states only one word: "Soon". Can be subtly passed to curious or demanding fellows;
    Silent pencil - A pencil that apparently refuses to write silent letters. "the D is silent";
    Enchanted lips - A small pair of stony lips. Legend has it that they whisper fake secrets to naive ears;
    Hula hoop - A wide and light-weight circle placed around the waist and kept there through constant body rotation. Great for workout;
    Constellation map - A piece of black paper with many star-shaped dots connected by white lines. 
    not much, a couple are usable. the lips one is interesting
  18. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday tankfans and Azrafar   
    Happy birthday(s)! :)
  19. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eara Meraia in MD Crash?   
    it's just a nightmode, everyone go to sleep :P :D
  20. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Azrafar in Happy Birthday tankfans and Azrafar   
    Happy birthday(s)! :)
  21. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Myth in less powerful items, but with md flavor   
    Small calendar - Numerous pages tied together containing information about each day of the year;
    Pocket ashtray - For the traveling smoker who prefers to not leave traces;
    Cigarette butt - Charred leftover of a cigarette probably dropped by a traveling smoker who didn't own a pocket ashtray;
    "Soon" note -  A small note which states only one word: "Soon". Can be subtly passed to curious or demanding fellows;
    Silent pencil - A pencil that apparently refuses to write silent letters. "the D is silent";
    Enchanted lips - A small pair of stony lips. Legend has it that they whisper fake secrets to naive ears;
    Hula hoop - A wide and light-weight circle placed around the waist and kept there through constant body rotation. Great for workout;
    Constellation map - A piece of black paper with many star-shaped dots connected by white lines. 
    not much, a couple are usable. the lips one is interesting
  22. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Myth in less powerful items, but with md flavor   
    edit: Player ID: 248361
    Never whithering Peony - A pink and plump flower unaffected by the passing of time. Smells differently to each person. 
    Ironic skeleton key - Should open any door, but doesn't seem to work at all.
    Paper spider pet - A spider made of paper that is somehow capable to weave webs. Also, enjoys tingling its owner.
    Dead mans whisper - Small vial containing the last whispered word of an unknown man. Nobody has been able to understand it so far. 
    Small star fragments - Crystallized pieces of light from a faraway star.They glow and feel slightly hot to the touch.
    Reversed hourglass - A hourglass containing black sand of unknown origin that seems to fall upwards. 
    Mummified middle finger - A seemingly ancient middle finger that was probably showed impertinently to the wrong person. Was possibly cut and kept as a trophy. 
    Pouch of Fiery seeds - A pouch with 9 seeds said to sprout flowers capable of setting fire to any other plant around them. Nobody ever had the courage to plant any. 
    Mur: very few are actually usable for what i need , not bad, just not fitted. Blue ones are awesome, but cant use them now i think
  23. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from dst in less powerful items, but with md flavor   
    edit: Player ID: 248361
    Never whithering Peony - A pink and plump flower unaffected by the passing of time. Smells differently to each person. 
    Ironic skeleton key - Should open any door, but doesn't seem to work at all.
    Paper spider pet - A spider made of paper that is somehow capable to weave webs. Also, enjoys tingling its owner.
    Dead mans whisper - Small vial containing the last whispered word of an unknown man. Nobody has been able to understand it so far. 
    Small star fragments - Crystallized pieces of light from a faraway star.They glow and feel slightly hot to the touch.
    Reversed hourglass - A hourglass containing black sand of unknown origin that seems to fall upwards. 
    Mummified middle finger - A seemingly ancient middle finger that was probably showed impertinently to the wrong person. Was possibly cut and kept as a trophy. 
    Pouch of Fiery seeds - A pouch with 9 seeds said to sprout flowers capable of setting fire to any other plant around them. Nobody ever had the courage to plant any. 
    Mur: very few are actually usable for what i need , not bad, just not fitted. Blue ones are awesome, but cant use them now i think
  24. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eara Meraia in less powerful items, but with md flavor   
    edit: Player ID: 248361
    Never whithering Peony - A pink and plump flower unaffected by the passing of time. Smells differently to each person. 
    Ironic skeleton key - Should open any door, but doesn't seem to work at all.
    Paper spider pet - A spider made of paper that is somehow capable to weave webs. Also, enjoys tingling its owner.
    Dead mans whisper - Small vial containing the last whispered word of an unknown man. Nobody has been able to understand it so far. 
    Small star fragments - Crystallized pieces of light from a faraway star.They glow and feel slightly hot to the touch.
    Reversed hourglass - A hourglass containing black sand of unknown origin that seems to fall upwards. 
    Mummified middle finger - A seemingly ancient middle finger that was probably showed impertinently to the wrong person. Was possibly cut and kept as a trophy. 
    Pouch of Fiery seeds - A pouch with 9 seeds said to sprout flowers capable of setting fire to any other plant around them. Nobody ever had the courage to plant any. 
    Mur: very few are actually usable for what i need , not bad, just not fitted. Blue ones are awesome, but cant use them now i think
  25. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Change in Poetry   
    It's finally broken
    been coming for a while.
    They push and push
    and push and push
    still, I tried to smile?
    No more, not me
    you've had your chance
    and took my chance away.
    Instead, repress,
    seems for the best,
    but only what they see.
    Inside I'm free
    they can't take that
    they can't take him away.
    He'll only see,
    what's inside me
    day after each short day.
    He doesn't care
    about my flair
    he loves me lots despite.
    To those who care
    I bid you a farewell
    and a goodnight.
    (This poem is based on recent experiences everywhere--not just on MD.)
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